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File: 167 KB, 720x573, 20210126_200305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26590997 No.26590997 [Reply] [Original]

Allowed: Everyone

Here's the game boys: If the price holds over $48 on friday, shorters get margin called and have to buy back $5.5 billion in shares to cover their position, causing the price to soar. That's why the SEC has to halt trading to try to get you to panic sell.

Make a brokerage account and buy buy buy, then HODL. Set your limit sell order at $1488 and lets GO!

For Americans: Robinhood.
For Europeans: Etoro.
For Canadians: Wealthsimple.
Others: Try etoro.

>> No.26591095


>> No.26591097



>> No.26591099
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>Announcing you are doubling down

>> No.26591112

Was wondering when I am able to sell these shares? Like when do the markets close/open when do they take breaks if any?

>> No.26591126

IS GME /ourstock/???

>> No.26591129


No. The higher GME goes the less Reddit retards dare to buy in because the memes and hopium lose potency. When GME is milked dry the ones that got in but didn't get in with enough will be riding high and looking to replicate it.

BB, NOK will moon. But just because of the above, not because of anything tangible. I'm already holding a modest amount of both.

>> No.26591131

If you are a leaf and sign up for wealthsimple now, you can have funds in by 9am friday. When do the shorts expire?

>> No.26591132

how would you invest in this from brazil anyway

>> No.26591147

I'm new and throwing extra cash at this and thinking of it like a game. Why are we setting the sell order at 1488? For the memes?

>> No.26591158

how many of you actually hodl'd yesterday? be honest

>> No.26591159

please crash the market so i can buy a bunch of real stocks for cheap, thank you frens

>> No.26591173
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>> No.26591176

Do you guys legitimately think this could crash the entire market? How will that be possible? This is just a couple hedge funds that are getting assblasted right?

>> No.26591183


>> No.26591193
File: 560 KB, 717x467, GME pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, and apparently most of Reddit did

>> No.26591195

So how will the hedgies respond? Make it so that they can hide their shorted stocks?

>> No.26591203

i don't think that's how markets work amigo

>> No.26591209

bull pennant on the 5m chart

>> No.26591214

/pol/fag here
i just wanted to say good luck and godspeed my autistic brothers.We might have been overrun with trash but i truly hope you succeed

>> No.26591218

This is a real stock, it’s true value is 1000 dollars a share thanks hedgie

>> No.26591222

Citadel is involved so anything can happen.

>> No.26591226

It's already gotten boomers whining about how this isn't fair, needs to be regulated and proves trading is only for nose tribe and not peasant workers online.

>> No.26591250

based image

>> No.26591251

Yes probably some shit like that. Anything to fuck over the plebs.

>> No.26591254

how do I set my sell order in etoro?
I wanna set it to sell automatically at 1k

>> No.26591259

I'm just doing it through my bank like a good goy

>> No.26591263
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This was their biggest L so far. Were they even thinking?

>> No.26591283
File: 5 KB, 469x553, abstract-merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, this is /pol/

while this is funny and all you are not burning down the system. don't delude yourselves

>> No.26591298

I was 1 second away from selling when it dipped to $61. Somehow managed to find the self control to hold.

>> No.26591308

Surely this isn't gonna end well
The underlying stock is pure trash, if you buy it, it might go up 5x but in the end it's gonna crash so fast you'll be left holding the bags
Maybe the smart play is to buy puts

>> No.26591309

Hedgies will go bankrupt and hedgies also hold other assets.

Which will get thrown on the market resulting into massive crashes. Not to mention that Gamestop going from 100 to 1000 back to 50 is going to cause every tradebot to freak out and trigger a lot of panic sells.

>> No.26591310

go back and kill yourself polcel

>> No.26591319

>BB, NOK will moon. But just because of the above, not because of anything tangible.
Both have way stronger fundamentals compared to GME. Same reason I hear AMC get tossed around. Their real estate holdings alone are worth it.

>> No.26591320

is etoro good...?

>> No.26591322

Citadel backs Melvin.
The Federal Reserve backs Citadel.
You can't win.

>> No.26591325

Posting in an historic thread.

>> No.26591335

God I want to fuck these teens so bad

>> No.26591336
File: 21 KB, 288x216, jookr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm about to yolo in another 1k to this retardedness


>> No.26591342

So we selling at 1000 or 1488??

>> No.26591344

Use the take profit function

>> No.26591364

i didn't hear about it until today. got in with 35 shares at 88.87 avg

>> No.26591375

Neither in this case. You want a sell limit like this anon said - >>26590658

>> No.26591380

go back to pol low iq inbred incel

>> No.26591381

The biggest JUST of century in creation.

>> No.26591388

same question, but in robinhood. Im here to shitpost, and i want to do it right.

>> No.26591396

there should be a price limit sell or some other combination of those words option

>> No.26591397

Hello, this is also /pol/

keep doing what you're doing, we are gassing the kikes this time for real guys!

>> No.26591414

Sweet same, great gains to you this mooning

>> No.26591422
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>> No.26591435

They are really trying to keep it below 115 huh?

>> No.26591451

Don't forget big hedge funds buying out little hedge funds which could have a cascading effect

>> No.26591462
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>> No.26591468
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My top 5 Roth holdings by position size

>> No.26591470

It can crash the market, but it doesn't have to. We'll possibly see a crash if the firms have to liquidate to cover their positions and then get a bailout. Nothing bad should happen if the government *doesn't* bail them out and leaves them to rot, though. Then it's just existing money changing hands instead of the printers going brrr.

>> No.26591471

With all force.
They are currently burning tens of millions on short attacks just to keep GME below 115

>> No.26591474

I bought in at $88 this morning, is it worth it to buy more or will I regret it?

>> No.26591477
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>economic terrorism
>economic terrorism
>economic terrorism
>economic terrorism
>economic terrorism
>economic terrorism
>economic terrorism

>> No.26591478

are any of the jews on our side yet? won't everyone see that we are winning easily and that they have no chance?

