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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 200x200, ark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2657085 No.2657085 [Reply] [Original]

Vote biz_classic as your ark delegate. We got into the top 51 and were knocked out by a measly 10k after two forges. We still need more votes to maintain a sizeable lead!

>> No.2657101
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Faggot mods deleted the thread but you can't snark the Ark.

Vote biz_classic for some sweet free interest on your Ark holdings.

We need about 10k more to start forging & 100k more to secure our position in the top 51 delegates.

Let's do this, The finish line is in sight!

>> No.2657121


>> No.2657125

if you are still in the old biz delegate, get out. The owner was a moron who fucked up the payout

New owners are public figures and competent

>> No.2657206

...or vote for chris, seatrips, wes or whoever is in the top 10 and avoid this nonsense

>> No.2657212

still at #52, how much ark are we away from 51???

>> No.2657221

which means less payout for you

we were 51 earlier but got cucked by arknet inceasing their votes

>> No.2657228


Shill begone. Enjoy your goy payouts.

>> No.2657247

Why should I switch from the original biz?

>> No.2657254

>faggot mods deleted the thread
whoaaa he always be doing it for free

>> No.2657262

Are you retarded? Where have you been?

>> No.2657267

Because he was a scammer and ran away with a weeks worth of forging. Now we have two guys who work in cyber security & are publicly known running the node. No more fuckery with these guys.

>> No.2657269

i am getting an error

Invalid Transaction Timestamp

da fuck is this shit

>> No.2657272

Vacation for the last week, can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.2657281

nevermind, i restarted the client and it shows

they need to fix their buggy shit, doesnt look good on them

>> No.2657282

cuz he fucked up and has been knocked out of the top 51. no more ark if u stick with him

>> No.2657285

No theft, better payouts, actually forges, automated payouts based on individual user preference, highly available

>> No.2657286

Original delegate ran off with the money, they were replaced. Biz is no longer a delegate, biz_classic is already about to forge.

There another thread about it up right now but I'm on mobile.

>> No.2657287
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Magnet sent last weeks payment to the biggest wallet exclusively, and hasn't posted under his tripcode since. Chang and Moonman assuming direct control.

>> No.2657293

He scammed everyone out of the forgings, offloading it all to an alt account. Then bullshitted everyone for a day trying to pretend it was an accident.

Now he's no longer in the forging position so isn't even making any Ark at all, if you don't come to biz_classic at least get off biz.

>> No.2657306

Thanks bros, switching over

>> No.2657363


>> No.2657441

Saw the shit go down live. Just got off work and saw biz hit 51. Was sad cause I didn't get in pre-51

>biz gets cucked by gr33ndragoncock
>second chance to get grandfathered in

Got a small amount in but gonna buy close to 1k more to get us back to 51

>> No.2657472

7K to go. If you get in after we drop out of 51 you will get grandfathered 90% status.

>> No.2657565

Gonna drop 0.1BTC on this soon. Uncle Chang and Moon Man will not divide us (from our gains)

>> No.2657624
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Once we get about 100-200k clear of the bottom position we are going to be the most secure node in the entire Ark Ecosystem. There is literally 0 chance of 1 or 2 whales fucking us over because the votes are spread across so many anons.

What we are building here is actually pretty amazing, this is one of the rare times where I actually feel proud of /biz/.

If the Ark devs deliver on their promises, then we are all going to Lamboland together.

biz_classic forever!

>> No.2657654

This. Our largest whale has 42k.

>> No.2657670

>used to be up $9k on this

>> No.2657681

Can all the ark threads include a link to instructions on how to set up biz_classic as a delegate? Thank you.

>> No.2657682
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anons know the difference between friends and parasites

>> No.2657694

is there a calculator on how much I'd roughly earn? I'm in with about 4k Ark

>> No.2657709

Not yet but this weekend me and Chang will be developing the website and launching a bunch of pool exclusive features no one else has.

>> No.2657722

voted :)

>> No.2657734

sounds fantastic! Hope you'll be very succesfull

>> No.2657753

A built in "how much would i make right now with X ark would be sweet"
Could even include math for how much of the 80-100% payout they would get so they wouldnt feel "scammed" by a non-100% payout later.
A "how frequently should i set my payout to reduce fees" would be sweet too.

And i wonder how much ark one would need to have daily payouts be optimal (that is, the extra X ark forged in your wallet makes more than the 0.1 ark cost of sending every day)

>> No.2657783

That's already planned. People will be able to authenticate with their ARK address to get a password (pre-generated via a serverside salt/hash) and will be able to login and tweak a few settings as they please.

>> No.2657825
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>> No.2657834


Nice, I'm a web dev so if you might want any help let me know.

I work with Rails and AngularJS primarily, but good all around.

Here's a project I ran last year to track Pokemon Go player stats.


>> No.2657938
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>> No.2658048

Cmon guys. We're 6k from forging. there's 441 of you still in the old delegate pool..

>> No.2658082
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>> No.2658105
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>> No.2658121
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>> No.2658123

based moonbro, how do we see the cutoff line/how many ark we are away?

>> No.2658126
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WE DID IT!!! With room to spare!!!!

Congrats everyone!!!

>> No.2658137


IM IN CHARGE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2658138



proud of u, biz :')

>> No.2658171
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heed the call anon

>> No.2658268
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tick-tock anon

>> No.2658287

The list of all voters that helped us get past #51 and will be grandfathered in to a 90% payout MINIMUM is now locked in.


Check for your address there. That URL will also be where the delegate website be where you can manage your own custom payouts and other useful tools.

>> No.2658288

got a question.. If you got in pre 51 and buy some more ark after we are in the top 51 do I still get the 90% safe?

