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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 35 KB, 846x846, pnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26561684 No.26561684 [Reply] [Original]

stop me from going all in

>> No.26561692 [DELETED] 


>> No.26561724

make srue you're ready for generation walth sirs

>> No.26561759 [DELETED] 

why would i stop you from making the best possible financial decision out of all possible financial decision.

>> No.26561816

get 10m for a vishnu stack sir

>> No.26561959

PNK UNN stacklet checking in

>> No.26562006


how much should i put in, i was thinking of buying a 10k suicide stack

>> No.26562038 [DELETED] 

PNK UNN gigachad checking in

>> No.26562190

u said u were going all in fgt

>> No.26562226

suck my cock sirs

>> No.26562259

here's what you do, price target for 4 dollar; how big do you want your stack to be

>> No.26562268
File: 202 KB, 1024x855, 47264512-D2B4-442B-BB56-3A6173404127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crabcoin jeet scam with a Jew on the board of directors

Many better projects out there

>> No.26562690

depends on how much money you have. I have 100k PNK and 200k UNN

>> No.26562716

>price target for 4 dollar

>> No.26562752

It's a bullshit concept that will never, ever work.
If you go all in, be ready to exit as soon as you make some profit. This shit is NOT a long term hold. It has no value, and it's obvious.
>muh decentralized court that will issue sentences with no legal value that can be overturned by any actual court
>letting some random pajeet or chink judge your controversies
Never gonna amount to anything.

>> No.26562947

haha yeah man that's my fud too!
lets hope it dips back to .07

>> No.26562967

Stop me from going all in your mom's ass

>> No.26563296
File: 497 KB, 891x761, 1608642852859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello sir

>> No.26563380

No FUD. This shit is actually retarded. Maybe it will moon, who knows, crypto doesn't make sense, but the concept is retarded.

>> No.26563448

are you the same guy from yesterdays thread?

>> No.26563461

ah, it's you again. didn't you just make a thread about this yesterday and couldn't grasp a single explanation thrown at you?

>> No.26563512

>the concept of small claim dispute arbitration is retarded
Ok bro

>> No.26563516
File: 99 KB, 800x600, fred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you think it's him too lmao

>> No.26563796

you're fucking retarded, aren't you

>> No.26563861
File: 2.09 MB, 1089x635, 1611577380363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a juror and I sentence you to die.

>> No.26563950 [DELETED] 

doesnt matter if there is no "legal" value associated with the case outcomes

all that matters is that there is a "monetary" value to the outcomes. if i feel i've been wronged, and the associated dApp uses kleros as their dispute resolution layer. then i invoke the kleros clause, take the other party to kleros court (which they already agree to because they agreed to it simply be using the dApp), and get my money. fuck "legality" im paid bitch

>> No.26564416

i know
everyone who brings terms like "law" and "legal" in kleros discussion is either a fudder or a brainlet lacking understanding of how it's supposed to work

>> No.26564454

sirs.. i too would like to accumulate below ten rupees again but we are twelve cent stablecoin now... your fud is too weak to thwart the will of vishnu

>> No.26564529 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 641x465, DD895126-BF26-4765-B133-B326BB2BD34E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m literally a coomfy

>> No.26564665

i have 30k pnk and thinking about upping it to 50k

>> No.26564741 [DELETED] 

Be quick. It’s going to cost you more rupees for a pinkie as the days wear on

>> No.26565150

>and get my money. fuck "legality" im paid bitch
Then the other party sues you in an actual court of law, because they know they have a good chance of winning. The court reverses this transfer of money. Now THEY are paid, bitch.

You people are just too stupid to even bother have a discussion with. 3 threads and ZERO actual arguments. ZERO. None. Nada.
Did you pause to think about this project before buying in, you trisomic mongoloids?

>> No.26565181

>small claim dispute arbitration
Mongoloid. Kleros's "arbitration" has no binding power. It can and would be overturned by any actual court, if one of the parties didn't like the outcome. You think they'd just eat thousands of dollars of losses and go "oh well, the kleros fake judges have spoken"?

>> No.26565213

>i know
You don't know shit. Never have, never will.

>> No.26565221 [DELETED] 

So you don’t understand how contracts work. Oh. You’re just a retard. If you haven’t even gotten that far then erc-20 tokens are probably not for you

>> No.26565271

Kek this guy has a fat stack of pnk. Make it less obvious next time.

>> No.26565366

clearly not fat enough, he must have a huge village to feed

>> No.26565437
File: 196 KB, 487x1265, 4thproblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, so it is you. why are you so adamant about fudding this token? just filter pnk threads if you find pinakion so retarded.

>> No.26565517

Hes arguing with biz about legal disputes which anybody with half a brain knows kleros isnt focused on that. He has a fat bag and I hope you and other anons do too. Pnk is about to blast off. Check the charts.

>> No.26565769
File: 19 KB, 428x368, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this coin never does anything.

>> No.26566054

order in the court, sirs

>> No.26566383

do I have to stop you? it could be the thing that makes you happy

>> No.26566814

other than the partnership with Kleros, redpill me on UNN

>> No.26566987

Wait seriously? If the cases all go to court in the end anyway what's the point of kleros? Suddenly not feeling good about this hold...

>> No.26567387

Go halves on BUILD maybe?

>> No.26567426

judge judy coin, sell

>> No.26567500

>If the cases all go to court in the end anyway what's the point of kleros?
What's the point of Bitcoin? Lmao pay with your dollars, nobody uses Bitcoin anyways.

>> No.26567812

you fucker again, grow a brain anon

>> No.26567863
File: 103 KB, 741x596, 1611510992723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poorfag here holding 15k but still feeling comfy

>> No.26568027
File: 507 KB, 500x519, 1593895888914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros...moon when?

>> No.26568192

Chuck E Cheese tokens. Sell faggot