>> No.26591482

we don't want you here.

>> No.26591497


>> No.26591499
File: 2 KB, 461x583, 1611535542816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time visiting this website and I have to say I am very disheartened to see this kind of glib attitude being taken by most of the members here.

It seems that many of you think this is an appropriate way to vent some frustration. Maybe you’re a little upset about lockdowns or maybe you lost a job. Let me tell you from experience, this type of acting out never ends well.

Think about this rationally. Why would you want to crash the entire system just because you lost a job? You’re getting support from the government and mortgage relief. Once the vaccine is widely available, we can go back to some level of normalcy (with restrictions) and there will be whole new industries available to those that are currently unemployed.

This is how creative destruction in a capitalist system is supposed to work. Trying to trigger a system shock to the economy will not cause creative destruction, it will only destroy.

Please pause and think about the consequences of your actions before playing this game. I’m telling you, this is being discussed at the highest levels of govt right now and a lot of eyes are on this. Proceed with caution.

>> No.26591523

Fuck off

>> No.26591524

I did and bought 3 times, at open (retard), at peak (retard) and at bottom (like id planned)

>> No.26591531

Where can us retards see this?

>> No.26591565

CNBC shitting their pants rn

>> No.26591569
File: 11 KB, 219x230, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought €5k.

Where should I set my stop-loss?

>> No.26591578



>> No.26591609
File: 35 KB, 300x255, 1565619434760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to everyone

As long as short interests stays above 100%(it's at 139% as of today and we'll get an update at market close), the price will keep going higher and higher as short holders keep getting closer and closer to getting margin called by their big bank buddies or continue paying interest fees and/or doubling down on their short positions.

The real risk is if somehow GME goes so fucking high that not even the banks have a enough money to cover their clients' margin calls and we hit a 2008 style market crash.

>> No.26591614

You had your moment of fame back 2016, you failed us this election. It's our time to shine now

>> No.26591618
File: 49 KB, 200x229, image001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to gamble, go to the casinos. This is not what the markets are for,” Loop Capital analyst Anthony Chukumba warned retail investors playing GameStop

>> No.26591639
File: 122 KB, 310x298, 1606261838924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are a bunch of autists really about to cause a domino effect that crashes the entire US economy by fucking over hedge funds and short squeezing fucking Gamestop?

>> No.26591642

What time do stocks open and close for trading? American time. Or is it just constant. I’m a complete fucking noob. Trying to figure out when to get in on the dip

>> No.26591652

I bought at open and held through the day. Spent most of the day down, and very nearly sold when it dipped hard, but was forced to put my phone down and get back to work right before going through with it. I'm thankful for it, and I've nearly tripled my position now. I'm ready to make some cash or go down with the ship.

>> No.26591664

is 130 EOD realistic?

>> No.26591666

fucking kek saved

>> No.26591679

It won't. It will only affect a few players and retarded retail investors who didn't get out in time.

>> No.26591682

yes (and that's a good thing)

>> No.26591686
File: 86 KB, 343x640, the best troll of all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a repost yet it still radiates more kike energy than a synagogue

>> No.26591690

Do I limit sell and set the date for Friday or Monday? What happens if it doesn't go as high as I want? Can I cancel the limit?

>> No.26591692

Open the stock, hit sell, then it will ask you how much. On the top hit shares which then opens the different options. Hit limit sell or whatever, choose a price and share amounts then confirm.

>> No.26591695

so basically go all in on GME now?

>> No.26591696

that would be glorious

>> No.26591698

1000, 1488 is just meme, google it.

>> No.26591705
File: 79 KB, 380x349, Bilde_2021-01-26_201501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the 2023 target? what are the dividends?

>> No.26591709

1000 USD

>> No.26591714

Dont worry faggots im not staying

>> No.26591715



>> No.26591718

Yes. This is history in the making. We meme'd Trump into becoming the president, anything can happen.

>> No.26591721

if we hit a 2008 style crash you can literally unload all of your money into traditional boomer stocks and ETFs and double it in no time

>> No.26591728

Kek its an honor fucking kikes with you all

>> No.26591729

9-4 est

>> No.26591741


>> No.26591742

crashing the economy? how does the flippening from USD to BTC sound?

>> No.26591746
File: 38 KB, 496x584, 1572876516675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not in the market for watermelon, I'm in the market for squeezing dumbass hedgies who shorted a stock 140% lmao

>> No.26591764

so a win/win situation?

>> No.26591771
File: 87 KB, 183x309, Nooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guyss... seriously its only worth $20 why won't you STOAAAAPPPPP?!!

>> No.26591772

It's afraid.

>> No.26591775


>> No.26591786

CEO of Gamestop is Cohen

>> No.26591789
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>> No.26591803

turbo brainlet here. can someone explain this to me with pictures?

>> No.26591805

i want to open a naked long just before close, it has gapped up every day in premarket, talk me out of this

>> No.26591806
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> Tfw no capital to join in and don't get paid til tomorrow evening.

You're fighting the good fight, brothers. Fuck kikes and fuck hedgies.

>> No.26591812
File: 165 KB, 551x382, 1611688352546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooh, one more time I'm back with a new rhyme
>Hey, here we go again. Ha, turn it up my friend
No, we don't stop. Ha, we rock the spot
>No, we don't quit. Get ready ya'll this is it

>> No.26591821


>make sixtuble digit profit with gamestop
>market crashes
>put those profits into boomer stocks which will double and triple back in short time

>> No.26591824

It only has to close above 115.

>> No.26591833

Alright bizos, I just threw 100€ in, it was my first order. I've been a long time lutker though. This shit is just too funny. Reddit and 4chan united for the first time against the trade jew.

>> No.26591835

will it dip below 110 today?

>> No.26591838

where are you buying ? ETORO for eurofags ? ?

