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>> No.26616602

PLTR presentation was fucking titties. If yall didn't watch it you are fucking up.

>> No.26616623

I need a standalone chart client. Prease

>> No.26616685

BB - GME gang in this bitch till the moon or the grave

>> No.26616724
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>manganese is a scam

>> No.26616745

sold off any of my stocks in the green and just went in for arkq, I dont think any of my picks will meaningfully outperform

>> No.26616749


>> No.26616762

Here is the portion about Gotham.


>> No.26616771

TDA's platform think or swim has good chart tools that is a standalone program

>> No.26616772


>> No.26616785
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pic related

>> No.26616804

I'm waiting for ARKX (hurry the fuck up on that listing Aunt Cathie). That'll go orbital.

>> No.26616819
File: 121 KB, 661x408, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was boring and full of buzzwords, like linkies, which firmly places PLTR in the realm of perpetual crab


>> No.26616853 [DELETED] 

You do have your AMC don't you, anon? The cheapies are gone, but there's still time to buy your tickets to the greatest show of all time! You don't want to miss the next moon mission, the next gain train?
You don't? Oh, well there's still time to get in. Better rush to the counters before too much plot has been shown. But hurry, the film has started and the line is already spiking! Not much time left before 10, then 15, then 50, then 100! The clock is ticking, anon. Time to take action.
Now, I hope you've got all your snacks, since there's no leaving now. Your names will be plastered on the end credits as you emerge richer than you've ever been. Ladies and gentlemen, the show will go on!

>> No.26616855

Thank you for a legitimate answer

>> No.26616864

tomorrow morning i'm going 5k into AMC and 5k into GME
This is my last hurrah, either I make it or go bankrupt and livestream commit sudoku.

>> No.26616892

I just made more money AH flipping AMC than I did during normal hours today.

Fuck whoever put the idea in my head that it would go up after demo day
Fuck me for considering that shit.

>> No.26616893

>t. too unintelligent to understand a simple brief.

If you can't comprehend that demo day that fully explains your life situation.

>> No.26616939

Who cares I bought at 10 at this point I lost interest at 14.

>> No.26616969
File: 112 KB, 1280x719, amc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do have your AMC don't you, anon? The cheapies are gone, but there's still time to buy your tickets to the greatest show of all time! You don't want to miss the next moon mission, the next gain train?
You don't? Oh, well there's still time to get in. Better rush to the counters before too much plot has been shown. But hurry, 5 has been hit, 6 has been hit, 7 has been hit! Not much time left before 10, then 15, then 50, then 100! The clock is ticking, anon. Time to take action.
Now, I hope you've got all your snacks, since there's no leaving now. Your names will be plastered on the end credits as you emerge richer than you've ever been. Ladies and gentlemen, the show will go on!

>> No.26616974
File: 2.97 MB, 1918x1037, ^-^.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some in the OP as well if you wanna go the browser tab route. Good luck anon

>> No.26616978

I want to buy in on Gamestop tomorrow ASAP. RH is out since won't be ready in time. Looking at Fidelity right now. There is the option of EFT, which is free and takes 1-3 days.. There is also wire transfers which are available same day. Should I go in on a wire? Would be investing 5k.

>> No.26616983

When do the markets open? I want to into stonks

>> No.26617020

just put 10k into GME
AMC won't have an epic short squeeze like GME's

>> No.26617026

>Would be investing 5k.
From your post I can tell you that you're actually *gambling* 5k.

>> No.26617081

>be emotional trader
>blame company somehow

>> No.26617097

I saw those but i like to diversify program usage and not invest too heavily into browser

>> No.26617101

9:30 am EST

>> No.26617103

that's my entire portfolio

i'm going to do it.

>> No.26617108

When enough registered traders enter bids into the system. Usually after 9AM New York time but can take up to half an hour for things to warm up.

>> No.26617135

What will GME return to after this? I didn't make it this leg up but I figure I can by buying puts at the top

>> No.26617142

Okay but the difference between gambling and investing here is one of connotation and not the direct focus of what I am asking pls send ELP

>> No.26617147
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>implying implication
>caring about (((fundamentals))) and (((tech))) when it's hype and momentum that makes money
protip: PLTR has neither. it's crab.

