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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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248407 No.248407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT; We Help Moot monetize 4chan.

We discuss all the possible avenues and ideas on what Moot can do to make some shekels off this site.

>> No.248426

hi moot

>> No.248427

>selling janitor/mod positions
>selling customizable names (text color, size, font, icon, etc)

>> No.248435

>paying $$$ to get people temp banned

>OP is a fag
>"Anonymous was banned for this post. Reason: Shekels.

>> No.248436
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>not knowing how to monetize 4chan

git gud skrub

>> No.248442

Allow people to buy their way out of bans.
For a dollar a day on qualifying bans (CP, underage, spam, permabans, etc. are not eligible), you can pay to have it removed.

Something like that.

>> No.248449


> create an incentive for mods to ban fucktons of people.

Great idea m8

>> No.248451

>hold 4chan meetups
>harvest their organs
>sell on black market

>> No.248452

Have premium boards for paying members only.
Have a 4chan online store with shirts and shit.

>> No.248455

Trademark as memes generated by 4chan

>> No.248461

Pay moot to let you suck his cock

>> No.248459

>Have a 4chan online store with shirts and shit.
4chan market place...includes official 4chan merch, but also sells stuff that anons have created (requires 4chan gold account or something).

>> No.248460

>mfw when I see newfags wearing 4chan shirts in public

>> No.248464

>Have premium boards for paying members only.

lel. Plebs don't know about 4chan Gold Passes.

>> No.248472

buy reddit for 19k and 9gag for 2k

>> No.248475

or /z/

>> No.248504

Sell 4 chan shirts

>> No.248541


>> No.248553

Is the pass not profitable enough?

>> No.248565


moot already makes $300,000-$500,00 of this website already

>> No.248598

>monetize 4chan
he's some steps ahead of you, bro
he makes a million a year minimum just for selling all our data

>> No.248608

Introduce 4chan currency which can be gifted to any desired post.

>> No.248611


go to bed, moot

>> No.248616


(citation needed)

>> No.248777

moot please go

>> No.248780

Pay to get unbanned

>> No.248790

Put your trip and Admin tag back on Moot

>> No.248796

Whats moots current financail standing with the site?
I remember when we found out he was 20,000 in the red or some shit

>> No.248820

Premium boards for 4chan pass holders. /l/ brought back.

>> No.248829

1. Start his own webshops and meme-based sites non-stop. Use any unsold pageviews to push his own stuff.

2. Sell all our data to NSA (at least the stuff they don't have already)

>> No.248846
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Create a large database of reaction images. It should include only the most hilarious memes. A "memebase", as it were. Only allow users to use these images when posting.

A small subset of the images are available when starting, then an achievement-based system is used to unlock others. For instance, posting "The cake is a lie!" on three separate occasions will unlock a picture of a companion cube with an appropriate caption. Users who want to speed up this process will be able to directly purchase memes from Moot, and certain memes will only be made available through microstransactions. Additionally, those who decide to pay a monthly subscription will be allowed to use any meme in the database, save for a small number of "epic" memes, which cost significantly more to activate.

>> No.248898
File: 13 KB, 213x250, 4changold_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot should have done this:

1. Realize the popular memes
2. Sell these memes online through memorabilia on the newly created 4chan webstore. Top Gun hats, 4chan shirts, etc etc
3. Either homemake or use the chinese, /biz/ tells you how to use those chinese!

>> No.248926

>Go into /pol/itics
>Use private army of 4chan voters
>Become president of the USA

>> No.248933

Do what everyone else does. Get on Kickstarter, advertise it on 4chan, rake in trucks loads of money. Then never deliver a product.

>> No.248950

>>selling janitor/mod positions
They are already being sold.

I think they've been on sale for years now

>> No.248964

Nah, this is about money, not sucking moots dick.

>> No.248968


>> No.248972

- accept cryptocurrencies for 4chan pass.
- don't ban for retarded format reasons.

>> No.248973

Yeah, perhaps next we can talk him in to accepting monopoly money.

>> No.248989

He already does though, only bitcoins, maybe create MootCoin and make him accept it.

>> No.249090

>selling customizable avatars that display next to your name
>pay monthly fee to have a signature at the bottom of your post

>> No.249908

Like others have said, premium boards would add an incentive for people to buy passes

>> No.250150

Premium boards would kill 4chan culture. We would have a non-ironical elitism culture in no time. Same for signatures and stuff.

Stuff like tshirts and stuff with memes sounds amazing though. Why isn't moot doing this already?

>> No.251627

This is literally Reddit gold.

>> No.252342

i want a top kek cap and a tfw no gf hoodie. take my shekels moot!

>> No.252372

>SomethingAwful system
no thanks.

