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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26571389 No.26571389 [Reply] [Original]

Why do zoomers love him so much?

>> No.26571413

Hes a social retard like them

>> No.26571428

cult of personality. he's legitimately autistic and a shitty communicator/public speaker so autistics identify with him.

>> No.26571492

he got vision and make new stuff unlike bezos, what make you think everybody love him ?

>> No.26571535

my worst nightmare is being forced to watch lex fridman interviewing elon musk

>> No.26571557

because he is like tony stark irl!!!!!! xD

>> No.26571643


>> No.26571661

Because these days, being a autist is cool and in. The sperg is the new geek.
Reddit and /pol/ are the face of the sperg fashion-style. The idea is to be different from the others. So you have a horde of different beings which are pretty the same, a hive of spergs who imitate Elon in all his demeanors. Being a sperg, thats the new fashion, the new in.

>> No.26571671

stockholm syndrome

>> No.26571755
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scam sounds legit
has huge balls

>> No.26571822

It's true that he's socially inept but his whole meme guy persona is constructed. He's catering to a generation that will buy his cars en masse once they have money. It's all marketing

>> No.26571826

He says outrageous things, that's it. NPCs lap it up and think he is god.
His hyperloop, million people on mars, cold gas thrusters on cars, and any other shit he comes out with has been well and truly debunked already.

>> No.26571987

Xers worshipped Steve Jobs, another autistic prick. Nothing new under the Sun.

>> No.26572043

Because he's autistic and really rich

>> No.26572075

Because he smokes weed and posts memes

>> No.26572132
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because he is a living meme
actually his video feeds are generated by deepfake ai

>> No.26572152

looks like a lesbian

>> No.26572257

he just does fuck all visionary style, and lot of people hate him for it. Suprising that I haven't seen more anti tesla oil industry conspiracies

>> No.26572341

Good one

>> No.26573146

Elon Musk makes everyone else look like they're not even moving

>> No.26573725
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He reminds them of the father that left their mom.

>> No.26575041

I am autistic and I can unironically confirm this

>> No.26575589

he's like Stalin but richer and dumber

>> No.26575614

> Zoomers
You're delusional if you don't think millenials love him too. Zoomers are too poor to buy a 40k car.

>> No.26575730

yup autist here. like the dude

>> No.26575799

not a lot of people with vision like him. very true

>> No.26575850

>only person on earth who has both the resources and desire to send humanity on its next step towards being a space faring species
He’s a douche who is high off his own farts but if you’re into advancing our prospects in outer space, Musk is literally the only option available

>> No.26575892

keep having dreams where he works in my town and I see him walking downtown. also once had a dream sergey and the chainlink team walked into a bar and sergey thumbsupped me. how to profit off this?

>> No.26575909


>> No.26576061

He made self driving fully electric cars a thing, then he made his own space program after dozens of billionaires before him failed (including Bezos). Plus he has good twitter game.

Honestly he's the new Steve Jobs. Only thing he needs is their god tier marketing agency and products normal people can actually afford and he'd be on Jobs' level.

>> No.26576149

I guess when you consoom excess onions, you suddenly worship the idea of going to mars in electric cars to get microchips in your tranny brain.

>> No.26576185

baby sitting third worlders in America or chilling in space. I'll take chilling in space

>> No.26576205

This is probably a lot of it.

>> No.26576284

billionaires don't care about space, they just want history books in 3021 to say *musk/bezos/branson* made humans an interplanetary race or something

slower than light travel is a fucking meme anyway

>> No.26576363

There's a book literally titled "Rocket Billionaires" about how tech boom billionaires frequently blow all their money trying to build rockets and failing until Musk and Bezos, and Bezos only hasn't failed because he's not trying hard and has more money than god.

>> No.26576447

Memes. Zoomers love the memes.

>> No.26576615
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Sounds to me like you didn't buy TSLA 3 years ago. Stay mad boomer

>> No.26576819

Cause he KNOWS who control the media!!

