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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.26641017

>be GameStop CEO
>finally come to terms with your dying company's obsolescence
>simply keep existing, waiting for the abyss to swallow you into bankruptcy, then your soul into downers and alcohol
>wake up one morning
>stock up a literal gorillion percent
>your company has become grounds for a historical battle between thousands of zoomers and their extra chromosomes and hand rubbing yids, one that will possibly be written in textbooks for future generations to learn about
>no one even remembers who you are or what your company is, but somehow you're now worth 10 billion
post yfw

>> No.26641018
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First for Algonquin gainz

>> No.26641027 [DELETED] 
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Cool story bro i didnt asked about your extravagant travels i hope you die

>> No.26641032
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>> No.26641039

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/xgcap-5IBsY

>> No.26641048

CRBP conference tomorrow, subhumans

>> No.26641054
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(((They))) want to make us live in a clown world well then lets go to fucking clown world baby

>Buy GME
>Buy AMC

>> No.26641066
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>> No.26641067
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I wish I had more to invest

this was my only chance

>> No.26641069


>> No.26641073

I missed the GME ship

>> No.26641081
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>> No.26641083


>> No.26641084
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I love China desu but stick to the sidewalk *rocket emoji* *rocket emoji*

>> No.26641088

>by next week when 'i have more money to trade everything would already mooned
Fuck, I hate having money tied up in gold/silver miners. They have been dropping hard lately. Fuck precious metal meme.

>> No.26641096
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>There are some posters here that hates FREE kosher shekels

>> No.26641095

Asked in the lass thread. So how long will it take to jack up the price of AMC? GME flew under the radar for a long time. Now people are aware of wsb shenanigans, what's the time frame for AMC to reach $100 a share?

>> No.26641104

Reminder that AMC is next week. This week is GME. anyone who says otherwise is one of """them"""

>> No.26641114

You guys NEED to stop it with the anti-semitism.


>> No.26641118

You can tell who the Melvin/Citadel shills are. Constant doomposting about how the squeeze won't happen. Whining about "investigations". GME will moon and then crater, we all know this. Don't miss out because the JIDF decided to kick into overdrive on /biz/

>> No.26641119

What do you think will happen for GME?
1.) 10-day Halt on or before Friday/before covering starts in earnest
2.) Offering before the covering really starts up
3.) Stock Split before covering
4.) The squeeze actually happens and it goes to the next fucking galaxy

>> No.26641131

what does this even mean

>> No.26641132
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People WILL be punished for manipulating trading in GME shares.

>> No.26641133 [DELETED] 
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worst part is i didnt even miss the gme short squeeze my mental illness got in the way and prevented me from doing the right thing

thats what makes it even more self hating

people who were never in it cant have remorse for they were ignorant

>> No.26641139
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Drown in a shit covered sewage drain faggot

>> No.26641145

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. AMC, BBBY, BB and NOK are safe bets

>> No.26641156
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>> No.26641157

Why were people saying to buy pltr. I don't want to hold and it's shit rn, any chance green TM or Friday.

>> No.26641182

1. It'll reopen sub 100.

>> No.26641184

Anyone got some good chink stocks i can invest in? America is about to collapse

>> No.26641190

Is it worth going big on GME at this point?

>> No.26641196

>Why were people saying to buy pltr
That was before we found out that Demo Day did not live up to expectations.

>> No.26641199
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>buying fish and green rocks during an once in a century golden meme run

>> No.26641219

If it opens sub 100 im buying calls, fuck you

>> No.26641223
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holy shit
the market is going to crash because of GME
the GAME will STOP
wake up, people

>> No.26641226

>I just wanted the sweet embrace of death

>> No.26641227

>be gamestop
>take almost no hit throughout corona because your digital sales jumped 300%
>get new people on your BoD
>shift towards online sales only and away from brick and mortar
>stock rises because its cheap and got shilled hard by the lower class
>wall street niggers short the shit out of it because they don't even think about how the lower class might view their position
>get BTFO

its not a surprise this happened, I am surprised at the amount of people who live in squalor or are in their 30's willing to throw their life savings into this when its just 100% gambling at this point as the outcome could easily shift either direction.
I'm just amazed at how many people on this board are this financially retardeed.

>> No.26641240 [DELETED] 
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gme was my baby

u can look back at my posts

u god damn kikes

>> No.26641248

if GME gets halted I'm going to commit suicide

>> No.26641249


A nice little DUDE weed conference. It won't be an actual catalyst itself but institutions are going to start flexing their muscles on it soon after. My prediction is that CRBP will go up 15% or so each day for a couple weeks

>> No.26641255

Look at this chart.

>> No.26641256

I need to invest in something to pay for my medical treatment, what eggs should I put into baskets and how many go in?

>> No.26641259

eat shit faggot kike nigger

>> No.26641265

newfag here wanting to get in the gme and amc shit for lulz. I don't mind losing $1000. Which broker is best for Ausfags?

>> No.26641274
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energy bros...

>> No.26641275

requesting again: how does the physical buyout work when it's over 100% shorted? i'm going with the "obligation created at market value at the time of contract expiration" until an anon can propose anything more sensible.

>> No.26641277

There’s no point in wondering what your morning moves will be. Every broker will be down by open. If it lasts longer than a few minutes get ready for flash crashes

>> No.26641287

ok so when all this shit goes down

melvin capital has to buy billions of dollars worth of GME at current price and sell all those shares to someone at say $20?

>> No.26641292

reminder to not reply to kpop fag, he's just a mentally ill larper who wants attention

>> No.26641302
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>Drown in a shit covered sewage drain faggot

>> No.26641308
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It's already too late to stop it

>> No.26641310

>half a percent guys! We made it!

>> No.26641318
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Does this mean yes or no?

>> No.26641325
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Sorry Mr. Shekelstienblattfarb

>> No.26641323

>buy 40% of shares
>sell them at the strike price
>buy 100% of shares
>sell them at strike price
>you have bought 140% of shares

>> No.26641326

wtf did i buy a weed biotech memestock

>> No.26641331

I market buy on Robin hood tomorrow morning two shares of gme. How do I long this? I've invested shitcoins but never shares

>> No.26641334

I requested a $3,000 transfer from my bank to my Ameritrade account tomorrow to buy GME.

The rub is I don't have $3k in there.