>> No.252373

All he seriously has to do is put a donations page up.

He refuses to do this, but a lot of people would be willing to give money to him.

If he just got $1 from everyone, he'd be able to end all his debt problems and have plenty of money for himself and to reinvest in the site

>> No.252378

>For a dollar a day on qualifying bans (CP, underage, spam, permabans, etc. are not eligible), you can pay to have it removed.
>Commit a felony
>Off the hook for $1

That's pretty funny

>> No.252382

>All he seriously has to do is put a donations page up.
>He refuses to do this

>> No.252452

because he's a fucking retard.
His position on it now is something along the lines of "I don't want to take people's money without them getting anything" despite him running his own donate or die campaigns back in the early days of this site.

>> No.252507

moot should just data mine his boards for useful information to sell to data brokers.

>> No.252545


>> No.252587

I wonder if Moot has seen this thread.

>> No.252644

Okay faggots. Let me tell you something. Moot doesn't need to make money. Just keep the traffic high. The money will follow. Any ideas that damage traffic should be thrown away. Realistically 4chan pass already monetized 4chan

>> No.252650

Everything that gets created on the chans gets butchered and filtered down to leddit and facesook inevitably so there's no point in not selling the fuck out.

>> No.252660

A good place to start would be googling Christopher Poole net worth. The internet might have your answer anon!!!!!!! XD

>> No.253150

>are not eligible

>> No.253162

this is so simple, just add a shop, like amazon affiliate for products discussed on pages. people buy through 4chan through amazon, moot profits every purchase

>> No.253199

What if Moot ran a store that capitalized on new memes and fucked other sites over through trademark rights. Since the occasional meme comes from 4chan, as soon as a new meme is recognized put it on a shirt. If any other sites start spouting the new meme without 4chan's approval fuck them over.

>> No.253421

Set up a captcha making it impossible to comment without wanting to kill someone.

At the top of the board have $20 4chan passes for sale which enable users to bypass captcha

>> No.253449

Seriously, I heard moot has trouble finding partners for advertising? Fucking really? I mean 4chan is a huge site, it has a massive volume, no way it would be hard to find some partners for some good banners, even if you argue 4chan had a questionable audience, it's fucking perfect for advertizing, the boards all have their own section of topics, so the efficiency could very easily be improved by adressing the respective boards with fitting ads, he should just sell the places for each board seperately, there shouldn't be a need to have this degenerate J-list bullshit fucking everywhere

>> No.253531

All ads everywhere are rigidly divided into two categories: porn and not porn. If a site has even a little porn, it falls completely under the NSFW category, and no SFW advertisers will be interested in advertising because sex is evil.

It follows from this that moot must remove all NSFW boards in order to make big ad bucks from this site. No big loss if you think about it, since you can get porn just about everywhere else on the internet. Not to mention that /b/ would finally be put out of its misery. Honestly, he should go for it.

>> No.253575


Moot removes NSFW boards. 4chan dies.

Moot=fucked no matter what he does.

>> No.253576

... remove the porn from 4chan biz is 1000x the cancer b could ever be.. im not here for your ideas im here for that .0000001% idea that pops up and is actually worthwhile

>> No.253580

Trace back IP addresses
Blackmail furries and pedos

>> No.253603

removing nsfw stuff is actually a pretty smart idea all horny people would fuck off to a proper porn website and the site is monetized like a normal website even moot doesnt like them cuz he's such a gay faggot

>> No.253676

Removing NSFW will get rid of most of 4chans fanbase.

>> No.253681

especially if you remove /b/. I don't go on that board myself, but i know that if it is taken down at least half of 4chan's users will stop coming here because their super secret anarchy hacker club is no more and they will go back to playing COD full-time

>> No.253691

Sure would cure 4chans cancer problem though wouldnt it?
Eh, prolly not. Hey, speaking of those underage faggots on /b/, is there any way we can cash out on them? I remember the brony fad and how that grew. Made some money off that. What about /b/tards?

>> No.253710

You're seriously mistaken if you think furries see themselves as tabooed

>> No.253714


He already makes plenty of shekels off of this shitshow.

We should talk about how he should use his shekels to sponsor entrepreneurs.

>> No.253723

>4chan merch
That's pretty much all I can think of that won't fuck up the site by turning it into a forum

>> No.254521

Sell farts

>> No.254661

ITT how to destroy 4chan
4chan merch doesn't seem like a bad idea, as long as its sold under a different name

>> No.255178
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Selling information to the FBI / blackmail

>> No.256524

boy you're stupid

>> No.256552

What are advertisers' take on linking to NSFW locations? If he kept the same format for 4chan but all NSFW boards were hosted elsewhere with a slightly different domain name but you'd still be able to reach the NSFW boards in the same manner as you do now, the hyperlink just points to a different site, then Moot could argue that no NSFW material is hosted on 4chan

>> No.256557

4chan premium account

able to sage posts for 1 $

able to get any users IP and data for 100$

also the premium account would have access to the /pre/ mium board

>> No.256598

>displaying your autism in public


>> No.256600


They already do this for free though.