>> No.26576873

I can speak better than he can.
He's a stuttering pothead

>> No.26577039

Lex talks like a retarded kid with downs syndtom talking in his sleep

>> No.26577266

based and redpilled

>> No.26577337

Only right answer itt, the same reason faggots hate him, he reminds them of how useless they are

>> No.26577389

He's a retarded faggot

>> No.26577499

Can’t wait till chinks roll out their electric cars and bankrupt this mongoloid

>> No.26577608

Actually has cool ideas and enough basedbux from Tesla customers to fund said ideas

>> No.26578139

>merged with paypal after it became popular and had disputes with original creators then sold paypal to ebay
>joined tesla and paid to be named “founder” even though he wasn’t there when it was founded by real engineers
he’s good at promoting his image as a billionaire nerd who wants to change humanity for the better. A little digging on him and you will see the that he’s full of shit and likes to use his money to buy fame from already working products.

>> No.26578184 [DELETED] 


>> No.26578230

>joined tesla and paid to be named “founder” even though he wasn’t there when it was founded by real engineers
Kek, the absolute state of people who worship this man

>> No.26578236

I’m not surprised that normies and retarded twitter fags fall for his shit but the actual autist here too still buy his lies

>> No.26578424

Because he wants to do cool shit instead of drilling all the remaining oil until 205x

>> No.26578655

Because he acts gay??????

>> No.26578726

The Oil is gonna run out meme
Ahahahah the longest and every decade renewed hoax

>> No.26578858

There are thousands of high IQ autistic rich people in the world advancing humanity with their projects yet you barely hear about them.

This guy has been plastered all over the media every single day constantly by obvious shill companies and its so obvious to anyone who isn't a brainwashed coomsoomer.

I'm assuming they're trying to use him to push some agenda like they always do, probably paying him to play along though I doubt he gives a shit, he has this absolutely repulsive aura around him, I don't know how so many people can fall for his Trump-like personality

>> No.26579045

Real life tony starx

>> No.26579244

Technophilia as a nihilistic cope

>> No.26579430

I've seen so many foreign news sources start articles about him with "Our lovely Elon Musk did... [this and that etc.]". Why would people put the richest man on earth on a pedestal like that? Ultimate authority like that should be questioned, in a sense that not all of his decisions (especially the bad ones) should be bombarded with praise. People love him even for mistakes and bad decisions because they're cute and lovable, and he will never be getting the hate like Bezos did with the classic "If you stopped world hunger right now, you'd still have 95% of your wealth left" because he signed the meme Giving Pledge. It was his way of protecting himself from those allegations.

>> No.26579516

he's advancing a lot of cool technologies
whether it is really him doing it or alphabet agencies i dont really care

>> No.26579819

>he's advancing a lot of cool technologies
I am not saying you are wrong but im too desinterested in him to know.
Can you name some besides the electro shit which is not cool, and his space ship which existed since the early 40s in germany.

>> No.26579860

We will coup whomever we want.

>> No.26579908

>Advocating for a coup of Bolivia’s democratically elected leader just to get cheaper Lithium
>putting his workers at risk deliberately
>firing workers who attempted to unionize, mass layoffs even though his wealth was drastically increasing
>COVID denialism
>using slave labor abroad
>taking credit for the things done by his workers (that’s not new to 2020 tho it applies to most CEOs).
To all the Elon defenders; stop worshipping the false image of an overrated person who will never know or care who you are.

>> No.26579946

Except Venezuela and Bolivia, right

>> No.26580129

Pretty sure that comment was about Venezuela.

>> No.26580265

He "got into anime" (but really that was just him simping over Grimes for whatever reason)

>> No.26580786
File: 63 KB, 575x638, WAKE UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't get it do you? Elon is a man so racist he couldn't spend a single second in a Apartheid free South Africa so he moved to America. Now America is becoming a multicultural/multiracial paradise free of hate and this man now wants to go to MARS!

