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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 750x1334, FF62D971-9204-49B1-A8A0-13216712CDCF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26651324 No.26651324 [Reply] [Original]

Haha fugggg

>> No.26651392

Up up and away

>> No.26651407
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>> No.26651411

This will be a story for the grandkids. We fought the Jews and won

>> No.26651419

This is honestly sickening. Each and every single one of you buying this overvalued crap stock will be responsible when some poor hedge fund manager has to be scraped of wallstreet pavement.
I hope you can still sleep at night knowing how many lives you ruined when a cozy little corner store family run hedge fund goes tits up.

>> No.26651424

Why didn't I get up just a few hrs earlier bros... Will it still be worth it when I can buy?

>> No.26651429
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>> No.26651455


>> No.26651471


>> No.26651491

This is going to be at 1000 before I wake up at open

>> No.26651493
File: 173 KB, 750x936, D967C67B-24A2-4467-BF90-A39B5BF0A420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck kikes

1488 gas wallstreet

>> No.26651502


>> No.26651505

Yes, it's going to 1k+,

>> No.26651510


>> No.26651511

Even as a broke zoomer this is insane, never made money this fast. I’m flipping shit over a few hundred bucks, imagine the guys with millions

>> No.26651516
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>> No.26651517


>335usd as we speak

>> No.26651555
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>> No.26651559

I thought it's like 4 hours and 20 mins from now... I'm in las Vegas

>> No.26651561

>all my money is in chainlink

>> No.26651580

You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch.

>> No.26651581

Literally how can I buy a 1k call on roninhood? They haven't updated since yesterday, I'd buy a fucking 2k 1/29 at this point

>> No.26651583
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>4 and half hours til open

Just wanted to buy 1 or 2 GME, fuck me lads

>> No.26651586

Oh man I’ve been crossing my fingers hoping that we get at least 3 suicides

>> No.26651589

>cozy little corner store family run hedge fund

>> No.26651593
File: 61 KB, 541x777, 2556C8BD-533D-488E-B402-92042CA0D38F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I switch apps it just goes up. This is insane

>> No.26651598



>> No.26651602


>> No.26651612

How does it go up while it can’t be bought

>> No.26651633


>> No.26651642

kek i put my limit at like $240. Do you think there will be a dip or is it far past that point now. Why the fuck did I not buy a few shares last night at $200

>> No.26651641

The game has always been honked.

>> No.26651646
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>You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars
Thats the only reason I'm buying this shit desu.

>> No.26651669

Bro. It is 300 dollars now.

>> No.26651681

The melvin jews realised if their jew friends get the price too high, we wont be able to buy in

>> No.26651682
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>> No.26651698

My only concern right now is how many people set their limit sell to $420.69.

>> No.26651704
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>> No.26651708

Apparently ameritrade will late you trade after hours is what ive heard

>> No.26651727

Please label the axes of your charts, you should've learned this in school

>> No.26651730

It's not Melvin being put six feet under that's a concern, It's the fact that when they have liabilities that can't be paid the creditors that depend on them existing will suffer too, and so and so forth because the entire Financial system is intertwined and interdependent.

>> No.26651733
File: 190 KB, 850x1200, 1600522488518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, my greatest desire would be to bankrupt even single bank and cause the USD to collapse. Maybe then we can fix this broken world.
I will buy more GME because of your post, thank you.

>> No.26651738

this isn't funny. bears are people too, they have families and homes, you're taking all this away from them and for what? to brag? you're going to hell

>> No.26651753

pajeet explains poverty

>> No.26651758


>> No.26651763

I fucking know and I have to work tmrw

>> No.26651782
File: 281 KB, 1170x2532, 0E247C4F-DE5E-494F-8962-D71CEFF0006E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I cope with this!!!!!

>> No.26651784

fuck off nice advertising faggot

>> No.26651801

what's your sell limit?


>> No.26651806

>someone make a trade
>someone else make a counter-trade
>one of these wins
you can't possibly construe this as a morally bad thing, no matter how hard you try

>> No.26651817

Hold anon hold

>> No.26651819

Hah going on Pacific time

>> No.26651832
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 3C7F88A4-DEC1-4638-9B32-F82E8B56A150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we are part of it

>> No.26651837


And thats the best part.

