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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26597842 No.26597842 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26598188

what, it just dumped so hard

>> No.26598268
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>> No.26598298
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check again

>> No.26598382

yeah, check again hahaha

>> No.26598511

I just did, it still hasn't recovered to the 0.14 it was sat at before...

>> No.26598524


>> No.26598618

thats what i said

>> No.26599581

the indians are trying to feed their village with the P&Ds. My diamond hands will hold RUBIC eternally. No amount of gay fud or pumps and dumps will shake me out of this position.

>> No.26599678
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>> No.26599706
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kek, nothing is gonnna heppen on the 28th, you alll made newfags miss the bullrun

>> No.26599901

>btc dumping
>eth dumping
yes the bullrun is upon us retard.

>> No.26600593

set your shit to an hour and zoom out faggot

>> No.26600690
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>> No.26601228


>> No.26601307

Ahh I’m gonna mooooon

>> No.26601530


>> No.26601709

calm down brothers, someone allready dumped another 24 eth, give it time

>> No.26602110

why won't they let me dump my 1 eth

>> No.26602501

idfk, weak ass hands

>> No.26603037

it was just a little /biz/ joke :(

>> No.26603091

retards if you think about selling within this 6 month timeframe, you certainly won't make it

>> No.26603386
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>> No.26603462

Tfw regular investments crabbing.
Tfw sick rbc profits more than make up for it.

>> No.26603610

Still above 12 after a 80 ETH dump, you’re cringe

>> No.26603684

I guess the pump is over for today...

>> No.26603828

Not selling a single RBC for next 5 years, cope harder fudders, you had your time during the dip

>> No.26603952

gentlemen ive been swinging rbc the last days and i started at 30k and now have 26k. Thats a future loss of about 40,000 dollars. i learned my lesson, never agin

>> No.26604767

Just hold lad,youll make it with just 26k

>> No.26605196

whats the chance of rubic hitting $100

>> No.26605246


>> No.26605341

100 buckaroos is a bit too much (maybe in some giga hyper mega bullrun with all top DEXs listing at once).
10-20usd is not that far fetched

>> No.26605407

about tree fiddy

>> No.26605891

100 in 10 years is realistic if it does well with binance and further integrations

>> No.26606187

10K and will buy 0,5 eth more in 8 hours, will I make it boissss

>> No.26606750

ok ok ok, what about $50, is that realistic?

>> No.26606809

my guess is 42.67.4524329

>> No.26607088


>> No.26607135

10 years in crypto is same as 1000 years for human.
Too many variables that can bring unseeable consequences.

Yes, it can hit 100usd (we have had greater multipliers than that) but we have to have a fucking next-level luck then.

>> No.26607217

I have 50k RBC and another 50k on the side that I'm swinging. This is so easy lol buy at 9c, sell at 13c just over and over and over again... I might actually retire in a few weeks

>> No.26607240

who here also /rbc/ and /gme/
im seeing so much fucking green

>> No.26607300
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Whats a good price to buy rubic at /biz/

>> No.26607298

fuck fuck fuck I bought the top AGAIN

>> No.26607318

Hodl and buy the dip, simple as

>> No.26607360
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>Making .50 cents an hour from pooling RBC/ETH on Uniswap for the airdrop in the coming months.


>> No.26607926

Really? With those gas fees? How much are you swinging at a time to make it profitable?

>> No.26608301


>> No.26608305

>another 50k on the side that I'm swinging
>How much are you swinging at a time?
Having fun isn't hard with a library card

>> No.26608439

the current one

>> No.26608515
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>> No.26608633

qrd on airdrops?

>> No.26608639

I would be fine with 10 even 5

>> No.26608808


Host .5 BTC and the equivalent of that on Uniswap for RBC and you get 8% of your staked RBC back in an airdrop after you hold it there for a month. They have higher % returns if you hold it longer

>> No.26609008

I think it is eth not btc. Btc is a shit ton of money for them to ask people for

>> No.26609064

13 cents we’re back

>> No.26610007

Think I'm up to about $7000 USD. A $25 fee is annoying but no big deal when I'm up $500+ per trade

>> No.26610223

Is every trade a taxable event? That is what scares me

>> No.26610475

newfag here, how do i buy into this shitcoin?