>> No.26591841

>That 120 cocktease

>> No.26591846

You will learn about the futility of your actions soon enough.

>> No.26591847
File: 106 KB, 444x640, c52532cb23f7ab3d9eefbef5841da04d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedgies being absolutely bro by an app called Robinhood. Top fucking kek

>> No.26591854
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>> No.26591856

That's my bet. It'll be illegal to publicly report short positions soon enough, then privileged insiders can get away with naked shorting, which is supposed to be illegal.

>> No.26591860

fucking based

>> No.26591862

retard low IQ investing noober here. Quick Question, what are the chances that the hedge funds just put out a series of new shorts for 60 days (or however long shorts last) hoping that eventually it crashes before then when it loses the temporary hype

>> No.26591864
File: 477 KB, 613x647, 1611187877837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a bunch of autists on a mongolian basket weaving forum cause the biggest crash since 08

>> No.26591865
File: 29 KB, 741x568, download (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i have an account in ameritrade? do i have to make a new one in robinhood?

>> No.26591869

should i put my sell limit at 500 or 1k?

>> No.26591870

So, realistically I could make bank by shorting gamestop stock right? Sell high, but low and all that. Obviously the stock will crash to nothing soon.

>> No.26591873
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>> No.26591880
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>> No.26591883

Set the price for 1k and walk away you fucking idiot

>> No.26591891

limit at $1k

>> No.26591898

We aren't trading GME because they have a fun store or business plan.

>> No.26591900

I’m a complete fuckin noob at this, I have 2k to spend, should I buy now? Could it dip again before Friday? I’m rattled right now, how much potential is there for this to backfire? Need some help frens

>> No.26591899


>> No.26591908

new to investing in gerenal. got on RH and I made a buy, sell, then another buy and sell and got the PDT notification. It looks like you can get your status reset once every 3 months?

i guess i should just dump everything in and then just hold until friday/monday huh

>> No.26591909

Remember in 2014, when every MSM outlet was saying that gamers were death, and horrible pieces of shit? This is our opportunity to get back at them.

>> No.26591911

Bruh this is spectacular

>> No.26591912

Wish I'd bought the dip yesterday, bought some at the peak. hoping for another decent dip to yolo the rest of my cash into this fiesta.

>> No.26591914

That would be true if not for the fact that hedgies are probably going to finally learn their lesson and start unwinding their shorts. Most likely they've already begun over the last week or two. They are watching this bloodbath and laughing nervously as they try to limit their exposure to the same risk.

>> No.26591917

holy fuck I see it lmaoooooooooo

>> No.26591921

>tfw a bunch of internet retards have managed to take the entire stock market hostage
I love you guys

>> No.26591924

They will have to close other positions just to cover the shorts
It can definitely happen but in this case banks can cover for them

>> No.26591930

Call it "speculation" not "pump" you retard. Ones quasi-legal, the other is good to go.

>> No.26591934
File: 38 KB, 720x1358, Screenshot_20210126-131704~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this for maximum keks. I hope the MSM gets wind of this and pushes it as anti-Semitic.

>> No.26591937
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck
no ones getting that 2000 stimulus now
they can't trust us with money

>> No.26591938

1488, fuck the kikes

>> No.26591941


>> No.26591945

My broker has let me buy GME on margin, and I'm on a cash account. Watch out so you don't get kike'd ninja margin called.

>> No.26591947


>> No.26591949

Yeah its a possibility, new ceo is a g with great record and their cap has been less than their revenue cus of their debt but this could pull them out of debt
Theyre also restructuring their business model to a subsciption service
So basically if ceo can pull off turn around this stock could be a pump dump then buy dip hold sort of sweetness

>> No.26591951
File: 73 KB, 796x919, Screenshot_20210126-141748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't win
We already did. Now we're just waiting for the payoff.

>> No.26591961

I don't know what any of this shit means but I want to fuck over a bunch of kikes. How do I start?

>> No.26591962

If you short when it's $1000 on Friday, yes.

>> No.26591966

Bros do I dump my clf for GME I’m so late to the game

>> No.26591975

How do I make my stocks automatically sell when it hits a certain amount of Robinhood? Also what times of the day should I be paying attention to?

>> No.26591984
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>> No.26591987


>> No.26591989

There is no need to do anything once you bought. You can hodl forever, just keep an eye on it.

>> No.26591993
File: 65 KB, 300x390, thumb_download-post-happy-merchant-meme-color-png-image-with-52865845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592011

Fuck off retard

>> No.26592014

how do i trade US stocks as an australian?
i wanna see hedge funds get btfo so bad

>> No.26592026


>> No.26592030

I'm serious when I say this: kill yourself. You're not wanted here loser

>> No.26592031

Limit sell

>> No.26592041

After the market crashes because of dumb kikes they will be forced to.

>> No.26592043

The greeks will be awful and there's no telling when this ride ends. Go ahead and try if you want though.

>> No.26592046

The amount of money getting poured into this is fucking unreal.

>> No.26592048

People aren't buying BB or NOK because of it's short interest either.

>> No.26592055

At the top right where it says shares, there's a drop down for limit order.

>> No.26592065

Is $1,488,000 the patrician limit sell? Robinhood wouldn't accept the order with another 0.

>> No.26592068
File: 415 KB, 1424x908, us_economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US economy is so weak at this point that I have no doubt memes will be able to bring it down

>> No.26592079
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What I don't understand is how quickly we need to sell on Monday if GME stays above 115 on Friday, does anyone have any suggestions? Like once they start trying to cover the options how long can it realistically rise on Monday?
Or should you just set a sell order for price at market open Monday?

>> No.26592083
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>> No.26592090


>> No.26592089

if I buy more shares on robinhood but my money won't be technically transferred until a certain date I can still sell those shares correct?

>> No.26592100


>> No.26592114

I would just desu.