>> No.26651843

you hope that the USD crashes and everything is reset to 0 after this lil stunt

>> No.26651844

Frankfurt market is going fuckin bananas right now, same stock.

>> No.26651850

Anon, you HODL until you die

>> No.26651857

id just probably never go on the internet again mate

>> No.26651882

buy eth to make up for missing a 10x

>> No.26651908

This is insane, how many newly minted millionaires will be born out of this week? Hell if you put something in, you’ll be get some nice cash

>> No.26651915

He already SODL hence why anon needs to cope

>> No.26651930
File: 99 KB, 500x400, 1608546677921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, and I'm sitting here with my GRT bags

>> No.26651943

only bought 6 shares at 160 FML

>> No.26651952

>A Jew that lended money to another Jew is suffering

I know they will never actually stop being rich or evil but their temporary discomfort is delicious

>> No.26651995

I just made 2 grand should I sell?

>> No.26652024

better than any stimulus my fucking gov can provide

>> No.26652025
File: 308 KB, 1000x1398, up59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do I put in a buy order this morning or not?

>> No.26652028


>> No.26652029

Fucking wild it's bouncing from 330 to 310 in seconds

>> No.26652033

This is fucking amazing.

What retarded regulation do you think they'll shit out to prevent """market manipulation"""

>> No.26652037

Newsflash asshole I’ve been masturbating this entire time

>> No.26652053

Do you not want 4 grand?

>> No.26652059

This pasta... so so...

Try again with

I see Amy Schumer as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.
That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Amy Schumer is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Amy Schumer does it for me.

>> No.26652090

honestly yea. it's only wed and it's at 300+. i would still buy in this should could go to 1000+. nice lil paycheck even for 1 share

>> No.26652113

Do not sell till friday, dummy. Every penny is going to dump the price and achieve nothing.

>> No.26652125

Ah don’t beat yourself up over it. Still gonna get some good money, we can’t dwell on the past

>> No.26652149

How could they unless they literally prioritize specific customers with some kind of privilege..?

>> No.26652152

Place order now or wait for dip today?

>> No.26652158

selling my link futures tomorrow im a wsb man now

>> No.26652172

Those graphs are plotting the hedge fund managers velocity over time as he leaps from his high rise. Note how with a typical freefall your have linear rise of acceleration which constitutes a quadratic rise in velocity

>> No.26652173
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cry more crocodile tears, kike

>> No.26652204

>I just made 2 grand should I sell?
The point is to HOLD since the jews can't cover their shorts. The longer you HOLD the more they have to pay.

>> No.26652232

I literally sold that GME you see 2 weeks ago to buy ETH and ETH has moved fuck all

>> No.26652238

jokes on u ive watched enough suits to know how this works

>> No.26652239

Yep exactly 5k here as well
Remember anons, set a really high sell order so that they can't let your shares be borrowed while they're trying to cover their shorts. Spread this around, it's very important

Make them bleed

>> No.26652259

Label certain price movements as financial terrorism or insurrection or some gay shit and freeze trading.
Never underestimate them

>> No.26652262

>people expose a broken system
>blame the people exposing it
Suck my dick Melvin

>> No.26652275

They don't exist. Institutions need to write the calls, and none have been written higher than 320 yet.

>> No.26652276

beautiful pasta, friend

>> No.26652280

When do I start buying puts

>> No.26652281
File: 616 KB, 811x506, 7AAE5887-8ED7-4AFC-8A2F-8CF363BF689D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell order at 250
>buying AMC in opening

Fucking COMFY

>> No.26652283

They have to take money from banks, yeah?

>> No.26652295


>> No.26652348

>liabilities that can't be paid the creditors that depend on them
1. Their parent or grandparent institution will pay their debts.

2. All they have to do is cover their fucking shorts. They could have covered them at $4! They could have covered them at any moment prior to now! But they wanted to drive GME into bankruptcy and now they're getting fucked.