>> No.26610575

>2m volume

>> No.26610579

im just holding because with my luck the floor will come in as soon as i try to swing.

>> No.26610599


It's ETH, you right, I mistyped

>> No.26610654

bought at 9c sold at 12c
will buy back in 10c ish

>> No.26610863

Yeah, it is. Come tax time I'll either have a massive capital loss or enough gains to hire some wagie tax accountant to figure it all out for me

>> No.26610906

Sorry. but is pooling the same as Stake ? and where do you even see that option ? sorry im still new.

>> No.26610910

Only 7k rubic =(

>> No.26611161

what are you a jew?

>> No.26611238

Fucking based

>> No.26611414

metamask, uniswap

>> No.26611505

swingies get the rope

moon is imminent and you'll be priced out

also, if u sell within 6 months ur a fucking retard and NAGMI

>> No.26612130

Pretty nice when you got in at 3 cents.
If you buy now you'll feel this way when we hit 30.

>> No.26612313


>> No.26612327

The needful is being done. The needful is within us.

>> No.26612713

Never selling my rubies

>> No.26612842


>> No.26612886

it's going down...

>> No.26613454
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hold strong my child. we will make it.

>> No.26613631

Gas fees are ridiculous. Not worth dumping 50-100 just for the fomo. Half of it is fees.

>> No.26613670
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oh, it went up again

>> No.26613863

if you only have 50-100 to fomo into something you have other worries than gas fees.

>> No.26613933

I wonder if pajeets et al will dump tonight? This is looking really strong, so perhaps they will not take the risk and perhaps even accumulate more.

>> No.26614026

no one knows what will happen. we are early.

>> No.26614039
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I'm going to sleep in like half an hour.
Not sure if I should swap my ETH now or wait till tomorrow.

>> No.26614060


>> No.26614903

hold until the 28th dumbasses

>> No.26615221

I meant swapping my ETH to buy obviously.
Why would anyone sell now.

>> No.26615363

oh in that case you might as well wait. I dont think rbc stays this high tomorrow morning.

>> No.26615440

I think it might dip down to 11.5 or 11 cents, but I think this close to the 28th we will see an uptrend until like 14 or 15 cents at least

>> No.26615482

how high can this shitcoin realistically go?

>> No.26615947

20 eoy is best case scenario

>> No.26616408


>> No.26616412

buy it now, you know what's coming

>> No.26616447

Uniswap Market Cap

Rubic Market Cap

>> No.26616511


you have no idea buckaroo

>> No.26616531

Like 20 or 30 bucks if it meets or beats uni's MC

>> No.26616603
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>> No.26616726


What >>26615947 says is true, but $1 in a month is a very realistic goal.

>> No.26616754

10-20usd eoy is possible

>> No.26617210

yeah but who gives a shit lmao

>> No.26618061

63 new ones

>> No.26618173

what are you supposed to do? Hand them 50 pages of trade information?

>> No.26618393

Where do you trade coins? I just paid coinbase a fee of over a thousand and I'm butthurt about it. TD won't touch cryptos either

>> No.26618816

Bitstamp or CoinMetro for fiat in
Fiat to ETH/BTC on the exchange
ETH/BTC to wallet

>> No.26618929

How important will the 2021 Q3 Polkadot integration be for Rubic?

>> No.26619096
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What does this mean?

>> No.26619388

much room to grow.

>> No.26619468

If RBC 100x, it would still be roughly a third of the size of Uniswap. Lots of room for this coin to grow, so a 10x is a reasonable proposition from here.

Not necessarily going to happen, but a possibility.

>> No.26620656

>Not necessarily going to happen
That's okay, I'd be satisfied with a 99x.

>> No.26620724

>Anonymous (ID: mIc/k0zQ) 01/26/21(Tue)22:48:04 No.26605196>>26605246 >>26605341 >>26605407 >>26608639

>> No.26620740

Huge is an understatement

>> No.26620801

Unironically please let this crash to $0.06 so I can pick up a fuckload more

>> No.26620873

What is Polkadot?

>> No.26620971


>> No.26621306
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Thank you anon.

>> No.26622236
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>ID: RaBbK


>> No.26622471


>> No.26622614

keep the energy flowing boys
we're going steady