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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 319x480, 79d8842aeceb46a174a4505cfd86229b--money-stacks-cash-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26617234 No.26617234 [Reply] [Original]

Won't really make it until you cash out. All that money could be gone in an instant and you're back to a sad life of wage slavery. Don't wait.

>> No.26617282

>t. SEC

>> No.26617296

why cash out when you can put minimum and maximum limit sells

>> No.26617299

Fuck you Melvin

>> No.26617329

Never selling

>> No.26617350

It's afraid.
$1488 sell order

>> No.26617356

Not today hedgie.

>> No.26617390

My hatred of Jews overrides my desire to make money. Sorry Shlomo.

>> No.26617400


>> No.26617418

>he thinks this is about money

>> No.26617422
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Get out of my basket weaving forum, nigger

>> No.26617430
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Who could be behind this post?

>> No.26617431

It's not about money
It's about sending a message

>> No.26617460

Take profits for <AT LEAST> 900 dollars if you're insecure. Lebbit and everyone else here is shilling 1.2-1.5k, be ahead of the curve if you're scared.

>> No.26617480
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>> No.26617492

>he thinks this is about profits
Seethe and cope

>> No.26617496
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>> No.26617510


>> No.26617515

Fuck you. Everybody hold until Friday, let it explode.

>> No.26617568

I wonder who's behind this post

>> No.26617600

Fuck off glowfag and or hedge fund trader.
These are our markets now. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.26617611

hedgie hedgie back to cagie

>> No.26617651
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>> No.26617664

wait you guys were planning on cashing out?

>> No.26617736

I'm about to buy 30k worth!

>> No.26617800

>a hedge fund is legally obligated to buy my shares for any amount i decide. Literally theoretically unlimited in amount.
>better cash out now for reasons
This is you.

>> No.26617818

>millionaires buy oceanfront property
>muh global warming

>> No.26617848

You see
It is your game to make money
It is our game to ruin your abusive practices
The values are not the same

>> No.26617858

Oh you're in WAY over your heads. Cash out, while you still can LOL.
Don't be some chat room griefer's stooge. They'll leave you holding the bags! Friendly advice to keep you from the poorhouse.

>> No.26617864

I only accept payments in Kosher Salt

>> No.26617892

People will cash out on Friday before close.

>> No.26617898

Cashing out of literally everything else before friday, if this shit is going to be the catalyst for a market crash then it's what everyone should do as a precaution.
But saying that, if everyone actually does the above then it will definitely cause a market crash. So cash out from everything else except this by TOMORROW before the normies start doing it.

>> No.26617904

based honkler

>> No.26617909

Wow it's a real life paid shill

>> No.26617916
File: 54 KB, 954x954, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that every GME share is one piece of the key to the chastity belt that greedy hedge funds stuck themselves in.
Don't give those filthy cucks their keys.

>> No.26617945
File: 264 KB, 3840x2076, MiserlyGlitteringHamster-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is super bullish. Just bought another 5K.

>> No.26617947

/biz/ and /wsb/ own a company now

>> No.26617972

Based partyboi69

>> No.26617981

Fuck off, kike.

>> No.26617990


>> No.26618000


the Hedgies are burning millions each day this doesn't drop. Your money invested in GME is gone. But for every dollar you burn the HEdgies lose 1,000 we can take them down and end their predatory practices

>> No.26618013

the jew doesn't like it when you use their powers against them. this is why whatever they do, or what the chinks do, will always backfire in due time. for every action is an equal and opposite reaction. the time to take your money and livelihood back from our would-be captors.

>> No.26618020

I'm up 400%, calls money open 90 day, no stop, fuck you.

total contract cost was shy of 50k usd.

I already made it, I don't care, FUCK YOU.

>> No.26618039

>griefer's stooge.
>They'll leave you holding the bags!
You couldn't be more obvious

>> No.26618049


Yeah! LOL. Friendly advice. Great post! Wow!

>what is subtlety

>> No.26618053

This post has convinced me to buy

>> No.26618065

It used to be said that short selling a stock had a "theoretically" limitless downside. It's not theoretical anymore, cunt

>> No.26618092


>> No.26618103

>any amount i decide
Should we tell this nigger why he’s going to be poor, or just let it happen?