>> No.26617175

Reminder I would heem every single non-GME holder itt

>> No.26617183
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no one said it'd go up after demo day. it was sell the news event irregardless, and especially so given this whole GME fiasco.

the fact that it didn't drop substantially and will most likely open at 36+ tomorrow indicates at least 100 by EOY, earnings soon.. lockup expiry.. GME earnings rotation.. incomparable tech and zero competition.. they're poised for lift off into the stratosphere for the next 3 years minimum

>> No.26617186

Whoever said ATOS go fuck yourself

>> No.26617222
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No wonder they don't teach the stock market at school. This shit is insane.

>> No.26617224

Unless this is real time this the equivalent of a cinematic trailer for a game.PURE FLUFF NO SUBSTANCE.

>> No.26617235

About 30

>> No.26617245
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If I sell before settlement in a margin account, that’s not a problem right?
The shares were bought I think with settled funds, I think, but the shares haven’t settled in my account?

>> No.26617248

when do we start buying puts?

>> No.26617252
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And he follows that absolutely retarded statement up with a cartoon lmfao. Exposed.

>> No.26617289

Are the people saying the people buying into GME and AMC are doing something illegal trolling or is there truth in that? Is it technically illegal then for everyone here to trade stock advice?

>> No.26617291

>buy in at 7 dollars
>AMC press release
>issuing common stock at 4.50/share to raise money to fend off bankruptcy

>> No.26617293

Assuming GME does go to $1000 plus, how do you guys plan to sell at that price? Will there be buyers?

>> No.26617304

I dunno I feel like space exploration falls under ARKQ anyway. It's all gonna be software and robotics controlled.

>> No.26617320

It is the real product and it is currently in use as we speak. I am sure things are sped up obviously for the brief but that is the software and capabilities.

>> No.26617335

Yes. It’s only legal to hear advice from a professional stock broker.

>> No.26617346

Until we get Defi stock exchanges up and running in crypto land, you're waiting on slow as hell banks and wire transfers, yes.

Alternatively, Fidelity might credit your transfer immediately (probably have to be an established customer) or you could have a margin account.

In your situation, I strongly recommend setting up your account with margin and using all that they give you for GME.

>> No.26617358

Enjoy crabbing on opportunity loss PLTRcucks

>> No.26617360

I sat on the fucking sidelines when it was $20. Then I made stupid day trade plays for $32 to $40 level jumps. Then I held at $47 and sold at $78. Now I'm sitting here with nothing in my hands, wanted to neck myself for missing out.
Let's be honest. This probably was the squeeze. People keep thinking it's gonna go up more and more every day to fucking infinite. It won't. It's gonna get halted and cap out at some pathetic number if you buy in now. Shit is fucking rigged. The big money made you all fight to maintain value all day long, propping the price tag up high only for Musk to tweet it and all the big money jumping in during after hours with no trade halting to spike it and steal the show. If tomorrow it seriously closes at higher than $200, I'd be genuinely blown away.

>> No.26617376

They already raised the money, retard.

>> No.26617419

Guys there is very little volume of discussion about AMC on WSB. We're not going to cause a short squeeze if we dont have the 2.5 million redditors helping, simply not enough people use /smg/ or /biz/

>> No.26617420


>> No.26617423

its real time

>> No.26617427

This anon is asking the real questions

>> No.26617451

I can't profit from the Gamestop meme cause I don't have enough capital to get in anymore. I took too long to find out about it and being stuck in Brazil put me at a even bigger disadvantage. Fuck my life.

>> No.26617459

FUD to scare you away from becoming a rich man with AMC

>> No.26617472

Sure it anon you keep telling yourself that. IT is bs and it doesn't work that streamlined. This was a wishful thinking trailer.
No show it live doing that shit.

>> No.26617495

whats a manga knees?

>> No.26617506

They already have the capital dummy, that's why line goes up.
If you want to be bearish, you would talk about whether or not they can handle the loans they have been given.
Not diluting a stock to raise funds they don't need.

>> No.26617507

She knows your browsing habits anons! I feel dirty now

>> No.26617516

Is it too late to go into GME? Should I just go all out on BB and AMC

>> No.26617525

I would kill myself if I lived in Brazil.