I need to profit by Monday at the latest.


>> No.26641342

Value investors start leaving, rise of the growth investor
>00s, especially 2009
Value investors dead, growth investors reign
Growth investors start dying, rise of meme investing

>> No.26641343

>check AMC's short interest rate
>Check GME
>Check BB

>> No.26641352

>Low energy sector

>> No.26641354

You market buy at any price. ANY PRICE.

>> No.26641359
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Chinese people moon just like their stocks
There's plenty to choose from.

>> No.26641361
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I just watched Louis Rossmann's video and I'm fucking pissed. As much as it pains me to have to work with plebbit, I will give GME my energy.
I'm entering at tomorrow's open, even at 200+. If trading is halted, then I'll come back the next day. And the day after that. And the day after that. I've bought hundred of games at Gamestop since I was a baby shitposter. I won't let this nostalgic brick and mortar die without a fight.
Diamond hands, anons. We're all going to weather the storm.

>> No.26641371

Thoughts on BetaShares Asia Technology Tigers ETF (ASIA) or any other ETFs that track Asian/Chinese companies?

>> No.26641381

You paid your market tuition. Now shut up, stop gambling with calls and begin making money by investing in shares of a company you believe in and wait for a few months until it prints.

>> No.26641382

>wtf did i buy a weed biotech memestock
It is not a meme stock, i just relentlessly posted it on here for the last week or so. I want people to watch the power of Dark Pools.

>> No.26641386

how long until the crash of the market?

>> No.26641396
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Are all of these over shot on the shorts like gme?

I am mainly a crypto guy whats the fastest easiest way I can throw 500$ at these and see what happens?

>> No.26641405

Glad to hear you'll be going to jail.

>> No.26641408

Put $333 in AMC, BB and BBY

>> No.26641410 [DELETED] 
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how am i a larper this was my original position 5 months ago

i held it for the majority of the time but then fucked with weeklys and other shit along the way and then left gme 1 day before the squeeze

>> No.26641412

no they have to buy billions of dollars to GME to cover all the shares they borrowed from their broker

>> No.26641413
File: 113 KB, 473x466, C57A5AF7-6E25-42C5-8257-B3EE86E438EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting rich off of GME tomorrow, quitting my job and buying miku figures

>> No.26641414


>long term play kek

>> No.26641422
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>hurr hurr I'm a shill who's pushing disinfo to try to scare people out
fuck off

>> No.26641438

2 hrs 38 minutes

>> No.26641445

Why are these editions all chinese propaganda

>> No.26641451

>I've been Jewed by Gamestop countless times and I'll be damned if they stop me from getting Jewed again


>> No.26641453

what happens on friday?

>> No.26641456


>> No.26641472 [DELETED] 
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>> No.26641482

bullshit. so if melvin owned a single share, he could sell it to himself at $0.01 and do that 5 million times. that's nonsense. market price exists for a reason.

>> No.26641484

Naked shorting is a crime. Buying isn't. Fuck you kike, and fuck you useful idiots defending kikes.

>> No.26641487

Algos with shares get to set what price they have to be bought with. This is the "infinite downside" risk scenario for shorting come to fruition.

>> No.26641491

Post your positions Vu

>> No.26641500

That chart makes the one I posted look even worse in comparison, lmfao.

>> No.26641504

But anon, this time we get to out-Jew the Jew

>> No.26641527


Lol, they just make you repay it via another deposit or closing your positions to bring it current.

I just need a day or two.

>> No.26641530
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Do you think this is possible?

>> No.26641531

You are actually so pathetic that you are getting Jewed by Reddit.

>> No.26641532

which is what i'm saying. infinite risk to shorting was theoretical, until now. it's being put to the test with this. what does that actually look like once fulfilled?

>> No.26641545
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Here is one of my accounts with 555 CRBP calls

>> No.26641553

No, you can't sell it to yourself because if you're short you have to sell it to the guy you borrowed from.
Also, selling to yourself is actually illegal.

>> No.26641561

where are the AMC hypemen at

I'm getting psyched out

>> No.26641570

Uh, I don't think you understand shorting. They owe that share to brokers. The brokers need the share back. You seem to be mistaking volume, I think? for float.
They must take a share from somewhere and transfer it from their account back to the lender who originally lent them the share. That 'somewhere' is our greedy hands.

>> No.26641571 [DELETED] 
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i think that faggots a normy who wasnt even involved months ago and thinks hes an arts whiz student

who can go fuck himself

i held gme for 5 months when nobody wanted to and i sold 1 day before the squeeze

>> No.26641572

Your thoughts on UXIN, china man?

>> No.26641588
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And my other account with 540 CRBP calls

>> No.26641595

How can I get Jewed if I'm making a profit?

>> No.26641617

Check stock twits
Its unironically going to $20 because of these retards.

>> No.26641620

>You don't make a profit until you sell
Wait what's that Reddit?

>> No.26641635

Okay so if the normies are waiting until wsb says to sell, shouldn't I preempt this by selling on Friday to secure my gains?

>> No.26641638 [DELETED] 
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i dont even want the money dude if i win at amc

do u wanna come over ill give u some money or something u can like try to improve my life manually

idk how to do it

money doesnt mean you know how to operate your body youre in right and interact properly

>> No.26641640
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Does this make it easier to understand for you, shill?

>> No.26641643

what are some good stocks to hold during the inevitable market crash?

>> No.26641645
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>> No.26641649

amc limit buy whats it at lads

>> No.26641651
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>> No.26641661

so...uvxy calls ?

>> No.26641671

>and i sold 1 day before the squeeze

i still laugh at that lol like how do you suck that much. gme was even an incredibly safe hold before that like what the fuck LOL

>> No.26641675

Yes, sell by Thursday if you can too for extra security.

>> No.26641677

I'm not going to hold for eternity, you brainlet. Eventually I'm going to want my profits

>> No.26641678

You should preempt it by selling as soon as possible. Gamestop isn't worth $11bn.

>> No.26641689


Look, just buy up what you can and hold out. Any positive news from the government allowing theaters back to WSB and CNBC talking about this will cause the stock to balloon. Not as much as GME, but easily north of 20 or even 30 a share.

>> No.26641696

It's possible. GME did go 220 from 4.