>> No.26618120

>Friendly advice to keep you from the poorhouse.
Also fucking newsflash
Your greed has put everyone in the poorhouse
Do you not realize you concocted an entire suicidal generation with absolutely nothing to lose
America will stand on your ashes before this generation is over

>> No.26618139
File: 59 KB, 588x427, 27145A08-3013-432E-A7FC-81FBF5036D9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neck yourself melvin

>> No.26618140
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It's not about making it.

>> No.26618156
File: 25 KB, 420x431, GME short ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way anywhere near all the shorts will be covered by Friday

>> No.26618171

I'm only in crypto but this is a strong buy signal, do I get this on RobinHood?

>> No.26618179

Would actually be funny if they halt it and that guy losses 22 million gains lol

>> No.26618202

Same. I'm feeling good. And I rarely invest ever

>> No.26618207

Make sure to spread that the market crash is because no ones working and they keep printing money

Normies need to learn to stop listening to mainstream news and wall street

>> No.26618246
File: 44 KB, 620x420, IMG_20210123_230450_186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put in for $100. We'll see what happens

>> No.26618250

buying my porche
fuck you (((melvin)))

>> No.26618254

why can't they just close their positions?
they would lose a lot of money, but they're losing a lot of money either way

>> No.26618295

>There is no mandated limit to how long a short position may be held.

What will actually happen Friday?
Why won't they just extend their short?
Seems like you're all looking for bagholders.

>> No.26618302

how can /biz/ be so utterly btfo by reddit, anyone that considers themselves a /biz/ oldfag should be legally required to wear a cock cage at all times.

>> No.26618307

>t. Nervous Melvin intern
The real redpill is that we won't make this work unless we hold the line till Friday
Cashing out is counter to that idea
Be smart, don't expect any real returns from this
It could go to $11 and I'm fine given my allocation, but if we win we win big
This is an outsized opportunity, a long bet on weaponized autism

>> No.26618310
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we are all in this together frens

>> No.26618315


>> No.26618326

Can someone dumb this down for me, I know what shorting is etc but I’m not getting the bigger picture other then institutional investors may lose a lot of money on it

>> No.26618347

Yep. Have your bank account and socials ready. Don't set a stop loss limit and put in your order now.

Don't invest anything you aren't ready to lose tho. This isn't about getting rich (tho you might) this is about Hedgies getting what they deserve

>> No.26618358


Why $1488? Not looking to argue, genuinely curious.

>> No.26618387

Melvin Megafag.

>> No.26618394

yeah, any brokerage

>> No.26618401
File: 178 KB, 1153x1080, 1611671548132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melvin you better have my $10K/Share ready by Friday morning. I'll raise it to $100K/Share if you make me wait until you have to close your positions at market close. Tick tock.

>> No.26618418

if you sell tomorrow you have no idea what's going on and will miss out on massive gains

>> No.26618419


>> No.26618425

>completely inorganic non-biz style post
lurk more bankster

>> No.26618434


>> No.26618444
File: 22 KB, 760x432, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will masturbate to the news of your inevitable suicide, kike.

>> No.26618450

The Hedgies bet 100 million dollars that GME will drop below $20, the stock market jews take that bet. In order to sustain that bet the Hedgies have to funnel money for every day the stock doesn't drop. Gamers find out immediately start propping up gamestop.

Now the Hedgies took out a 1.4 billion dollar loan to maintain the short and doubled down.

Now all we do is keep propping it up and the Hedgies need to declare bankruptcy. The wall street jews sue the Hedgies for all their worth. The Hedgie dies and all the boomers who invested in the Hedgie lose all their money.

The most you lose is what you put in

>> No.26618455

Your contract has no affect on the shorters, anon.

>> No.26618501

is it too late to get in?

>> No.26618510
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I'm doing it for the lulz. I bought $2000 of GME because of all the hilarious fish eye lens cat pics back in March. I'm riding it to zero. I don't give a fuck. Fuck Wall St.

Remember everyone of these fucks on TV whining, are the same Bain capital fucks who manipulate companies into the dirt, whore off the pensions of the hard working people, and then masturbate to each other saying Greed Is good Gecko one liners in between drugged up underage hookers.

They deserve worse than what they're getting here anons. Hold strong till Monday. This is going to be Biblical.

>> No.26618518


>> No.26618549
File: 109 KB, 1856x734, GME squeeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because their short positions are MASSIVE. Like unprecedented in history massive. Every stock they buy back creates upwards pressure on the price making the rest of their stock owed more expensive to buy back. This is going to blow past $1000. The only way it doesnt is if the SEC or Federal Reserve get involved.

