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26543973 No.26543973 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26544074

gamergate 2 lol

>> No.26544190

>naked short (a crime) an American icon and employer of tens of thousands of otherwise unemployment autists to the brink of bankruptcy
>gamers quite literally rise up using an incredibly basic, financially sound strategy of "buy stock and hold it"
>literally bankrupt the hedge fund that was illegally manipulating the stock by squeezing them

>> No.26544234

Citron Research (OP image) isn't Melvin Capital (the hedge fund that got bankrupted) but that's a pretty good summary of what's happening

>> No.26544298

Except Gamergate lost. This autism seems to be doing fine.

>> No.26544339

true, (((someone))) just (((happened))) to buy some ungodly amount of puts ten minutes before his tweet

>> No.26544371

Why the fuck would hedge funds ever open short positions on memes when stuff like this could happen, especially during a funny money bull market
like unironically your gains are capped at a measly 2x and losses are unlimited
are boomers just retarded

>> No.26544423

for once, 4chan and reddit team up and its based

>> No.26544454

worse, the short interest was (and AFAIK still is) greater than the total shares avaliable to cover shorts with (the float)

by like 140%

>> No.26544489

It's literally a finance gamergate.

>> No.26544553

We’ll see what the court of opinions says. Those sexist nazis on reddit better get ready to be banned. And we better make some space on this board, because pur soi tanks are going to be out of capacity come next year

>> No.26544658

WSB mods are surprisingly based for literally being reddit jannies

>> No.26544715

gamer gate got trump elected.

>> No.26544763

Can someone explain what happened in brainlet terms?

>> No.26544794

It is also worth mentioning that there's been at least one attempt at hijacking the leadership of WSB, but the mod who tried it was kicked out of the community

>> No.26544808

wallstreet trannies dilating

>> No.26544901

Nah nothing reddit does will ever be as cool and epic as gamergate

>> No.26545010

also there's a cat food dude who tweets emojis

>> No.26545062

>Wallstreet thinks they're untouchable
>Operating on so many layers of bullshit they believe it themselves
>Average anon learns from crypto that if you HODL you can make a lot of money
>Average anons figure out that wallstreet is gaming the system
>Wallstreet thinks people are too stupid to notice
>They notice
>Buy the stock en masse and HODL
>Hedgefunds lose billions. Some go bankrupt
>Seethe and scream that it's illegal for them to lose
>Anons laugh and begin repeating the process to other stocks they've done this to
>Anon crashes the stock market and global economy with no survivors
We just wanted to play video games.

>> No.26545070
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they FUCKED with gamers...
hehehe... not a wise move my friend >:)

>> No.26545071

in what way? i don't go on /v/ so it just looked like a bunch of manchildren being angry at video game journalists or whatever and didn't do anything except doxx and harass them
not even in the same league as bending over wall street whales and fucking them

>> No.26545076


>> No.26545122
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>wall street faggots who proudly endorse the globohomo agenda will go broke trying to compete with literally retarded redditors inspired by literally autistic anons
>this will ignite gamergate 2: financial markets edition

oh yes yes yes yes yes yes

>> No.26545131

They got complacent.
They think they are untouchable.
I want to see their faces when Link and Synthetix are completed and every stonk is traded as a covered synthetic asset on a DEX.
Imagine immutable decentralized crypto fuckery, but with boomer papers. Hedge fund managers will neck every day.
The end of the Jew is nigh.

>> No.26545166

>Big hedge funds shorted a shit stock that has no future
>They borrow the stocks and sell for usd, hoping the stock price will drop so they can buy it back and repay it cheaper.
>If the stock prices go above a certain price, they are forced to buy back the stock and pay back immediately (liquidation price)
>WSB gets wind of this
>Convinces thousands of tards to buy as much gamestop stock as possible
>The price goes above liquidation price, forcing the hedge funds to buy back the stock, driving the price even higher
>More and more autists join in buying gamestop stocks
>More and more hedge funds positions get liquidated
>Cycle continues until now, gamestop price higher than it ever was

>> No.26545197

unironically, chainlink started all this with retard hodl strength

>> No.26545328

you wouldn't get it

>> No.26545401

It's the Kyoto Effect. Gamergate was about one indie developer that allegedly slept with games journalists for access. Which lead to weaponized autism being used to investigate the games industry and expose all sorts of corruption. This lead to heavy anti-SJW sentiment and a general feeling of being "forgotten" by society at large. This sentiment spread online rapidly and created the divide that ended up getting Trump elected in 2016. This causes the divide to become wider overt the next 4 years culminating in what may or may not have been a stolen election. Now, the same people that started with gamergate hate the system in its entirety. Feeling robbed of the voice that Populist Trump gave them, they will crash the system with no survivors. All because they wouldn't just let people play video games.