He is also anti-Semitic he pissed of the Rothschilds with one tweet and when asked about socialism he said he believes in "a different kind of socialism" HELLO! National socialism! He has been asked to apologize for mocking transgenders and he literally just laughed. Werner Von Braun a literal Nazi wrote a book about Mars being ruled by "Elon". Pic related.

Wake the fuck up people the rumors about him being the next Fuhrer have been confirmed and nobody is doing anything to stop this man. Apart from this he is ripping off China, advocating coups in Bolivia, putting he's PoC workers at deliberate risk, firing workers, says Covid (THE MOST DEADLY VIRUS IN HISTORY!) is a sham, makes fun of politicians who are working hard in a pandemic and practices the Incel theory of nofap.

When asked what the biggest problem Europe has at the moment he literally said "declining birthrates of the native population and importing foreigners to try and make up the deficit!


>> No.26580902

satellite internet (starlink), solar roofs, underground high speed tunnels, electric airplanes

>> No.26581222

Holy based!

>> No.26581853

Be aware.

>> No.26582331

you're all shitting on him for his "autistic personality" but leave out the reason he is based: his achievements

>> No.26582511

He's a caricature of Jobs. All the BS people pretended about Jobs being an innovator and smart is what's he's now pretending to be.

>> No.26582605

Racism is not a achievement.

>> No.26582682

I like him because he's made me a lot of money and space is neat.

>> No.26582727
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The funniest thing is that Adolf Hitler planned to turn Berlin into "Germania" after winning the war. He ordered architects to come up with a plan to build the worlds capital. With gigantic and monstrous buildings. Historians have a specific term for it: "Gigantomania (from Ancient Greek γίγας gigas, "giant" and μανία mania, "madness") is the production of unusually and superfluously large works.[1]"

Now 75 years after Hitlers wishes to turn his plan into reality were crushed, Elon returns to Berlin and builds "Giga Berlin". A factory like no second on earth

Who stops the biggest neo-nazi of the 21st century already?

>> No.26582789

Autists are great public speakers.

>> No.26582790
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Autism is associated with the hyper masculine mind.

>> No.26582834
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>> No.26582903

Good lord how can one man be so based.

>> No.26582925

Rockets are fucking awesome and that dude has basically taken over the industry.

>> No.26583261
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and then this monster tweets in german all the time? weird. why? there are 6500 languages in the world if he is not tweeting in english its german

>> No.26583519

Hes proof that america is not racists since he is african

>> No.26583567

Rumours say he is a dHEDGE holder. Biz, confirm this please

>> No.26583641

Yeah bro totally. Autists have the most social capital and are slamming pussy 24/7

>> No.26583661

>space ship
He's the first one to make a space ship that can actually land.

>> No.26583723

The reason I can get internet above 5mbps

>> No.26583742

Sort of. You’re close.

>> No.26583850

Dubs of truth
>skirting around naming the jew
Bluepilled and cringe. He might as well call them chinese technofascists

>> No.26583882

boomer millenial love that dad bod..I'm too sexy for my shirt

>> No.26583915

There is a limit. I don’t think we should forsake oil, but there is a limit. We need better collection techniques, fracking has like a 70% ratio of loss

>> No.26583972

>Trump-like personality
And all of a sudden, I love Elon musk lol

No but seriously neck yourself, faggot

>> No.26583980

autististly retarded goys, this guys is the biggest mooch since 197....

>> No.26584033

Financed* FTFY

>> No.26584306
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Please no I don't want Elon Musk to be completely canceled and annihilated by woke society

Please tell me he loves all humans and isn't racist

>> No.26584397

he is the epitomy of south african POC rising up against the fucking racist patriarchy, fuck you glowies

>> No.26584480

his father nor he is attached to any intelligence agencies whatsoever you fucking bigoted nazis

>> No.26584682

It's okay dude kim and kanye have a plan, either 2 hours or 2 days or 2 weeks from now, just know K has a 16d chess plan just for you

>> No.26584792
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>> No.26584825

Elon is strong enough to sway public opinion, they won't ever let him get cancelled because of the immense damage he would do the the overton window if he just said "lol no" and people kept on buying his shit.