>> No.26617534

Had AMC since last summer thinking it was too low and people love movies. 360 shares HA!>>26616969

>> No.26617536

>papers show shortsellers spreading paid social media campaigns about stocks such as AMC and NOK
you better not get dumped on those anons, GME is where it's at it seems

>> No.26617540

im swinging half my buying power on GME everyday retard

>> No.26617542

Hop on AMC, bro.
It's the next meme.

>> No.26617544

There will always be another play, anon. For now focus on waging, storing cash up in index funds, and keeping an eye out for it.

>> No.26617567

Continue being retarded. The software has been in use for years. Sorry you are too retarded to keep up with the news.

>> No.26617575

>i don't have 200 dollars.
you got till friday, on friday it will start pumping the pump ends monday.

>> No.26617604

Audible kek

>> No.26617614


>> No.26617617

so this is the shit that thinks /pol/ is ISIS? wow, cutting edge stuff.

>> No.26617618
File: 85 KB, 960x847, 1611612199403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that scene in Wolf of Wall Street when Leonardo was shilling some satellite technology penny stock to some shmuck on the phone?

You are the previous shmuck that bought and held.

>> No.26617628

What's the PT of AMC?

>> No.26617639

A tropical fruit you eat.

>> No.26617659

enjoy jumping from pump to pump and selling every dip, dumb emotional trading babby

>> No.26617668

Imagine falling for this shit
>it just works perfectly fine bro believe our shitty trailer, it totally not edited.

>> No.26617675

>Will there be buyers?
If someone is short and has a margin call, they will certainly be interested in buying.

>> No.26617683

so when exactly do they have to buy back shares for their expiring options? Friday or Monday? essentially I’m asking if my 1/29 calls will get to pump due to a squeeze or will the squeeze not happen until next week?

>> No.26617701

Gonna look into it. I got some shares on Taurus that actually have made me 120% profit since november so there is that which is nice.

You have any idea how much 200 Biden's are in monkey money?

>> No.26617718

Good thing nothing in here should be regarded as “advice”

>> No.26617720

~12 dollars

>> No.26617730

I haven't seen Wolf of Wallstreet and I'm up 500% on the year, is it time?

>> No.26617734
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>> No.26617760


>> No.26617779

...cash gang?

>> No.26617799

I moved my positions to swing on PLTR.
It did nothing but cuck me from gains from other opportunities.
Theres nothing emotional about that.

>> No.26617806

Can you please use a trip so I can filter your brain dead ass?

>> No.26617845

AMC is a great movie chain. They are everywhere. People do NOT want to sit in their house anymore and watch movies. Even if it costs more they want to go OUT. Yes pay high prices for drinks and popcorn. It's the only SAFE first date for a girl you might like. If she no like you, at least she saw a good movie. Gives you something to talk about. I LIKE MOVIES at the theater! I bought AMC last summer when it was beat down. It will rise to 30 easy once theaters reopen.

>> No.26617846

you just broke the law by reading stock tips from non certified professionals

>> No.26617860


>> No.26617881

My transfer to Schwab says it’ll be done tomorrow. What time is the cash available for trades, usually ?

>> No.26617930


What papers?

>> No.26617941

4 am

>> No.26617992

trading is always gambling, retard
remember this

>> No.26617994

Is it worth buying $5 NOK LEAPS?

Oh and before you hedgie kikes get excited, no I will not be selling my GME shares for any price under $1000.
Fuck niggers, trannies, jews and hedgies.

>> No.26618029

>shills not even trying anymore

>> No.26618037

should i buy bb and amc now or in the morning?

>> No.26618068

I usually get behind Peter Thiel and this is his pet, but that looked pretty bad. Not to mention that whatever the us government is using right now, maybe use the opposite.

>> No.26618080
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>> No.26618147

I think there will be a lot of profit taking tomorrow morning, so it is probably better to jump in then or at least just grab a small start position you can average down just in case.

>> No.26618211

My 7$ AMC sell call is about to strike
I don’t want to let go

>> No.26618231

Thank you anon. What’s your patreon or onlyfans so I can donate.

>> No.26618241

Amc was a mistake.

>> No.26618269

All that trouble to make a fake tweet. Who gives a fuck if they want to gamble on a penny stonk. You're just bitter.

>> No.26618281
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I'm chucking another 2k in GME. Ah or hope for a dip in the morning? Surely there'll be a dip from profit taking normies after musks tweet

>> No.26618325


>> No.26618329

Then start shilling, retard.