>> No.26652349

thats the spirit
we are all in this together frens

>> No.26652379

This is what happened to my grandpa Mordechai. The dirty goyim drove him to suicide after they foiled his short selling. Shame on you!

>> No.26652384

I have never been into stocks, I have no idea how they work, I have no idea how to even buy one but I know im witnessing something special. How can I be part of this even if it’s just for 1 share so I can give the fat cats a big ol fuck you?

>> No.26652402

Why would you sell it at 250 when it is currently 290?!

>> No.26652423

based ty bull poster

>> No.26652439

Get Robinhood ASAP anon

>> No.26652446

I've been buying sub-$10 March/April puts during this entire runup. I'd suggest buying puts with strikes a little higher than that if you're serious, though.

Long GME plus puts - literally cannot go tits up. (This is not financial advice. It's just my opinion as an ignorant layperson on the internet.)

>> No.26652455

I could literally cry, I got 50 shares last week and I'm broke as fuck, I'm about to become rich

>> No.26652456

Haven't you been margin called by now?

>> No.26652494

It’s for when I sleep. I still make a profit off 250, i don’t care if it’s less then if I sold at 290. Safe number that isn’t likely. 290 is possible, but that would fuck my opening.

>> No.26652496

certain megarich fags can trade after hours

>> No.26652497

DL robinhood throw down whatever you want into the account and trade asap under 1000

>> No.26652500

How do I buy this with Barclays Smart Invester in the UK?

>> No.26652506

you missed a x25 but if you buy you can still make a x3

>> No.26652508


>> No.26652514

Post about it on social media raise awareness
You might be too late to transfer funds and buy in at this point. It's worth a shot though.
Robinhood or webull

>> No.26652531

What's the easiest way for a Eurofuck having only touched crypto previously to join in on this?

>> No.26652551

>Each and every single one of you buying this overvalued crap stock will be responsible when some poor hedge fund manager has to be scraped of wallstreet pavement.
Stop it Anon, you'll make me coom my pants!

>> No.26652560
File: 308 KB, 1170x2532, D6099A61-A0A5-4B99-AB73-A84AF2EBEE1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? I just sold my shares on the first 2x..... like a retard. I still have 98 shares though and this one call, even though the rest of my calls would have made me a millionaire if I never sold them two weeks ago. Should I try and sell it or exercise it?

>> No.26652564

can you read?

>> No.26652568

God bless, you deserve it. Remember to hold

>> No.26652572

What's illegal about buying some stocks that are performing well, anon?

>> No.26652575

Just set an alarm.
Wake up.
Go back to sleep.

>> No.26652593

so, how were they trying to buy more of what could be bought/existed in the first place? I'm trying to figure this whole thing out but i have a knot in my mind.
if there is 140% of something, doesn't that make each unit just 40%(or smth) less valuable? I just can't get this thing to work in my head, please explain with apples

>> No.26652601
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I'm a retard how does the price change if exchanges are closed?

>> No.26652611

After market

>> No.26652627

it's only closed for (You), not for (((them)))

>> No.26652633

holy fuck now i know why they called their app "Robin Hood".

>> No.26652643


>> No.26652648

It's 140% of available float. Not existing stock.

>> No.26652656

$350 now and bells 4hours away. Hooooooooly shit

>> No.26652665

i sold at 230 last night help me...

>> No.26652679

1) Buy 1 share
2) Make a sell order for that 1 share for a nice fat price, say $10 000
3) Enjoy the show

>> No.26652680

You know that shorting over 100% is not normal right? that's what they get for being too greedy.

The hedge fund manager and their creditors that you pity are the one of the reason that over 700 Gamestop store get closed
Imagine how many people that lost their job

>> No.26652681

I just bought $100 in shares, this is my first time, we're all going to make it.

>> No.26652683

stop discussing this shit. chill out for a few fuck.

>> No.26652702

so what's preventing ((them)) to short squeeze during after market?

>> No.26652703

why in gods name would you sell now

>> No.26652710

I got set up this sunday on trading212, verified with funds ready by market open monday.