He could probably make a lot more money if he sold mass 4chan passes to all these viral marketing and data mining companies that plague most of the boards

>> No.256641

What would a premium board even be about?

>> No.256647


>What would a premium board even be about?
>le epic maymays and lol so randum anonymoose iz legion secret club mudflips row row figght the powuh

Oh wait

>> No.256834

Create a F2P 4chan MMO game with in-game purchases.

Keep the unironic elitism and autism there and make big money off people who will feel like they're the best for owning the $99999999999 Yotsuba costume.

Quests will consist of battling shitty meme bosses with fellow players. The game will be constantly updated with the latest memes, thus adding more in-game purchases and more gameplay material.

Have the nerds on this site develop it for no cost other than giving them moderator status in the game.

Add in a 4chan Gold premium account that lets your character be nude, and access NSFW battles and NSFW communities. Will also give people special items and newer items sooner than non premium users, as lots of other games do.

>> No.256866

I say this every time I see one of these threads - I can't for the life of me believe there aren't more advertisers out there going for 4chan.

I think the real issue is moot doesn't want to make that much money off 4chan - just look at the site name - 4chan.org . . . I think he wants to run this place more like a non-profit

>> No.256871


As someone above said, if there's any porn at all, companies won't advertise.

As if it matters when the media opinion is that 4chan is a hacker terrorist pedophile, and now thanks to /pol/, antisemitic hate site

>> No.256901

that's old news, that was back in the days of the leegun hacker collective.

today 4chan is just a large imageboard

>> No.256942


Not to baby boomers and Gen X, and that's who are running most marketing campaigns for most companies

>> No.257263


the problem with you guys, and maybe this is moot's problem as well, is you guys are thinking too big

sure Amazon or Chase Bank are never going to advertise on 4chan no matter what happens.

But think of the millions of businesses all over the world and thousands of ad agencies that are hungry for eyes.

I bet there are tons of small companiess like J-list out there who would love a piece of 4chan's action and don't worry too much about the image issues

4chan just doesn't seem to be doing a good job of reaching out to the right potential advertisers - and I suspect the reason is that that the /biz/ side of things just isn't a priority for Moot

>> No.257443

omg moot's so cute in that pic

>> No.258690
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Chris won't put up a donations page out of pure pride, even though it's the best idea by far. Plenty of people really do love this site, and would like to help fund it. Perhaps he's afraid he'll lose sight of what he wanted in this place and become consumed by the money?

The next best idea I see here is the 4chan store idea. Even if it could possibly generate more cancer to the community, it's a surefire way to get cash from the Reddit/BAZINGA crowd. If Chris can't get a good way to make the merchandise initially, he can Kickstart the project.

He could also do what's listed here: >>256552. But even that would require splitting the community in a way that could have negative outcomes.

The last thing I can think of is a dedicated Youtube channel, which gives him a bigger audience to speak to on several things that don't even necessarily have to be about 4chan. If it gets popular, m00t can flex his E-peen and become a Youtube personality. He could even advertise his other, more shitty pet projects in hope of making it big. Then he won't have to worry about financing 4chan again at the cost of having to deal with the Youtube community.

>> No.258695

He'd have to change it so much that he might as well change the website domain.

>> No.258704

> MootCoin

Pretty much this. If he created a crypto, it would have an instant userbase of a few million. Such support.

Also all that leddit hate. No publicity is bad publicity.

>> No.258710
File: 24 KB, 460x276, Anonymous-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot should open a store selling 4chan products like e.g. the official Anonymous mask (pic related) or T-shirts with our favorite memes.

>> No.258713

That's just a Guy Fawkes mask, dude. The /b/tards ripped it off from that shitty movie V For Vendetta. If m00t sold it he'd be sued into oblivion.

>> No.259333

How the hell does Reddit get ads since they gave porn?