>> No.26618351

papers called brain, no wonder boomers can't differentiate between what is fake news. months old posts on leddit were awarded with stock tickers mentioning AMC, brand new accounts with no karma, and /smg/ strangely filled with people writing like it's fucking tumblr

>> No.26618364


>> No.26618365
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this has not been a very comfortable thread

>> No.26618386

It's already moving fast. It hit $7 AH today (check again: it's already 7.3, HOLY sHIT MY SIDES). Imagine what it'll do WITH the redditards on board. Note that they're not allowed to discuss stocks less than 1b market cap, so they should only now be able to talk about it (it just hit 1.17b)

>> No.26618402


and i havent seen the big short, which is what i plan on watching tonight lol

>> No.26618420

AMC market cap is below 1 billion and has already been the object of speculation. It look like they're gonna avoid bankruptcy and Biden is on a mission to open up the country because the media got off of the doomsday predictions. With over 50% of their share float shorted and an increasingly optimistic future for the company they are a prime target. Reddit isn't what caused this short squeeze, they just caught on and drew media attention. Movie man Mr. Burry has been on the GME train since June.

>> No.26618447
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same here
>he sold covered calls
>moon it

>> No.26618448
File: 294 KB, 2872x1172, 1611703579466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanted to say things to the anon that posted this last thread. it didn't occur to me to make money off of stacies.

i might sub out lulu for LB though.

>> No.26618457

i have PLTR that im holding for 5 years
and i bought NOK today 500 shares.. i dont know why

>> No.26618471


>> No.26618479

>he sold calls for a meme stock.


>> No.26618499

what do you think is pumping the stock right now anon

>> No.26618548
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Man on knees sex corp

>> No.26618551
File: 294 KB, 1080x818, Screenshot_20210126-192556_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get around this on fidelity? Or should I just sell my 11 shares Thursday after hours. I think ill do that.

>> No.26618561
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Never4get about the fairer sex and their increasing purchasing power :^)

>> No.26618570
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>> No.26618586

MMs are always buying. Yes there will be buyers. In fact, it's the buyers, not the sellers, that make the price go that high. The truth is, MMs don't give a shit about the price itself, they make money from the spread.

>> No.26618595

Ok, you guys will call me retarded but on robinhood if I bought and then sold almost immideatly because I got cold feet and my funds technically don't even exist because they are in transfer limbo, what happens?

>> No.26618613

What SPY puts should I buy for when Gamestop crashes the economy?

>> No.26618617
File: 250 KB, 313x1302, 816B13FF-35F7-47DC-9270-D4BAB29AD151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HUGE balls

>> No.26618630


>> No.26618645

I just like AMC and don't want it to go under :(

>> No.26618654

Not reddit. There's no discussion about it. It's all GME discussion.
Imagine what will happen once it becomes a reddit meme.

>> No.26618660

There it went
Just passed strike price


>> No.26618682

Brazil is paradise on Earth if you're middleclass or above. If you're poor it sucks really bad of course, but even then it still sucks less than elsewhere. The whole thing is greatly overmeme'd by msm trying to milk made-up sob stories.

>> No.26618716

>first day investing
>bought 14 stocks @ 6.75
>AMC going through the roof
alright boys we in

>> No.26618735

ty anon

>> No.26618784

Sup /smg/.
I’m looking for a comfy guide about options trading. Intermediate level would be preferred but if it’s more of a beginner guide that works too.

>> No.26618787


>> No.26618836


>> No.26618852


Unless you have the attention span to, you know, read Investopedia.

>> No.26618894

>bought AMC at $5 today
Fuck I can't wait for it to hit $100 next Friday

>> No.26618903

Fuck off

>> No.26618931

>it's gonna dip hard tomorrow just buy the dip :^)

>> No.26618939

People like this are going to get fucked

>> No.26618959

I am not buying AMC at 7 fucking dollars.

>> No.26619009

If your AMC calls get assigned, you could always try wheeling it and selling some puts.

>> No.26619019

You're stupid and gay. Just buy it.