>> No.2658302

So this is what a project not run by clusterfucks feels like.

>> No.2658307

we forging nao

>> No.2658311

Yes. There will be a sliding average balance weight later on, but until that is announced (after two months) you are safe to add ARK.

>> No.2658317


>> No.2658341
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Sit back and enjoy the 10)% gains. But keep campaigning, because still need to get high 20s to safely secure our position. Coordinated whale efforts can still wreck us right now.

>> No.2658352

I'm picturing fagnet acting like hillary post-election results


>> No.2658361

>TFW you're on the list

>> No.2658407
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feels comfy man

>> No.2658426
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Take note of these four kikes who jumped ship and voted for sharepool, the delegate started by the jew vivec in order to compete with us and ruin our momentum - they never got more than 4 votes. If they ever decide to come crawling back they will never get paid, and if the balance from these address suspiciously moves to a new wallet, that one gets banned too :^)

>> No.2658442
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>> No.2658444
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>> No.2658461

Just bought 900 more ark and moved to wallet
biz_classic or bust

>> No.2658484

What do you do if you forgot your seed password?!?!

Help plz!!!

>> No.2658492

I approve

>> No.2658496
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>> No.2658516

Committed my measly 650 ARK, godspeed

>> No.2658519

I shouldnt have kek'd
But i did

>> No.2658530

there's no cure m8, sorry for your loss

>> No.2658560

What's your ARK address?

>> No.2658579
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Time for ARK memes?

>> No.2658631

KEK, get fucked, kikes

>> No.2658647

Godspeed to us all, anon

>> No.2658661

Will this be transparently documented on the site? I don't like the idea of arbitrary rejection of addresses without a clear rule violation

>> No.2658678

Yes. I doubt they're going to come back, I just want to ensure they don't. I don't intend to issue arbitrary bans. This exception was made because they attempted to shill on /biz/ with multiple threads telling people to switch over and cause FUD. If a majority has a real problem with it, I'll revoke it.

>> No.2658680

Congratulations everyone. I am glad, that i am part of this (poorfag here, only 920 ark)
Gonna buy more next week if price will be alright

>> No.2658685

They prolonged the effort of getting us forging because they wanted their own rules. It's a classic case of not wanting to share and contribute as a community mentality that should not be tolerated and goes against the point of this whole setup to begin with.

>> No.2658694

Maybe a public "wall of shame" with their addresses and any specific (>80%) ark movement to new addresses documented?

>> No.2658697

I think it's hilarious

>> No.2658700

compound interest will lift everyone out of poorfag status

>> No.2658722

They all had this weird mentality of shilling really had for manual payouts over automatic payouts because "that's how things used to be done." It was all really weird considering they're shilling for crypto

>> No.2658731
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So what's the average wallet holdings in the pool right now? Curious if anyone's as poor as me at 31 ark

>> No.2658755

2483.5 is the current average, but averages won't matter until 2 months down the line anyway.

>> No.2658758

you're gonna have to wait a long time before your first payout
as it is rn you'd need roughly 8 days of forging to cover only the tx fee

>> No.2658768

Whats the calculation or expression you're using?

>> No.2658783


Shit that sucks. What's the next best delegate I should vote on with my 5k ark?

>> No.2658787

daily share=422*<your wallet balance>/<pool voting balance>
422 gets forged daily by the node and this calculation is for the initial 2 months of 100% payouts; later on you'd have to multiply by 0,9 (90% payout)

>> No.2658794

It's still us.

Plus, everyone still gets 100% for 2 months even if you join now.

>> No.2658798

Where were you these past few days when everyone was freaking out over the old biz delegate screwing them? You could've got in early.

>> No.2658799

what's the reason you haven't voted biz_classic since monday?

>> No.2658805

Actually if he only has 31 ARK he'd still be making 100% (likely forever).

People who have less than the average ARK weight in their wallet will make 100% forever.

>> No.2658817


To clarify, the 90% grandfathering just means that if at some point you become a decent sized bag holder or even a whale, you still won't get less than 90% when we implement sliding payouts.

>> No.2658823

oh, that somehow flew past me, even better
I wonder how many of us have two or more wallets that voted for biz_classic pre-51 :^)
roger that

>> No.2658835


You dah man

Thanks! Where does that magic number of 422 come from?

>> No.2658838

I've been off biz for a few weeks but bought this shit a while ago when it was like 10cents. What would I get after 2 months though feels bad man

>> No.2658841

Don't worry, not only will we have sliding scale but we will implement rolling average balance after 2 months, so if you do something stupid like vote pre-51 then dump a whale load in there, you will not get 90% :^)

We are doing everything we can do build the perfect payout system for small-medium wallets while punishing whales.

>> No.2658846

2.5 ark a month fucking sick

>> No.2658865

>Where does that magic number of 422 come from?
it's the average reward for total daily blocks forged in the ARK blockchain

>> No.2658868

per delegate*

>> No.2658872

by one of the 51 forging nodes, forgot to add

>> No.2658874

Furthermore, there must be some expenses to being an ARK delegate and since both of you are contributing your time you both will be initially at a loss for the first 2 months since the payouts as you stated are going to be 100%. Will you document the time you spend on this for future refrence? Afterwards, once the payouts are 80% is the remaining 20% first spent on upkeep and the remainder split between you two as profit?

I know you guys are diving in to build the site because that's how developers are, but we should have clear established rules on what to expect from this venture.
Finally, do the two of you intend to run this as codictators or will pre-51 addresses have the opportunity to vote on future actions as well? For instance, i think the banning of addresses or granting you the authority to do should be based on a referendum of the pre-51 not unilateral action.