>> No.26592117

Buy GME calls, don't set a sell limit because they'll dump the price to liquidate you

>> No.26592121
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>> No.26592124

Demoralize my fat Nigerian balls before I make like buzz lightyear and go beyond

>> No.26592125

>2008 style market crash.
sounds based

>> No.26592133

How long does it take to set up Etoro and buy some shit with my debit card?

>> No.26592134
File: 17 KB, 175x175, HylicsCoffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592141

Bought in at 115$ idgaf. I just want to see hedgies get fucked.

>> No.26592145

Set the expiration date to GTC. Means the sell limit order will stand until your price is met. You can cancel it at any time

>> No.26592148

Years from now when they do a documentary about this, expect to see the exploding van and hackers on steroids shit again.

>> No.26592155
File: 492 KB, 1908x854, First National Bank of Game Stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought this was just a meme

>> No.26592160

This -> >>26591682

>> No.26592174

Holy FUCC these dumps are being eaten up

>> No.26592186

watch this video if you want to see what those kikes are trying to do to us yesterday and today


>> No.26592224

so what is actually wrong with communities coming together to identify overshorted positions?

>> No.26592232

What are some good boomer stocks and ETFs?

>> No.26592234


Sounds like they flagged you for day trading. Dont sell in under 24 hours and just hold GME until EOD friday

>> No.26592236

You cant day trade, you can do it rarely, but you have to time it better. Normally you have to hold on to a stock for a day before selling.

>> No.26592237
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>> No.26592238


>> No.26592241

>robinhood crashing

>> No.26592244

>waited for it to dip before I bought
>it's 123$ now

>> No.26592245

I am a noobie here. If I want to buy now what do I set the limit price to buy? Since the price is always changing how is it possible to set a price or am I just a brainlet. Like I see the price at 100, I set the buy price to 100 and it changes to 101 or 99 it will sit there and not buy till it hits 100 again?

>> No.26592248

160 by to tomorrow I hope

>> No.26592249

115 was the trigger.
People now are sure that shorties are fucked no matter what happens.

There is no going down now - Only going up.

>> No.26592254

Yes as long as your transfer goes through

>> No.26592255

buying at £90 kek fuck hedgies i wont sell for anything short of £800

>> No.26592259

nothing wallstreet is just pissed its not one of (((them)))

>> No.26592269

fuck dudes, is it too late to jump in?

>> No.26592271
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>> No.26592276

It's extremely antisemitic

>> No.26592277

Kikes have been fucking over small investors since the dawn of the market. We just turned the tables on them.

>> No.26592284

Whoa, cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.26592288

holy shit

>> No.26592292

Have you looked into this?
Melvin have shorts without limits on it going below 60
Melvin are worth about 13bn eoy 2020 and have lost >25% since this started
For every cent gme is up, melvin loses millions and millions of dollars
Newfags dyor ffs
And also wtf happened to lurk moar retards

>> No.26592293

Yes anon. Sell at whatever price you want, but the train might leave you behind. Untold carnage will occur past $115

>> No.26592295

They tried a dump to 114 but the dips just get instantly bought up.

>> No.26592304

Please, don't give me hope. I already got disappointed with chink flu and chink dam.

>> No.26592317

And thus the snake consumes its own tail.

>> No.26592320

Dont listen to this faggot. Dont buy calls in this case especially if you dont know what youre doing just buy normal stocks.

>> No.26592322

They have to pay interest on every single day they hold a short position. Meanwhile those of us who own the underlying stock can sit on it for eternity with zero cost. Who do you think wins in the end?

>> No.26592325

Unload it in ARKK VONG VOO VTI

>> No.26592329

I bought in yesterday because I missed the hype train. Glad I did

>> No.26592331

okay based ty anon

>> No.26592341

no, it's now or never, this thing is only going up

>> No.26592340

it hasnt even started yet, the short squeeze is coming soon

>> No.26592348
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>> No.26592361

you should be going in to bankrupt the short sellers, not to make money.
Don't buy in if you are going to panic sell before friday like a poorfag.
Hold, maybe you make money, maybe you don't. Don't bet what you can't lose.

>> No.26592362
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This is a reference point, but who knows how it will go with crazy kike halting.

>> No.26592363

oy vey! what kind of antisemitic conspiracy theory are you trying to push?

>> No.26592368

I have 5kusd in a shitcoin; 2.5kusd in chainlink; I have 0 fiat right now; how do I get a loan with crypto as collateral to buy this shit?

>> No.26592369

Monday is going to probably be the day it takes the fuck off. You'll probably want to sell Monday-Tuesday, and then buy in again after since Gamestop is going to kill amazon for games retail.

>> No.26592373

You need to know your place. You haven't been chosen to make money this way.

>> No.26592390
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which fund is doing the shorting (sharting more like loooooooool)

>> No.26592399

>The wall is now 125
Absolutely fucking insane

>> No.26592401
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>talked a friend who just inherited some money into buying that dip
I did my part

>> No.26592407
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>> No.26592409
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>deposit needs to get confirmed by my brokerage app

>> No.26592410

When would a dip likely happen? Need to get in on this

>> No.26592414

Protip: don't set your sell to something obvious that a lot of people will be selling at. This makes the price easier to manipulate and gives MMs an attack vector to exploit.

>> No.26592417

i see now. it was just a warning i've only made 2 actual day trades so i'll just wait for the next reasonable dip and then dump everything in. i bought in at like $88 ish this morning but now we're dancing way above $100. i can't sit here and watch this all day what would be a decent buy-in you think? hope for another $100 dip?

>> No.26592418

Melvin Capital

>> No.26592420

Lol that sounds like winning to me
>gme in the green
>sell during the madness post friday close
>buy crypto before fed crashes

>> No.26592430
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can't believe gamestop of all places will cause the next economic crash

>> No.26592442

Can I just wait for the market to open on Friday or Monday and instantly sell them manually or should I set a automatic sell amount?