>> No.26619034

popcorn hands typed this

>> No.26619066

how the fuck do you even trade from Brazil? Imagine paying 1488% taxes after riding the GME hype train

>> No.26619107

Why? Pre-COVID had it at like 30. There's going to be a beautiful period where lockdowns end + new movies come out and theatres will be packed. This is infinitely safer than GME (an actual, failed business)

>> No.26619114

You'll be wishing you had at $30

>> No.26619126

>"I want to get off Mr. Bones wild ride"
Imagine getting off his ride

>> No.26619172

That's pretty good for a movie ticket though.

>> No.26619184

>I am not buying GME at 7 fucking dollars

>> No.26619204

i came back to the thread hoping to find another suggestion and am instead met with this. Check these 9s

>> No.26619221

It's not that hard, you pay some tax but you basically need to either be very rich (200k USD + on stocks) or use a american brooker that is allowing you to trade in the USA. I am doing the former and gonna jump on AMC.

>> No.26619236

I like investopedia but I’m looking for traders providing real life examples and talking through their process.

>> No.26619254
File: 465 KB, 1080x883, 9975D9C4-ADFB-4D63-BDD0-188BD8917F42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26619255

>brand new funding
>lockdown restrictions easing
>vaccines rolling out
>people eager to go do stuff outside even if they didnt do it much before
AMC is so fucking safe it would be asinine to not buy and hold

>> No.26619273

I got it for free at 4 dollars :^)

>> No.26619305

Because GME shorts need a distraction. They are likely manipulating the price of AMC for this purpose. But that's ok because they're hedgies and only normal people have to obey the law.

>> No.26619309

My sell calls will probably trigger in the morning for AMC
Hopefully my order to cancel it out in AH will go through
Wish me luck bros

>> No.26619338




>> No.26619355
File: 536 KB, 3075x1970, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never stop us kike

>> No.26619385

>in the morning
You hope
You hope you're not stuck holding them until friday at expiration
I haven't gotten an answer on this but am assuming it's the latter

>> No.26619389

Literally this. Even if it doesn't get the insane GME treatment it's still a far safer bet considering it's just going to naturally rise.

>> No.26619406


>> No.26619472

What else are you looking forward too anon?

I’ve been stocking up on POWW and have some juicy KTOS calls I think will pan out for me on earnings. POWW also should considering how expensive ammo has been for the last literal year

>> No.26619503

When GME crashes most of them will leave.
But such is the tragedy of the commons. Anything good will attract bad people who can't make good things on their own and will thus ruin them.

>> No.26619507

if you haven't even made the order yet then uninstall robin shit and get a real broker

>> No.26619519

>over 8
it's litty

>> No.26619528

come back in a week anon it should die down by then

>> No.26619542

>$8.00 AMC

>> No.26619553

when does GME crash?

>> No.26619554
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>AMC +65%
>GME +50%

>> No.26619574

I just got 13 shares of AMC. I believe.

>> No.26619593

Since GME shit up in after market hours what are the chances that it nosedives hard in the first 30 mins of open as people try and realise their gains from the last 2 days?

>> No.26619594


>> No.26619603
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>almost 8.5

>> No.26619617
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I can't do it, I can't cope with missing out on GME.

>> No.26619621

AMC 8.07

>> No.26619628

hedgies tongue my anus

>> No.26619630


>> No.26619632

At this Point I feel like putting GME earnings into AMC. When one crashes I'll still be safe in another meme stock.

>> No.26619639

never, new paradigm, meme stocks only ever go up now

>> No.26619658
File: 21 KB, 973x452, unboggening, thank you gamestop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arigato gamestop-sama, i owe this unboggening to you

>> No.26619683
File: 5 KB, 811x66, rEGRET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh anon? You ok?

>> No.26619686

Then don't put any into AMC at all. And buy GME right now don't wait

>> No.26619688

This is the first time today I’ve been called a kike. I need to post better bait

>> No.26619693

What about $8? You gonna buy it at 8?

>> No.26619714

Excuse me, what's AMC up to?

>> No.26619718

Has happened on start each morning. Very likely scenario. But this pump has also gotten lift-off from Elon.

>> No.26619721
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>> No.26619724
File: 90 KB, 640x932, 1599586198246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to eat some ass and buy more BNKU

>> No.26619726

If AMC takes off then yes I won't wait for the bitter end of the old meme to get into the new. For now I think it's good to have both.