>> No.2658881

Vote for someone else man you'd be getting jewed here

>> No.2658882
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>> No.2658903

How often do you we get payed? Daily, Weekly or every Month?

>> No.2658915


Literally blocking addresses associated to trolls who didn't want to play with others.

Go make your own delegate if you're into letting trolls cuck you then potentially un-cuck you at their convenience.

>> No.2658923

We'll have a github with public commit graphs (but private code). For most people the payouts will always be 100%. For the rest, upkeep and split. Once the site is up, more fine details will be available. We both work so we threw this together mid-week. This weekend we'll have time to work on it more seriously.

Voting for pool features is irrelevant because accepting votes by weight will cause whales to drown out smaller voters (good luck getting enough small wallets to vote again - look how many are still in biz).

We'll have public comment periods here on /biz/ threads, and for personally customization features we will have a login system.


>> No.2658924

>Afterwards, once the payouts are 80% is the remaining 20% first spent on upkeep and the remainder split between you two as profit?
Payouts won't drop to 80% for everyone. Our sliding scale means people with wallets above the average will have payouts reduced to between 80 - 90% while those below the average get 90% flat.

We will be splitting any profit we get.

>will pre-51 addresses have the opportunity to vote on future actions as well?
We're already doing this on a more informal basis by asking people on our discord what they think about what we're thinking of doing.

>> No.2658938
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Do you have to move your ark into the client wallet to vote on these, or can you keep them on the exchange? Someone give me the rundown on how to vote for biz_classic again once I'm off work and in crypto mode

>> No.2658945

Pls respond

>> No.2658946

You literally cannot ever have your ARK on an exchange if you want to earn interest.

>> No.2658955
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>> No.2658979


- Download the ARK desktop client

- Create new ARK address
(save the generated seed, if you lose it you will be cucked for life probably)

- Send at least 2 ARK from exchange to your address

- Open your account/wallet and click on Votes tab

- Enter "biz_classic"

- Spend 1 ARK to contribute your wallet balance
(by weight, they don't have access to your funds and cannot withdraw from your wallet)

- Profit

The more ARK in your wallet, the more payout you'll receive.

>> No.2658986

Right now, average vote is ~2300 ARK. Everybody below that will get 100% no matter how late they joined.

Since you're at 5k ARK you'll be somewhere between 80 - 90%. That's still better than the other delegates which are offering 60-70% payouts.

Also that's just using numbers right now. If in 2 months the average vote is greater than 5k ark then you'll continue to receive 100% payout.

>> No.2658988

You guys are really doing a good job. Very professional

>> No.2659002

put it in the wallet, its only a .1 transfer fee. And you dont need to have the wallet run yourself just hodl in there

>> No.2659015

Whats the discord link

>> No.2659021

So this is more of a roman diarchy. I take it any action you wish to do may be vetoed by the other? That is you will both have consensus with each other before doing anything?

>> No.2659030

Oops just realized i misspoke here.

Small wallets below the average will get 100% as I mentioned here: >>2658986

>> No.2659047
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Couldn't I just vote twice with two different wallets that have 2250 each and get 100%

>> No.2659068


>> No.2659072

who'd do such a thing?
*rubs hands*

>> No.2659083

Yes, but we will do our best to listen to the voters. When you voted for us, we promised to have a pool that will do its best to support the small to medium holders. If the math doesn't make sense when it comes to supporting that goal, it won't be added. Any future action will not reduce payouts for those with less than the average amount of ARK.

For the next 2 months, yes. After that, RAB will be implemented which will only allow you to earn that amount after 2 full months (or more depending on implementation).

We're making sure whales don't abuse the system.

>> No.2659140


>on the list

gonna buy more ark I think

>> No.2659194


You'd need to manage a lot of extra wallets, and have to keep splitting over time based on how many new folk join with various wallet sizes. Eventually the extra 10% you could earn (100% - 90% = 10%) might not be worth all that extra hassle...

>> No.2659221

you can easily manage n wallets from a single client instance
only minor hassle is n number of passphrases

>> No.2659279

Right, but why the hassle of managing 10+ wallets just for an extra 10%.

Greed taking over anon. If it's that much of an issue for you, do what the fudder did yesterday and make your own large whale pool with your own rules and say fuck you to the community.

>> No.2659312

I'm just addressing your post m9 while being aware that 10% of ARK@€0,5 is not the same as 10% of ARK@€10
anyway, that's no longer an option ever since we've crossed the forging threshold

>> No.2659341

so I'm pretty new to ARK, I added "biz_classic" as my delegate, is that all I have to do?

>> No.2659346

...I fucking did it wrong when we were at 53...god damn it. Trying to vote now and it's not working.

>> No.2659357

you have to have your ARK in the wallet you voted from and then sit back and enjoy the gains

>> No.2659375


>If they ever decide to come crawling back they will never get paid, and if the balance from these address suspiciously moves to a new wallet, that one gets banned too :^)

>This exception was made because they attempted to shill on /biz/ with multiple threads telling people to switch over and cause FUD. If a majority has a real problem with it, I'll revoke it.

Thinking back to this, as long as 100% of the profits of these address are redistributed to the arklets then I think the majority will have no problems with it at all. I am not against screwing these guys over for shilling and causing FUD, but I just don't want a profit incentive for you guys to take address profits without an established rule violation (no ex post facto).

Can you pledge on doing that?

>> No.2659386

>rank 55

Fucking waste of my time.

>> No.2659399

all my 20 addresses are on that :^)

>> No.2659411

you must be 18 to post on 4chan

>> No.2659415

that's thieving niggerfaggot's node
we biz_classic nao

>> No.2659423
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>> No.2659424

So after I vote, I should have that Red Bar in my transaction history for -1Ark correct?