>> No.26618566

based trips
based sell price

>> No.26618606

Its hitlers favorite number

>> No.26618638

Speaking of boomers, who is holding the big stacks of shorts? I’d like to warn my mommy in case her retirement is there.

>> No.26618647

We only beat the hedge funds if we make their shorts expire... that's how this works. You can't sell before the options expire.

>> No.26618674

They're not wrong. 130% of the shares are shorted. Shorts have to buy every single share on the market and then begin to illegally cycle shares and cement some losses among themselves to close their positions. They'll have to meet whatever price is set by the autists.

>> No.26618679

post nose

>> No.26618694
File: 6 KB, 250x138, 1611577326934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take profit now, you lose on the hedgies FORCED to buy at skyrocketing prices. We aren't going to the moon, this journey is interstellar.

>> No.26618710

Wow anon, thank you for caring so much about our money and financial wellbeing. It's almost like you have a hidden agenda, but I'm sure that you are 100% honest and you don't have an ulterior motive to make us sell the most important stock in history, right?

>> No.26618722

Should I throw a few gs into this? I want to get in and get massive gains, but mainly fuck the jews, but also how tf am I suppose to make the gains?

>> No.26618730

thank you bois.
what happens after the price surges more once the shorters buy back? everyone sells en masses for profit? but if you're not early enough you take a loss?

>> No.26618732

Lurk more newfag

>> No.26618734

Pls respond

>> No.26618768

I'm unironically sinking 30k into this shit tomorrow

>> No.26618792

confirmed shill

>> No.26618826

Fuck you. I really like the stock and believe in its fundamentals.

>> No.26618848

Pls respond

>> No.26618873

no. see >>26618549

>> No.26618886

Closing the position means returning the stock they borrowed. They have to buy the *actual* stocks and *actually* posses them in order to return the equivalent shares to the lender, otherwise they can't close.

>> No.26618901

Obviously. But tsla peeps didn’t sell. Basically ever

>> No.26618937

jews out!

>> No.26618946


>> No.26618960

thanks, makes sense
i'm retarded with options

>> No.26618980

They would rather just not fulfill their end of the contract, and just accept the class-action lawsuit.
They want to argue that the stock is technically worthless, so they can get away with just paying the interest fees.

What will happen is they will only be ordered to pay a portion of their money, they get blacklisted from the stock market, and the managers move on to other grifts (this isn’t the first time they did shady shit and got in trouble for it).

>> No.26618977

At this point you can still make some decent gains by buying in tomorrow. The important thing is that you hold through Friday.

>> No.26618985

No. They shorted 130% of shares. They have to buy shares to cover their positions by Friday. The higher the price, the more they have to sink into buying, and the price goes up until they've filled their short positions.

>> No.26618987

fuck me this place is flooded with newfags.

>> No.26619014
File: 55 KB, 416x416, mumble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem is I have no accounts with brokers and I dont have robinhood either. So by the time I would get money or my bank linked it will be too late.

>> No.26619022

you must be 21 years old or older to post on 4channel zoomie

>> No.26619032
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>> No.26619068

It was never about the money
Oy vey more

>> No.26619094

Taking profits is for Jews

We dont want to make money...we want other people to lose money.

Of course, a hooknose wouldnt get it

>> No.26619131

If they extend their short, they'll accrue interest. They'll keep paying interest until they can close their positions or they get liquidated. If they get liquidated the banks have to close on their behalf. Someone's still stuck needing to buy the actual shares so the shorts can get closed. It's a game of musical chairs and the people holding the shares are the ones controlling the music.

>> No.26619146

this might go on for another week or two anon. this kind of thing has never happened before. might as well set up your account and invest in something, whether its GM or not.

>> No.26619161
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>> No.26619167

I can see a lot of Reddit autists never selling. Game Stop gives 9.1% dividends, so there is a little incentive to not selling if you've got enough in.

>> No.26619174
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Shhhh.... It will all be over soon.

>> No.26619180

t. Melvin

>> No.26619210

I’m gonna ape in 10k tomorrow at open just for laughs, even if my stop loss doesn’t trigger (does that happen in stocks? Kek ) it will be worth it.

>> No.26619212

Fucking newfags man.