>> No.26619736

just bought 500 shares at 8.35 i sure do hope this isn't the top

>> No.26619738
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>> No.26619739

Memes or crash, most likely crash, but with memes along the way

>> No.26619751

>tfw missed the AMC 6.50 boat...

>> No.26619764
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I am not buying AMC at 70 fucking dollars.

>> No.26619768

Should’ve bought amc today

>> No.26619778

Get AMC instead and enjoy the same ride with half the risk

>> No.26619784
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>> No.26619801

I am just waiting for the deposit to clear and I am putting all into AMC. Almost 7 shares. I am gonna be the king of the favela.

>> No.26619805

We're not selling AMC tomorrow, right?

>> No.26619806

Hold the fucking line you pussy.

>> No.26619810

Algos are fast enough to make money no matter which way the price moves

>> No.26619811

There were real-time demos, but everyone thinks that 's the boring part and prefer the movie trailer

>> No.26619813
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I missed out on everything. TSLA, WKHS, NIO, BBBY, GME you name it.

>> No.26619819
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Okay, real talk my niggas...
What strike and date of GME puts are we buying and when?

>> No.26619820

I'm only in crypto and made a robinhood account but it feels like the process of getting a bank account linked is going to take a few days at least. Are there any brokers with faster account verification / funding methods, ability to purchase instantly with a debit card, etc?

>> No.26619827

what causes it to crash? apparently shorts need to be covered, this will cause the price to rise more wont it? the only way it drops is if people get cold feet?

>> No.26619829
File: 1.15 MB, 230x326, CE44FF81-0703-43FE-BBCC-4CFE1E95C4A0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to r*ddit
Content is at an all time high.
Don’t forget to buy GME to pull one over on the Jews before you leave.

>> No.26619832
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You're gonna buy my bags at 100

>> No.26619851

>Anything good will attract bad people who can't make good things on their own and will thus ruin them
This sums up zoomers. They’re going to fuck up the entire planet eventually.

>> No.26619854

Fuck no, this is just the start

>> No.26619859

The market streamers on Twitch were shilling AMC today at least though.

>> No.26619866
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>> No.26619875

You can still jump on BBBY and GME

>> No.26619876

Short squeeze in progress.

>> No.26619880

AMC is still fucking mooning

The fuck is going on

>> No.26619885

Shorties are doubling down on GME. Can we win? Should we sell?

>> No.26619890


Anon, send them a support message asking why it's taking to so long. I did so and within 2 hours it was verified.

>> No.26619888

Got it, going to buy more tomorrow.

>> No.26619897

ikr, I've been waiting weeks for approval for my brokerage account. They say they're swamped with the number of new applicants and can't approve it any faster.

>> No.26619906

i saw no titties, anon

>> No.26619907

So with my huge amount of stocks (13) in AMC. What's the general way to know how it'll pan out? Should we be eyeing GME to see how that situation happens?

>> No.26619931

in tears

>> No.26619934

Poorfag catching an AH break. What do I do in the morning? I have a modest 200 shares at 5.50.

>> No.26619936

why the fuck would i buy puts on such a high IV stock when i could just rotate my winnings into bluechips or other picks
this is how you retards bog yourselves

>> No.26619946

I’m about to go 50/50 on AMC and UVXY

>> No.26619949

Yeah the big difference is people are actually making money.

>> No.26619950

sold 5 dollar covered calls on amc even though I knew it could do this. I'm retarded

>> No.26619952
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what of good Solo-

>> No.26619960
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i really thought the most i could miss out was a pump to 50...

>> No.26619959
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smart money gonna cash out early and on friday you'll have all these newfriends asking why they're red.

>> No.26619961

>gaining 37% in three days

>> No.26619964

GME sells at 1488

>> No.26619965

I just bought anon. 2.5k worth now so I dont feel like I'm missing out anymore and 3.5k at market open tomorrow morning, hopefully there will be a dip.

>> No.26619966

Because you’re a diamond hand king that’s fucking why. 300 shares reportan

>> No.26619978
File: 420 KB, 666x666, 1586538274136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robinhood wants a social security card from me for some reason
Who the fuck has a social security card

>> No.26619985

i'm already down $230

>> No.26619989

oh god how much farther can this bubble go

>> No.26619999

Are my calls in queue just going to die at midnight or will I get them at market open if it's over the strike price?

