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26648671 No.26648671 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26649794

what kind of shitcoin is that?

>> No.26649815

How the fuck has it gone so high after hours. It closed at 5$ which I wanted to buy in at :(

>> No.26649920
File: 20 KB, 436x130, Q-gamestop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan.

>> No.26650004

I thrust the plan untill it walks funny

>> No.26650024

Please label your axes next time, this chart is unreadable

>> No.26650039

lol no fucking way

>> No.26650068

>having weaker hands than fucking plebbit.
everybody whos jumping ship or buys amc deserves to be a slave in (((their))) game

the shills are so obvious yet many anons simply dont get it. this is not about making a quick buck here, its about sending them a message.
this time for once we got them by the balls - we got them by the balls big time so dont lose focus. just buy gme, hold it until monday and enjoy seething suits all over the place.

never forget what they have done to you, to your parents or grandparents with their money. dont be dumb and side with them now.
goodspeed anon, we are all in this together.

>> No.26650071
File: 25 KB, 267x293, Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 4.33.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are some meme times

>> No.26650077

That the wrong trip, dude.

>> No.26650088

The market is closed, what are you talking about?

>> No.26650104

they will dump eet soon

>> No.26650118

I wanted to buy but the markets are closed and I have to wait to deposit till morning

>> No.26650191

Noob question. If I ordered at $8.25 but waiting for the market open for it to fill will I receive the shares for the original price or the raised one?

>> No.26650237

Bith amc, bb and gme are sold on the frankfurt stock exchange as well, literally the same share

>> No.26650251

you wont get the shares at that price unless it dips that low again. you also won't get the raised ones.

>> No.26650362

Basically the krauts get first play. But don't worry friend, imagine where it's going to go once US markets open in 5 hours. Unless you trade on foreign markets you're going to get whatever you get at open

>> No.26650367

AMC doesn’t have the overcommitted short interest that makes GSE attractive and theaters aren’t opening any time soon, or for very long if they do get to try it for a spell over the summer. Vaccine rollout is a shitshow and resistant strains are already circulating. Throw a few pennies to the box office for fomo avoidance if you want, but GSE is the opportunity for longs to name their price and hedge ghouls and their brokers and their broker’s banks on Wall Street are already contractually obliged to pay the piper. What. Ever. It. Is.

>> No.26650376

fuck it ill still buy at $12.50. I'm willing to bet this shoots to $100 at least.

>> No.26650385

Is it on eToro? Cant find it there

>> No.26650404
File: 605 KB, 1080x1786, glow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be fooled. GME is literal occupy wall street.

>> No.26650474

If it was a limit order ( if you set a specific price then its a limit or stop order, more likely a limit) then you will just have an open limit order and it will not fill. If you set a stop buy order then it will trigger at open and buy at the market.

>> No.26650488


>> No.26650504

What’s stopping the firm with the short position just declaring bankruptcy and going into liquidation?

>> No.26650548


>> No.26650551

no one gives a fuck faggot just buy AMC if you want to make money

>> No.26650552

AMC opens friday you fuckin poor fuckin nigger. you missed out on taking a few grand and making millions you dumb bitch. i spit on your losses and laugh at my gains.

>> No.26650572

Am I going to get shafted on market open or will it continue to rise?

>> No.26650586

>sold at $4.50 after taking a loss
stick a knife in me...

>> No.26650692


Personally I'm going 80% GME and 20% AMC. Going to cash out my GME and put it in AMC Tuesday. Once AMC moons its all in on NOK.

>> No.26650753


>> No.26650756

Same. Can't fucking believe this, I'm stressing so bad. I could have tripled literally overnight.

>> No.26650771

It went from four to twelve after hours. How the fuck is this possible? I've had orders that aren't getting filled. How come some people are allowed to buy stock after hours? This is horseshit and these stocks sre so fucking rigged.