>> No.26619211
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>> No.26619244
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Thanks SHILL, i sure don't want 1k per stonk, better listen to your FUD

>> No.26619266

> autists
Key word. There is mathematically infinite difference between
>any price I want
>any price that any one of tens of thousands of shareholders wants

YOU independently do not get to decide the price, the stockholder who places the lowest value on the stock at any given time decides the price

>> No.26619293

what will i make with a 50 quid buy in? i would like to help out

>> No.26619297

Why wouldI sell now when its 3x what I bought it for? Fuck off with this reverse-FOMO shit I aint buying it.

>> No.26619329
File: 219 KB, 645x770, 1610008659212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racist incels use it as their kkk password to each other. It's like a secret handshake but with micropenises.

>> No.26619343

Its jesus' favorite number.

>> No.26619361

Robinhood will let you trade on margin for a few days as the transaction processes. You can start trading in less than an hour.

>> No.26619377
File: 23 KB, 920x670, png-transparent-trollface-internet-troll-rage-comic-internet-meme-frustrated-troll-face-comics-game-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make troll economics; get fucked by troll economics. By the end of the week you will no longer get to have brackets. (((We))) are the new coincidence.

>> No.26619400
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It was never about making it. The stock will skyrocket to...


>> No.26619430

It will when the calls are exercised

>> No.26619449 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 556x556, 1611174555383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch.

>> No.26619469
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>> No.26619485

Interesting. Might look into it.

>> No.26619495

So if I want 2k per share they must buy it?

>> No.26619523

I thought this shit was retarded, but tmrw morning I'm going to do my part to outkike the kike and buy on open. It's not about the gains or losses, idc what happens to the 2k I put in, but god damn if I won't have a good laugh if that hedgefund gets fucked

>> No.26619527

t. shorted hedgie

>> No.26619529

Hold fren, go big or go home

>> No.26619534

Hi Melvin. You'll be eating cat food soon you arrogant retards

>> No.26619556

Can you guys shut the fuck up and sit this one out
Acknowledge we are fighting the same evil right now
You want to stick it to capitalist pigs, well biz is actually doing it while you guys are buying BLMLGBTQ coffee mugs

>> No.26619557

Then why are people selling today for 200 if they can 5x friday?

>> No.26619558


>> No.26619565

Hi Andrew Left

>> No.26619580


>> No.26619598

Someone was saying that it takes 5 days for robinhood to approve your bank account or something, do you happen to know anything about that? I'm about to get home and buy a single stock (since that's all I can afford to lose)

>> No.26619602

yes because we made these idiots short more than the available float and then double fucking down. It is definitely not their own faults of what is about to happen.

>> No.26619629

shit i just transferred 500 to my broker account, I hope it posts by morning so I can pick up like 2 shares -- gonna put stop orders for 1200

>> No.26619631

if that's the general consensus of the market, then yes.
this is a combo of a big gamma squeeze and a VERY BIG short squeeze. unprecedented in history.

>> No.26619634

The same reason I sold at $26. I didn't believe and didn't understand the situation.

>> No.26619638

I have a $115 call expiring Friday. When should I sell the call for maximum profit? Do I wait until late Friday or will everything be locked up by then?

>> No.26619656

they're going to run out of contracts that they must fulfill eventually which will be filled by the lowest first
that's why they're using their contacts in robinhood and other brokerages to steal user's info on their stop loss prices and crashing the value of the stock down to those values with their market halts

>> No.26619661

really makes you think huh

>> No.26619677

That’s not completely true. There’s a point at which they just fold. Rough math at $1000 a share I think there liability is like $5bn which is close to their total AUM.

>> No.26619713

>unprecedented in history.
Volkswagen, 2008

>> No.26619757

why are people selling chainlink if they can sell it for $1000 in 2022?

>> No.26619785

I'm so fucking erect reading this. Could I set my shares at a sell price at 10k right now for market on Monday and see if anyone purchases them?

>> No.26619933

5 days to transfer more money. But robinhood gives you $1000 to trade immediately. You can out in your buy option in an hour or two and the sale will go thru tomorrow morning when markets open

>> No.26619940

i wish i would have bought back then
i didn't believe in it either

>> No.26620007
File: 158 KB, 2876x566, GME yolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selling is for pussies

>> No.26620068

reporting in biz bros' doing my part, brought alittle over 2 shares, my contribution to the cause! NEVER SELLING!!!!!