A butterfly flapping its wings in Kyoto can cause a Hurricane half the world away.

>> No.26545447

redditors are going to get btfo

>> No.26545478

Yes, and then they will do it to every single overshorted stock on the market, one by one. And the entire time Wallstreet will be screaming about how they're in charge and this can't happen. They forgot the rules. Now they will pay the price.

>> No.26545481

don't forget big bang theory that kicked off the whole gamur gril saga that started gamergate
>le cake is a lie
all you had to do is keep normies out of our hobbies. enjoy your clown world now

>> No.26545525


>> No.26545557

yep, the jews always win

>> No.26545576
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>coping this bad over teenage redditors
cringe level 9000 achieved

>> No.26545596

Brainlet here
How does fucking with institutional shorts crash everything?

>> No.26545662

Its the perfect example of the flow between the two sites.
Someone does something on 4chan. A reddit lurker brings it over to reddit. And then the rest of 4chan finds out.
Anyway it has been pretty cool unlikely partnership thats for sure.
/vbiz/ could be its own board since we already have some many fuckimg vidya boards already.

>> No.26545672
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This is some next level cope

>> No.26545749
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i hardly understand what is going on but today i put $500 into $GME. cant wait to cash in my millions

>> No.26545771

Because you're putting wallstreet out of business. These hedgefunds are going bankrupt and taking TONS of boomers with them. All people have to do is NOT SELL, and every hedgefund that has overshorted these stocks will go belly up, taking the boomers with them. The market will crash and let a new generation of people actually get in.

>> No.26545838

Shorting requires margin (or borrowed money)
Hedge fund shorts usually have no protection because of the volume of trades involved so if a short position goes against them they can face the prospect of infinite losses since there's no limit to how high a stock can go
Since there are more shares short than actually available, theoretically the price can jump (or gap up) instantly to a high price and the fund would have to either close their position or add more cash to manage the new risk they present.

>> No.26545845

Don't forget the best part.
Gamestop, essentially a third party in this game that just happens to revolve around their stock, now has enough enough to pay dent and with a new leadership on board (Chewy.com owner) just might be able to swing this to revitalize their entire business.
They litteraly have enough to pay their entire corporate debt. Its insane.
If you bought in at $60+ it probably won't mean much but for those that bought $$$ in at $20/share will likely realise not only short term squeeze money but a long term investment that pays dividends at double or more what they put in for.

>> No.26545871

does hodl mean something or is it just "hold"

>> No.26545977

It just means hold. Hold until YOU want to sell.

>> No.26546037

It started out as someone typing 'hold' wrong but people have retroactively assigned to it the meaning of an acronym for 'hold on to dear life'.

>> No.26546040

there is some overlap but its not the gamergate crowd who showed up to Trump rallies. they did definitely meme for it out of anger at the world though. don't see how it has anything to do with them being stopped from playing video games. a journalist fucking some slut and increasing a review of a game doesn't impact you unless you consume that media like a typical fucking lemming. i dont give a shit and never read reviews for fucking video games.
its hilarious that incels don't realize how much sex influences everything from reviews to job offers to business deals, etc. etc. and that a game being reviewed improperly is what opened their eyes to that. lmfao, this is a basic reality you learn once you leave high school. that hasn't changed just because some turbonerds got asshurt and stopped jerking off to hentai long enough to doxx some sjws

>all you had to do was keep normies out of our hobbies
you fail to realize that the same nerds who created these gaming empires attracted the normies on purpose, they don't care about you, they care about money and growing the industry and making it all possible. you sit there just expecting the world to cater to your specific tastes and for everyone else to be kept away as if you have some intrinsic ownership of content. just fucking evaluate how pathetic you are.

