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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26626593 No.26626593 [Reply] [Original]

Is this unironically organized damage control? I've seen this exact post across several boards now.

>> No.26626730

this post is an example of what we call "bait", anon
you'll learn to recognize it once you spend ore time on our fine website

>> No.26626733

At this point, its a pasta.

>> No.26626744

Yes. And so are the "next GME threads ". And on, and on. Funny thing, pajeets do this for a living, and we can smell thier shit a million miles away. These kikes are low tier shit.

>> No.26626755

This is gonna get shutdown by tomorrow morning by the SEC. They'll reset the price to whatever it was at the close today after 10 days and watch it collapse 90% in a day, ban Elon Musk from being a corporate officer for contributing to it, and send all the Reddit mods to literal prison.

>> No.26626794

that's why i use adblock they can't figure out who i am behind my adblocker

>> No.26626928

It’s called pasta faggot. Not uncommon. It’s also not ironically possible that they are paying shills to fud people about this. Most people buying simply don’t know. Since this isn’t a coordinated pnd, it’s literally just random people buying a stock and greedy hedge fund managers getting squeezed, I don’t know what grounds they would have to go after anybody. It’s no different than the guy on YouTube or CNBC shilling a stock they like. Only difference here is that Wall Street is losing.

>> No.26626984

its (((them)))

>> No.26627089

>Implying shorting isn't unethical.

>> No.26627115

Ok fags here’s the deal. GameStop is rebranding to Endgame and they will rollout a monolithic hardware software as a service that will capture the data of every gamer for battle ai for our war with China. Musk is going to use his juice to pump his Mars bags and preemptively kneecap chinese upstarts. The Mars race is his to win and the Chinese are the only obstacle. Remember to never ever sell. Anyone who doesn’t understand the implications of this and is holding btc is getting rekt. This is gonna flip Amazon. Boggs will bankrupt every central bank on earth and you will just watch? Or do you wish to profit?

>> No.26627146
File: 7 KB, 219x231, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Cash out, buy gold and bury it somewhere
>Call the judge a nigger jew when they come to arrest me
>Do my time while locked up with other retards from the internet
>Spend the next 5 years playing cards, chess, drawing, reading, and being a NEET

I dunno...seems like a win/win

>> No.26627187
File: 45 KB, 720x697, 1611345827958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having over 3 billion riding in some meme stock and potentially getting liquidated. don't you think these fuckers would have the resources to hire shills to constantly fud and panic people into selling so they can run off with all the money? you think they are going to sit there and just let everyone fuck them over until Friday end? its pretty simple, they pay people to post this shit and similar posts KNOWING that larping cunts with no stocks will continue to post this FOR FREE.

>> No.26627209

(You) need to go back.

>> No.26627238
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>> No.26627273

>it’s also not ironically possible
Nigger what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.26627308

I get that people think its funny when bad things happen to Wall Street types, but this GameStop thing is not a joke.

These are stock traders conspiring to manipulate the markets in open view of us all and using the "nah, its for the lulz, and the other side sucks" as an excuse.

This is the equivalent of cheering on hackers when they are defacing websites of companies or governments you don't like.

Well, when those same hackers attack your website or your government, you won't think its funny.

>> No.26627981

I posted this and I was being ironic you dumb redditor

>> No.26628088

Shut up pussy.

>> No.26628560

Just a pasta, but fwiw the (((powers that be))) are 100% trying to sink GME. Look at new posts on /r/wsb and like 50% are blatant shilling for getting out of GME and trying to short other stocks. The type of blatant shilling not done by a corporation used to reddit astroturfing, but the most transparently see-through attempts that a hedge fund with 3 days of life left would try to do.