>> No.2659437

discord link plz

>> No.2659439


To clarify, you've still got 2 months to abuse it until RAB kicks in. I'll explain that later but it won't affect anyone who gets in before the 100% promotion wears off.

>> No.2659465

haha nice response, faggot who got conned.

>> No.2659478

Are you slow?

biz is rank 55. That's the old delegate that paid out 2800 ARK to a single wallet and screwed us.

We're biz_classic.

>> No.2659481

They probably didn't think it through too much and transferred the 1 ARK required to vote from the source wallet.

>> No.2659484


> inb4 mad whales making their own ARK delegate with hookers, and blackjack

> then later deciding to sell all their ARK anyways because fuck delegates and instead blow their money on said hookers and blackjack

>> No.2659485

WTF I voted for biz_classic 2 days but it got switched back to biz. This is some bullshit.

>> No.2659492


>> No.2659498

you are still attracted to the magnet

>> No.2659505

post your voting transactions, blockchain is antifaggotry personified so don't be a faggot

>> No.2659507
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No shit dude I voted for biz_classic 2 days ago and I just noticed it got switched to biz. Not sure how. Look at my transactions. The first vote was for biz. The second one was for biz_classic

>> No.2659608

hahahahahaha faggot moon man just kicked me out of the discord

what alittle punk bitch

imma have fun derailing every thread you try to promote

>> No.2659618

theyre mad because i warned them about magnet being a dumb little kid and they shit all over me and whiteknighted for him then it turned out i was right and that triggers them.

>> No.2659628
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what is it you're expecting biz_classic to promote? tolerance for obnoxious faggotry by some ignoramus?

>> No.2659635

didnt moon man brag about being doxxed?

i guess he wants to be fucked with lol.

>> No.2659648

just like ur mum, babby

>> No.2659651

Voted yesterday sub51 and am not on the list. What went wrong?

>> No.2659653

>24 posts by this ID

lol nice life you got here, bud.

>> No.2659665

You made the mistake of following moon man's instructions. I did the same thing and my vote didnt stick. And now they wont give me credit for being in pre 51. Bunch of little scamming faggots just like the first guy.

>> No.2659682

literally shaking here, perhaps your next shitpost will take an angle targeting my sexual performance, or social status, perhaps even specific character traits

>> No.2659691

No you seem to already know youre a nolife failure.

How many ARK are you holding? I bet less than 100.

>> No.2659700

Post your wallet address. Your screenshot doesn't show who you voted for.

>> No.2659718

How did it not stick? Also, I'm pretty sure I followed the official ARK guide to voting.

It says today I have -1 ARC but have 0 confirmations. If I click on my "Vote" tab, shouldn't biz_classic be there? Wtf am I doing

>> No.2659734

why don't you tell us since you're demonstrably a psychic little bitch

>> No.2659739


You better make this right

>> No.2659740

You got kicked for being as hostile as you're being in the thread. If you want to calm down, act civilized, and and rejoin you're more than welcome to since you were kicked, not banned.

>> No.2659751

I can send you a noose if you'd like.

>> No.2659754

You were kicked for being a cunt.

But I want to check your address to see if you really voted for us. If you didn't then that's on you there's nothing to "make right" if you can't follow instructions.

>> No.2659756

Keep posting so everyone can see what a twat you are.

>> No.2659766

Hey stupid, look here


>> No.2659778
File: 99 KB, 590x275, Selection_253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey stupid, look here.

Someone even told you to verify your vote went through. Your mistake. You fucked up. Deal with it.

>> No.2659787

I did verify. I closed the app and opened it and biz_classic was checked as my delegate and my transactions showed -1 ARK that I used to vote for biz_classic.

>> No.2659795

Then post your address so I can check your transactions for myself so I know you're not talking out of your ass.

>> No.2659796

If you wanna be shady that's on you. I did the right thing.

>> No.2659800


First 2 months => 100% for everyone
After 2 months
pre-51 => 90%
post-51 => 80%

Once you guys develop the site and people hear about the great returns, you're going to attract more than just /biz/ralies. Perhaps after the 2 month period we should have a third rate of 70% of which then 10% is redistributed to the pre-51 sub-average arklets while you take the 20%.

I say this because overtime, even if earning 100% as the total sum in the pool rises the arklets are going to make less. So I'm thinking redistributing a small portion of profits of the people who arn't from /biz/ could help alleviate that.

For instance, let's say we have Mr. Arklet with 100 ARK.

Right now we have 868,970 in the pool, but let say this rises to 1,500,000. Mr. Arklet may retain 100% of his share's profits, but because the pool has risen so much the amount he gets will nearly halve. Furthermore, thinking more long-term consider if the pool rises to 2-3 million.

>> No.2659808

In that pic it clearly shows you were trying to vote for biz_classic and unvote for biz at the same time, which doesn't work. This is a fault of the Ark wallet itself. You were supposed to unvote for biz in one action and vote for biz_classic once biz wasn't in that delegate list. You should have even seen a warning message when you tried to do that saying it didn't work. If you want to show me where someone instructed you to do it that way, fine, but I've never seen Moon Man give the incorrect instructions for unvoting then voting.

>> No.2659811



>> No.2659828

Yup I followed the instructions. Shit is fucking stupid and poorly designed. Not my fault.

>> No.2659840

ive got 32 ark, is it even worth it for me to vote at this time?

>> No.2659841

>you're going to attract more than just /biz/ralies
perhaps those could be directed to join the bizclassic node with similar incentive for pre-forging voters

>> No.2659844
File: 248 KB, 1180x657, Selection_251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking idiot.