>> No.26592447
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>> No.26592448

set a limit sell at $1000+
$1488 seems to be the common meme around here

>> No.26592463

lmao no

>> No.26592462

125 USD is also a 100 EUR wall for Euros

This one may take a bit.

>> No.26592469

PDT - pattern day trade rule
Unless you have at least $25,000 in your account, you can only make 3 intraday round-trip trades (buy and sell the same thing on the same day) per week.
If you break that rule your account gets automatically suspended for 90 days or so.

>> No.26592471

I think celsius does chainlink loans

>> No.26592474
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someone pls respond

>> No.26592475

bumping my own question because this thread is too fast; I'm thinking I might just miss out on this one, but I'm mad my brother who doesn't have crypto has such a big play key

>> No.26592477
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Explain for brainlet, for whom is the the stock value going so high bad and why?

>big thank

>> No.26592481

you dont you retard

>> No.26592483

That sell wall at 150

>> No.26592491

Better hurry anon! If you miss out now, you will NEVER make money again !

>> No.26592498


>> No.26592501

Jewish hands typed this post

>> No.26592511

REMEMBER: It's unlikely anyone on here is selling. This is a **short ladder.** It only looks like the stock is selling off, In reality, it's not. **Hedge funds sell back and forth with one another at lower and lower bids in rapid succession, tricking algorithms into thinking there is a mass sell off when there actually isn't.** (*They do this to scare off retail investors to engineer a sell off*).

Once the attack is over, the stock will normally go back up due to its demand. Then they will rinse and repeat thier attack, each time, hoping to chip away more and more retail investors. Most people in here know this, so if retail investors are selling, it's unlikely that it's anyone here.

**They are blatantly manipulating the market. FK them, don't fall for their corrupt, illegal little tricks**

>> No.26592516

>mfw wall street nignogs think means analysis and reading charts means markets aren't gambling
poker players do maths as well
this shit is all gambling, don't let anyone tell you different

>> No.26592518

the 500 idiot is me lmao

>> No.26592541

place a limit sell order for $1000 a share

>> No.26592543


>> No.26592539

Volkswagen also wasn't overshorted 132%. This is also before meme magic. There's no limit to how high this can go.

>> No.26592551

prob tomorrow morning

>> No.26592555

Shouldn't people wait for Thursday and do mass buying then? So there's as little time for jew magic to take place to drop it?

>> No.26592563

>meme Trump and market skyrockets
>Trump gets meme'd out, then market plummets

Fuck the boomers and fuck their 401K's. Burn it all down and let them cope with having Sleepy Joe at the helm.

>> No.26592597

>more people buying
>stock price goes up

>> No.26592604


>> No.26592607
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Surely we'll see a dip to buy in at 90?

>> No.26592610


>> No.26592617

Oh I won't panic sell, it's just that I have 4.5k to work with and I'm wondering if I could spread it out instead over today, tomorrow, and Thurs to ultimately have more stocks if there's gonna be dips

fucks over hedgie more

>> No.26592620

Is there going to be another dip or should I just buy in?

>> No.26592624

is there any other option?
they're israeli y'know

>> No.26592626

bought today at market opening, up 10k its just so hilarious

>> No.26592627

Can somebody explain how this is raping the jews? I want to fuck them over but I dont see how this is doing it

>> No.26592629

These MMs are so predictable... Price crash, trade halt, it's not gonna work

>> No.26592628

the less shares they have available to buy the more desperate they are each day

>> No.26592631

Dubs of truth

>> No.26592648

Just yolo'd into a $200 call 2/5. I'm fine losing $2,000, but if you madlads are right about $1k, it should be worth $80,000 next week.

>> No.26592655

Shortseller kikes shorted more stock than exists.
They fucked themselves.

>> No.26592668
File: 267 KB, 796x1002, Screenshot_20210126-142704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is actually selling, they're manipulating the market to try to create a panic sell off.


>> No.26592669

Alright I’ll buy in purely out of disdain for the long nose tribe. Can someone please explain in layman’s terms what the fuck is happening though?

>> No.26592673

The actual GME fundamentals are solid. You can look up the DD threads but basically the current CEO is a genius with a strong record. GME is planning on launching build your own gaming pc stations (basically like build a bear). This will allow normies to play pc games that can't into computer. There is a lot of other stuff too.

>> No.26592674

Hedge fund suits

>> No.26592682

I’m wondering the same thing. Can the squeeze be triggered before then or is Friday the day?

>> No.26592686

BB and NOK are long plays and in the short term they might benefit from Reddit pumps.

GME is entirely different and only a short term play, but one that has astronomical higher potential than BB and NOK

>> No.26592693

I wish more newfags understood this

>> No.26592702

bought the dip at 115

>> No.26592710


>> No.26592717

you guys think there's gonna be an end of day dip today?

>> No.26592721

Pretty sure Friday is the day, but having it over the next few days will pressure them much harder.

>> No.26592728

>dipped to 114
>instantly back to 121
hedgies on suicide watch

>> No.26592738


>> No.26592739

If history repeats itself, Friday is gonna be a huge day.

>> No.26592754

It could dip a bit, but it's best to just secure a bag at all costs at the moment. You don't want to miss out a 5x or 10x because you waited for a 10USD dip that never got deep enough to step in

>> No.26592759
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>> No.26592762

fuck i wish i had enough to spend 2000 on a gamble. good luck anon.

>> No.26592764

There will be dips just like the one jsut now

>> No.26592767

instantly threw 10k on that dip

>> No.26592777
File: 79 KB, 716x528, gamma squeeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more shares shorted than ae actually circulating for this stock.

>> No.26592778

>minimum investment ammount on etoro is $200
ahahaha no, I don't have $200 to spend

>> No.26592783

they have shorts and are getting fucked

>> No.26592785

>hedge funds borrow a bunch of stocks and sell them at market price
>promise to buy back stocks and return them later
>counting on the stock price to be lower in the future, so they make money
>they short more stocks than actually exist
>autists horde what remains, driving the price up
>at a certain point hedge funds will have to buy them back at whatever the market rate is to cover their shorts
>hedge funds seething because they're about to lose literally billions of dollars

>> No.26592798

Bought some at 97. Want more but 120 seems too high to buy at. Holding out for a dip but not much hope.

