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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26561155 No.26561155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ approved movies and recommendations thread

>> No.26561221
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>> No.26561293

The Big Short

>> No.26561324


>> No.26561325

You fags realize these >>26561221 movies are nothing but nonesense propaganda

>> No.26561335
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>> No.26561337

Best part of the big short is that it's honest about brokers really not knowing that much more than the typical /smg/ retard

>> No.26561360
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>> No.26561492
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>> No.26561514
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>> No.26561525
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The book is better.

>> No.26561530
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>> No.26561542

ultra kino
funny and informative

>> No.26561562

Ah man that brings me back. When I got my first job, a really shitty telemarketing gig at a really scammy company, my boss recommended everyone watch that movie.

>> No.26561604
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>> No.26561785

I used to work at a zombie debt collection job and watched people come and go because the leads they gave us were trash and they wanted us to call each one to get them to pay. I remember during that time that I was working I would read about how shifty the gig really was and that they were swindling people. One rule about zombie debt is that it only becomes active if you pay $0.01¢. so if you want through debt relief and paid into a discharged debt you would have to pay the full amount. 1/3

>> No.26561810


>> No.26561833

(2/3) I called this one individual who's father had debt that was discharged when he passed away. I throw my pitch at his son and he starts breaking down and sobbing that why do we keep calling him when it has been established that his father had passed away and to stop calling

>> No.26561840

I like Spider-Man: enter the spider verse.
It has a nigger Spider-Man but it also has like 7 white Spider-Man’s so I think that works out.

>> No.26561878 [DELETED] 

a fucking masterpiece

>> No.26561906

This one is so kino, and it's 90% people talking in the same location.

>> No.26561917

There’s some bullshit in there like how credit rating agencies were being bribed

>> No.26561947

(3/3) the last memory I had was when I was at my desk and started reading the notes on the computer files. A lead I was givin had noted not to call because the individual was going to sue the company. So I didn't call. The manager (bull dyke) pulled me to get desk in the middle of the floor and asked me why I didn't call that lead. I told her that the notes said not to. She accused me of stealing time and called the lead to try to show me up. The guy picked and she gave the pitch. He said that he was recording the conversation and was using it in the court case. She hung up right away and dismissed me red faced. That's when I knew that type of work wasn't for me

>> No.26561964


>> No.26562017
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>Credit ratings indicate the ability of a borrower to repay his obligations. However, there is a growing perception in India that credit rating agencies have been too charitable in rewarding ratings

Inside job/the big short

>> No.26562492

I don't get it, can you explain what happened?

>> No.26562650
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institutionalized religion is created by the elite to brainwash and control the masses and have them chasing their tails for most of their lives in ignorance of their slavery.