>> No.26620009

I think it's a short squeeze performed by shorters because they're scared due to the GME situation. I think they are unwinding to wait for retail to pile on these, then they'll short the top. It is possible even performed by melvin/citron to try to knock-out their losses on GME.

>> No.26620010

More normies that weren't able to trade after hours will probably buy as early as they are able to. I don't think we are going to have a dip

>> No.26620017

And it's what zoomers say about boomers. It's a fact of human nature. There are makers and there are leaches, always have been, always will be. Even ants, even PLANTS, there are those who work hard and those who feed off it.

>> No.26620022
File: 107 KB, 640x905, 67858ED2-C19A-4DD7-908C-9E8F00388C6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw considered buying GameStop at $4 when they hired Reggie
The rope has never looked more appealing

>> No.26620025
File: 85 KB, 697x293, 1611555959636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought some NOK as a meme play today. Seems the more retarded the stock (GME, AMC), the richer I could have been. Please tell me NOK is retarded good and not retarded retarded

>> No.26620028

Will GME surpass 420.69 or will all the meme sell limits absolutely nuke the price?

>> No.26620049

What's AMC's exiting point? There's earnings next month

>> No.26620058

Retard. That is the new crab.
We've got stocks going up 70% AH.
37% is nothing anymore. Welcome to the clown market.

>> No.26620065

Is this a sign that the whole market is about to crash?

>> No.26620073

Check financhill and other such sites to check how shorted things like AMC are every day. If the shorts are unwinding, it's time to trim profits.

>> No.26620077
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>AMC almost +500

Why did I ever doubt you bros

>> No.26620078

Tons of sell at $8, it's already going to break back through

>> No.26620083
File: 2.43 MB, 560x720, 1595795961164.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transferring 20k from one of my girlfriends leisure accounts to gamble on GME. Buying on open, at market price, and setting a sell at 1000.

>> No.26620091

Fidelity credits my EFT's immediately but I've been using them for a while and have my bank account linked. If you don't have a linked bank account it will probably take them a few days.

>> No.26620116

basically every american has one, are you a NEET

>> No.26620119

You're retarded either way because it doesn't even seem like you know why you bought lol

>> No.26620125

people really think they're fucking over the funds by going long gme, but they're not taking into account the other funds who own gme stocks

>> No.26620127


>> No.26620147
File: 177 KB, 1254x1254, everyone else is a clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw should have memed

>> No.26620148

You’ve got it now just forget about it.

>> No.26620157

Hold it for more than a year. They are a long term investment but you already missed the 25% explosion from last week. They have good basics and are building cell towers ON THE MOON but it's not gonna do a GME. But it's nokia, shit always works out in the end.

>> No.26620158

I sold all my AMC shares for GME. I fucking kept PLTR thinking it would moon after today's demo. Hasn't fucking budged. I hate this shit.

>> No.26620161

Earnings have nothing to do with this

>> No.26620166


>> No.26620174

MMs are forced to cover due to margin rates on GME shares, and they can only cover after the puts expire worthless. Thus, only on monday or AH friday starting at 4:30pm.

>> No.26620179

Look at the put volume, it's massive on 02/05.

>> No.26620180

>What's AMC's exiting point?
Why are people always asking things like this? We don't know. A few hours ago no one knew GME would end up at $215. No one knows anything. Maybe AMC will peak at $10, maybe at $300, no one knows.

>> No.26620188

>All these people turning into whiny manchildren because "it isn't how it use to be"
Oh just get the fuck over yourselves. Shit like this doesn't happen very often and people want to be in here just so they can have people to talk to while they make a profit, which is exactly the entire fucking point of this general. None of you assholes own these types of threads, you never have, and you CERTAINLY don't get to decide who comes and who goes.
This takeoff is history in the making and it's going to be that way until it's over. And it will be over and then all the degenerates and tripfags can go back to shilling their scams or showing off how much money they have in their loyalty stocks.
You don't suddenly get to turn around and decide that this place is shit now because of a happening. Heck I guarantee you losers complaining about this shit are tourists yourselves. Now kindly keep your word and fuck off. Or better yet, don't ever come back.
Entitled dipshits.