>> No.26592802

um anti semitic much?

>> No.26592806

Im buying if it hits 90 again otherwise this is too crazy

>> No.26592808


>> No.26592810

Squeeze will only be triggered when shorts are forced to cover their positions. Could be Friday could next Friday but so long as we keep the pressure up, they are forced to pay interest ontop of avoiding a margin call.

>> No.26592813

>Here's the game boys: If the price holds over $48 on friday

Quotes that aged badly.

>> No.26592825
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I either sell at $1k or these stocks are passed down the generations

>> No.26592827


How high can this get? Can it REALLY get to 1000$? Or it is more likely to stop at 500-700 range?

>> No.26592833

you literally just missed it bro

>> No.26592839

Added on the dip. 116

>> No.26592838
File: 185 KB, 1241x1680, B1C4940E-7D17-45A9-A8FD-125033120BA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen? Like legit, is there a way out of them without paying all of you guys off?

>> No.26592840

They actually stocked up on more shorts. Expiration date near June.

>> No.26592843

This guy has lost billions

point at him and LAUGH

>> No.26592844

>banking on a dip
The % of shares shorted cat is out of the bag. There are autists sitting around and waiting for dips to $110.

>> No.26592851

>BB and NOK are long plays and in the short term they might benefit from Reddit pumps.
>GME is entirely different and only a short term play, but one that has astronomical higher potential than BB and NOK
Based, that was my take as well

>> No.26592857



>> No.26592860

What you describe sounds like what should actually be illegal. How could buying and holding be manipulation and that isn't?

>> No.26592876

melvin over-shorted GME by 100% because he was so sure it would crash, then bragged about doubling down once the internet realized what he had done and began to counterplay him by buying up GME stock. once the hedgie shorts expire, they're contractually forced to buy back the stocks they shorted at market-price, which is being massively inflated

>> No.26592877

Just like the mini squeeze happened this past Monday, squeezes will happen on Mondays. no one knows when the big squeeze will be exactly. It could be any day in theory, because the Cascade effect can be triggered unexpectedly. However it will most likely be on a Monday morning. could be next Monday, could be the Monday after that, could be in 3 weeks. Nobody really knows. Has never been a short squeeze of this magnitude with 140% short interest and hedge funds repeatedly doubling down on their bad decisions in history.

>> No.26592881

Interesting didn't know this was a thing (I'm retarded.)

Anyway I'm not going to sell this shit. It's worth what I paid for it just to come along for the ride and say I was a part of it.

>> No.26592882

They bet millions of dollars that gamestock will be worth pennis, its worth dozens soon to be hundreds. Because they bet on friday they have to buy back thousands of shares at whatever price it is at that point. On top of that they shorted more stocks than physically exist. Demand is ten times the supply right now

>> No.26592886

So if these jews file bankruptcy to get out of paying, who the hell is gonna buy the stocks that I would be buying today?

>> No.26592887

Reckon we'll get another big dip like yesterday or is this it now?

>> No.26592889

Buy I’m then I’ll tell you.

>> No.26592895

>Stocks are overshorted
>buy and hold drives up the price
>Jews have to pay premiums to hold the shorts
>no fucking way they will sell at billions of loss they will drive this to the end, they'll shake off retail
>we fucking hold, never fucking selling
>Jews liquidate other assets to not get short squeezed
>Jews get liquidated. Picture your shit trade where you lost all your money

We'll take the entire market down. No survivors

>> No.26592898

Not selling until $1488

>> No.26592900
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Mike's got caught with their dick in the cookie jar. They have more short positions than there are available shares of gamestop stock. Everyone is buying and holding GME because they will HAVE to buy GME back to close their positions, and they'll be doing it at a massive loss.

>> No.26592924


>> No.26592925

No one knows. Only thing we can base this on is predictive math and past actions.

>VW 2013 went up to 1k
>Shorties have to buy more stock than is even available meaning every single one of us sthat isn't dumb enough to sell soon will sell theirs at ridiculous prices

>> No.26592934
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here you go

>> No.26592945

Robinhood makes money by selling information to major funds. If you have a stop loss set they WILL find out about it and they WILL do their best to execute it. Do not feed them information.

>> No.26592946
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i hate jews so much it's unreal

>> No.26592951

I'm not referring to GME, I'm referring to the other stocks. On GME they're desperate to win in the end at all costs.

>> No.26592953

every ten minutes

>> No.26592957

Waiting on Elon Musk to tweet about this. It would be incredibly based if he was waiting until Friday to do it.

>> No.26592958

Stocklet here

How do I make guaranteed money off this

>> No.26592959


>> No.26592970

>ot even the banks have a enough money to cover their clients' margin calls and we hit a 2008 style market crash.

Holy shit, i am going to fomo all in. What a time to live in

>> No.26592971

fuck em

>> No.26592975

remember on friday when $80 seemed too high to buy at because it was trading at $41 all morning and early afternoon?

>> No.26592991

Realistically, as high as people are willing to hold.
Statistically? Infinite losses for the hedgies.
The entire market would crash at that point, and GME stock would be the most valuable thing in existence.
The fucking irony.

>> No.26593001

Even if I end up losing some money on this, I learned a lot by being a part of this meme

>> No.26593005

Didn’t some other company buy up all shares but 1 % of VW, and that’s what fucked the shorters over and caused the massive spike?

>> No.26593018


>> No.26593025


>> No.26593027

I converted some dogecoin into GME this morning and set a limit order at 1000 where is 1488 from

>> No.26593031

buy low sell high

>> No.26593048

>building generational wealth
oy vey shut it down

>> No.26593064

i bought in at 137 last friday, going to the moon brother

>> No.26593082

so this is the famous hall of costs that the kikes keep screeching about...