>> No.26620086
File: 79 KB, 716x528, gamma squeeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one anon said that the debt would be passed on to their parent company (citadel) and then onto an investment bank if citadel were to go bankrupt. see pic related here >>26618549

nowhere near as much short pressure

>> No.26620088

Yeah. I don't think so. I pre-ordered some games today and will hold. Love the stock!

>> No.26620101

It's not too late to start tomorrow, anon. There's still time.

>> No.26620103

YOU can independently decide the price if they have to buy EVERY SINGLE SHARE THAT EXISTS to close. You could buy one share, set a million dollar limit, and then say "look, either you pay me one million dollars for this single share, or you're stuck paying interest to your parent lender you get liquidated, and then they get stuck paying interest until they get liquidated, and so on."
They need ALL the shares to close UNLESS they are allowed to perform illegal stock cycling shenanigans to close, which would likely evaporate any remaining faith in the market with people knowing contracts can be skirted by cycling.

>> No.26620137

Like they give me $1000 at what point, when I link my bank account? Or when I try to do my first transfer? I signed up and got approved, but it's all empty right now.

>> No.26620136

imagine being him right now, and then causing a market collapse

>> No.26620145
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>> No.26620172

i started yesterday, got six game stops

>> No.26620181

I sold at 20ish too brother, could have made bank

>> No.26620192

Most people are going to take a loss. The first 10% of people will make gainz but the majority will eat the cost when it corrects back to 20$ a share.

The real value is in sending a message to the vampire short sellers who will have to go bankrupt

>> No.26620205

Some set an option to buy a bunch of stock at that price. Quick guess is short fag playing a long game to reduce losses.
Most short fags are double downing.

>> No.26620213

>Robinhood UK postponed indefinitely
bong bros which broker do you recommend?

>> No.26620242

Did he sell or is he going to the moon?

>> No.26620253

For whatever reason my bank will not link...

>> No.26620266

>My hatred of Jews overrides my desire to make money

>> No.26620267
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>> No.26620283


>> No.26620290

When you do your first transfer.
Or any transfer above $2500, you get $1000 if it immediately and the other $1500 when it posts through your bank.

>> No.26620314
File: 143 KB, 545x524, 1509828146137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only cash out once Melvin dies. No if's or buts. Money is temporary but turning fat cat into wagie hounded by SEC is eternal.

>> No.26620323

I took calc 2 i don't think derivatives work like this.

>> No.26620404

Must be after transfer, I transfered 2,000 in and immediately said here's 1,000 while you wait 5 business days. So they must take it back after the transfer clears

>> No.26620407

He invested on fundamentals. He straight up holding till April. He has 5millies in cash on that account so he won't go broke.

>> No.26620431

Look at this like begging lmfao

>> No.26620434

planning on buying when it's all over lole

>> No.26620435
File: 500 KB, 2048x1206, 78A4ECB4-5666-4800-8058-3C179412E1D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not going anywhere

>> No.26620462

I'm coming for your beach house and wife, Melvin!

>> No.26620475

I'm going to buy more every time someone makes a post like this.

>> No.26620503
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>> No.26620575

I wouldn't bother buying when it hits 20 again. Not unless you want it to sit for 20 years. Be a part of history and stick it to the Hedgies. Don't be a pussy

>> No.26620672

Fug, I wish I could get in on this, but I know fucking nothing about stocks

>> No.26620802

Anon, if Blackrock is still holding, a trillion dollar investment management company, just buy. You don't need to know.

>> No.26620878

Unless the squeeze has started it's not too late (a.k.a. when the shorters have to buy back the stock).

>> No.26620939

14 is the 14 words, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” 88 is the eighth letter of the alphabet twice, HH. It stands for Heil Hitler. Racists use it to say hi just the Nazis used the roman salute.

>> No.26620976

welcome to our board, rabbi

>> No.26621033

Isn't it too late? I was thinking about a Robinhood account, but I heard it takes a few days before you can actually buy stocks.

>> No.26621059

Just buy buy buy. I wouldn't drop anything more than 500 or 1,000 tho. Certainly don't mortgage your house. You are basically burning 1,000$ so Hedgies burn 1,000,000$

>> No.26621123

Post your nose you nigger wallstreet kike

>> No.26621172

I think people are setting sell limits to $1488 but aren't short sellers contractually obligated to buy all the stonks they promised regardless of price? someone might eventually have to?