Is it 4chans rep or just that it doesn't hide it and you can see the nsfw boards on the front page,

>> No.259350

4chan pass is pretty much a donation page anyways

>> No.259380

selling things like bumper stickers and shirts isnt a bad idea i would but a bumpersticker for 4chan/lit/ and the b/tards would go nanners for dumb shit. also iv heard of ways you get a precent of profit when things are bought after mention on your site referencing /lit/ idk if you could ever monetize /b/ really sounds like a bad idea though those fucks dont buy things.. but also could do the whole wiki thing were people can donate money for moots sex change

>> No.259467

Sell reduced post timers

Commission cool projects, like a 4chan board game

Merchandise store, but not ultra-memey things, be a bit discreet
Stuff like:
Shirt/poster with a picture of South America, all countries one brown/black colour except for Argentina, which is coloured white, maybe include Falklands war in it with a graphic ship firing missiles at argentina from the falklands
Serbian nationalism items
posters of those big composite images like george costanza made up of anime girls etc
Top Gun, Top Lel, Top kek hats
DYEL bumper stickers etc etc,
those button/pin badge things
-anime moot body pillow
-vials of moot's scent
-Into the Trash it Goes Trash bin, with a sensor that says "into the trash" every time something is thrown in
-It's happening alarm button

>> No.259473

Sell the site to an entrepreneur

>> No.259500

Whenever a new board gets added he could auction off the right to choose its topic to the highest bidder.

If he sets up a crowdfunding system or something for them, I reckon you could find autists who'd pay $100k+ for one.

>> No.259510

Best idea in the thread

>> No.259524

Great idea yet

Let the 4chan community make merc and sell add a small surcharge for them to pocket. further you can require people who wish to profit from there ideas and merc to create an accounts called somthing like ...../fag just so they have can link a wallet that they profit through. almost like a scheme but people eat shit like that up and plenty of people who will never sell things will get a prem/fag account just for the chance. and then there are people on /lit and /ic and all others places who have great content from short gore poems to intense paintings, not to mention the /b/ bumperstickers, T shirts, mouse pads, underwear, condoms, mugs, birth control, and all types of other shit you can make with a 3d printer and some know how.

Moot sex change fund

>> No.259555

Sell reduced post timers
isnt this a feature of Gold?

>> No.259567

Pay money to be a tripfag

>> No.259872


Let anons come up with 4chan related shit to print in mugs/t shirts etc, sell the merchandize and give them a cut of the profits.

>> No.260996

What are the secret boards? (Pass only)

>> No.261009
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>Imagine how much money people would offer for /i/ and /hist/

also dubs

>> No.261087

There's only two ways to make websites profitable.

(1) Limit the amount of views/posts that a user can make before asking for money. There's plenty of replacements for 4chan. The site would die instantly. This isn't exactly the New York Times of content.

(2) Stream ads to eyeballs. The demographic of the site is used to ignoring ads, so there's a low CTR. The users are on the poor side and are generally aggressive.

Affiliate marketing is an idea. /g/ should get an electronic cigarette ad. I'd probably throw a few porn ads on /b/. Throw up some gold scams on /pol/. Who is really going to care about a sketchy ad when there's a pool of hateful diarrhoea beneath it.

>> No.261589


>> No.261831

no the movie had nothing to do with it, the 14 year olds on /b/ are all scholars of english history

>> No.261844

>The users are on the poor side and are generally aggressive.

There are many people who post on 4chan, don't you think that's a bit of a gross over-generalization. I think anonymity just brings out the aggressive in many people. Just look at the way people treat shopkeepers or customer service people,

you get to see the real sides of people, and often it's not very pretty

>> No.262244

The V for Vendetta movie is an adaptation,

>> No.262265

oh god, I would SO pay to get people temp banned

>> No.264211


>> No.264216

Make moderators payed jobs while janitors are voluntary

Make quality moderation everywhere while at the same time placing ads all over the site

I dont know how he can make more money off this site without fucking his userbase in any other way

>> No.264217

Oh and make the NSFW boards premium boards which can be purchased along with the pass, maybe make it expensive with 2-3 dollars more.

Besides, people use them to fap anyways, so show some recognition and buy a pass for quality fap!

Everyone profits!

>> No.265974

It's a bad adaptation of a decent comic, we know. Sadly, the /b/tards of 2005 didn't have the attention span for any form of literature.

Stop with this premium shit, it'll split the site way too much. Also,

>2011 + 3
>paying for porn

>> No.265978

Sell 4chan to the USA so they can keep all the perverts and pedos on one site where they have some control over ot. (if that isn't already the case and m00t is just a coverop)

>> No.265998

>4chan is funded
>physical items denote what sort of people you should actively avoid in public
it's a win!

>> No.266002

More add space + more flexible payment scheme for both it and 4chan pass.

Have adds in between threads like Futaba does.

Have lower impression counts (10k, 20k, 50k etc) for lower prices.

Bring in the 5 dollar adds.

>> No.266001


>> No.266099

If moot does not take donations:
Anonymously (important) find out, where the money moot pays for running the site goes to (server host for example) and pay these bills. That way maybe a bigger surplus from advertising remains for for free use. Not a donation but helpful.