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26588294 No.26588294 [Reply] [Original]

are there any coins directly associated with Chainlink besides LINK itself? i'd like to go all in on LINK, but if there are any projects /besides/ LINK that operate directly within the ecosystem i'd like to buy into those as well

>> No.26588354


>> No.26588372

good thing i own $mcd

>> No.26588450


>> No.26588597


>> No.26588630

is GRT actually associated with LINK? I'm holding PRQ for obvious reasons

>> No.26588831

yes they are

>> No.26589103

thanks anon. looked into the connection a bit further, ill dyor a bit more but that's helpful

>> No.26589394

Etherisc (DIP) is a decentralised insurance protocol which utilises Chainlink. It appears in this article twice.

>> No.26589656

thank you

>> No.26590428

>is GRT actually associated with LINK?
no it's the flavour of the month don't fal for it
>t. been 3 years on this board

>> No.26590761

it's 3 eth per token and made by a former chainlink member

>> No.26590886

The Graph, Chainlink just posted a video a week ago about the interview, watch it and make up your mind


>> No.26591030

the chainlink team itself are collaborating with them

stupid pajeet

>> No.26591138

grt prq file

>> No.26591179


>> No.26591210

GRT, AAVE, SNX, BNT, AMPL to name a few. All Chainlink related coins.

>> No.26591413


>> No.26591418

Paid Network.


>> No.26591475

Link holders are absolutely delusional.

Link is the perfect normie coin. It's got a cool logo, it's $20/coin, and "muh oracles" is just technically sophisticated enough for normies to understand but too sophisticated for normies to dive deep enough to realize Link just isn't needed.

If smart contracts actually start being used in the real world (no, making ERC-20 scamcoins doesn't count) then some will require Oracles. But an Oracle is just a JSON parser with some voting mechanisms baked in. It's not something you need BILLIONS of dollars and YEARS to develop. It's not something you need "partnerships" for. You sit down, write the code, and you're done. Chainlink isn't in the Oracle business. They're a branding machine. Their sole objective is pumping the price of their asset, Link. An asset, by the way, they own 60% of. Yes, 60%.

When the time comes Oracles will be written on the native platform (probably Ethereum) and they'll use the native token (Ether). No one is going to need Link, no one is going to buy Link. Nobody will care. This project, along with all the other fad-projects will fade into obscurity. I won't speculate on price, this entire market is an irrational frenzy. Perhaps there is still room to grow, more money to be made. Just know you stand on 0 fundamentals and in the end fundamentals will prevail.

>> No.26591488

Tegan is my kind of slampig.

>> No.26591597

I know transmute uses Chainlink's VRF tech. Whatever that means lol.

>> No.26591979
File: 6 KB, 211x250, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats some nice smelling tech nowadays?

>> No.26592913

>They're a branding machine
so is coca cola

>> No.26592927

My nuts operates in your mom's ecosystem. Checkem

>> No.26592976

dmg so you can lose fucking everything

>> No.26593346

this except that I've been here for longer

>> No.26593442

They are not. Also that coin has paid shills, massive red flag

>> No.26593646

DMG and Kleros are the two big ones I can think of.

>> No.26594307


i picked this up because it seemed related to link

YF LINK https://yflink.io/#/