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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26628992 No.26628992 [Reply] [Original]

this leaf speaks the truth

>> No.26629070

>mixing /pol/ bullshit into all of this

this was the end

>> No.26629131

Idk what's coming

>> No.26629199

Yeah as soon as anything fun happens I immediately contradict it because I'm a massive faggot who ruins this board.

>> No.26629222

Biz did this. /smg/ was accumulating GME since long time, and now they're laughing to the bank.

>> No.26629308
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Confirmed by kek. check that shit

>> No.26629373

>glowies are using biz/reddit to bankrupt a kike-owned hedge fund
uh ok bro. whatever u say

>> No.26629450

he's right, nobody here or on reddit did shit to make this happen. it's a hedge fund raping another hedge fund and we are just along for the ride
however reddit loves taking credit and they will get scapegoated for it. biz will fly under the radar

>> No.26629464
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you stupid pighumpers had me going into crypto threads and kept telling me /smg/ was schizo shit
I could've been so rich right now

>> No.26629498

We wake up tomorrow to find out that only two thirds of the people who bought GME actually own them(the late coming FOMOs get screwed) and for those share holders the stock is worth $10. Melvin is wiped out, many brokerages lose their licenses for allowing naked short selling. Jews figure out a way to make the government deposit large amounts of money into their bank accounts as a result of this.

>> No.26629513

wrong. that's just some false kike cope, and you're repeating it cuz you're a kike or retard

>> No.26629591

Forgot to mention, HFT cash out early and gobble up all of Melvin's assets in share price realization.

>> No.26629701
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>> No.26629710

/smg/ has been shilling GME since June. IIRC it's the same guy who avatarfags as Meidri and keeps shilling his oil stocks.

>> No.26629755

Just proves we need crypto and decentralized control of markets now more than ever.

Melvin Capital is getting free money from a Bank who got free money from the Federal reserve who printed the money out of thin air at the cost of everyone's savings account, so Melvin could leverage ADDITIONAL profit off of destroying a business.

And for some reason that is never justified, this money supply is only accessible to a few (the banks) who get to gamble on it in ways even riskier than a slot machine and when they lose they get even more free money to do it all over again

Meanwhile we're all told the gubermint cant afford a single god damn thing and we just have to keep upping taxes and getting nothing back so they can prop up the Bond Market ponzi scheme they've built, and continue devaluing everyone's savings account so that the only hope of a normal person affording a house is to gamble on shitcoins or options.

DeFi Fixes this. No one will bail you out, everyone has access to the geiser of lending money. P2P is the only solution, no man on earth should have the power the Federal Reserve has and sells to the highest bidder. Not even Tether printing is this bad.

>> No.26629760
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no, the kikes are the ones pushing the narrative that reddit coordinate attacks did this. you are a fucking dumbass and werent aware of this play until, maximum, thursday. shut the fuck up

>> No.26629851

/pol/ is us faggot

>> No.26629893

>everything is a glowwie op

>> No.26629993


glowies wouldnt influence autists to buy out stock that affects their kike overlords. nice try

>> No.26630042

>we wuz gme kangz

>> No.26630147

look at this schizo ranting on and on like a patient in a psych ward. good god there's some whackos around these parts

>> No.26630151
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>> No.26630237
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keep trying to gaslight fag, youre doing a shit job

>> No.26630296

I do not doubt the last sentence. A $500Billion bailout isn't asking too much nowadays

>> No.26630369

Pol thinks everything glows so they never do shit

>> No.26630600

ok kike

>> No.26631277

Gamestock will flip Amazon

>> No.26632084
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The GME thesis has been active for months, but only now that it's reaching national news are /pol/ schizos trying to spin their own narrative on it lol

>> No.26632152

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.26632620

who is pol?