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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26601348 No.26601348 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://web.getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Local Monero
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Gui/Cli (recommended)

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>Cold Storage

>> No.26601527

why isnt changelly on that Non KYC list?

>> No.26601529
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Is an [unknown amount] roughly equal to $30 enough to start off with, or should I dump more in all at once.

>> No.26601868
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wen bizpool?

>> No.26601877
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>> No.26602820
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>> No.26603353

They do random kyc (according to Reddit)
You Will be buying for years, any unknown amount is a valid start
Kek. Space probes communicate at even less, eventually it gets the job done

>> No.26603432

That sounds really comfy. We need an anon to organize it. I’d happily join.

>> No.26603677

Monero is the only crypto with a real use case. It’s an actual useful cryptoCURRENCY. DNMs are removing BTC and other currencies as payment options.

We should shill XMR on Libertarian parts of Reddit like /r/libertarian, /r/joerogan etc.

>> No.26604087

Checked, conspiracy guys will also enjoy

>> No.26604392

R/darknet is such a beautiful environment. So much shilling for Monero and most of the shills have no investment in Monero.
The problem with shilling to randoms on Reddit is because there are so many crypto scams that they will just assume monero is a pyramid scheme. And their logic isn’t really that flawed.
But the Linux crowd is really starting to get won over and soon the conspiracy anons and the anti government anons will come. It’s only a matter of time.

>> No.26604396
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>> No.26604544

Monero is also one of the few non-ghost blockchains. Most blockchains have zero activity, i.e. chainlink, cardano, ripple, tezos, pretty much every cryptocurrency is not used at all and has zero transactions. Monero on the other hand is being used as a medium of exchange.

>> No.26604585

do I get paid for running a Monero Node?
Is it safe or will the FBI be at my door?

>> No.26604807

Is there any degree of privacy if I buy BTC/ETH with my linked bank account, and then use that to buy XMR from an exchange like Binance, then send to my wallet? Or would those coins still be "dirty"?

>> No.26604865

Running a monero node is a no-brainer if you want the currency to be a success. It doesn't even take much CPU or RAM to run monerod in the background. If you want to get paid Monero you have to mine it, which is taxing on your CPU and you have to decide if it's worth rawdogging your processor for a few pennies

>> No.26604974

>do I get paid for running a Monero Node?
"RPC" is a thing, but not supported by wallets yet (afaik)

>Is it safe or will the FBI be at my door?
why would they? if you're scared route traffic trough tor or use a good vpn

>> No.26604985

Download and run the Monero GUI wallet and it will automatically run a node in the background. https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/

>> No.26606132

if you have a good cpu start mining to a pool, if we manage to get a bizpool running you can switch to it after you've cashed from your other pool. you don't need to download the blockchain to mine with a pool, just don't pick the two or three biggest ones (for decentralization purposes)

>> No.26606571

I would love to join too. I'm way to much of a brainlet to set that up. There are some major linux nerds on here who can for sure. I honestly think we would have enough hashrate for it to be worth it, and it would be so comfy.

>> No.26606852

It doesn't create a public node by default. All you have to do is open the correct ports after you run the node in the GUI wallet.

>> No.26606985

>millions of transactions daily
>no transactions
lol retard
monero has maybe 1/100 of xrp tx

>> No.26607246

all fake.

>> No.26607325

XRP transactions are all meaningless.

>> No.26607376

Faith is getting shaken lads, I buy goods on minecraft so have seen just how much monero has been adopted this year yet the price isn’t reflecting that at all.
Just doesn’t make any sense.

>> No.26607883

people say monero is injected with cp or some bs. Is it just fud?
Just upgraded AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT 16GB, should be decent. I'd be down for a /biz/ mining pool. Surprised there is not more talk of them on here for any of the other coins.

>> No.26607965

xmr is a pedotoken

>> No.26607981

No the fud is fud, but even bitcoin has cp injected in it's blockchain

>> No.26608005
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I can’t explain it either, but it’s not like I’m selling.

>> No.26608094
File: 7 KB, 556x108, monero_node_ports_windows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have to open any ports on Windows 10 with no firewall. The Monero daemon is currently active on ports 18080, 18081, and 18082 on my machine.

>> No.26608340

Mining with GPU is not worth it for RandomX, but you can try ETH with the GPU and XMR with the CPU only

The pool doesn't even have to be huge, it'll be better than solo mining but could potentially be lower than bigger pools. That said, it helps decentralization so it's still good. Let's keep the idea rolling for a while and we'll see if enough people want to join to warrant attempting it

XMR is not a traditional moonshot, but when it breaks out it'll be in massive strides

>> No.26608565

It will be a few years. The XMR price won't go up alot until we get a new color theme. The orange is ugly; it should be yellow-gold for better marketing.

>> No.26608601

Damn I'm a retard. I misread, is a AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12x 4.8GHz decent for mining Monero?

>> No.26608914

orange coin bad

>> No.26609257

Id love to see it but i think we don't have much hashing power here to justify it
Obviously that's a good cpu, just cool it Well and leave some threads for it if u need the pc for desktop work.

>> No.26609318

who cares. some pedo is lining his wallet selling little boys and girls with fiat currency too.

>> No.26610034

Is it possible to set a utilization cap for mining? I have a 3900X with a pretty beefy cooler, if I can pull the power draw down and the cooler barely has to work, I could have an all-day silent miner.

>> No.26610056

so when will we actually start seeing some real gains then?

>> No.26610585

it's great, you'll probably pull good numbers wihtout even needing to overclock. keep an eye on temps and like >>26609257 said, leave a few threads for other usage

>> No.26610691

you can get started in 5 minutes by downloading xmr-stak or xmrig and mining to a pool. you only need a full node to mine solo

>> No.26610694

Easily. What is your OS?

>> No.26610818

Don’t know, also don’t care.

I need to accumulate more

>> No.26611376

I would not be surprised to see XMR go to $50 and then $500.

>> No.26611628


I don't even understand the concepts of "pool" or "node", so I need to read more documentation.

>> No.26611918

I just went into XMR. I was about to tell you how much it was, but I will blend in and say: just bought [unknown amount]

>> No.26612512

A node is just an instance of the monero network running on your computer. A pool is a group of miners who point their machines to the same IP to increase their collective chances of finding a "block," which is a bunch of transactions that are verified and signed by the nodes in the blockchain.

Mining is using your computing power to solve math problems that the Monero system sends you; each Monero block can only be signed with Proof of Work, which is proof that some computer completed those math problems that the system sent it. PoW is what guards the network against attacks, because you would need a lot of computing power to counterfeit the PoW and create fake Monero transactions.