>> No.26641697

>what does that actually look like once fulfilled?
Dozens of hedgies go bankrupt. Fucking rest in peace you manipulative scumbags.

>> No.26641718

so what happens friday? melvin capital has to buy a million gme shares at $400 and then sell them for $20 each?

>> No.26641723

>If I cut this low frequency chart between vertices it'll look like a pattern that doesn't exist

lmao at your entire life

>> No.26641725

fuck no. the fed will print as much money as it takes to keep the market from crashing. only an idiot would bet otherwise

>> No.26641735

Sell as soon as your profit is desirable or be greedy and get stuck holding the bag.

>> No.26641737

What the fuck is with their reaction speed? Do chinks live in slowmo or are they just bugs?

>> No.26641739

everyone who missed out on gme is basically fomoing to amc so youre guaranteed a good pump at least maybe even a short squeeze

>> No.26641746 [DELETED] 
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gme was great it printed for 5 months

let me give you an example though what happens when it tanks on q3 earnings and theres weeks of time in there where nobody knows if melvin is just going to keep shorting it to oblivion and you start to run low on funds and start to become desperate

it wasnt an easy race and i didnt finish it

>> No.26641756


>> No.26641765

Fucking christ, short squeezes have nothing to do with actual valuation. I don't know if you legitimately believe this or you're a fucking shill. Yes, we're aware GME isn't worth tens of billions, no fucking shit. But the market cap during a short squeeze is more a reflection of how much the shorts are losing, rather than how much the stock is actually worth.

>> No.26641768
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You should sell on Thursday, possibly even tomorrow.


>> No.26641769

thanks for answer. i'm trying to apply my understanding of business law to this shit and get by on it. i don't see any downside to this.

>> No.26641770


Yes that's what Reddit says too. For now you have to hold and just trust the plan. Patriots in charge. WWG1WGA

>> No.26641773
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>I was laughing a couple of months back at the GME $13 "bagholders"

>> No.26641777

i love this

>> No.26641780

kek this
all these paper millionaires are in for a rude awakening
>don't you even think of selling those shares before we can leave you hodling the bag goy

>> No.26641783
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>tfw you want to get into stomcks but you're a night owl NEET

i rarely wake up before 4 PM and i always sleep for 10+ hours; i fucking love sleeping bros you have no idea

can i still make it trading after-hours or should i just stick to crypto? does anyone else know this struggle?

>> No.26641791

how tf is it next week shorts have to cover by Thursday night? go back to plebbit

>> No.26641796

I just opened an account for the sole purpose of dumping 500 bucks on GME and holding forever. I just wanna own gamestop shares. fuck profit.
Sorry for being a retard, but when exactly can i start buying? Some places cite 6:30, and other 9:30. I couldnt buy after-hours, but will i be able to buy during pre-opening hours? These trading hours are fucking confusing...

>> No.26641800

so we're going to have a correction, in the long term this is a good thing r...right?

>> No.26641809

You could "secure" your gains
or you could wait until the actual squeeze and quintuple your position.

>> No.26641810
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>> No.26641817

>Market cap isn't real just keep holding until after I sell please

>> No.26641832
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>photos of Chinese cities
What did he mean by this?
I have zero faith in it long term. But there's little downside in buying now

>> No.26641834
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Is there a downside to allowing a limit sell to go through during extended hours as well? Seems like it just makes my odds of a desirable selling point better.

>> No.26641841

nigga i told you SELL Q3 EARNINGS buy back in and hold.

we both sat through the q3 together talking about it. you cant think properly and act like a retard because you gamble everything on one play with calls

just work on growing your shit you dont have to do like 20% like a boomer but you can just do hold smarter shit

>> No.26641842

VW also wasn't shorted at >100%. In fact, looking it up, looks like it was, as an article says, a "normal 7% or thereabouts in October". But hey, sorry you missed on the rocket fuckboy, ask nicely and I might let you come out to my yacht.

>> No.26641851

i swear i'm going insane over this
it's clear as day

>> No.26641861
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Tootsie Roll (TR) TOOT TOOT. Actually though, heavily shorted company (46% short interest), long term stability, divvies, low float, memes, it's the inconvenient truth fellow Anons.

>> No.26641864

if I'm understanding correctly, I need a brokerage account with Fidelity in order to trade, I can't just use my IRA account to trade with?

>> No.26641865
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Should I put in an order for $4,200 tomorrow or should I hold and hope for a dip? Because I'm seeing a lot of people saying the morning is going to be a skyscraper clusterfuck.

>> No.26641869

>add more money to my Robinhood account
>my money gets erased
>no buying power
>instant transfers restricted
What the fuck is going on with this kike shit

>> No.26641872

Who cares, reddit says hold until the end of Friday so sell before then. Bunch of salty faggots in here.

>> No.26641876
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Just buy comy holds when you are rarely awake during market hours: Apple, SOXL, LIT. I don't have to check them too often.

>> No.26641878

>tin foil hands

>> No.26641888

actaully i trade 20x better when i just sleep until noon.

morning swings are just all over the fucking place and i cant think straight. my dumbest trades are always done when i dont sleep until noon. i dont know about 4pm but

>> No.26641891
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AMC is better mate

>> No.26641920

Downside is exclusively on the shorts' side. That's kinda the point. That's the whole "shorting has infinite downside" 'rule' in effect. The magnitude is amplified by this disgustingly high SI.
>t. i don't understand how a short squeeze works

>> No.26641926 [DELETED] 
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i agree with you man the options is just dumb it backfires

i dont have time for building back up from scratch

im not there man ive come a long long way

and have never loved working job at mcdonalds minimum wage

i would tell you further but u know i dont expect u to be my psychologist

and my faith says april is the rapture of believers 2021 is like the prophecy

>> No.26641929
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I do most of my big trades in my Roth IRA with fidelity.

>> No.26641940


Make an Ameritrade account quick

>> No.26641942

Just fucking buy and hodl you idiot. Don't sell until the squeeze. Dont ask when, you'll fucking know. You won't miss a 600% jump.

>> No.26641948
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This is the equivalent of the Capitol Hill riot. It's happening.

Just sit back and watch your parents' pensions/retirement funds burn.

>> No.26641954

What is the realistic potential still of GME, as well as BB, AMC, and BBBY

>> No.26641963

VW is like 10% of the German economy. Gamestop has been a joke for years.

