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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 149 KB, 623x526, shamefurdispray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26582932 No.26582932 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder, that in a hedge fund's eyes, if they're short on a stock, investors going long and hodling their positions is "shameful". These guys fucking hate us (by us I mean small retail/individual investors, this is honestly bigger than reddit or wsb), and hate the fact that were able to play in their secret little club without paying them fees and allowing them to "make (manipulate) markets". The narrative is actively being corrupted in an attempt to vilify WSB, when the reality is the hedgefunds responsible for shorting 140% of GME's available stock are 100% the ones to blame. They got greedy, and now they're going to try and change the rules/move the goalposts/whatever you want to call it to make their decision the right one.

When they do it, its ok
When you do it, its shameful
Remember this.

>> No.26583021

i hate reddit but i hate kikes more so i threw 100 dollars at it for the keks

>> No.26583127

Top kek what cuck. Citron sound so tough until sometime stand up to them

>> No.26583299

I didnt, but I still also think its based af. The funny thing, is they're just doubling down on their position, so short term, GME probably will go ballistic this next week.

I do think the hedge funds are fundamentally right here, but this would have never happened if they weren't so overleveraged and over shorted. Like who the fuck shorts 140% of a stock's available shares? Did no one see their balance sheet and realize "this company could close some stores and continue making no money for a really long time"? Shortsellers have value in keeping companies honest, and they're generally the ones to discover fraud/corruption because they have a vested interest, but this was just pure greed, and they got caught with their pants down. Now they're throwing temper tantrum about it, lol

>> No.26583339
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, bbqsauceman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for BBQ sauce round 2

>> No.26584239

Depending on how strong people's hands are, we could unironically see a few suicides from this. These guys are losing BILLIONS of other people's money, lol. I dont think they realize what kind of bees nest they poked here.

The hilarious part is that this much new capital might actually be enough to turn gamestop around. They can sell hundreds of millions worth of shares now pretty easily, and the price wouldn't be effected all that much. They could realistically buy some startups, pivot to a new business model, and make it work (ie, nokia, blackberry, GE, etc). Their 1st quarterly report for 2021 will probably also be strong as fuck because of all the publicity they're getting combined with lockdown restrictions loosening.