You JUST sent your votes to classic 20 minutes ago when we got past 51 several hours earlier.

That's why you're not on the list you idiot.

>> No.2659848

After 2 months it's still between 80 - 100%, and everyone with less than the average wallet size will get 100%. It's a sliding scale.

The ONLY difference between pre and post 51 is that if you increase your wallet size after two months you will make 90%. There's a payout weight and an RAB weight that will be taken into account.

We will look into changing some of the percentages around but I just want to assure that arklets (in the context of average wallet size in our pool) will stay at 100% forever.

>> No.2659855

lol youre fucking dumb dude. You cant keep up with a conversation at all.

Little third world college kid bitch.

>> No.2659858

Take it up with ARK. It's not on anyone here that the wallet is designed poorly. And it is your fault for not making sure your wallet was in the voter list for biz_classic after you voted.

>> No.2659864

Always funny when a malnourished underage gook tries to talk hard on the internet lol

>> No.2659869

see: >>2659858

You said you verified then posted out of context screenshots of your wallet with no timestamps.

I forced you to give your address so we can verify yourself. You did and ended up playing yourself.

>> No.2659872

says the faggot who can't follow instructions/read
remember to stay hydrated as excessive salt can be seriously harmful to your health

>> No.2659879

>with no timestamps.

hahahah how fucking stupid are you, dude? The post and the filename are both time stamped.

>> No.2659893

You "forced" me? haha ok little 80 pound chink

>> No.2659897
File: 24 KB, 801x169, heemfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's up with you accusing people of being underage? You might wanna check that little bitch attitude

>> No.2659933
File: 174 KB, 300x300, wew lad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 posts by this ID
You'd kys if you ever did enough self-reflection to realize how fucking retarded you are

>> No.2659949

u mad cause i bullied your internet friend, bro?

>> No.2659958

Do I need to pay 1 ark to unvote?
Then another ark to vote again?

>> No.2659961
File: 34 KB, 418x352, 1496548027166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow these outsiders are salty.
Good job Mr. Chang and Mr. Man, I think you're doing good work here and I support you.

>> No.2659966


Act like an ass, get treated like an ass. Better practice up on those social skills of yours buddy if this is how to talk and treat people.

I understand it may be hard if you're a cave dweller and have no interaction with outside life, but a little kindness and civility goes a long way in this world.

> inb4 "fuck you you little internet bitch, suck on my balls before I inb4 your mother you punk ass homosapian faggot"

>> No.2659968

Forget it dude. This shit is a waste of time.

>> No.2659975


Or send all your ark to a new wallet. Then cost is only 1.1 ARK.

Only for low IQ people like you who can't read instructions or even be bothered to verify your results on the blockchain.

>> No.2659979

lol another nolife lardo chimes in talking abut going outside, he probably hasnt seen the sun in days.

>> No.2659987


There have been threads about biz delegate fucking over everyone and you should switch to biz_classic for literal days now. It's unfortunate you got in late, or did something wrong, but addresses were posted yesterday while we were still above 51 and you could've checked that. Or asked Moon/Chang to verify for you.

>> No.2659989

Go eat a dog, gook.

>> No.2659999
File: 63 KB, 806x474, Malarkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh at the end of this every time. I had to save it, it was so good.

>> No.2660006


> Literally at work making money working on websites and laughing at you posting from your phone on the toilet while your mom warms up more hotpockets

>> No.2660010

>i'm indoors in front of a computer

I know. What did I just say?

>> No.2660041


Forgot to mention that I receive sunlight daily when I commute to/from work and enjoy lunch outside because I can afford more than a microwavable diharriah-in-a-pocket diet.

>> No.2660051

So you're outside in public furiously typing "gook" on your phone because you'd rather lash out than take any personal responsibility over your finances?

>> No.2660065

Uv light doesn't penetrate auto glass, fyi. Make sure you roll the window down and hang your arm out like the cool guys to get your vitamin D.

>> No.2660076

>huur your phoene!!!!!

Hey stupid, does this look like a screencap from a phone?


lol there are some really stupid, immature little kids in this thread. Oh right, school's out for summer.

>> No.2660078
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make thread but you faggots like echo chamber.

I guess you will have some questions

>> No.2660100

have you not seen your balance increase on Monday?

>> No.2660111

wew lad

Where were you?

Magnet fucked up the payout and sent all of it to you which is why people revolted and we made our own delegate.

>> No.2660114

I went to mil camp for international training. Got access to ark.io and 4chan at TOC. As I understand from archive original delegate fucked up code for payout ?

>> No.2660115
File: 83 KB, 1651x948, capture22222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For People with Voting Problems such as:

-No delegate showing after casting a vote
-Votes Unsticking
-0 Confirmations

I went to Ark Support, and learned the hard way that I my network settings were based on the first ark.io setup guide. So my network settings were correct enough to send my Ark from Bittrex to the Ark.io Desktop Client, but without being on the "6e84d08bd299ed97c212c886c98a57..." network, it will not actually process or send votes, despite Ark.io going through the process and acting completely normal.

What's even better is that it overwrites your old voting transactions every time you attempt to make a new one, so I have no proof that I attempted it yesterday.

I've voted since, but man feels fucking bad.

>> No.2660122
File: 96 KB, 600x507, 1479204729632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you fudge out your address when blockchain transactions are publicly searchable?

>> No.2660133

Magnet fucked up and accidentally gave you over $1,500. That belongs to a bunch of different people, technically should be distributed between biz_classic / biz voters if you're feeling generous but I don't expect you to do the math on what you would owe who at this point. Congratulations on your even fatter wallets.