>> No.26650804

>Only put my 1.4k stimulus in because I have the rest in crypto

>> No.26650820

thats why we're in crypto, it levels the playing field, but if you want to play with wallstreet boomers enjoy getting rekt

>> No.26650847

I agree, aftehours trading has all walls been bullshit, it’s also bad becuase sec can’t contorl panics correrntly, Alex 1930. Post rules.
Whenever I post about this some shill tells me it’s fine and normal that ((certain people)) have better access to the market

>> No.26651013

>bought 100 shares for $10
ready to get memed, here we go boys
I expect this to get to maybe $30-40 when people sell their GME on friday and put some leftovers into this

>> No.26651018

It is a number of firms with short positions
Not all will go bust
The ones that do bust have their counter-party risk assumed by their broker - who then may go broke

>> No.26651040

When this is over everyone who isn't part of the 1% will be banned from trading stocks lol

>> No.26651091

i feel like friday is the end for all these meme stocks myself

>> No.26651189

Arent after hours affected more by global markets?

>> No.26651286

tfw just to late yesterday to buy at 6.50. Fucking 11 bucks now. aftermarket jews.

>> No.26651343

>stay tuned

>> No.26651349

lol as if anyone else would have any money left. Those kikes would never buy your GME stocks back and fulfill their contract.

>> No.26651356

I need to sell off some SPY and other shit, I got no cash in my account

>> No.26651385

You dummies should have bought at 5, it was a steal. Normies love cheap stocks of course they are gonna pile in. That one anon told us in a thread fair asset value was 10 bucks per share

>> No.26651401

You are fucking retarded.
The crabs never make it out of the bucket, anon

>> No.26651449

why can't I buy AMC on etoro??

>> No.26651494


>> No.26651509

100% do not hold this shit over the weekend

>> No.26651560

All in AMC today. Stop thinking rational you fucking faggots. This is literally a one in a lifetime opportunity to actually fucking make money. Next week its most likely gonna be over.

>> No.26651608

for real tho

>> No.26651619

Retard. You’re just making different jews rich and all that will result is retail wont be able to short or use options anymore or some new heavy restrictions .

Sticking it to jews would by by owning crypto you fucking retard

>> No.26651635

even if it's fucking 25 or something bro...

>> No.26651636

I bought one share at $5 yesterday and wanted to buy two more for sub-$10 when the markets reopened. Is it still worth it? Is it really gonna be the next GameStop? I mean, there's no Melvin Capital to really skyrocket it, so why is it being chosen above everything else anyway?

>> No.26651665

A-are you implying the kikes didn’t trick you anon?
0/10 discernment; defo NGMI

>> No.26651680

There is a lot of hype around AMC but be warned /wsb/ is claiming it’s China-backed hype. Right now (apparently) the only immediate anti-shorts are GME and BB

Please be careful frens

>> No.26651771

I thought BB was being shilled by the hedgies. Why does China give a shit about AMC exactly?

>> No.26651839

obv still a big risk. memestocks are not done until end of week imo. china backed or not, its gonna pump and dump. just make sure to get a chair before the music stops playing.

>all in open, most likely it will be 11-122

>> No.26651845

bb is hedgie shit

>> No.26651863

amc has the 2nd highest short float next to gme

>> No.26651893

China needs USD ... why do you think bitcoin pumps.

>> No.26651906

11-12* at open fuck i havent slept frens

>> No.26651917

>buy 2000 AMC at 4.88 this morning
>tell my friends to buy it too
>two friends buy it at $5
>I sell at 5.15 and make decent money for the day
>both friends held bags
I fucking hate this shit.

>> No.26651971

rebuy. its going higher this week just make sure to not hold over the weekend could be bloody at monday

>> No.26651972

Why should I care? I'm still making money off of it.

>> No.26652011

>be careful
If I get 200% ROI on a meme pump and dump, I would gladly take it. But soon AMC is going to blow the fuck up and you will regret not buying in at the sub 10 dollar price point

>> No.26652020

You’re going to be mad when u miss out

>> No.26652031

Just saying... i have no care what you do

>> No.26652038

>got memed by himself
dunno man
at least your bros made decent dosh

>> No.26652049

it just feels like terrible gambling
how do I stop being such a bitch about parting with my money?