>> No.26652738

Ok kike

>> No.26652740

I did too i thought i sold the top... shoula bought back in at 205 i still have 1 share though

>> No.26652748


>> No.26652750

serious question here, though
isn't this a dangerous game of musical chairs? aren't some of us gonna get caught when the music stops?
the point is to squeeze the shorts until they have to pay exorbitant amounts. But at some point the shorts will all have been covered. What then?
obviously this isn't the new Tesla, it's going to come down at some point

>> No.26652770

Theres no way they sell for 10k. Yea the liveleak melvin videos will be priceless, but some of us need to recoup funds so we can eat

>> No.26652776

Nothing. But after volume is peanuts compared to open.

>> No.26652785


>> No.26652801

the jews will buy our stocks at inflated prices and there is notihng they can do about it

>> No.26652809

>But at some point the shorts will all have been covered. What then?
You baghold.
So don't be a greedy fuck.
Buy in.
Set a PT and get the fuck out.
Don't go YOLO $5k HERE WE GO and then end up a bagholder.
You only lose if you get greedy.

>> No.26652815

>isn't this a dangerous game of musical chairs?
it's literally what it is except the music is for sure gonna play a good while longer

>> No.26652826


>> No.26652841
File: 244 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210127-022557_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10,000 sell order
Fuck Jews

>> No.26652851

I SOLD AT 43$!!!!!!! So many 4/16 calls I could have been rich as shit

>> No.26652860
File: 1.43 MB, 1437x768, toolow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"NO NO $1488 is too low"
>"We'll have to go straight to $14880"

>> No.26652867

>/biz/ claims this is some epic moment where the common man fights back and wins against the jews
>notice all the hype and ask questions trying to understand what is happening
>get made fun off, called a tourist, told to fuck off
This is just little jews fucking over big jews as far as I can tell.

>> No.26652886

Veterans, how does the aftermarket affect the price when the regular market open up? Will 300 dollaros make the closing 146 dollaros turn into 300?

>> No.26652894

Can't Melvin just declare bankruptcy and be absolved of all their debt and responsibility to pay for shorted shares?

>> No.26652897

I got a robinhood account with my bank info but I literally have no money in my bank account, yet I still want to buy one share. Should I just risk this?

>> No.26652922

this gives me a headache. so they need to buy at least 100% back. whats with the remaining 40?
and when looking at the biggest shareholders its big companies with like 13% of it, how much do you think do "our guys" have of it?

im really confused about all this and i wish i could just say "fuck it, i'm in"
unfortunately i need some groceries today

>> No.26652923


>> No.26652924

God fucking bless.

>> No.26653000

Are there any eufags? What can we use instead of robinhood? I made an eToro account 14 hours ago and still have "pedning verification"

>> No.26653019

didn't they just receive another 2bil

>> No.26653033

i'm considering doing the same

>> No.26653037

If you’re smart you’ll sell right at market open and buy back on the dip. There’s going to be a lot of paper hands selling at this price.

>> No.26653039

how much shorts did we liquidate frens?

>> No.26653040
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>> No.26653041

I mean, yes. That's basically why you're getting a billion talking heads on Twitter and wherever else trying to scare people out of this. They don't give a damn about a hedge fund going bellyup either. They just want a bigger, safer piece of the pie.

>> No.26653045

>betting money you don't have

bro stop. i get that this is exciting but you should absolutely not be putting yourself into debt over this. i don think you would even be able to do anything, pretty sure robinhood won't allow you to do it

>> No.26653054

Each stock will be worth 1 billion dollars by then so it will be okay.

>> No.26653080

this, buy at 250

>> No.26653090

Nope, then the backers and insurers are on the hook, then the bank etc. That's why the kikes are kvetching everywhere, they shorted 140% and got caught big time, it hasn't even started yet.

>> No.26653143

you're retarded, its already at 320, don't even think of selling today. Its going to 1000 easy.

>> No.26653168

Oz fag here works for UK but maybe EU can use too

>> No.26653195

Do you want to be part of the greatest wall street assfuck of all time? Or do you want to save a few hundred of debt and continue masturbating to scat porn? Your choice.

