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26567551 No.26567551 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh hey Anon, so what do you do for a living?
>I am a liquidity provider to the worlds biggest decentralized finance exchange and an investor in speculative decentralized assets
>WOW that sounds really fancy anon ;) you did well for yourself!

>> No.26567707

when you put it that way.. maybe I am kind of based afterall

>> No.26567739

kek this is me

>> No.26567746

In other words, an uniswap degen

>> No.26567759

tell me the secrets

>> No.26567761

That was the joke you mong

>> No.26567774

wow oh so based

>> No.26567785
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I'm something of an asset portfolio manager myself

>> No.26568960

literally me, kek

Quit my job in august just cuz I made enough money from farming and playing with shitcoins

>> No.26569018

So how excactly do you quit your job and live off crypto? Do you cash out certain amounts and foot the taxes? Does your mortgage and grocery store let you pay with crypto? I genuinely don’t understand. I understand retiring off of it, saving up a good bit, cashing out all at once (with help of a tax lawyer so you don’t get dicked), but how does one “live” off crypto and still do things like pay a car insurance bill?

>> No.26569441

I only cash out what I need for food, paying bills, and once in a while I buy other things for fun but usually I keep it frugal so my buying habits are not too obvious. Also I only use my card for paying bills, everything I buy is paid in cash so there's no trace.

As for cashing out, in my eurocountry we have these crypto ATMs that don't require any identity verifications and you can sell crypto anonimously for cash.

And just to be safe before cashing out I send my ETH to a small random exchange that has no KYC verification, I exchange it for bitcoin and then send the bitcoin on a brand new wallet created specifically for only one transaction.

This is just a temporary solution until I move to Portugal to cashout everything tax free, probably in a few months after I make it.

>> No.26569553

>do things like pay a car insurance bill
don't have a car or any insurance of any kind so I have no idea, kek
also no mortgage here, only a small bank loan that I made in march to buy cheap crypto, so with bills and that loan I don't pay more than 300$ per month using my traceable card

>> No.26569617

Wow lol I actually put market maker @ Bitmex as my tinder profile job field. But liquidity provider sounds legit too.

>> No.26569999

Oh ok, so you basically just withdraw small, “untraceable” amounts for bills and such? I kinda figured that’s how it’s done but I’m so worried about he IRS getting on my ass. I mostly planned to just save a large principle and retire off that, but doing small amounts a month seems better for the short term I suppose.

>> No.26570542
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thats called smurfing and its illegal

>> No.26570772

Yeah, I only take out around 600-700$ per month. But my country is small and our "IRS" is dumb and doesn't have the technology or brainpower to track anything. In the USA I would take other precaution measures, like using VPN's, Monero, etc. For small amounts I'm not really sure it's worth it :/

>> No.26570829

this is my temporary plan only, after I'll make over $2million I will cashout in Portugal to avoid taxes and then I'll diversify into some real estate and other boring stuff that's more stable long term

>> No.26570890

Where I live I can cash out 30,000 euros per year tax free so small amounts are fine

>> No.26570948

Don’t care didn’t ask plus you’re glowing.
Yeah unfortunately our IRS has infinite resources, time, and money to fuck your life up. Thought about turning some of my shitcoins to BTC and using one of those BTC ATM’s they have in the ghettos in my city.
This is pretty much my goal also. Except I don’t want to move and instead I’ll hire the most Jewish tax lawyer I can and see how much I can actually get.

>> No.26570996

That's 2500E per month. A lot I would say. Where do you live anon? And do you need citizenship for that tax rule to apply?

>> No.26571071

>an investor in speculative decentralized assets

>> No.26571076

thanks. I'm now looking at how other blockchains can actually connect to each other pretty seamlessly. devs gonna love Aleph

>> No.26571130

>Well I manage the currency transactions of multinationals.

>> No.26571526

an EU citizenship is fine if you live there