>> No.26641968

I mean some nigger got fucking quads saying hold through earnings

>> No.26641969
File: 174 KB, 351x359, idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be GameStop employee
>Decide fuck it, guess i'll participate in company stock plan
>Pretty sure you'll be out of a job in a year or so anyway who gives a shit
>Be now with gorillions

>> No.26641992

I think mine is traditional, or maybe rollover, I haven't invested into it since I quit that job a few years ago.

>> No.26642002

I plan on buying no matter what, but should I just throw it into the void and hope the starting price tomorrow isn't too fucked or hope for a big dip before it rockets off and try buying the dip?

>> No.26642017

>he thinks there's still naked shorts after today

You know they only update those numbers monthly right? lmao


>> No.26642019

Well, the GME short squeeze is basically mandatory at this point. You simply have to ask yourself if you want that money or not.
BB, AMC, and BBBY are up in the air, but don't touch them until next week. Hedgies are LITERALLY paying shills to push those stocks here and on WSB.

>> No.26642021

Well, the threads on reddit about GME are getting about 100k replies in a few hours.

>> No.26642030

Maybe, it's also higher risk rn and unlike GME doesn't have a good business model, I don't ever all in I play multiple options.

>> No.26642049

the banks can just, ya know, not lend a fucking nickel to any of the brokerages. that's a possibility too.

>> No.26642051
File: 95 KB, 1200x675, 1611445043400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably did something dumb

>> No.26642053

I don't know which broker to use. This is new to me.

>> No.26642064

Blockbuster Liquidation just did a 700%

>> No.26642073

If you want to buy into a squeeze play and sell before the fucking squeeze even happens that's your problem. We'll just lump you in with kpopfag forever.

>> No.26642099
File: 372 KB, 601x598, oh-Cannabro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone here is hooting and hollering about chasing memestocks and short squeezes
>im over here comfily holding cannabis gains at over +100% and OPTI gains at +350%
I'm glad everyone is having fun but just understand what co0o0o0ms up must breath. Slow consistant gains that don't spook the gazelle are more valuable than a bird who flys to high and gets sucked into an airplane.

>> No.26642101

kek check out your ID

>> No.26642107

If a brokerage folds, do the investment accounts go under too?

>> No.26642110

hell yeah bbq the flesh from my bones

>> No.26642112

>i held gme for 5 months when nobody wanted to and i sold 1 day before the squeeze
Props for not stepping off a bridge though

>> No.26642120
File: 82 KB, 755x600, 9o9heade47c61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I can tell my Roth functions just like my normal trading account except it is tax-protected and you can't withdraw your money from it easily before you're 65 (though there are exceptions and loopholes). But trades go through the same.

>> No.26642123

You seriously must be brain fucking dead. It doesn't matter if GME is worth fucking 10 bucks a share. Right now, the shorts are bleeding millions in interest a day. They have to close out their positions. To do so, they must buy. Supply and demand, they have an astronomical demand so we dictate supply. We sell at inflated prices because they're on the hook. Either they file for ch11 from losing money buying our stocks from us, or from giving cash to their lenders due to interest. I genuinely think you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, or you're just pretending to be this retarded.

>> No.26642130

AMC is not higher risk. The disney jews are trying to keep it alive

>> No.26642137
File: 331 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210127-002814_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isn't anyone talking about ezgo

do we go in?

>> No.26642153

Is this talk of an SEC suspension legit? I was going to buy in at 180 after it opens, but I'm starting to lose my balls.

>> No.26642157
File: 122 KB, 334x334, 1538537703944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White men of /smg/, we need to unite to fight the jew menace in our lifetimes. I encourage you and you have my express permission to breed with arabic girls. The jews fear this alliance. Your children will be beautiful, and have strong financial minds I assure you.

>> No.26642166

>The disney jews are trying to keep it alive
The chinks. It's the chinks, anon.

>> No.26642167 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 800x1066, 1580201240116(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of being a incel is this negative feedback loop where theres people already fucking super hot asian chicks somewhere

and so it makes you sabotage yourself and say well if theyre already living in it then i might as well hurt myself and be suicidal so i can "escape" the thought of other people having wild sex experiences with these kpop girls that i like and stuff like that

or just having them as their girlfriends and being in love

its a negative fomo like i have to end it all as quick as possible and ruin my life just because other people have it

>> No.26642188

> get into stocks last week after a year of lurking smg
> but nokia and blackberry because i had a nokia and a blackberry in the 90s/00s and cell tower on the moon wtf
> nok +25% bb +100%
I was PLANNING to lose money. I failed at failing.

>> No.26642190

>hurr durr you have to stick it to the hedge funds it's not about the money anymore!!!!!11
No retard, you don't. You can just make money in a safe play that hasn't poomped yet without gambling on a squeeze that may or may not be over.
Seeing so many broke FOMO retards who are still waiting for their broker accounts to be verified right now will be the sweetest thing in the world a few days from now.

>> No.26642196

if youre on webull set an alarm for like 7 or 8 and buy before all of the retards do at open

>> No.26642197
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that's cool but you have to appreciate the irony that as a penny stock and weed investor you are now more conservative than brick and mortar investors

>> No.26642200
File: 2.30 MB, 300x169, 1611725831786.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the clownworld ending

>> No.26642203

i guess i should start shilling huh?
Suppose that'll do for now

>> No.26642214

It honestly could happen.

>> No.26642241
File: 463 KB, 974x1300, 20200804_120842_IMG_1757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those cities look like shit. Just a bunch of neon lights and concrete

>> No.26642253

thanks for the sound advice carlos. This is why I have two separate portfolios, one for real investing and one for memes

>> No.26642262

>I was going to buy in at 180 after it opens
How were you going to buy in at a price that it isn't at?

>> No.26642265
File: 1.89 MB, 2642x3524, 1611563240877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMC won't break $10

>> No.26642269

Stop anon, stop, my dick can only get so erect

>> No.26642286

Wtf is going on with GME

>> No.26642288

How come women like that don't realize how extremely bad they look?

>> No.26642289

Bro just look up a subliminal messaging course and reprogram your brain to be more positive, it's easy.