>> No.26546125

imagine reddit and gamestop brings the whole shit show tumbling down

>> No.26546201

This is literally just the free market shaking out an inefficiency. It was over shorted, now it won't be.

Get fucked, hedge funds.

>> No.26546229

you just know at the end of the day some retarded boomer pension fund will be the one eating the losses

>> No.26546252

> i borrow your pair of Nike sneakers
>I sell your Nike sneakers because they are limited edition and worth like $500
>i do this betting on the fact that after the newest limited edition comes out nobody will care about the old Nikes and they will go down to $300.
>My game is i sell them high, buy them back low, and return them to you while tossing you a $20.
>problem is I am a retard and the sneakers actually fo up in price. I sold them for $500 and they are now worth $1,000.
>i need to give you your sneakers back or you kick my ass so I am forced to buy them at the $1,000 at major losses.
>oh well, its pennies on the dollar because I do this scheme all the time and normally rake in dough. One or two losses is expected.
>sneaker heads find out. Everyone that owns a pair of those nikes agree to up their price. They up the price to $3,000 for no other reason than they know i am forced to buy it no matter how extortionate the price.
>i try to weather this storm by borrowing someone else's sneaker to give to you, buying me another month before I need to return the sneaker to third guy. Hopefully sneaker losers realise they need cash for rent and are desperate enough to sell they lower prices back to normal
>this fails, they hold the price
>okay third guy, I can't give you your sneakers but I will give you $50 a day while you wait. Surely after another week or two I can find the sneakers at a more reasonable price and it will still be cheaper than buying them for $3k
>nope, shoe cost goes up to $5000 a pair. Nobody will sell for less
>i am now fucked. I either financially ruin myself to pay debt or get the living shit kicked out of me for stealing from you.
That's basically whats going on. Compound borrowing has come to bite hedges back in the ass. And good.

>> No.26546285

No, retard we just didn't want to be preached to about retarded bullshit while playing or video games. But they had to spread their leftist disease so now this is happening.

>> No.26546452

it means "here only link depreciates"

>> No.26546538

Wasn't it a boomer on Twatter before MtGox rug pull?

>> No.26546650

>are boomers just retarded
Look at the world they created. Yes.

>> No.26546700

so is there actual damage happening or is this just a meme

>> No.26546722

>we just didn't want
there you go thinking that you and your incel friends represent a sizable portion of the market now
games aren't made specifically for your tastes
the companies who have left leaning employees end up with left leaning games. they get more money when they are inclusive because normies eat that shit up and love feeling represented.
>now this is happening
what is?
the devs don't give a shit if you get angry about it. do you see ubisoft or naughty dog or cdpr changed today as a result of gamergate? no, their latest games have plenty of shit you'd say is "leftist" and "sjw", it accomplished nothing, it was literally a temper tantrum. wake up to reality, games used to cater to you when they were aimed at boys under 12, that's not the case anymore. maybe reflect on why you cling to the same desires as your 12y/o self and haven't matured. you may as well say pixar is shit because its not like dbz or bleach. your shitty shonen tastes aren't anymore valid than someone who loves Toy Story, anon.

>> No.26546732

well that fund that started shorting says that they need a bailout of 2.7B

>> No.26546771
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How long until there's a crypto GamerGate? There's already women bringing 'woke' bullshit into the space - like the Uniswap whore that wants 'womxn' to have 15% payrises and bonuses for identifying as 'womxn' - as well as thots like Khater that fuck and suck to the top.

It's only a matter of time IMO.

>> No.26546780

This reminds me of playing poker against someone who doesn't know how to play, they often end up doing good

>> No.26546783
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It's affraid! Aaaahahahahahaha!!

>> No.26546838


>> No.26546841


>Financiers accusing others of creating no value

Wew lad...

>> No.26546844
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>> No.26546853

Imagine being the wagie consultant that presented a business case for shorting GME. Imagine him in that meeting, with all the big wigs going "yep this makes sense, short that fucking shitcoin" and then getting owned like this.

I hope I don't have melvin in my 401k lol

>> No.26546869

You really don't understand anything about the vidya industry or its market, anon. You don't seem to be able to think in abstracts at all. That's okay, I will need people like you to clean my floors.

>> No.26546882

That’s a lot of effort, here’s a (you). You should mention that because he has to buy a lot, the demand for those sneakers are rising.