>> No.26653206

I tried to make an account yesterday. Had to wait 3 days for it to go into effect. Can't join in the fun
Now I'm waiting for the green or pink wojacks to show up

>> No.26653239

But (((they))) are never held accountable for anything at the end of the day.
Even if they fuck up royally they just say "this fuck up was so bad it can't actually be allowed to happen so you have to give us your money."
Why would they just sit and take it up the ass like this?
Surely they'll weasel out someway

>> No.26653248

Robinhood allows me to do this, they'll instantly give me the money. I know there's a huge risk towards this but I feel that it's worth it.

>> No.26653256
File: 1.98 MB, 3010x2145, 1602254420489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW youre a poor fag and cant even buy one share now. I'm 30 years old making 12$ an hour and only have 3k to myself and only gonna risk 50$ on AMC stocks. :(

>> No.26653258

this was good advice >>26652809
and if you don't have a clue what you are doing this probably isn't a good time to start
if you are determined, pay attention here, learn and then take responsibility for what ever happens
don't play with money you can't afford to lose.

>> No.26653261


Reddit won. You guys are just here seething against pajeets. Reddit loves pajeets.

>> No.26653274

I want to outjew the jews so I can be rich enough to be in my own scat porno

>> No.26653286
File: 31 KB, 598x597, 1604135468461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it let you spend 1k even if you have nothing in your bank account? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.26653288

anyone? please?

>> No.26653309

So they're performing a service to humanity by buying?

>> No.26653326
File: 499 KB, 945x745, 1610550766349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put $2k into GME and AMC. Don't know anything about stocks. Not gonna sell until I'm up 1000%

>> No.26653344
File: 26 KB, 580x580, m_5a8281e83a112ed95d2ee75a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truly poetic.

>> No.26653346

Cant you scrape up several hundred and at least deposit into your bank so you don't get fucked? Just borrow from mom tell her you'll pay her back.

>> No.26653378


>> No.26653444

I'm a retarded newfag with stocks but I put in an order for about 5 shares on Robinhood when it was like 203 will I have to pay the difference because of this price change?

>> No.26653447

I think you have enough time to let 100 dudes nut in your ass for $10 each before market opens.

>> No.26653451

same bro
feels fuckin bad.

>> No.26653494
File: 708 KB, 1170x2532, 11B5CC84-AF93-451E-8BF0-DA61D7B8F484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading 212

>> No.26653498

So ironically will gamestop use this extra income and make there biz profitable for the long run?

>> No.26653497

stay up pussy.

>> No.26653501

nah you just won't get those shares unless the stock dips that low again which it won't

>> No.26653515

you just won't get any shares. you'll have to update your buy

>> No.26653550

Not available for my country.

>> No.26653560

>This is just little jews fucking over big jews as far as I can tell.
Well, it is holocaust memorial day.

>> No.26653567

What's the theory here?

>> No.26653574
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>> No.26653612

How do I buy on robinhood do I just put in a Market order for how much I can afford?

>> No.26653641

Fuck capitalism and fuck jews, this is their comeuppance

>> No.26653648

Should I sell all my ETH to buy GME?

>> No.26653674

I just risked it and got one share.

It gave me the money instantly, meanwhile it's going to take several days for them to deposit the money from my bank.

I'll have a late fee charge but I feel that I'm going to make so much money if I do this. I'm risking it, man.

It's too late, I'm ready for whatever goes down now. If i'm fucked then I'm fucked. I'm going to try to do it a balance transfer from a credit card, yet that'll take 5 to 7 days to process. I might just buy two shares and say fuck it all.

Let's hope for the best, men.

>> No.26653689
File: 353 KB, 800x1158, A8293643-B393-4563-A911-E304193328C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is real. I can’t stop laughing.

>> No.26653690

Will SEC hault it for 10 days? It’s getting out of control

>> No.26653700

Buy now or wait until open? WTF

>> No.26653733

>Can't place an order
Fuck etoro

>> No.26653745

xtb verifies pretty fast even right now

>> No.26653773

I would

>> No.26653781

Wait for market to open and buy the dip ASAP. 250 is a good entry imho. Paper hands will get their liquidation today

>> No.26653815

Even if you buy now, whatever you get is determined at the price it opens at. Just wait nigga

>> No.26653832
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T-this couldn't possible sell right

>> No.26653840

Don't sell shit you don't own.
Don't write checks you cant cash.
0% empathy for humans.