>> No.26642294
File: 770 KB, 840x1760, Screenshot_20210127-004022_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26642299

korean women are really into investing, fyi, if you actually made good gains and knew how to drop the hint without acting like a fake douchebag bragging about his tsla shares you would be able to get an attractive korean girl with some effort

>> No.26642300

The fun part is keeping a paper portfolio just for the shit that gets posted here with no DD and trying not to think too hard as it outperforms both your real accounts.

>> No.26642306

AMC will fucking PUMP if that shit happens.
I wouldn't risk anything with GME at this point. Not worth the risk.

>> No.26642310

sure, in the first 10 minutes of premarket

>> No.26642316
File: 40 KB, 600x600, sweaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, that'd be a lot of boomers and 1%ers out of a fortune

>> No.26642319
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 1599282050653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AMC wont go below $10 ever again

>> No.26642322

it was at 200 and something, when everyone dumps it after buying at 80 yesterday then it should go down a little.

>> No.26642326

I think something is broken

>> No.26642334

So is BB actually a good meme stock to get in on or is it just shills trying to stop the GME squeeze?

A lot more trees in the OP image than in yours anon

>> No.26642338


>> No.26642346

Imagine thinking the kikes in control now won't let out the large pressure of deflation early in Biden's term to blame it all on Trump. If they wait too long no one will believe them if they try to pass the blame...

>> No.26642348

how can a ausfag buy gme and amc

>> No.26642358

There were a couple articles today detailing anything that is or has been a meme stock. All of them but Palantir went up sharply.

>> No.26642366
File: 1.20 MB, 498x292, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh no, we were too late" the teens said as they stared at the roaring bonfire"
>"Damn, I was hoping I could get here before they lit it." Said a young boy walking up with even more firewood
>"What's the point of adding any more wood to the fire if it's already high" the teen sighed, dropping his wood to the dirt
>"What are you guys standing around for? The fire just started roaring! It'll be burning until at least sunrise. Quick, add your wood to it so it'll burn even higher and even longer." Said one of the party-goers warming her hands at the roaring blaze
>"What's the point of using the wood on a fire that's already started? Seems like a bit of a waste." said the young boy as he walked off into the distance
>"Why'd he just leave? Sure the fire is pretty high and pretty warm, but that doesn't mean it's reached it's peak." the party-goer huffed to herself
>"When will we know it's reached it's peak?" the teens asked
>"Well I guess we won't know when it's reached it's peak until we pass it, but we'll definitely know when it call it a day.You see, It's supposed to rain tomorrow afternoon."
Don't be the faggot that dropped the faggot, buy GME now. Just because the fire is roaring doesn't mean you missed your chance to dance around it.

>> No.26642372

shut up

>> No.26642375

your margin maintenance line indicates you are leveraged to the TITS and I fucking love it

>> No.26642386 [DELETED] 
File: 629 KB, 1280x1707, 1596774877368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fundamentally misunderstood my post

when someone says something like "oh well you can just you know become rich and then theyll like you"

puts pressure on me that im not rich and never will be and you set the bar so high that you give up from the get go

and ill start making yolo calls to hurry up and try to achieve my dreams while sabotaging myself and doing harmful things

i cant patiently grind up for years for the light at the end of the tunnel because im bogged by invasive thoughts and people telling you "oh you just have to do x,y,z" just makes it worse

>> No.26642400
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why would you want to touch gme after a 2000% gain you fucking retard? You're late ot the party, better luck next time

>> No.26642405

I guess I need to wait for customer service to wake up tomorrow and figure out how to proceed.
I would like to just split some from the traditional off to a roth, and play with the roth on the market.

>> No.26642409
File: 1.31 MB, 460x322, 3am posting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

especially when I was the one who originally shilled AMC before there was even a vaccine.
>p.s. I was wrong about AMC it is hot fucking garbage.
>AMC is chinese owned and has about a total ROA of -50%.
>I put 100$ in DPLS and have already made +40%

>> No.26642410

Melvin literally had to liquidate their entire BABA position to shore themselves up and it's still not enough. Keep shtting yourself though.

>> No.26642426

It's a good stock but it's moving faster than it probably should, people have been talking about it a bit before the GME squeeze set in. It also shot up about a week ago if you look at it, that was based off the amazon news.

>> No.26642429

Amc is a diversion. Only GME matters,>>26642334
nothing else

>> No.26642432

<<We're still escalating?>>

>> No.26642433

Because (((they))) know PLTR is actually legit and are waiting for lockup to swoop all the shares they can

>> No.26642447

It's not going down tomorrow.

>> No.26642450

Because it's still being squeezed.

>> No.26642458

BB is a great meme stonk, but only because they legit have great fundamentals. Short interest in BB is reasonably low rn

>> No.26642465

Bb already doubled in a week but they are a solid company like nok and are a good long term hold
But tgey aren’t a get rich quick fuckjob like gme. This is just hedge funds raping themselves and the entire world taking turns face fucking them out of spite and giggles. Once in a lifetime shit

>> No.26642471

not bb or amc fucvk head

>> No.26642476

I doubled my meme portfolio in less time it took to get my real portfolio to 40%, it really makes me want to chuck all fundamentals out the window, even though I know that its just this market

>> No.26642499

so is gme really going to cause bailouts by the fed?

>> No.26642502

>why would you want to touch gme after a 2000% gain you fucking retard?
Because it's on track for 4000%. Price target is $2250.

>> No.26642505

Your image looks like a scene from a dystopia.

>> No.26642506

>had to be bailed out already
Someone is crying because he has no money.

>> No.26642508

even if you bought GME at 200, the squeeze still hasnt happened, correct? if the shorters supposedly need to cover come friday, wont the share price reach astronomical levels?

>> No.26642517

Alright /smg/, what is a gamma squeeze and how is it different from a short squeeze?
Also, I feel like a retard but I'm seriously considering liquidating my securities (6 figure CAD) and just riding GME until Friday or Monday.

>> No.26642518

never bought fractionals of a stock before but i am considering it for gme. anything special i need to know?

>> No.26642525


It will after a few halts.

>> No.26642532

just go on a dopamine fast retard
all your problems stem from being an internet addicted faggot

>> No.26642541

Did you not see the survey taken by knets

Korean women want korean men with stable government jobs, making at least 50K USD a year, with at least $200K+ of assets to his net worth.

You don't need to be rich, you just have to be not ugly and be able to provide comfortably for a family.

