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File: 2.46 MB, 850x750, DAIQ-suqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26635807 No.26635807 [Reply] [Original]

$1 coming soon. Expansion cycle too.
Previous thread: >>26569530
>What is DAIQ and how does it work?
DAIQ is an algorithmic "stablecoin" with a dynamic supply, pegged to $1. At the time of this post, 1 DAIQ = 56 cents. You understand the potential gains to be made. This is somewhat of an x2 from there, more or less. But not only. The real fun is during the expansion phase with the rewards for providing liquidity and bonding in the DAO.

The protocol is a fork of ESD/DSD with a DAO following these basic economic/game theory principles:
>When DAIQ > $1, (expansion cycle, FUN PART) holders can bond their tokens in the DAO to receive rewards, thus pushing them to sell their excess and driving the price back down to $1
>When DAIQ < $1, people buy due to greed for the aforementioned rewards and potential profits since it's below its supposed valuation
>When DAIQ < $1, holders also have the possibility of willingly burning part or all of their DAIQ holdings in order to reduce the supply, increasing both demand and DAIQ's value and as a result - this is done by buying a coupon
>people can then redeem said coupons after a time period, get back their tokens with a bonus so they end up in profit

The main advantage of DAIQ compared to DSD is how you can choose the time limit of the coupons. The higher the expiration date of said coupon until DAIQ reaches the peg = lower premium, and vice-versa. It allows any risk profile to participate in the protocol to push the price where it's supposed to be.

>anonymous team
>can be seen as a ponzi scheme
>high volume needed for the cycle to work as intended
>protocol is at all times fighting to maintain a balance between positive market volatility and burned tokens to be redeemed before the beginning of expansion cycle
>experimental token
>might never get out of its debt cycle

>> No.26636590
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There are reasons to be bullish for what's to come. Not forgetting to include the obivious fact that the people behind DAIQ have been working quite hard in such a short time span, keep the following in mind if you're doubtful about the future of the token:
>1.3 mil USD from the treasury in Yearn
>Josh Rager and other e-celebs from crypto twitter are in and determined to see this back to $1:
>AMA with infinitygains:

So yeah growth and exposure are still on the menu. Still, there are some small obstacles to pass through before DAIQ can truly go into an expansion phase which is why I bet most people have bought, on top of the potential trading profits:
>coupons must all be redeemed in order to end the debt cycle

So while the idea behind these is great to reduce the supply and temporarily counter inflation during the debt cycle (now), it might prove to be bothersome when we're finally at the peg price. You'll have to wait until they're all redeemed, and you can bet that people will sell their profits especially after taking such a risk.

The following dump can and will HOPEFULLY mitigated by liquidity providers seeking rewards once DAIQ > $1, however. And there are people who've been waiting to do so.

That's it for now. I'll try to bump this thread periodically. Don't forget to think twice above buying, things still might go wrong. Don't get too complacent and listen to your gut feeling.

>> No.26636732
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>Don't forget to think twice above buying
Also bump wtf

>> No.26636856

Once we reach peg it's going to be insane

>> No.26636936
File: 410 KB, 2500x2300, 1575968613156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I can't fucking wait myself. Thanks for the bump anon, thread almost died.

>> No.26636988

Np great 2d images my friend

>> No.26637561
File: 3.40 MB, 2675x2213, 1611724041046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for speedreaders who can't bother to read, now there's a video as well.

Honestly I think that's it for now. No matter if I keep bumping these threads or not, DAIQ will pump. I'm only posting to satisfy coomers at this point

>> No.26638117

Price has been holding relatively strong at the $0.50 - $0.60 range

Hope we goes up slowly instead of it pump instantly

>> No.26638689

Nothing against you OP, but I exited as soon as I saw people like >>26638117 posting in DAIQ threads, may have them been yours or from other shills. I suggest you to do the same. Pajeets posting here have taken over genuine anons and this is a huge sell signal for me. Thanks for the profits still.

>> No.26639165

that... that's not a pajeet loooool

>> No.26639203


Thanks for pointing out
I get your concern despite i am not related to OP or etc

I am here to point out how the market reacts
Note that i am not looking for a quick pump based off my previous reply

Cause it wouldn't work that way which is why i stated
"Price has been holding relatively strong at the range"
I didn't say that out of air of facts
The statement is based off charts that i monitored

So yeah, it is just my 2c and it doesn't involve OP's view or etc

Anyhow, congratz on your profit tho mate

>> No.26639440
File: 1.81 MB, 850x1757, daiqubus2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that AMA was fuckin nuts.

>> No.26639579


And i did made my due diligence in the project instead of rushing into the project just because of what OP posted

I Will share off what can be a counter CONS from what OP posted

- Anon Team
Yes, they are Anon but flow of wallet control are multisig. Meaning no one single entity decides the flow

- Can be seen as a ponzi scheme
Yes, but with proper enhancement on coupon system with good control on debt balance, i am sure DAIQ could be better than its predecessors

-High Volume
I agree with this

- Protocol is at all time figthing to maintain balance
Same as the point above, well control of debt balance with enhancement off coupon or how it is mint/burn, it should be balance off

-Experimental token?
Yeap, algorithm stables are in this state

-Might never get out of its debt cycle
Refer to the debt balance part, but yeap this is the main risk of it

>> No.26639600
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>unironic namefag on an anonymous imageboard
>not a pajeet/tourist
Sure. Your lack of self awareness literally proved my point. Good luck to the based 2D posters but I'm out

>> No.26639675


Good luck and congratz on the profit my mate
You deserve it since you actually bought in earlier

>> No.26640892
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Me too. Otherwise people will immediately think about selling and killing the momentum, which would be the right move. Organic growth is what's needed here, not sudden green spikes that won't be maintained. That's basic game theory.
I unironically get where you're coming from, anon. However while they might be off putting, I believe it's a little naive to think that a few tourists and outsiders can really have that much of an impact of the price and/or exposure. This is already beyond /biz/'s reach in term of influence. You're welcome for the gains, glad I helped you there.
>Yes, they are Anon but flow of wallet control are multisig. Meaning no one single entity decides the flow
My main gripe with anon team is the lack of accountability if things go south. Anything could happen (hack, mint function or whatever black swan scenario you can think of) and we would have no reliable way to tell if it was an inside job or not etc. Whereas a non anon team will have this in their track record and might be more than willing to at least reimburse or fix issues with their reputation and name at stake. This is what worries me the most with DeFi projects. Hence why I will always tell people to think at least twice before buying any anon team. Not saying that scams don't happens with public but at least you have people to hold accountable.

>> No.26641091
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Finally I can shitpost on the bed again

>> No.26642142
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>> No.26642268

there are few things comfier