>> No.26593083
File: 7 KB, 223x226, 1611346935748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy $RR

>> No.26593099

The entire market would crash because ONE business died?

>> No.26593144

Hahaha, this is really funny, very cute. Good job guys! So, think you boys could sell before market closes today? I mean, you've made some pretty good gains so far I imagine, would be a shame if the stock tanked before tomorrow's open...

>> No.26593167

That's how jews did it. They're mad it's not them

>> No.26593182


>> No.26593184

There is no dip. All sells are manufactured trying to create a real sell off. That's why the price rockets back up. They can't stop our upward momentum even with their short ladder attacks, and freezing the market every time it climbs.

>> No.26593193

Yes you have to make a separate Robinhood account

>> No.26593200

man, and I thought I was hot shit being up 18% on $KAVL today. I'm selling some of my OTC stock and buying into the gamestop meme

>> No.26593214

the more underwater they are day by day the more they have to pay to maintain their short position

>> No.26593224

Should I have Februrary 5th calls or January 29th calls?

>> No.26593231

got it, the greedy, sneaky big guys trying to make money is getting fucked by a bunch of retards forcing them to make an unfavorable deal

Sounds fun, thanks. Hope they get fucked.

>> No.26593239

1488 is a white nationalist thing.

Fourteen Words, 14, or 14/88, is a reference to the 14-word slogan "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children",[1] followed by the less commonly used "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth." The 8s represent the eighth letter of the alphabet (H), and "HH" stands for "Heil Hitler".[2] The slogans were originally coined by American white supremacist David Lane,[3] a founding member of terrorist organization The Order,[4] and serve as a rallying cry for militant white nationalists across the globe.[5]

>> No.26593242

Am I too late to get in or is this gonna be high enough to be worth the trouble?

>> No.26593249

>i shorted the stock

>> No.26593250

what if i bought more when it tanked again

>> No.26593252

>ONE business died?
The way shortselling works, if one of them fail it causes a domino effect where they will all fail.
One after another it will all come crashing down for the hedgies.

>> No.26593265

Never selling. 1 million dollars per share is the lowest I’ll go.

>> No.26593269
File: 101 KB, 795x828, 1579589559625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here here

>> No.26593276

I got February 26 calls, just to be safe

>> No.26593283

Fuck bros I’m in sold all my CLF

>> No.26593297

I put my life savings into $GME this morning and am already up $122,000 today. I made more money in 1 day than I did in the last 5 years. I'm literally shaking nonstop and can't contain my excitement. I want to run outside and scream and quit my job. Do I keep holding or just cash out now? Is it true this could reach $1000 by Friday once they cover their shorts? This is so life changing. I think this will go down as the biggest transfer of wealth in history. We are redistributing all the hedge fund money among us regular folk. FUCK YEAH. Soooo pumped and so excited. Keep buying guys and remember to HODL. Remember to also request that your broker not lend out your shares. We need to bankrupt all hedge fund managers.

>> No.26593323
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>> No.26593332

Hedgie you are going to have to negotiate with each share holder personally, I want a weekend at the Hilton and we can talk this all over

>> No.26593347

You have until Friday to get in. Don’t put in anything you’re not prepared to lose. If we pull this off it’ll be biblical.

>> No.26593372

You're going to be sweating bullets on the next short attack. But if you stay strong you'll definitely come out of this as multimillionaire.

>> No.26593387

This post was taken from r/wsb btw.
Just in case anyone here thinks that reddit isn't aware of this too.
Don't fucking sell.

>> No.26593392

>Quit your job
No. Unless you come out of this with enough money to invest on safe investments that can earn you a good yearly salary without having to lift a finger, do not quit your job.

>> No.26593400

This fucking guy is going to be dead by the end of the week

>> No.26593402

Imagine cashing out 122,000USD because your weak hands couldn't even imagine a future where your bank account had enough zeros to make your head spin.

You are aware that a dozen or so Reddit retards already secured millions of dollars and still have 10+ mil in GME, right?

>> No.26593420

I'd say take some of it out so you aren't completely fucked if the shortsellers win.

>> No.26593424

now it makes sense. thank you.

>> No.26593433

I regret not buying it weeks ago when was only $20

>> No.26593441

>why gamestop is going to $20
it is $120

>> No.26593445

Ok so first you need to understand what short selling is. Say I’m the short seller and you own a share of GameStop.
If I think that GameStop’s stock is going to go down, as a short seller I could bet on the stock going down. I’d be able to borrow your share of stock, sell it at the current price, and promise to give you back the share no matter what price it is, by some date in the future. The idea is that I’ll buy the share back when its price is less, and then pocket the difference. Say your share is worth $100. I borrow it and sell for $100, and buy back when the stock is less, say $80. That means I’ve made a $20 profit and you’re no worse off. I can’t hold your stock forever though, and when it’s due I’m legally obligated to pay you back. Suppose your stock didn’t go down, but instead went up, to $120. I’d be obligated to buy a $120 share, losing $20 ($100-$120). For the sake of this example let’s say tomorrow. So we’ve established a few things:
1) I can borrow your share of stock
2) I can sell that share for its current market value
3) I’m legally obligated to pay you back at an agreed upon time (in our example, tomorrow, in GameStop’s case, Friday)
This sort of thing happens all the time, thousands of times a day. What Reddit and 4chan noticed is that GameStop was being heavily shorted by some hedge funds, and to fuck with those billionaires, they’ve decided to pump the stock. Those hedge funds are legally required to buy whatever shares are available on Friday, at whatever price has been listed. If they have to cover 100,000 shares that they’ve attempted to short, and all that’s available are shares at $1,488, they have to buy those, which will cost them 1,488 x 100,000 = $148,800,000.

>> No.26593458

so dont do what

>> No.26593469

All these hedge funds are incestuous. Why do you think Citadel bailed Melvin out? They HAD to.