You also have to be Korean cause they're all xenophobic and don't want to piss off their parents.

>> No.26642545

You don't even have to be rich, you just have to be able to talk about investing. I'm not joking here dude. You just tell them you enjoy investing and if you can converse about it without sounding like an amateur at some point one of them is probably going to like you. I've had Korean gfs and all that, they just like talking about investing. It's actually part of their culture that the women are money managers.

>> No.26642548

Okay, thanks for confirming you're retarded.
Melvin by themselves literally pissed away a 2.5B stimulus from Citadel today. Just today.
Their AUM is under 20B. Was in September anyway. Last I read in some MSM article or some shit, they were at 12B AUM.
Also what >>26642410 said.
Just fuck off, Melvin, we're taking your fucking money and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.26642557
File: 78 KB, 950x879, 1611655751777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can a ausfag buy GME and amc
this game is not for you
you're better off selling out your dad

>> No.26642558

It's gone viral and Elon tweeted about it, it will hit TSLA meme levels.

>> No.26642559

You cannot invest money in a roth you did not earn from a tax paying job.

>> No.26642586



>> No.26642588

So CLII is pretty cool

>> No.26642589


Nothing is certain; everything is permitted.

Your biggest mistake was playing by the rules.

>> No.26642593

Yeha I've been holding BB for a while and i almost sold today. I'm not sure how much higher they will go.

>> No.26642597
File: 428 KB, 1920x1324, 20200804_120913_IMG_1758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trees belong in a forest. But here you go, same city

>> No.26642610
File: 790 KB, 1280x800, uiharu_stonks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe BB of all companies is looking this promising, but it's looking legit. I guess I'll have to buy...

That's what I'm counting on. I put $10,000 on it a month ago and while it's not mooning, that might be a good thing, long-term. I'm better at comfy holds than swing-trading...

>> No.26642637
File: 256 KB, 1200x2000, v21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OPTI is now a slow growth boomer stock. Congrats cannabro
Massive bug cities generate more economic growth. Cities are all terrible anyways, so I don't understand this attack

>> No.26642641

Gamma squeezes are triggered by options. Once the stock price gets past the strike of every available option, and they're all ITM, that spikes the value because all of those calls were already being traded at however much contract fee, and upward pressure carries the stock to more closely match the breakevens.

>> No.26642648

that is somewhat irrelevant, retail isnt moving the price, institutions are. when they have to cover their positions at market price, its going to jump from 200 to 400+

>> No.26642660
File: 455 KB, 256x256, 1517960084122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((The Great Reset))) was actually throwing out fundamentals and replace it with hype and momentum.

>> No.26642672

I have $120k in either a traditional or rollover account from my last job that I quit a few years ago. I never really paid attention to it.

>> No.26642678

How the fuck hasn't the squeeze happened? This shits literally rocketed already. This has got to be a meme.

>> No.26642680 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, 2018-09-13_11-45-54_UTC_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive dabbled in nofap since i was 15 before it even existed i actually helped start it before anyone knew about it before the nofap reddit and the first internet video about it

however i havnt been very good at it

i rarely go more than a few days without jerking it

and im still not 100% on board my view of it constantly changes like how much you should fap or how frequently


dude im a neet on welfare dont u see the fucking problem

with fucking autistic autism and i dont live in korea

shut the hell up

oh ya just be you

just go on elequent conversations with the sexy lass that was walking by and strike it up big

this isnt a movie film man

most people are just kinda shy and keep to themselves and already in their own friend groups and dont give a shit about you

i dont see what you just said occuring when i go outside

i just dont i see couples and i see boomers

>> No.26642692

>I still can't believe BB of all companies is looking this promising
Sounds like me when I read the SS thesis for GME about 5 months ago. I don't regret my decision to drink that koolaid. Take from that what you will.

>> No.26642705
File: 100 KB, 898x766, based_af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26642738

u dum

>> No.26642739

At this point I’m just holding everything and treating it like a cherished family heirloom because the memories of this clusterfuck are genuinely worth more to me than the stock
I have 1 gme share and a limit sell at 4200.69 if it doesn’t hit that I will keep it forever purely for shits and giggles and to show my kids and also to fuck melvin

>> No.26642754
File: 394 KB, 1024x768, 20200804_121005_IMG_1759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted wrong picture, it was taken after a festival so looks messy

>> No.26642769

None of those will see any gains even close to gamestop. At best, you're looking at 2-5x over 3-12 months.

>> No.26642778

i cant believe im into a boomer hobby like stocks

>> No.26642787

so glad i was born handsome and tall.

>> No.26642791

Any stocks that directly capitalize on an increase in retail investors, I don't think Robinhood is public.

>> No.26642792

I want an honest opinion lads, will the games these kids are playing with GME and AMC take the market down?
I have bout 450k in high div stocks and I’m scared.
Stocks was supposed to be my safe, set and forget play while crypto was the constant monitoring one. What’s gonna happen?

>> No.26642797

>so I don't understand this attack
Responding to the op

>> No.26642809

Welcome to adulthood
It’s exciting with real money aint it

>> No.26642821

And where did you get that info, reddit? Come on dude they aren't even required to disclose their short positions
This is more ridiculous than when /pol/ used to call you a JIDF shill every time you criticized trump in the slightest way
-dude trust me
-wall street bets
It's a loan. It just shows they have almost unlimited liquidity to support their current positions. They know the current valuation is retarded and they'll be able to cover at a sane price weeks or months down the line.

>> No.26642822

How do we know the squeeze hasn’t happened? What’s the current short %?

>> No.26642838

Yes and yes. Volkswagen wasn't nearly this badly shorted and it still hit 900 Euro.

>> No.26642850

If we're really super lucky, it could be something like
>All the hedgies are begging their SEC buddies to freeze the stock because muh market manipulation and negotiating to get it in place
>SEC lawyers are pointing out that not only is there not much case for MM on the part of redditards because they posted a bunch of emojis, but that a halt also would draw attention to the fact that the hedgies illegally naked shorted the fuck out of the stock. That is, the hedgies are in just as much, if not more, in trouble than the boogiemen they're trying to make out of ledditors
>Meanwhile, as this is happening, the days keep ticking and the pressure from us keeps building as we smell the blood in the water
>Finally, the SEC contacts tell them: Sorry, you're on your own this time. We can't afford to do a halt. You should have covered last week, or beginning of this week, but nothing we can do to stop it.
>Hedgies BTFO because they wasted time trying to beg for a lifeline, now they're on the hook for the skyrocketing price because of all the memes and normies FOMOing

>> No.26642875

internet addiction (social media, screen time, videogames etc) is actually way more of a factor than porn and masturbation
you can only jerk off so much

>> No.26642879
File: 80 KB, 320x423, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that settles it. Tomorrow I will become a BB-bro. Do you think I should go into GME as well for some quick money? I have $300K of capital from the TSLA moon, so I won't be out on the streets if it doesn't pan out..