>> No.26584856

>He made self driving fully electric cars a thing

Those don't exist yet though? How can he have made them a thing when they literally do not exist??? Are you having a reddit moment anon?

>> No.26584925

Because he's based. Why do incels and plebbit trannies hate him so much?

>> No.26584957

>Elon is a man so racist he couldn't spend a single second in a Apartheid free South Africa so he moved to America
Elon fled Apartheid South Africa at 17 years of age in 1986 because he didn’t want to join the army which was mandatory for all 18 year old white males.

>> No.26585012

Because they fucking LOVE science man!

>> No.26585117

>>>/pol/ with your conspritard bullshit.

>> No.26585152

he actually spends money on r&d unlike 90+% of the zombie companies on s&p500

>> No.26585311

There is no limit really, at least until long after we're all dead. There's plenty of oil underground, it just keeps getting harder and more expensive to dig it out. But it'll be a very gradual rise on average, and maybe 300 years from now it'll be expensive enough to make alternative energy sources worth thinking about.

>> No.26585425

>Google doesn’t exist because I choose to believe everything I see on /pol

>> No.26585618

>Google doesn’t exist
based, redpilled and bumped for truth

>> No.26585755

>Spouts incoherent /pol/ babble
>Just google it!

You conspritard nazi's are all the same. "Just google it" when confronted by facts that make your little racist brain spin.

>> No.26585909

I googled it. Here's what I got:

>Although his father insisted that he attend college in Pretoria, Musk was determined to move to the United States, saying, "I remember thinking and seeing that America is where great things are possible, more than any other country in the world."[35] Aware that it would be easier to enter the United States from Canada,[36][37] he applied for a Canadian passport through his Canadian-born mother.

>> No.26586064

Get Joe Rogan in the mix and you're into seriously unbearable territory

>> No.26586611

>everyone I don't like is a racist Nazi
You have to go back

>> No.26586819

He's right though. For every autistic female there are about 8 autistic males. It's a masculine trait.

>> No.26587900

>Everyone I don't like dodged military conscription

YOU have to go back

>> No.26588053

Because they gobble up any cringy homo shit they can get their hands on. It is the most gay generation of all time, after all.
Absolute dogshit tier.

>> No.26588741

Okay.But he still left Apartheid South Africa at 17 in 1986.He would have been required to join the South African army when he turned 18 as was the norm back then.

>> No.26589069

He has a strong vision
He does really hard things
Doesnt waste money on marketing departments etc
He isnt a corpo suit guy
His companies have the potential to change how society works if they work

Honestly just think for one second and you dont have to ask stupid questions

>> No.26589186

You're inferring his motives.

>> No.26589408

he is just an intj like many people on biz

>> No.26589415


Then why doesn't /biz/ love him?

>> No.26589429

I'm starting to think you might be Elon and you're pissed that I was making shitty Fuhrer memes about you.

>> No.26589736
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>/biz/ love him?
he will bring the rubic reich

>> No.26589816

>give me one reason you arent investing in this man

>> No.26589877

You caught me.

>> No.26589941

Pretty sure as an Anglo he wasn’t looking forward to more bullying in army at the hands of Boers.

As per article:
>”Beyond all these, though, per Foreign Policy, the biggest reason was likely to avoid mandatory military service in South Africa, then still in the grip of apartheid. Musk said,"Suppressing Black people just didn't seem like a really good way to spend time."

>> No.26590565

I'm just giving you more meme power. Good and bad, it adds to your infamy. Stupid easy dismissable rumors add to your collective meme but keep small seeds of doubt in peoples head. Keeps them guessing but more importantly keeps them thinking about you and gives you more power. Now STFU and take us to mars.