I WISH I owned GME just so I could contribute to some fucking retarded investor not sleeping right now.

Anon I can only get so hard.
They can build a graveyard where Melvin used to be.>>26653574

>> No.26653883

100k? no lol

>> No.26653884

do i seriously have to buy a subscription to NYSE data on tradingview to see up to date pre market action? i just have pro and the only non-delayed data i get is from cboe

>> No.26653895

>I just risked it and got one share.

but the market isn't even open. that share isn't yours yet

>> No.26653943

can anyone explain to a retard like me how something can be shorted over 100%?

>> No.26653965

lmao yahoo finance does it for free, i got cucked hard

>> No.26653973

Is Revolut okay for this short term gimmick? I only do crypto with it and I don't feel like reading 100 pages of papers before signing.

>> No.26653987

I'm retarded I tried to do something I was too small brained to do and I canceled my purchase when it was 300 and then purchased again at 338.
Hopefully it just goes up, I'm too stupid for this.

>> No.26653991

When do the markets open?

>> No.26654011

just bought bought 5k worth more fag

>> No.26654018



>> No.26654031

Bros is it still possible to buy options on this, i want more leverage and am willing to put my faith in you hoes

>> No.26654056

I sold my shares for 18k instead of 140k FML

>> No.26654074

>You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars


this is the whole point nigger

>> No.26654103


>> No.26654105

probably a bad idea its really volatile

>> No.26654114

its naked shorting, and its illegal.

>> No.26654121

>Still waiting for verification in 212
Guess I'll stick to etoro.

>> No.26654125

lol you still try to get profit with this scam that they show topic

>> No.26654130

nooooooooo not my hecking money lenders nooooooooooooo fuggg what do we do without muhhh money lenders

>> No.26654249

Why'd everyone go quiet?

>> No.26654286


Brokers and hedgefunds are "market makers" have the ability to just make up stocks and lend them out for (((complex financial instruments))) like short selling as long as they have a 1:3 ratio of stocks lended out to stocks on hand.

Most western banks are under a fractional reserve system 1:9 ratio of cash/assets on hand on hand to cash lended out in the form of loans.

>> No.26654299

ok jew

>> No.26654326

Godsped Anon

>> No.26654369

When you short, you borrow shares.
That you sell right away at a price you estimate high, planning to buy back shares at a lower price to give them back to the lender. Pocketing the difference.
So you don't keep any shares while holding your short position.
Thus 1 single share could be borrowed and sold right away multiple time, for opening short positions.
Having a short over 100%.

>> No.26654419

Maybe they shouldn't have invested more than they could afford to lose :^)

>> No.26654452

Same boat here. I have a shit ton of disposable cash. Dumb tourist here. Never understood the stonk market so I never messed around with it.
Now that I see this specific scenario is free money and fucks over (((them))) I wanted in but I have to wait three days. This is bullshit, I have the money in my account but can't instantly transfer it? Big gay.

>> No.26654469
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How I feel right now frens

>> No.26654470
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>> No.26654511

What are the odds /biz/ and reddit finds another loophole like this I can get in on when I have cash? or did I just miss a once in a life time event

>> No.26654538

This has never happened before so lol who knows

>> No.26654563

The hedge fund that shortsold will have to buy stock back. So yeah hold at least till friday.

>> No.26654578

fuck me I should just order a gun, why did I have to be a degenerate and spend all my money on weed the last few years

>> No.26654604

you can still fill orders now because of retards selling tho no?

>> No.26654615

there's like 100 threads rn on this

>> No.26654635

AMC might be next.

>> No.26654640
File: 833 KB, 500x266, X1Lew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to just buy partial stock on robin hood? i know i should shoot the moon for a whole stock but its going so crazy it might be over my personal limit by market open.
TLDR: SHould i buy partial or whole or does it matter?