>> No.26620202


>> No.26620201

yeah, people gambling $100 lmao

>> No.26620207


>> No.26620208

its not really a meme just yet but you are in early

>> No.26620222

Wouldn't everyone putting high sell limits force a higher bid ask ratio and drive price higher or am I retarded?

>> No.26620233

$BB or $AMC?

Assume I have 50k I can part with, how do I make it into six figure hell?

>> No.26620236
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Why is the general going so fast? It's supposed to be real comfy nigga hours rn.
Plebbitors need to go back.

>> No.26620235

No, I can't even think of a time in my life I've needed a social security card. Anytime I've needed proof of identity I just used a birth certificate

>> No.26620256

No one cares about your CLF anymore, tranny.

>> No.26620272

BB is a diversion. AMC isn't. Go AMC

>> No.26620287


>> No.26620291
File: 179 KB, 421x370, Quock - soap & skin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got fucked today, biz... and not in a good way...

>> No.26620305

>Why are people always asking things like this
Because they’ve never made a grown decision in their lives and have an innate need to follow the herd and be told what to do. It’s normies bro they’re all over this thread

>> No.26620309

Come to the comfy thread. It’s a refuge away from the newfags.


>> No.26620310

Crypto dumped all day. I wonder where money was moving too?

>> No.26620312

BB already doubled in a week and has a future.
AMC doesn't.
You're giving money to chinese investors to try and get bought out by a not-bankrupt company.

>> No.26620325

literally every american has a social security card
you've been outed as a 3rd worlder, sorry

>> No.26620327

you should have needed one for your employer to issue your tax forms, confirmed NEET or drug dealer or illegal

>> No.26620339

damn i want to play palantir looks like a hella fun game

>> No.26620340

yes. normies are in as of tomorrow (thanks, elon)

>> No.26620348

You need to include kpopfag into your duck posts

>> No.26620354

I ain’t no redditor nigga but buy NOK

>> No.26620359

Holy based! How do we gift others here?

>> No.26620369


>> No.26620387
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>> No.26620395

I'm using TDA, where do I go to see the order book?

>> No.26620396
File: 144 KB, 400x394, a37cb94854e3c7f6e3d8a04e836607b71bedd580272df9ef0a105a6fb965a4d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in the middle of the biggest short squeeze in history and you're wondering why the stock market general is fast? Take a couple weeks off, man. One week for the squeeze, one week for the fallout.

>> No.26620410

Sell that garbage and use half of it for GME, keep the other half in cash in case it dips

>> No.26620412

>no bankruptcy
>restrictions relaxed soon
>fucking doubled in *a day*
>massive short interest like GME

>> No.26620413

>at the top
Good luck with that mate

>> No.26620418

they're broke

>> No.26620419

Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.26620425
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keep posting bro, we need to remain after the newfags leave or assimilate

>> No.26620437

I sell fruit for a living and spent all weekend emailing about early season peaches I'm very sorry

>> No.26620465

I'm getting serious about investing the first of February, /biz/. Everyone tells me Robinhood is baby shoes; if this is true, what investing app or brokerage should I use instead? And what are good resources to use as a beginner?

>> No.26620481
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>> No.26620499

this is extremely cute and idk why

>> No.26620502

>sold 1000 AMC shares to buy more GME thinking i could just buy back into AMC cheap after friday

>> No.26620505

Haven't caught up to all the GME shit, only thing I want to confirm is how people know that Melvin has to buy the shares on Friday? Is it public info or something?

>> No.26620516

Gentlemen. They are so scared they're running fake stories about nonexistent Burry tweets. This is how scared they are right now. There is only one thing to do: once more, into the breach. BUY BUY BUY BUY!

>> No.26620530


>> No.26620531

It's free and accessible afaik.

>> No.26620536

Puts will just get IV crushed
It's literally not worth it
Either buy shares and sell along the way up or don't get in at all

>> No.26620545

it's not cute and fuck UNFI with a hammer

>> No.26620548
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>> No.26620551

but there are more calls than puts atm for this and next week

>> No.26620559

What’s the lowest you see GME dipping to?

>> No.26620576

don't listen to those faggots robinhood is where winners win

>> No.26620588

welp, gotta wait a few days for my thousand dollars to get into my account so I can buy ~100 shares of AMC. Don't take off too quick

>> No.26620592
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based fruit anon