>> No.26546914

When the long dick of regulation comes and the what is separated from the chaff.

>> No.26546940
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>the companies who have left leaning employees end up with left leaning games. they get more money when they are inclusive because normies eat that shit up and love feeling represented.

You've got a lot to learn. Pic very much related.

>> No.26546965

>140% of shares shorted
Why is this allowed? No seriously can someone please explain it I don't understand.

>> No.26546966

>Uniswap whore that wants 'womxn' to have 15% payrises and bonuses for identifying as 'womxn'
And that's why you need Rubic to outperform then and render them obsolete. American kikes cannot do anything to a company located in Russia

>> No.26547040

LOL. The icing on the cake would be if this causes another financial crisis because of how many of these retards will be liquidated. A financial crisis akin to 2008 while the coronavirus is spreading would have to cause BTC to hit 1m

>> No.26547048
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>individuals deciding to buy and hold a stock is illegal
>naked shorting is not

>> No.26547057

Great point. I missed that aspect in the analogy.

>> No.26547122

This is the best explanation of shorting I've seen, I feel like this should be in the sticky.

>> No.26547166

It's Zeus Capital vs Chainlinkall over again. Company over-shorts and then gets fucked

>> No.26547177


>> No.26547219
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>> No.26547225

I think Gamestop being Gamestop is part of the reason this is working. I imagine most of wsb is 20-something men who would've frequented Gamestop when they were kids, there's some weird catharsis to protecting a store with lots of nostalgia.

>> No.26547305
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>> No.26547314

Gamestop market cap is less than $10B, this is just a side story in terms of the overall market. It's relatively inconsequential.

>> No.26547343

The exact same setup except I borrow one pair of sneakers from you and promise to sell it to 2 guys instead of just one. Because again my scheme is to buy it back from them for cheap later anyway.
Its smart when it works. But when it backfires and you promised to sell 2 sneakers to 100 guys, and it was a special edition that only 50 exist so its completely impossible to fulfill your orders. Its a shit show.

>> No.26547347
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>> No.26547369

>when they do it
brave and courageous rebels
>when we do it
violent insurrectionist terrorists

>> No.26547394

what the fuck happened?

>> No.26547426

Laat thing people will do in a financial crisis is buy 30k coins which you can't even buy food with

>> No.26547452

Domino effect

>> No.26547457
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Unironically can we just do this to all overshorted stock? Is it illegal in any way to coordinate that? Genuinely just curious, because I could see autists using this pretty proactively. The financial system in the US and by extension the rest of the world is fucking retarded and it needs to at least be knocked down a few pegs if not completely imploded.

>> No.26547476

this is fucking AMAZING

what is wsb?

>> No.26547516

Appreciate it.
100% a factor in this. The meme factor is a big deal. I doubt many other companies would have autistic internet users so willing to throw money at them for a laugh.

>> No.26547523

this, honestly would love to liquidate huge positions

>> No.26547537

I don't understand what happened and why insties are so buttmad
But I think I like it

>> No.26547562

Imagine being the gme ceo right now, or one of those shorters lmao

>> No.26547601

They had 13 years

>> No.26547609

This, jesus fucking christ man. I could not hate these people more.

>> No.26547814

I cant believe I was forced to side with either boomers or reddit

>> No.26547887

Except it won't stop here. It will domino into other stocks that are over-shorted.

>> No.26547892

Yes shorting a stock on purpose is illegal.
Technically it is not possible to know our individual intentions so we can do it solo but together. But when you organize it can be clearly demonstrated it was your intention. WSB is now having to do damage control and try to ban the retards trying to say anything about organization and are adding reminders every post that they are a public forum with no planning. No different than criers on the street telling people to do one thing or another.

>> No.26547921

Dear Citron,

Get Fucked

Sincerely, /biz/

>> No.26547978

No, it's not illegal at all. Just convince as many people as possible to buy and hold overshorted stocks. There are plenty. The whole thing is a fugazi that hinges on the regular people not looking into it. The people can literally crash the market if they all agree to but and hold.

>> No.26548034

They shorted their own shorts knowing no other institutional investors would call them on it, since they all collude. The average working man realized this was not only illegal, but could be completely sabotaged by just buying and holding the stock. This has caused immense damage and it's only one company. There are many companies that have over-shorted stock.