>> No.2660136

>Uv light doesn't penetrate auto glass, fyi
Thats only true for the windshield, dummy.

>> No.2660145

he's proven himself to be an incompetent and malicious fool, shameful display really
now he's done for, signed: justice et al

would you be willing to take your rightful cut and pass the rest to biz_classic address?

>> No.2660146
File: 129 KB, 528x960, 12115784_947342378645141_8456165690857714905_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. What payout he offers?

>> No.2660150

It probably depends more on the manufacturer of the car. Do you drive a kia?

>> No.2660153

none, he ain't forging any more

>> No.2660156



AXXvR7V3EWwvpfa9Rz24U7Roxw7MpVvhvg I'll take my 16 ark if you feel like giving it up. that's what I earned last time.

>> No.2660159

>It probably depends more on the manufacturer of the car.

>Do you drive a kia?
No. Unlike you, I drive something respectable that has more than 4 cylinders.

>> No.2660160
File: 83 KB, 540x960, 13260153_10209670844758344_8357639431477874318_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to mask as much as possible

>> No.2660165

Don't believe him you guys.

>> No.2660178

Your entire issues are down to Ark's wallet, not Biz. I had the same issue where I tried to unvote and revote at the same time, unintuitive I know. Asked the discord, they told me to unvote first, restart, then revote, and I did. Job done, simple as.

You fucked this up, but instead of asking, started calling everyone "little bitch" etc and acting all e-hard and arsey. You might as well have just reeled off all the navy seal mantra.

You then had a massive shit-fit as evidenced here, about getting kicked from a discord due to acting childish. First world problems..

You can act like a 14 year old twonk all you like on 4chan where you won't get kicked for it, but don't expect to not be, when you're elsewhere.

>> No.2660186
File: 15 KB, 319x475, 1271334301286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah right, I bet you have a DUI and have to ride the bus because they took your license.
>mfw you dress like an immigrant and the other people on the bus think you're homeless

>> No.2660189

I won't be giving out individually arks. I could give back to original delegate so he could redo his mistake. My military started from 26th and continues until next month 12th so until when I won't be able to do restitution

>> No.2660206

I bet you have a dentist appointment after that too, don't you?

>> No.2660207

The original delegate is gone. Me and Chang ousted him. biz is out of the building. If you're willing to give it up, me and Chang are more than willing to redistribute it among voters in the new pool or figure out some method. Either way, this situation just became really complicated. Naturally it's your call, but if you give it "back" to the original delegate he will literally run away with it immediately because he kept stealing when voters left and he was still forging.

>> No.2660209

Magnet's pulled a vanishing act so that's not going to work.

>> No.2660219

>You fucked this up, but instead of asking, started calling everyone "little bitch"
Wrong. I commented on the delegate being rank 55 and in response I got "you have to be 18 to post here" from moon man. I dont let dorks talk down to me, so yeah I put him in his place.

>> No.2660229
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>> No.2660242
File: 238 KB, 330x319, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2660252

Don't trust these guys. Theyre scammers too.

>> No.2660258

I don't believe any of this. I'm just a melted face Arkie though.

>> No.2660260

>im a loser so that means everyone on 4chan is

This is sad.

>> No.2660262

Rank 55 is Biz. Either way you had an explosive shitfit mate with a lot of really immature language.

Just chill, work it out and all's good. No need to fly off the handle of something so little.

>> No.2660267


If you're still underage, I recommend you ask your parent(s) to give you a nice hard slap in your face because you're acting like a fucking child and need to understand the world does not revolve around you.

>> No.2660268

I drive a subaru outback. Only idiots want their car to stand out.

>> No.2660270

>Rank 55 is Biz
No shit stupid. Try to keep up.

I can tell none of you losers have real jobs. You're all working entry level mcjobs that pay minimum wage.

>> No.2660281

This attitude is why you were kicked lol.

You're not doing yourself any favours.

People who have "real jobs" don't act like you over something like this.. You got kicked from a discord. Unless you're some mega hipster or something then most normal people would just shrug and move on. Specially when it's to do with fucking 4chan.

>> No.2660286

Yeah I know. A 4 cylinder. What did I say here?

lol did I make you upset, bud? Do something about it, little bitch.

>> No.2660287
File: 133 KB, 960x540, 13165933_10209660994832102_7496768736473134512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand your frustratio. However I don't give a shit about you.
I will only give back to O.D so he could salvage his reputation as it would be most honorable. Until when I won't spend 2800 arks and will safe keep them.

>> No.2660298
File: 239 KB, 1349x615, ark_earnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To illustrate my point i've mapped out 4 scenarios based on how much the pool increases every month. As you've stated, you have the most attractive percentages so this will attract people beyond just /biz/. However, if you attract too many people this will result in less ARK for your initial supporters.

The Daily payout approximation is based on >>2658787
Assuming 100% all 12 months.

>> No.2660299


Sure, where do you live?

>> No.2660302


ur opinion = wgaf

>> No.2660318

your call entirely

consider us the new government, a successor to biz; whether you trust we will treat the claimants fairly is up to you but sending the entire thing back to that niggerfaggot magnet would be harmful IMO

judging by your balance you could care less so there's little incentive for you to keep it

>> No.2660319

You said you have issues with your penis size evidenced by your need for a large vehicle. Between the lines, that is.

>> No.2660321

Where you can't afford to.

>> No.2660328

Suit yourself, you're only making that idiot richer. Better off sending the ARK to a burn address.