>> No.26642880

George Soros Reflexivity philosophy involved rewarding irrational behavior to create a counterintuitive feedback loop. As an investor, it's how he turns situations to his favor.

>just be you
yeah bc you like investing, anyway..........ok cool

>> No.26642886

I don't know I was just talking about it with my pops and he said the squeeze probably happened. Shits quadrupled. Just using common sense here.

>> No.26642910

>Hedge fund titans Ken Griffin and Steve Cohen boosted Gabe Plotkin’s Melvin Capital, injecting a total of $2.75 billion into the firm after it lost about 30% this year.
>30% this year
>30% in one month
Do the math, I believe in you....

>> No.26642911

How do you trade on margin with Robinhood?

>> No.26642917

Volkswagen was 200 normally. GME is a $20 stock

>> No.26642920

Just keep holding to Friday and stop asking questions go—guy

>> No.26642923
File: 2.16 MB, 640x360, line_up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The line only goes up from here!

>> No.26642943

Any ausfags here?, I’m trying to find a broker that offers both US shares and options without bullshit fees but it’s starting to look like that doesn’t exist.

>> No.26642946

I can't wait for you to say "hurr they said this year clearly that means in the past 12 months!"
>>>(Updates with **January** loss in first paragraph.)
Get the fuck out of here, smoothbrain.

>> No.26642954

Thank you! I am starting to feel a lil dizzy but I know OPTI can get to triple digits with the acquisition of Z20.
>invest in DPLS
Cited DD https://www.darkpulse.com/about
>Darkpulse’s patented BODTA system utilizing dark-pulsing technology offers the highest resolution in the industry. Our sub-meter resolution BOTDA, an industry first, coupled with patented FROBS™ rotating mirror and Shapesnake™ offer a multitude of structural health monitoring and SCADA solutions for industry.

>> No.26642955

>brought up /pol/ and trump for no reason
He's just a fag with no money crying about people making lots of money.

>> No.26642956

Any leafs around? Will the CRA go after me for taxes if I YOLO GME in my TFSA? Technically I'm not using the account for day trading if I just buy and hold for a few days...right?
Not that it'll really matter much in the grand scheme if GME moons

>> No.26642964

Wait for the inevitable correction next week.

>> No.26642988

i love how /biz/ literally influences culture. no one even has a clue where half the memes they use come from

>> No.26642995

stab yourself in the hand, take a photo, and email it to them, they need proof that you are actually trying to hurt yourself

>> No.26643009

ANZ can buy US shares but it’s slow as fuck sometimes and there’s definitely fees

>> No.26643024

So if I put 500 into gme once it opens, do I just sell on Thursday to avoid any potential losses? Do you guys really think that it'll balloon to 1000+ today? And when does the market even open?

>> No.26643028

it's only beginning
the fire rises brother

>> No.26643035
File: 26 KB, 171x175, 1609117467684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In BB?

>> No.26643045

They fear us.

>> No.26643067

The overall market you retard. Green weeks are followed by red ones.

>> No.26643085

They're gonna memory hole this and then at the end of 4 years Xiden will brag about how much he "helped fix the stock market"

>> No.26643091
File: 29 KB, 476x282, pepe-singing-ghost-pepe-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedge funds die
Stonk goes up

>> No.26643098

Volkswagon was almost bankrupt at the time though and Porsche came in to save it

>> No.26643107

Can’t afford the market crashing in Biden’s America

>> No.26643119

Far be it from me to keep someone from spending their own money, but if you don't even know the fucking market hours you probably should stay away from this play.
9:30AM eastern, though.

>> No.26643124

>prove it

>> No.26643136
File: 198 KB, 960x200, 1610404425188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T _ _
F _ _ _
S _ _ _ _ _
A _ _ _ _ _ _

>> No.26643141

what do you think the moon will be?
i also heard we're experiencing the gamma squeeze and the short squeeze happens over a little while

>> No.26643169

VW is a tenth of the German economy and Gamestop barely exists. They also owned productive assets and not ratty mall stores.

>> No.26643175

So I just got into the stock game and bought two shares of GME when they were priced at 42. Starting to see the potential in doing this.

Should I throw some more into GME or start going into AMC, BBBY, etc

>> No.26643194

I had to explain coomcat to my mom today because my q obsessed aunt owns 5 gme shares she bought in 2009 and doesn’t know how to use a computer and wanted me to explain how to call vanguard to sell the stock at 6pm pacific because “he was always helping grandma with her internet”
I am currently expecting my first child and closing on a house.

>> No.26643203

There is no "the" gamma squeeze. Gamma squeeze happens every time stock price climbs over every available calls' strike price.

>> No.26643217
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goodluck cmc is fucked and not letting u even sign up

>> No.26643225

tax free savings account, i.e. registered tax sheltered account
The CRA says it will come for taxes if it finds evidence of "carrying on a business" like day trading even in a tax sheltered account

>> No.26643228

i'm a brainlet, do i use invest or cfd in trading 212 to buy gme

>> No.26643234
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>> No.26643239


>> No.26643254

Oh boy, you've gone back to spamming the same thing again. Shouldn't you be shit posting endlessly on stocktwats with the Bearish tag every five fucking seconds?

>> No.26643259

Absolute kino.

>> No.26643272

Well, it was around 5% when they bought. It did explode in their face but it'll go down to a maybe 10% hit in a few days. They won't go bankrupt and liquidate until their debt from GME is double their assets. Can GME 5x again from its current price? I doubt it but feel free to time it as you see fit
Dude, I'm genuinely happy for the people who got in early. But everyone who is buying right now is begging to make their money disappear in 24 hours.