>> No.26548080

No, we aren't shorting anything. We are just all agreeing to buy and hold a stock as individuals.

>> No.26548203

i hope they move it to 4chan, I would do this just for fun even if i lost money on it

>> No.26548208

wow, you even chose sneakers as the analogy so niggers can understand

>> No.26548326
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>> No.26548519
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get a load of these smug ass boomers
Jim Cramer is right
they're going to lose and keep whining to the government
they're already getting their script and talking points prepared ahead of time

>> No.26548541

Gotta understand your audience >>26548080
Exactly. I personally beleive the company has a bright future with Chewy.com guy taking charge and plan to hold my investment for several years to help build a company I beleive in.
Just remember. Buy high, sell low.

>> No.26548579

wsb literally describe themselves as 4chan. they are not standard reddit

>> No.26548755

Idk about game, but I'd imagine they shorted the shares, the company did buybacks reducing the amount of shares on the market, causing it to look like a naked short. I doubt left would even find a way to naked short stocks

>> No.26548777

Should we start calling hedge funds and asking when battle toads in coming out?

>> No.26548912

>>wsb literally describe themselves as 4chan. they are not standard reddit

>"Like 4chan found a Bloomberg Terminal"
It's literally /biz/ for NPC faggots that are scared of gore threads and pepe memes

>> No.26549174

you type like a faggot

>> No.26549201

This is good bro. Excellent analogy.

>> No.26549256

Cope, seethe, and dilate.

>> No.26549296

Being retail and being like $10k balls deep into $7 GME probably feels great. Being DEEPFUCKINGVALUE and being up 11 million would be even sweeter, but imagine being an actual institution on the call side of things.

>> No.26549299

if they had just bought puts, they wouldn't be in this mess. oh, citron.

>> No.26549361

But more fun and with better content, it seems.

>> No.26549364
File: 60 KB, 888x894, WTF why is this pinned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image was taken of the chief editor at Barron's

>> No.26549426

Financial gamergate, they gonna thrown in racism, transphobia and mysogeny and it’s over for wsb.

>> No.26549437

please be right. if kek wills it.

>> No.26549483

it would be a perfect finale for the clown world clown show

>> No.26549515

>scared of
too mature for, more like. why deal with shit like that and random political garbage, wading through it like you're knee deep in a sewer instead of a place where they drain the sewage regularly while still maintaining the shitshow quality. its just a better finance/shit ratio.
/biz/ used to be better but after the 2017 pump it seems to be way more shit and scam. but thats 4chan in general, a gradual decline in quality since 2007

>> No.26549568

you can absolutely buy food with them

>> No.26549578

They'll say they're targeting kikes because antisemitism, and it's anuddah shoah.

>> No.26549579

Bought some based on principle and for the lulz. Fuck hedge funds

>> No.26549709

Or, or they talk about racism, whites privilege and how WSB is taking advantage of POOR (mentally, AND financially) minority and so it promote inequality

>> No.26549720
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after reading the first 30 posts, i am confident nobody in this thread knows what is actually happening
pretty crazy just how retarded /biz/ is when it comes to stocks outside /smg/. you'd think you all had some rough idea

>> No.26549730

wsb is /biz/ but on that other site and minus the buy high sell low

>> No.26549862

The real redpill is that nobody knows what their doing because its all made nonsense in the first place

>> No.26550025

>Yes shorting a stock on purpose is illegal.

Shorting is not illegal annon.

>> No.26550064
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>> No.26550174
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>> No.26550426

how to profit off this? download robinhood and buy what?

>> No.26550467

This is bullshit until I see a hedge fund dissolved. I 100% guarantee the shorters still end up making money when everyone breaks rank and the company starts back into a death spiral.

>> No.26550488

nigga you can buy gamestop stock on any brokerage, it's too late now though imo

>> No.26550520

honestly /biz/ is pretty shit, it's mostly just shilling dog shit coins so people can dump on each other. it's pretty sociopathic. occasionally we converge on something but it is rare.

>> No.26550630

>it's mostly just shilling dog shit coins so people can dump on each other.
/biz/ is literally a MLM scheme they shill you their shit coins so they can sell them and get the fuck out of their bad own bad investment in said coin

>> No.26550637

i just went and bought 10 GME at $90 a share after hours prices because of this post.
let's do this shit.

