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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 774x646, oyvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26565975 No.26565975 [Reply] [Original]

predictable as fuck

>> No.26566080

Fucking Reddit terrorists. If they just fucking sell the stocks back down and put that money into XRP my portfolio would be fine but now I have to suck cock to pay rent


>> No.26566110

>crying kikes, the pic related

>> No.26566112


make up your mind

>> No.26566163

Jews are so dramatic
>muh 6 gorillion

>> No.26566247
File: 2.85 MB, 2500x2500, 1611634693574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they liquidated their GME positions with a loss?
What other positions do they hold?
Just asking for a friend.

>> No.26566269


>> No.26566317

I dont understand why he would sperg out like that. It only draws more attention and makes him look desperate. Is he secretly long gamestop?

>> No.26566348

>reddit is based guys

>> No.26566362

>the "investment community"
Why so sour kekekekeke

>> No.26566431

the art is actually pretty based, it shows the savage nature of the negro

>> No.26566470

>jew owns art of whites being killed
I'm not surprised

>> No.26566619

The top 3 players on the short side are all kikes
Really makes you think

>> No.26566658

It's their version of memeing stuff into reality.

>> No.26566781

>Big money that has been fucking over retail investors for decades through shady schemes get blown the fuck out by a bunch of autists

>> No.26567005

Damn, it all just hit me. These people don't just hate whites bc we are a threat or whatever, they fundamentally hate us because of the history between our people. They want all of us dead in the most painful way possible.

>> No.26567015

now that they've been shortburnt to a crisp they value "safety and family" and want big bro to save them, lmao. i've never owned stonks but i really enjoyed seeing plebbitors step on these fucking cockroaches. well done sóybros, well done

>> No.26567068

ho no, poor multibillionaire filthy kike :'(
We must stop this, how will shlomo be able to afford himself a 3rd yatch this year otherwise?

>> No.26567085

aaaand it all makes sense again

>> No.26567114

>this pic
Literally the first (((thing))) i noticed when this kike started his vid. You can be 110% sure he put it on display this way to send us goyim a message.

>> No.26567729

Salty boomers are hilarious to read

>> No.26567778

It's sad that some people will still listen to whatever Shitron will say in the future.

Especially people over the age of 60.

>> No.26567818

I just got back on biz, from a trip, what happened?

>> No.26567883

This image is fake/bait, and your responses will be used for market research. Thank you all for participating

>> No.26567888

plebbitors fucking kikes over with biz cheerleading the plebbits

>> No.26567905

This is old news about Shitron.

>> No.26567920

>a few Lil Jews don't get a BMW for their 15bday
Noii think if the kids lmao

If anything much more familie are happier with this result lmao

>> No.26567925

Redditors short squeezed a bunch of old jews on the gamestop stock.

>> No.26567937

They acomplished or participated in something bigger than what /biz/ will ever achieve. No wonder it's being cheered.

>> No.26567953

I kind of aggree... but also it's why it's actually shitty art.
Art should be a form of expression. So with a message. The artist expressing something.
Not simply letting any consumer make up anything he wants in his mind from it.

>> No.26568077

normally I shit on reddit but this time I am forced to kneel. WSB has found a way to hit the white hating financial kikes where it hurts most: their pocket book.

absolutely based watching this kike squeel like a stuck pig watching his naked short scheme exposed and go up in flames. Now he knows what regular people feel like every day watching their meager wealth dwindle to nothing due to his tribes policies and financial robbery.

>> No.26568122

>hides behind freedom of speech
>wants to stop freedom of speech for others
What a cuck lmao

>> No.26568156

death to r3ddit stock marked terrorists

>> No.26568286

kek, what the fuck has this to do with it

are they gonna pull the good ol' pedophile accusation on all of the reddit userbase too?

>> No.26568641

wtf i love Reddit now

>> No.26569028

Andrew Left is Jewish btw.

>> No.26569240
File: 54 KB, 757x946, Seething NoCoiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can boomers die already.

>> No.26569310

Yes. I used to think the whole (((muh joos))) thing we just people being retarded racists, but like... evidence they hate us is overwhelming to the point that you can't ignore it.

Even the religion teaches them that they are God's "chosen people" and that the gentiles (goyim) are inferior, they unironically believe they are the "shepherds" of the goyim.

>> No.26569331
File: 59 KB, 750x824, 1611621749428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this Jewish pedophile mentions children. when has a jew done anything for children besides molesting them?

>> No.26569472

Kikes had built massive short positions on GME
Reddit shilled GME until those kikes were liquidated
Those kikes are mad as hell and screeching that their efforts to bankrupt Gamestop were derailed by a couple of freshly-turned-18 niggerslovers from Reddit

>> No.26569508

No it's much worse than you think. Jews literally think non-jews don't have souls, Jews also think no matter what they do in life they will still go to heaven while non Jews just don't exist, which is why so many Atheists are self proclaimed jews, if they are wrong they will still go to heaven according to their dogma. According to Israeli Rabbitical scholars a goyim gets a jew soul of a stillborn when converting to a Jew.

>> No.26569641

Damn, seriously? I haven't looked into it, but I can believe it. Fucked up.

Even muslims don't treat 'non-believers' in such a way lol.

>> No.26569870
File: 308 KB, 2535x498, Really Makes You Think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek - I did a quick Google, and it's actually true.

>> No.26569996
File: 7 KB, 400x300, whistler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucken bitch. Come get me.

>> No.26570007

I would rather have no soul than a corrupt one. All jews go to hell. They lost any favor in the eye of God when they broke their covenant with him. He who rejects the son rejects the father.

>> No.26570050
File: 92 KB, 1000x666, 1609790758367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did these reddit guys do? did they create a false pandemic to destroy small business and the livelihoods of ordinary people so they could make more billions of dollars? i know if they did that our government and law enforcement would protect us. I mean, if they didn't that would mean they don't care about us at all.

>> No.26570105

Imagine shorting in an ath market lmao

>> No.26570117

((((Yet))))) again

>> No.26570139


Based and Predestination-pilled

>> No.26570199

You could look at Cirtons tweets and how they correspond to dips, they create dips so they can buy them. People keep falling for it because they are new to the market. I figured out who CItron were when they tried to fuck up LAZR. I held and LAZR just went back up after they said it was a shitty company.

>> No.26570577
File: 146 KB, 1063x1144, Based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm thinking Shitron is fucked.

>> No.26571035

It would be based if they reported that in the news as a matter of fact, not in art as a celebration.

>> No.26571246

They're sore that we're better than them and we're going to bring down their entire world order, literally.

>> No.26571541
File: 51 KB, 554x597, xanthous king patrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>individual retail investors buying and holding an over-shorted stock is illegal
>we did nothing wrong shorting a stock for more than there is available shares to cover

the nerve of these kikes. I'm glad they're not taking the L and instead doubling-down on their position. This is Zeus Capital all over again. Also gonna be hilarious when people look at the other stonks that Citron is over-shorting like BBBY and do the same thing

>> No.26571666

>nooooooooo you cant buy one of the best preforming assets of all time when it was dirt cheap/almost free to mine this makes you a weirdo

>> No.26571932

no, the redditors are the based ones this time while 4chins was cheering from the sidelines

>> No.26572131

that just makes it lazy art, not shitty art

>> No.26572330


>> No.26572822

jews are evil, they are the cause of most strife in the world look it up.
from communism to bolsheviks to ww2 the trail of bodies is innumerable.
they are subversive on all fronts and lurk behind all that is corrupt.
the one defense against them is to realize how evil they are for they hate being "found out"