>> No.26621189

i opened my account before the market opened today and had all of my money transferred in from my account before the market closed
i have all kinds of accounts open for crypto though, so my identity and banks are already verified plenty, kraken was just as easy

>> No.26621272

at this point worst case you lose a couple hundo before you paper hands and flee. best case you 5-10x. all in the name of supporting a company that defined many of us and sticking it to those who think us peasants shouldn't be invited to the poker table

>> No.26621289

Eat non kosher shit, get fucked and die, lampshade.

also fuck jannies and trannies selling shares at 1488 then im omw to fuck your dog in his asshole. woof woof kike

>> No.26621320

Try clicking "more banks" instead of from the bank listings. After that, you can add it manually.

>> No.26621334

The options contracts expired last week didn't they?

>> No.26621382

I'll look into it. Thanks guys.

>> No.26621393

Same here, I have an account but had to get it reactivated so instant deposits work, so Im fucked basically. Fuck it.

>> No.26621413
File: 484 KB, 560x970, gme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha, let's do another holocaust but with colluding to highway robbery instead of gas chambers this time! Gotta hurt the Jews huh?
Look at the valuations, people.
Even if you're an amoral piece of SHIT it's in your SELF-INTEREST to realize the obvious here: This is a short lived blip and it's gone, make no mistake.

>> No.26621459

I did, but as someone pointed out, you must wait a few days for them to deposit money and withdraw it. That is how you verify your account. So I literally cannot do anything until Feb 1st. LAME.

>> No.26621462

My deposit won't reach etoro before it moons will it?

>> No.26621512

Nah. I'll wait until Tuesday.

>> No.26621523

The week long seething is a nice consolation prize for those who didn't invest.

>> No.26621552

The debt is that of their shorts to whoever is on the other side. If they simply default on the short, break contract and never buy the outstanding shares than everyone is left holding the bag. I just don’t believe they will just pay over $1000 because
>that’s the rules
Do not count out the cunts worming a way out.

>> No.26621578

The shills are getting desperate.

>> No.26621598

depends on what you mean by "before it moons" since it has mooned a lot
but it should go up some more

>> No.26621603

This is a jewish psyop
They want to bring down the price by making people cash out, we need to keep this up as long as we can

>> No.26621660

Friday I'm guessing. I've never made a deposit before, I'm waiting for market open

>> No.26621722

Does anybody have a schedule of when these options expire? This Friday, but what about the next set of options?

>> No.26621777

>imagine selling your stinkies


>> No.26621799
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>> No.26621844

I'm fine losing money if hedgies get shafted!!
Holding until Monday!!

>> No.26621854

okay now this is keyed

>> No.26621872

trips of truth

>> No.26621956

>I'm fine losing money

If everyone hold until monday, everyone would make money. There is no way you will lose in this. Only the hedgefund

>> No.26621992
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>> No.26622040

i sold my link to buy gme so i can buy more link

>> No.26622057

Tripple truth!!
If market is so worried, deny hedgies shorting over 130%!!!

>> No.26622083
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, sipchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not holding past monday

we're gonna hit 4000

>> No.26622145

we unironically might

>> No.26622170

I mean if fuckery is a foot and it will be. Demoralisation propaganda, further manipulation etc.

>> No.26622185

nah, my limit is at 25% minimum. Not selling.

>> No.26622404

Should I set a price where I’ll sell it? Is there a way to ensure a profit but make sure hedge funds get fucked?

>> No.26622436

No worries frend. Did the same in august and now up over 1000%.

>> No.26622679

When the sell off begins it will blow right through your stop limit

>> No.26623155

huh, sorry to hear that. Keep an eye on the board, there's always plenty of opportunities if you do your due diligence.

>> No.26623210
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ya i dont care if its gone, i have nothing to live for anyways

>> No.26623657
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They are either going to temporarily shut down their services OR pull something out from the terms of services to cuck the redditors.

>> No.26623662
File: 282 KB, 918x1260, 9859A069-05FE-4C89-BDFD-CDFFE5C609BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Failure to Deliver” on short contracts is relatively common. Specific penalties are included in the contract to ensure the share lender still makes money in the event that the short seller is unable to return the borrowed shares at the agreed upon time.

These hedge funds aren’t going to buy GME at $1,000 a share, they’re going to begin paying (significantly cheaper) monetary penalties while they wait for the stock to crash.
As the in-the-money call options start to be exercised, millions of shares are going to be sold. Retail traders will see the price falling and race to lock in their gains.

There will be no margin call for Citron Research or Melvin Capital.
On the contrary, we’re days away from the greatest rugpull of all time.