>> No.26654680

Dude I've bought like 2 AKs this year, you're kinda late.
Just bought a WBP Fox sporter for 824 in OCT and getting it converted now it's worth like $1800.

>> No.26654700

>or did I just miss a once in a life time event

This is what's called a moontrip and we have 3 or 4 of them a year in crypto markets. This is like a 100x though of the course of a couple weeks which is unseen as most are 10x-20x. I suspect regulators are going to step in and this is the last time it will ever happen.

>> No.26654717

yea it's more to send a message than anything else I don't even need the money but oh well

>> No.26654775

Fuck me man. I just need to get into crypto

>> No.26654793

No. If you buy market price now, youre essentially buying however much the amount you put down will get you when the market opens. So if u buy aftermarket at 200and the market opens at 300, you'll have 2/3rds of a share

>> No.26654847

If you buy after hours does it go through for the price you bought at?

>> No.26654857

Where the fuck is this $1,000 number coming from?
I want to have hands of steel but i’m broke and want to buy a gun anons give me strength Father

>> No.26654867

If a sell limit order isn't placed they can allow your share to be borrowed by the shorters. If this happens and they can borrow enough shares to cover, party's over.

Just make sure you have a sell limit for at least 5k

>> No.26654889

>regulators are going to step in and this is the last time it will ever happen
There's no way out...
The only way out is through them.
They will drive us all to madness but still react with shock and surprise when we drag them from their beds.

>> No.26654911

If it's a market order, you buy it at whatever price it's at when it becomes available to you - that won't be until 9am on Robinhood.
If it's a limit order, it either fills at the price you set or doesn't fill if shares aren't available at that price - until it expires or you cancel it.

>> No.26654921


>> No.26654963
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>0% empathy for humans.

>> No.26654968

Every time it goes down more than I did a market order for I cancel it and order at the lower price, am I doing something smart or stupid?

>> No.26655012

Tell it to me straight, is it worth putting money into AMC?

>> No.26655020


It's a meme. The point is that there is 139% short interest on the stock that HAS to be covered thus they have to buy at any price they can just get their hands on the stock. When the margin call hits all of the stocks are bought from the market without exception.

>> No.26655092

I think the price on that going up is just something else and people are just jumping on thinking it's the next one.

>> No.26655096

This is going to keep happening, probably on a smaller scale since Melvin Capital completely fucked up with their 130% shorts, unless the authorities cracks down on it.

The thing is I can both not see authorities standing by letting this shit happen and neither know how they would shut it down.

>> No.26655099

Yes. It won't be gme gains but it's gonna go up

>> No.26655108

What is the limit thing I am supposed to set anon?

>> No.26655119

What if I want to make a quick buck on only a few shares?

>> No.26655152

does that thing have sight? what a horrifying meme eel

>> No.26655226

Why would you do this when this shit is guaranteed moon
This is poor people thinking

>> No.26655229

They buy some back, give it to the people they owe it to, then beg them to let them buy it off them to give it to the other people they owe it to.
Basically they have to buy some shit two or three times (because a lot of people will just HODL for the fun of it)

>> No.26655269

Shut it down!
Somebody think of the hebrews for once!

>> No.26655349

Because I'm an absolute novice. If they absolutely have to buy my shit at $1k I'll set it there but I feel like $5k is too risky unless there's underlying reasoning for it. I only got in at the beginning of the week and I don't want to be the guy holding the bag at the end of this.

>> No.26655389


You're listing your shares for a predetermined price (eg. $1000) and they'll wait there until someone is willing to buy them (and they will because they HAVE TO). When the price of the stock hits $1000 (your limit sell) it'll fill automatically no matter if you're watching the stock or not.

>> No.26655409
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>> No.26655412

cant wait to watch those hedge fund scum liquidate into nothingness.

>> No.26655476

the red sun over paradise...

>> No.26655478
File: 464 KB, 1041x1693, F2F62665-8B9A-425B-AA65-88C2E2C5F68C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the poor 7 (((clients)))

>> No.26655534

Then cancel your 5k limit and market sell at 1k when it's time

>> No.26655556
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Reminder for newfrens

>> No.26655601

One less jew on this planet is a good thing, fucko.