Yes. There is no solution to this. As more ARKs are forged inflation will kick in and everyone will earn less. The price should rise to compensate. No matter how payouts are done the only way people don't earn less is either by price increase or more ARK being produced via Hard Fork. Our method is the only one that will at the very least prioritize the small fish and when we implement RAB it will keep new whales away, slowing down the earnings drop.

>> No.2660334

You weren't on some military training shit, I watched the wes pool total drop by 100k when you joined original biz after your "negotiations" with magnet, then after the forge was stolen the wes pool gained its 100k back. You're a liar.

>> No.2660337

Thank you for reasonable answer. Once I'll get back (12th) I will decide.
Can I ask you about this new /biz/ delegate payout? What benefits will I reap if I join in?

>> No.2660343


I live in Chicago, Illinois.

I will literally buy a plane ticket to visit your little shitshack in Oregon, knock on your door, politely ask your parental guardians if I can enter their house and then joyfully place fist after fist into your face because your parent(s) did not have the balls to do it themselves when you threw your first tantrum when they did not want to buy you an iPhone in Grade School.

>> No.2660352

Previous thread has most of the non-TL;DR info. The TL;DR is you'll get between 70 to 80% with 100% for the first 60 days as we build out our website (classicdelegate.biz) and make pool-specific tools and algos.

>> No.2660358

>I live in Chicago, Illinois.

>I will literally buy a plane ticket
>plane ticket
>not greyhound ticket

Ok, barack. Have fun surviving in chi town.

>> No.2660363

>Yes. There is no solution to this.
Not necessarily, if our pool gets too big, couldn't we try to arrange it so we have two delegates? Like if we the pool hits 3 million it could be theoretically split into two delegates with enough coordination.

>> No.2660378

Yes, I already did the math on this. Other pools will do the same unless one pool gets dis-proportionally large. At that point instead of splitting everyone votes twice, with 50% of the weight going to each pool (so we can effectively run two delegates without "splitting" the pool, we just split everyone's wallets in two).

>> No.2660381

It took us 3 days and lots of angry former-biz voters clogging up the board with threads asking what happened to their payment for biz_classic to get past 51.

It'll be hard to coordinate imo.

>> No.2660383

I am not mastermind. You know wes because I supported him before biz . I lost about 240 arks by waiting because I supported /biz/ before 51 delegate position. I liked idea of self governing 4chan group and still do. If you see my balance you will see that wes paid 90 every 3 days and once I joined /biz/ my payout was only after 6 days

>> No.2660394

That's because you didn't have a centralized site, that could give out email notifications.

>> No.2660399

Thank you for answer. Today I will delegate my arks to new /biz/ pool

P.S payouts are weekly or monthly?

>> No.2660406


Yes, I'd rather comfortably fly to and from your shitshack at 2-4x the speed than sit in an old bus.

This is why one aims to actually have an enjoyable income in life, so one doesn't need to live frugally. :)

>> No.2660414

Daily payouts until we get our new system up and running where users can log onto our site and set their own payout frequency.

We're doing daily instead of weekly because we want to build trust after what happened with Magnet.

>> No.2660415

payouts are daily for larger voters
as soon as the website is up it'll have an app that will allow every voter to control their payouts

>> No.2660449
File: 3 KB, 279x237, 1339828692336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no shitshack in Oregon

>> No.2660462
File: 116 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent my vote for biz_classic. I hope new team will be fair and honorable

>> No.2660522

there is no longer an incompetent anonymous ignoramus at the helm and anons administering the node have both competence and public exposure so there's a semblance of accountability where there was none beforehand

>> No.2660537

I vote for banning this address from receiving a forging payout from biz_classic.

>> No.2660574

Overall I like ark idea and believe that it should reach 2.5 - 5.0 price mark
You can ban me, but my support boosted biz_classic by 10 positions. Overall I always can make my own delegate. This isn't field engineering

>> No.2660588

We're not banning anybody.

>> No.2660593

So you have discord? Can you get in our delegate chat? I'd like to talk because I'm worried about what people think about you joining after keeping 2800 ark that was accidentally sent. I'm on mobile, but I'm half owner moon man in the discord. It's a sticky situation because returning it to magnet is no longer a wise decision.

>> No.2660601

Godspeed, bro

>> No.2660625
File: 57 KB, 416x431, 1265025343713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suit yourselves. I don't trust him though.

>> No.2660630

>I live in Chicago, Illinois.
Are you a nigger?

>> No.2660632

As I said I will be on mil. excer. until 12th. and prob won't have access to internet. After my return I will join discord to discuss matter. For now until 12th I will be supporting biz_classic

>> No.2660637


what about people who don't have enough to get daily payout without getting burned by the 0.1 fee ?

I have around 400Ark....

>> No.2660652
File: 2.89 MB, 2935x1636, 20170626_165143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike you, smelly nigger, I already have an enjoyable income. Hence why I live in so cal and you live in the midwest.

>> No.2660689

Or maybe you live there because you're a Mexican.
If you're not, you and your family probably won't survive the reconquista.

>> No.2660739

Join the discord. We're trying to figure out a way to pay small wallets until our system is up since we can't delay payments after promising daily.

>> No.2660768

see >>2659492

>> No.2660788

The discord is all whiny little botcges like you though

>> No.2660794

Is it worth it to vote still since you guys are in the top 51 already?

>> No.2660867

We're paying 100% for 2 months which is something no other delegate is doing.

>> No.2660919

I voted, is there anything else I need to do on my end to make sure I'm in the pool for payouts? Thanks for organizing this, happy to be onboard

>> No.2660922
File: 40 KB, 539x960, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh IP to mask the your 40 post butthurt kek
thanks for the free bumps fuckboy

>> No.2660933

Check the blockchain on the explorer site to see if your vote went through. If it did, you'll get paid.

