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File: 75 KB, 640x571, 1609021137941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26630825 No.26630825 [Reply] [Original]

If enough of us pool our money together we can clone Hitler from DNA samples and restart his great work.

>> No.26630943

Don’t give the Linkies ideas

>> No.26630986

The unfortunate truth that redditors and neo-nazis don't want to believe is that if hitler were born in today's world he probably would've ended up being a tranny sjw.
>was an amateur artist
>had deformed testicles
>failure for most of his life

>> No.26630999

Why do you need to clone Hitler?
There are plenty of his descendants.

>> No.26631093

Hitler attended commie gatherings, but he quickly realized that Jews look down on him and the whole communism concept is shit.
So he would not be SJW, he would be alt-right by this moment.

>> No.26631644
File: 21 KB, 600x319, 1398902255355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was an amateur artist
Post your work
He had chicken broth and eggs once in a while
>had deformed testicles
jewish calumny
>failure for most of his life
A corporal who turned a cucked country into a world superpower, which made the aristocratic military brass so butthurt/jelly they tried to murder him

Gotta try harder than that, bergstein

>> No.26631734

We're working on this already and are running an LTO node for cloning business data. Stake your LTOs to the pool @ xeno.finance

>> No.26631976

reeee dont insult my fash daddy