>> No.26593481

>a video game reviewer sleeping around gets trump elected
>autists cause the next 2008 crash because of a video game store

/v/ is truly the king of all

>> No.26593478

Don't panic when they short it to 88 again, there was a huge dip before the spike last time as well.
As long as we know the hedgies have not folded yet, the squeeze has yet to happen.

>> No.26593480

I regret not inventing BTC. We're here and can only move forward.

>> No.26593496

You will never cash out. GME and its derivatives will be halted indefinitely.

>> No.26593502

they're clearly cops in the middle photo
midwit acab art

>> No.26593510

Please remind yourself you are in a state of euphoria that is extremely intoxicating akin to hard drugs, any decision you make now will be weight on you for years to come for good or for worse. Nobody can give you an honest answer right now, but this is your chance to fuck the Jews and I know you are good goy, so you know what to do.

>> No.26593545

What happened with the first one?

>> No.26593563

i'm sure plenty of niggas are profit taking but seems their is enough people picking them up right away too.

>> No.26593590
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>> No.26593623

Hindsight is 20/20 always, but it's probably not too late since everyone is still holding and waiting for it to go to $1000. Everyone who holds sets the price since short sellers HAVE to buy from them no matter what.

>> No.26593625

how are people seeing these graphs with sell walls

>> No.26593628

We're touching the daily high. Could break it before EOD

>> No.26593647

Is this the Low Orbit Zion Cannon?

>> No.26593652

I only have 12 shares. Should I just ape in completely?

>> No.26593665

This is fucking insane

>> No.26593674


>> No.26593687

That money is going back to actual people again, don't see how that crashes anything other than the market.

>> No.26593691

Sell now, take your gains, and take a safer position to hedge your bets (perhaps just use the profit you’ve taken).

>> No.26593712
File: 67 KB, 479x270, 1611326529653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a time

>> No.26593727

I bought only seven, could easily afford that much again, should I do it? will there be a dip tomorrow or is it going to the moon now?

>> No.26593740

Brainlet here.

I'm trying to set a stop-loss order in RH but when I set it to the funny meme number it says that because it's above the market price it'll probably sell immediately. I don't get why that is.

>> No.26593746

its about to pass $130, you should have bought

>> No.26593753

I have 9 and I might actually do 8 more.

>> No.26593757

1k it is then kek

>> No.26593771
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Big sell wall

>> No.26593773
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>> No.26593800

Guys I'm looking to buy some. How do trading times work? Can I buy outside of trading hours and it just holds the order until it open again? Also if I sell using Trading212, does it sell instantly? I'm a britbong, should I use another trading app?

>> No.26593821

where can I see these please

>> No.26593829

Should I wait for the next short selloff to get in? I wanna assure maximum jew fuckination with my limited amount of expendable cash

>> No.26593845

Fuck it. Let’s get this bag

>> No.26593876

Yeah this is really important, your shares cannot be used to short if you have an active sale order. Put this in the Op.

>> No.26593879

dont do a stop loss its already been explained a ton of times why

>> No.26593936

>t. Countrywide Mortgage, 2005

>> No.26593939

Why the FUCK won't Robinhood let me link my bank account

>> No.26593961

ok this is next level based

>> No.26593973

this. the more shares that can't be shorted, the faster and higher the prices goes.

>> No.26594004


>> No.26594024

I feel like this is overblown. All the institutions have to do is take out more shorts or buy puts or anything else at these levels.

>> No.26594056


>> No.26594063

options contracts are assigned overnight, probably have alot of people closing their contracts in the next few days, will pump this shit even further. As for assignment day, not sure how/when those buys happen but expect alot of rekt bears on Monday

>> No.26594097

Don't set a stop-loss. RH sells the info and Melvin will run (trigger) stops if they can, to suppress the price.

>> No.26594099

This thing has literally stretched to the breaking point look at this guy holy shit
HODL brothers

>> No.26594111

Why only $2,000 why not $5,000?

>> No.26594124

Thanks for doing the needful kind sir
Very well done

>> No.26594129

>130 new floor

>> No.26594137

We probably won’t crash the market but we can shithouse these hedge funds and crush a couple billionaires.

>> No.26594181
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yes that way when they do cover they have to pay market price and then limit sell price. shits going to go parabolic.

>> No.26594239

>oh no, instead of making a hundred million dollars this year I only made 50 million AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.26594324
File: 322 KB, 1170x2532, A9EE49D4-6F97-46AA-B231-13F3510057D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tip brother, set my sell limit to 2000 with 29 shares

>> No.26594345

This morning I thought if we can close above $100 it would be amazing. Then above the $115 strike price. Now we're above $135 and rising. I wonder if shorts are going to try to time a huge attack at EOD to demoralize retail.

>> No.26594356

Exactly. Just buy them back at $1500, hedgie.

>> No.26594368

Can you explain why closing a contract makes a stock price rise? Doesn't closing a contract simply remove a synthetic stock?

>> No.26594382

this has already cost them billions, and will cost even more

>> No.26594391

Holy genius

>> No.26594425

They can’t demoralise us we really believe in this company

>> No.26594449
File: 1.74 MB, 3024x2391, wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it expected to dip back down again before market close? Im considering selling now since I bought at 100, letting it dip down again tonight and buying at the 70-80 range for a lot more

>> No.26594489

not if the there are limit sells. the more limit sells theess supply there is to short.

>> No.26594499

For sure they will. I'm considering bailing and restocking tomorrow.

>> No.26594511

No. If you're gonna sell to attempt to buy in again do it tomorrow after opening. There's usually a peak in the first hour or so.

>> No.26594566

Can’t fucking believe I just bought GameStop at $130

>> No.26594613

Problem is the stock could easily gain back any lost ground between the close and tomorrow's open. I'm going to pick up some more shares if it dumps but holding my current ones through whatever comes.

>> No.26594619

Lol no worries. I felt the same way buying in at 80.