>> No.26652050

No it isn't, it's 2nd favorite of r/WSB

I own some it's working out for me a lot of people have BB

>> No.26652073

You clearly do.

>> No.26652093

both friends said they were going to buy all the rounds next time we went out.
So thats cool I guess.

>> No.26652132

Oooooo, just might exercise that 5 dollar call

>> No.26652183

H-how long until open

>> No.26652196

yeah even if it's just that - you still won and didn't lose a penny

>> No.26652203

ur not a bitch, ur just not a degen. Think about it though, do you really think this will come crashing down today? maybe, but most likely we're gonna rally today/tomorrow and maybe friday. Elon literally tweets at memestocks and they moon

>> No.26652211

i had 6000 and sold yesterday

>> No.26652235
File: 41 KB, 367x401, 1608493597359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered 1000 at like 9:00 pm on etrade at "market" price. So if my account does not have enough to cover all 1000 at the increased market price on opening, what happens? Is my order completely stopped or does the order go through for however many my account can purchase?

>> No.26652236

9:30est :^]

>> No.26652322

>WSB says don’t buy AMC cheap, spend 600 to get one share of GME, gotta keep pumping the shares that they bought for 15
JFC one good call by some reddit board and suddenly half of /biz/ sucks the shit out of reddit’s asshole

>> No.26652339

nah wsb will dump into BB when they cash out

>> No.26652409

>he got chicken shit and sold early
Fucking retard. This is the next stock that WSB and the MSM will focus on after GME

>> No.26652442

So you're saying we have the red dragon's deepest pockets in world on our side?

>> No.26652468

If you think AMC and GME are the same you deserve a good smack Faggot. Nobody is sucking ass but it’s important to let anons know there is a huge difference between a 130% short and a 60% short

>> No.26652803

What does a 130% short mean? Holders will receive 1k per share? 5K? 10k? 1mm? Inifinite money? We’re you holding GME before last week?

>> No.26652836

it will not pull a gamestop, very true. Most likely
2-3x from current price

>> No.26653059

You gambled for a 5% return? That's nigger-tier retarded.

>> No.26653315

You gonna answer this >>26652803 ? Curious as to what you think GME holders will be able to sell 1 share for? You seem to really know what you’re talking about, don’t forget did you own GME before last week?

>> No.26653402

Lets assume there are 1000 GME shares issued
>hedge fund found themselves in a situation where they have taken out a short on 1300 GME (130% of total shares issued)
Lets assume AMC also has 1000 shares issued
>hedge funds and market makers have A 600 share short (60% of all shares issued)
GME shorters have to buy -> sell -> buy in order to meet their contractual obligations
>AMC investors need to buy 60% of total shares issued to meet their contract and pay back the people who loaned them the stock to sell
Look up a YouTube video on shorting if you’re new fren

>> No.26653539
File: 290 KB, 828x741, 9D01E398-3946-421E-BCD9-029F5ACA6BB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I did own GME prior to last week (March of last year after the covid crash) but anyone giving you a sell price is doing you a disservice.

Don’t invest anything you can’t afford to lose. Browse r/WSB/ breads and read up on some of the fundamentals and math behind these squeezes. Most people participating at these prices are looking for a 1.5-3x flip or are prepared to hodl back down to $60 but doing so knowing they’re putting their finger on the banker’s open wound.

Godspeed anons!

>> No.26653540

130% means greedy jews sold more shares than existed at a low price hoping to buy them back even lower. Since the people investing army pumped it to hell, they now have to buy back those shares at a wayyy higher price than they sold, meaning they lose shitloads of money.

>> No.26653634

Next NKLA right here

>> No.26653709

Loan from A and sell to B
Loan from B and sell to C
Loan to C ...

>> No.26653777

buy more shares now or wait until open for dip?

>> No.26653887

Why BB and not AMC? I've seen more talk of the latter on wsb really.