>> No.2660979

>living in so cal
>making it

choose one

>> No.2660988
File: 339 KB, 750x500, her2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump a lump

>> No.2661025


>> No.2661082

When would first payout be, fellow stalker?

>> No.2661139

If he returns the lost ark, should he be rewarded for the gesture of goodwill? Honorary grandfather? Not opposed to incentivizing him to give it up

>> No.2661159

First payout is around tomorrow at noon. For a few days we will be using toon's Arky script until we finish ours. Note however that we are scrambling to switch over ASAP because his script takes a mandatory 1% fee and sends it to toons' wallet (it's written in bytecode so even if we were jews we'd have to reverse it just to remove it).

I don't mind the fee but we promised 100% plus his script doesn't do everything that we need anyway so we want to migrate from it ASAP. We considered not doing a payout until next week but we promised daily and we don't want /biz/ to lose their shit considering the idiot that magnet was when it came to delayed or fucked up payouts.

>> No.2661170
File: 562 KB, 755x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lost ark
Someone should shoop ARK into this

>> No.2661214
File: 95 KB, 643x229, Screen Shot 2017-06-29 at 4.58.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Implying Chicago is only African Americans

>> No.2661233


How did you enjoy that drought of yours a couple months ago? How about all that leaked radiation from Japan crossing the Pacific? Or what about your close proximity to China, Russia, and North Korea?

>> No.2661236
File: 106 KB, 720x960, Cleetus get the noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Including spics in with whites

>> No.2661256
File: 229 KB, 755x415, The lost ARK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2661276

top kek

>> No.2661282

>32% black


>> No.2661347

dudes, how to unvote ?

>> No.2661429
File: 228 KB, 755x415, Lost ARK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated version

>> No.2661475

>Or what about your close proximity to China, Russia, and North Korea?

Lol wtf is this little kid going on about? I'd he so stupid he doesn't know what the Pacific Ocean Is?

You can tell he's a low income bitch

>> No.2661491

Bro you are literally a nigger living in Chicago that drives a subaru. You have nothing on me.

>> No.2661505

ITT: smelly niggers and malnourished chinks

>> No.2661596
File: 32 KB, 550x633, NOW_bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2661597

Let out all that anger. It'll be therapeutic.

>> No.2661769
File: 25 KB, 400x226, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you didn't know, the Pacific Ocean is your closest body of water. The West coast is susceptible to attacks from the West should shit hit the fan. Also, here is an image of the radiation that has already hit your hipster beach you "little bitch" :)

>> No.2661917

Lol ok nigger. Have fun shooting at other niggers there in chicago.

>> No.2661936


>> No.2661960

So you got a delegate spot but you weren't prepared with the payout script?

>> No.2661969

>The West coast is susceptible to attacks from the West should shit hit the fan.
>The West coast is susceptible to attacks from the West

Lol look how flustered the dumb nignog is.

>> No.2661978

We put this together mid week with no notice. Nobody has a payout script. Everyone uses toons'. We're making our own.

>> No.2661981

You can tell he really doesn't know what he's doing.

>> No.2662007

We're using Arky for now which is what every delegate uses.

Our own custom payout code will be rolled out in a few days with our website.

We had no notice magnet was going to fuck up and we were going to replace him.

>> No.2662065

So are you literally wasting your time refreshing this page to just fud because you're a sad little bitch who didn't get his way? I really don't understand your endgame here.

>> No.2662080

Lynch yourself nigger. No one will miss you.

>> No.2662091


>> No.2662170

So I'm looking for a new coin to get into, and this coin is looking like a good dip point to get in. What does ARK actually hope to do in the future as a service/currency/whatever it is?

>> No.2662197

>fight our way to 51st place
>next time I refresh the vote report we've skyrocketed to the 20s.

>> No.2662214

How many arks do you need to actually get positive gains without the fee fucking you?

>> No.2662219

enable every startup/company to have their own blockchain on button push, enable these blockchains to interact with eachother, enable these blockchains to interact with other popular blockchains.

Integrate IPFS eventually and other things, check their roadmap

>> No.2662303


And how do I get into this voting thing? Is it literally pledging ARK means you get passive ARK as a group?

>> No.2662329

Its similar to a shared masternode except your ark stays in your wallet.

>> No.2662437
File: 37 KB, 620x400, warrenbuffett1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on boys, I am coming over with my 500 Ark.

>> No.2662452

How long does a Bittrex -> Ark transfer take?

>> No.2662474

Took me maybe a few minutes. You should get a txid which if you google
"Ark block chain explorer" you can look up the tx

>> No.2662517

Bittrex says it's "pending" and there is no transaction with my Ark Wallet address.

>> No.2662531

You have to authenticate it with Bittrex.

>> No.2662537

Did you go to your email to confirm your withdraw?

>> No.2662597

Missed that. Thanks. Transfered 501 to my wallet. biz_classic it is!

>> No.2662626
File: 137 KB, 245x364, oai0pzb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>110 ark
am i gonna make it guys?

>> No.2662642

Jump in dude. We're all in this together. Can't wait till I'm dropping these bags on boomers 1-2 years from now.

>> No.2662713

I'll have 120 ark by that point!

>> No.2662738

No problem ARK senpai! That's what biz_classic is for. Community work

>> No.2662743

If ARK is 20 bucks at that point you'll have enough money to build a 6 GPU mining rig!

>> No.2662795

You probably also saved my ass from getting ripped off. Desktop wallet >>>> exchange.

>> No.2662881

Def, espessially for long holds. Less trigger fingers to panic sell.