>> No.26623763


>> No.26623786

No it won’t. That would be a $270bn market cap.

>> No.26624274


>> No.26624316

The total contracts are like $100m or some shit, the extension fees will literally be in the few million. It’s ludicrous to think Melvin will just shrug their shoulders and pay whatever le reddit demands. They are almost certainly taking a hit on this but I’d be shocked if all said and done it’s over $500m. The much bigger hit will be anyone who buys at over $60 and doesn’t sell.

>> No.26624411

...wow. I share the site with genuine retards

>> No.26624483


>> No.26624559


>> No.26624648

so when i wanna cash out at 1300% ill probably only cash out at like 950%?
the horror

>> No.26625095
File: 360 KB, 909x987, 76b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyim please stop! What do you want we'll give you anything!

>> No.26625289

I never had a home to begin with u dumb bitch.

I got nothing to lose.

>> No.26625330


>> No.26625404

Post nose with timestamp

>> No.26625686

Honestly, completely crashing the economy seems like a pretty good response for stealing an election. And what is best, Biden will get the blame.

>> No.26625913

>its gonna crash
>pls sell
based, checked and heiled

>> No.26626266

you deserve a (you) for this, guess I'm going 40k in tomorrow at open

worst case scenario I'm out a few years of life savings but I'll live either way

>> No.26626705

Fuck kikes

>> No.26626770


This is all under the assumptions of the Black-Scholes model. Assuming that the price of the stock follows a geometric Brownian motion

>> No.26626825

i remember looking at GME at $18 like a week ago and thinking it's too high already, then again at $36
makes me want to kill myself today

>> No.26626871
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GG you earned your Shekels!

>> No.26626885

>response for stealing an election
WSB aren't right wing. They're Occupy Wall Street leftists if anything.

>> No.26626923
File: 831 KB, 976x1141, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already set up a limit sell for $100,000

>> No.26626995

Please don’t mate, you might get lucky and be able to flip same day for profit but it’s already maxed out. The current share price means the value of settling its shorts is greater than all the assets Melvin has under mgmt. There only plays are:
>paying extension fees and waiting for weak hands
>chapter 11
There’s no scenario of
>hurr durr they will pay what I want
Anyone buying in now will not win.

>> No.26627020

Not yet. I hold. I bought at a good price, and yet I still haven't made enough to change my life if I sold now. So I'm holding. I doubt i'll lose everything, and GME still isn't 100% of my portfolio anyway so fuck it.

>> No.26627032

I'll cash out once it hits 1,000 on Thursday afternoon

>> No.26627050

>what is volkswagen
it happened like 10 years ago when VW became the most valuable company/asset in the world before crashing

>> No.26627126

I post on WSB and I literally work on Wall Street (well, did before the pandemic, now working from home)

>> No.26627399
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Thread theme:

>> No.26627468

So this is what fear smells like.
Why don't you understand that people are buying with the intention of loss?

>> No.26627628

I don’t care about cashing out. I’m buying gme so they go bankrupt. It’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message.

>> No.26627638

The story for anyone interested

>> No.26627746

I get the intention, but there a tonne of rubes getting swept up in your memes and euphoria. There’s cunts who can’t afford it and are going to go all in tomorrow and lose everything. We can fuck the kikes without becoming them.

>> No.26627847

lmao, eat shit
this is the only threat you retards understand
it's only when your money is threatened you start to sweat
real human beings understand life after money

>> No.26628095

post nose or penis

>> No.26628112

>real human beings
The fucking rich from a cunt who is encouraging people to lose their money. Anyone buying in tomorrow will not make some magical 10x, it isn’t happening and it’s morally wrong to tell people otherwise. The current market cap exceeds the entire AUM of Melvin.

>> No.26628230

>Its not about the money. Its about sending a message
Lets be real, you faggots dont even have shares

>> No.26628288

you equate money to being a human being
you're a disgusting roach
>Anyone buying in tomorrow will not make some magical 10x
No shit.
> it isn’t happening and it’s morally wrong to tell people otherwise
you're panicking
you STILL fail to realize most people are doing this to fuck you over, not for the gains

>> No.26628321

I always lose anyway, no point in selling. Maybe I’ll even buy some more.