>> No.26655603

so i can make a deposit in robinhood for say $100000 that i don’t have, but by friday i’ll be a millionaire so it doesn’t matter?

>> No.26655606

damn that was close

>> No.26655700

Go for 1488

>> No.26655701

fellas im outing myself out as a stocks newfag but if i buy 20 bucks worth of gamestop stocks as a joke how much profit could realistically be made assuming it still climbs up

>> No.26655718

Leaf here, whats the recommendation for a broker, trading 212 and ronbinhood wont work since im canadian. Is wealthsimple a good alternative?

>> No.26655722

Guys wich is the best broker to use for someone who wants to trade from Italy with euro?

>> No.26655737

lets see who got 5 digits instead

>> No.26655797
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I've set my limit buy at 200. Is it already dumping if it hits that or is that expected before a climb?

>> No.26655801

We don't even know we just gotta buy and refuse to sell.

>> No.26655863

thanks for your answer
still cant get sense into it. ill stay out and bite my ass on monday. (was thinking about getting a loan and investing it, which would probably be the same thing they did, am i right?)

>> No.26655884
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bait of steel

>> No.26655893
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>> No.26655905

Guys which is the best broker to use for someone like me who wants to trade from italy using euro?

>> No.26655936

Do I buy at open??

>> No.26655970
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>> No.26655997

wow, who told you about these alts? This is shit dude, don’t believe these assholes
if you wanna get profit use your brains and follow yield farming
I participated in metalex and they made a new model, a guarantee of 300% apy

>> No.26656146

Honestly if you're looking to get into trading you shouldnt be putting anything under $200 in as you won't see worthy returns. To answer your question though, noone really knows where this is going. Media is reporting the Melvin hedge fund is now completely out of Gamestop stock which I believe is a complete lie to scare people away... this will be very interesting

>> No.26656186

show bobs and vagene

>> No.26656803

if i transfer money into my robinhood now i wouldnt be able to actually buy stock with it for some days no?

>> No.26656863

The major short sellers are bankrupt by this point

Which shorts are left to squeeze further? Who is buying at this point?

>> No.26656902

This, what is this bullshit?

>> No.26656984

How long will the open market dip be?

>> No.26657005

Melvin closed out of their gme position lmfao

>> No.26657030

no they are not, they cant exit without crashing the market.

>> No.26657064

That's probably the best move they could've made, Letting this go any further would be foolish on their part.

>> No.26657136

A short is just a loan. If bankrupt shorts simply default on their loan... they aren’t required to repurchase. It’s a better option than losing shitloads of money for their clients.

>> No.26657798

How do I set a limit sell on Questrade? By selling? They're charging 5$, wtf.

>> No.26657916

Then wtf is the point of this, why are we still holding?

>> No.26658035

except they can't, nice try jew ;^)

>> No.26658236

they aren't the only ones who shorted

>> No.26658288

The narrative is easy to sell. polcels scream Jews and Normies scream evil shorts.
In the end everyone is complicit and there is no moral highground. But villifying your opponent is the oldest trick in the book to get mass agreement.

>> No.26658415

got in at 220

thank the lord for this precious dip

>> No.26658431
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Did I done goofed?

>> No.26658557

>which would probably be the same thing they did, am i right?)
You have a PS5
I ask to borrow it for a week and say I will pay you $20 as a rental fee
You agree, I take your PS5 and SELL THAT SHIT right away for $500
Why? Because in a week's time I think PS5's will be worth $300 and I can buy one back, return it to you plus the $20 and come out $180 richer.
Except UH OH, some /biz/ and reddit autists bought all the PS5s! Now they're $1000 each and if I don't get you a PS5 by friday you legally get to gape my ass with your cock!

That's vaguely the situation the hedge fund is in.

>> No.26658820
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Yuropoor newbie here. Can anyone explain to me why eToro hasn’t updated the prices yet ?

>> No.26658863

updates when market opens in 2h

>> No.26658885

Market is closed for a few more hours, a lot of brokers will only show the price it closed at

>> No.26659092
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