>> No.26643291
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Invest. CFD on T212 is scammy as fuck. I mean, all CFD trading is for chumps, but it's especially bad on T212. No margin, but T212 allow you to trade with unsettled funds so it's all good.

Cunny gang. Buy AMC for max cunny.

>> No.26643294
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I was just baiting but its nice that you gave me a serious awnser
In all seriousness, whats the guarantee that this stock won't just fucking crash on Thursday or Friday? I'm looking at this shit and knowing redditors, they'll cave the instant they can get a good deal. I'm kinda worried for you bros, I got the money to lose but it feels like this is going to crash in the worst way possible.

>> No.26643299
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With the pandemic as an excuse, the government is switching to full money-printer mode. The Democrats will only ramp up Trump's monetary policies to avoid being blamed for a crash. The stimulus checks will either be used to pay loans to banks (and go to stocks), or to buy commodities (which mostly go to corporations, so the stocks go up), or people like me will just use the checks to buy stocks (so line go up). Line go up no matter what.


OK I'll wait, thanks for the reasonable advice.

>> No.26643306

doesn't matter though, gamestop has all this short intrest and a stock price that keeps rising. going off value of the company alone on this event is totally retarded

>> No.26643308

GME openings at $230 in Germany

>> No.26643310

That's why I'm not buying until it's over. I didn't get money in time to buy, but I'll be ready to grab whatever's left for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.26643322

To wit: we can, and have so far this week, get such a squeeze every single trading day if the climb is fast enough. That just feedback loops with the short squeeze proper, of course

>> No.26643329

Same, I thought I was crazy for buying this shit but I'm up 2x already lol.

>> No.26643340

i'll take your word for it, i'm in uncharted territory when it comes to this kind of investment

>> No.26643353

its at 187€

>> No.26643356


>> No.26643374
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Yeah CRA is totally going to send RTX nanodrones powered by PLTR tracking apps to seize your assets because you made (((two))) trades in your TFSA in a day.

Don't you fucking dare leaf!

>> No.26643394

Don't believe shit until your broker or the SEC themselves tells you otherwise. Not the shills on here, not the news, not twitter, nobody but the actual people who have proof it's happening.

>> No.26643400
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122 posters in this thread, I don't really like that kind of heat. I also have no idea how to discuss stocks in public because all my info comes from online and I basically mix forum and board words with cnbc rambling. It's like a 2nd language at this point.

>> No.26643399

Wrong. Videogames are escapism yes but they decrease your self esteem when you look at yourself afterwards and realize all that time you spent on them amount to nothing outside of your computer screen. Take the Tedpill.
You wouldn't want to suicide if you didn't get your asian woman fetish and lose most of your money both on the Internet,

>> No.26643422


>> No.26643432

>pay loans to banks
so my BNKU will printu is what youre saying.

>> No.26643457

I mean I guess something like yahoo might see increased ad revenue due to traffic inflows as people research their next meme. Before I had a real broker/tools, that's what I did.

>> No.26643461

Are you folks not aware that those of us playing the squeeze are well aware the price won't hold? We fucking know. GME is dead. That's no secret. BUT, and this is a big but, they won't be bankrupt any time in the next year or so simply because of console cycle momentum, coof restrictions being lifted, and muh Ryan cohen e-commerce shift.
I know it's gonna crash. Every bull squeezing right now knows (or should know) it's gonna crash. We're just playing chicken with the shorts and other bills rn though, and gambling on the price going up and up and up...

>> No.26643517
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Just get 100$\€ AMC or you will miss epic money
The next meme squeeze is up

>> No.26643518

Look at after hours. That's the price it's gonna open. Literally both of you are wrong.

>> No.26643535

The only thing that COULD save the shorts, at least in terms of not-sketchy-backroom-wall street-shit, would be GME literally bankrupting tomorrow.

>> No.26643556
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So what buy me at this ATH?

Also what is best way to buy stocks right now?

>> No.26643574

Counterpoint: Since facts no longer actually matter, what if they just say fuck it, let it all crash, then pay the talking heads to tell all the NPCs why that's actually a good thing and you're a Trump supporting bigot if you disagree?

>> No.26643584

The one in my hometown has been managed by the same guy since the early 2000s and it's still running. I wonder if that guy is filthy rich now.

>> No.26643625

With a plush fucking divvy, no less.

How many of you faggots took my advice and bought NYMT, by the way?

>> No.26643635

Fuck if I care, puts and spreads will still work.

>> No.26643670

i look at the current price of the open german markets, why look at after hours from the last day

>> No.26643686

The point is there's no magical date like friday or price point until when it's safe to hold. The squeeze might have already happened for all we know and most of the short interest could be new shorts that you will never be able to push the price high enough to force them to capitulate.
GME was a value play. If you're "playing the squeeze" buying at >$100 and didn't buy the company back when it was undervalued at $5 then you're doing it wrong. If you did then anything over $30 is great, if you happen to sell anywhere higher than that then that's just a bonus.

>> No.26643694

Normies are dumb but they're not that dumb. They might get away with the "inheriting orange man's bad economy!" Narrative for a while, but before too long people will start pointing out that the only reason it's down from its ATH last year is the coof, and that was JUST a year ago... What's changed between then and now? Hmmm

>> No.26643697

Amc and bb make sense. Bby seems like a loser, what am I missing. Is it super shorted too?

>> No.26643772

>>Look at after hours. That's the price it's gonna open.
That's literally not how it works.

>> No.26643781

Yeah, I have greater faith in the people than that too, but not by much, JEW.

Kek, dat id.

>> No.26643849

And I never claimed there was a "get out" time or date. That will of course down to everyone's individual risk assessment and personal decision making. That said, as of an hour ago, there are 1mil shares available for shorting at 50% interest. We are IN the squeeze, no doubt about it, but the squeeze is far from over.

>> No.26643896

Only* 1mil, I should emphasize. Everything else, god willing, is wrapped up tightly in the hands of a bunch of greedy bulls like me HODLing to infinity.

>> No.26643913


>> No.26643978

Bros... when is the societal collapse coming?

>> No.26644062

me thinkys sooner than later

>> No.26644295

Nothing wrong with a little


>> No.26644443

1% getting BTFO by average joes?
About fucking time. Blood in the water means other hedge funds are gonna fuck Melvin just to eliminate competition. Someone got greedy and everyone is going to get a piece.