>> No.26628547
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>> No.26628566

>No shit.
Yet you fucking have a go at me when I tell some bloke not to all in his savings tomorrow. You’re the fucking roach here cunt, you are so blinded to what you believe is some Don Quixote windmill charge that you will happily let a fellow anon lose everything. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.26628623
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>> No.26628830
File: 107 KB, 816x449, Screenshot_20210126-204813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's about sending a message

>> No.26628850

God you're filthy. Trying to be the "morally just" one here, when all you're doing is trying to save your own hide.
The original guy said it's just savings. he understands he's still a man without his money.
You filthy roaches are defines by your money. Without it you're valueless. You make me sick and I hope all of you and yours jump out wall street windows.

>> No.26628920

Go glow somwhere else, I have $0 dollars in it, and even I had to put on sunglasses to read this OP

>> No.26628943

>t. Melvin associate

>> No.26629019

so obvious...

>> No.26629038

incredibly, unbelievably based

>> No.26629144

If you scared sell just enough to cover your originall investment, or whatever amount less that youre ok with loosing. Ride the rest, it was never your momey anyways

>> No.26629262
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>> No.26629265

KEK, that's throwaway money in GME. I have 20x that in crypto

>> No.26629297
File: 99 KB, 700x700, 1573825859025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The current market cap exceeds the entire AUM of Melvin.
The banks or the Fed will have to pick up the slack.
pay denbts

>> No.26629339

Fucks sake cunt, I’m not saying sell. Hodl and let them burn. I’m simply warning people not to go in tomorrow expecting profit. There are multiple threads on here wear dozens of people think they can enter tomorrow and get rich. You seem to agree this won’t happen but don’t give a shit. I’m at least trying to warn people. If they want to then lose their money fine, but best case you are losing it to another anon or pleb-bit loser. Worst and most likely case you are losing it to a filthy kike who is sowing market manipulation.

>> No.26629347
File: 406 KB, 571x526, 0B6B7F39-9FBC-458F-A12D-3A655B8433BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cash it

>> No.26629374

Google 'Fail to deliver' literally nothing will happen to them when they don't pay you

>> No.26629375

For most of us, this is personal. Money is fake and I have magic internet coins anyway. Suck my ass.

>> No.26629454

You lost WWII, you lost the Civil War, and Trump is no longer president
Take your loser asses back to >>>/pol/

>> No.26629580

is it too late to buy now did i miss the money train

>> No.26630485

You missed it. If you buy in now you might make a little bit but the huge gains have already passed. At this point it's just for the memes

>> No.26630563

multi-fold gains are still very possible anon

>> No.26630694
File: 177 KB, 802x532, j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning Rabbi!

>> No.26630707
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hi moshe

>> No.26630730

Eh, I’m putting money in just to tell my kids how back in my day internet retards ruined a hedge fund
I don’t expect to have this money 1 week from now

>> No.26630772

>FUD: The Post

>> No.26630833
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>You are basically burning 1,000$ so Hedgies burn 1,000,000$

Worth it

>> No.26630954

Fuck off you trannie man-child

>> No.26630960
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>Gotta hurt the Jews huh?


>> No.26631025

I agree James.

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.26631960
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>> No.26632055

cry more kike you're gonna go broke

>> No.26632099
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Cashing out on Monday

>> No.26632342

Jesus christ, anon...

>> No.26632409
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Russia fag here, what do?

>> No.26632797

There probably won't be money to have on Monday.
Just sit on what you have. Write it off as a loss.
Your miniscule loss translates to massive losses for the shnoz.

>> No.26632835
File: 353 KB, 739x819, thegoodguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>historical events that have nothing to do with each other except occupy "good guy/bad guy" in the minds of programmed simpletons
You could argue WW2 indirectly caused Trump to get elected because a reality TV star becoming president and a symbol for sovereignty could only happen in the honkiest of honkworld which resulted from giving schlomo completely free reins for the past 80 years so you might have a point I guess

>> No.26632876


yuro here, go on etoro, they accept every nationality i think

>> No.26632969

Won't sell until the kosher rats have jumped off their glass towers nice try schlomo

>> No.26633338

unironically how do I jump in? Not necessarily to make money ( maybe just a bit) but to help fuck over these ( ( ( hedgies ) ) )

>> No.26633837

etoro is jewish

>> No.26634018

marketcap isnt relevant here. there are no fundamentals behind the price. its only what the shorters are made to pay to cover

>> No.26634059
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>> No.26634089

it literally took me 5 minutes to get some GME, some accounts allow for it faster