>> No.26550874
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>random political garbage
And if you go to Reddit you have to deal with the pervasive, astroturfed liberal/globohomo groupthink. The 'upvote' system is garbage UX that is easily gamed by shills and the incentive of upvotes, flairs, and 'reddit gold' combined with the disincentive of downvotes ultimately plunges the unwitting average user into a deep pool of ideological conformity. Posts that conform to the agenda are easily botted with upvotes. Dissenting opinions are not argued with freely as on here, but instead downvoted and reported for wrongthink to the mods (often bribed, ideologically matching, or the account sold to the highest bidder). It's a marketers wet dream, and for political propagandists it's pure heaven on earth. Consent is manufactured on an industrial scale.
4chan doesn't near suffer the same because it does not have user account metrics that can be gamed and wielded as a weapon against dissenters, it is just text and images. I am pretty sure that there are neural network powered bots that post on here, especially on /pol/ (I would not be surprised to find out Cambridge Analytica did it during the 2016 election) since the lack of account sign up and post history, as well as potential hostility, would be a good environment to train such networks on before deploying them on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. But again, 4chan is not as easily gamed as Reddit so speech is freer and more akin to natural conversation on here.

>4chan in general, a gradual decline in quality since 2007
4chan was never good desu. It's always been shitty. But yes, quality has declined since the 2016 US elections and 2017/18 crypto bull market. Phone posters are also to blame, since the UX of phones tends to lead to shorter and lower quality replies. Also, summerfags can fuck off.

>> No.26550933

naw now there is a bunch of qanon shitheads infesting reddit as well astroturfing their shit around

>> No.26550948

>are boomers just retarded

as if it wasn't completely clear by now

>> No.26551103

based explanation

>> No.26551127
File: 28 KB, 400x400, King of the Bugmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and that's organic posting by boomers that fell for a larp perpetuated by political grifters and have been unfairly banned from other platforms. You completely miss my point that marketers and NGO/state sponsored propagandists gamify Reddit's UX and algorithms for their own financial and political goals.

>> No.26551144

You just don't get it then simple as

>> No.26551166

for the last fucking time every short is a naked short you dumb fuck

>> No.26551187


>> No.26551216

God this dude uses way to many words

>> No.26551303

some people bought in at 92, 130, and 150.

>> No.26551330

> hedgies getting BTFO'd by REDDIT

>> No.26551363

That sounds absolutely positively keyed

>> No.26551369

Qanon is just a bullshit psyop to scapegoat white Americans.
During Capitol protest, the qanons went crazy.
There were whites, blacks and even Orthodox Jews.
But who did they blame for it? Belief in qanon? Nope!
White supramacy!
A type of supramacy that is always talked about, never censored and always gets shit on by media and ((govement))
I guarantee that none of these people EVER saw real supramacy in their lives

>> No.26551450

>it's too late now though imo
this is going to $1000 though anon, it's never too late

>> No.26551503

Even FEMENISTS are getting banned now (remember how powerful they became back in 2015, with their mysogeny, mansplain, and dongle jokes, gamergate?)
I was reading r politics about how Biden put a doctor tranny in charge and first comment was a warning THAT “she” was a woman and ANYONE who say otherwise would be permanently banned.
I feel bad for censorship, but what happening to femenists and real women is GENUINELY satisfying to me, a taste of their own medicine

>> No.26551562

they can only cash in by diluting so this is retarded

>> No.26551658

based explanation

>> No.26551712

Based reddit

>> No.26551784

>Redditor download trading app
>Le epic GameStop is getting shat on by investors and funds who are shorting
>Wsb decides to buy en masse
>Price rockets up
>Funds starting chimping out because they’re losing a fortune all because redditors are pumping the stock
>To mitigate their losses on the shorts they have to start buying GME which makes the price go even higher

>> No.26551856

Citron means lemon in French.
No need to thank me.

>> No.26551905

: Expert

>> No.26551950

Sounds like someone needs some API3 oracles to fix that.

>> No.26552004

Kek. When plebbit normies and giga4chanchads.jpeg combine autism, it's a force of Nature to be reckoned with.

The Suits are no longer the smartest retards in the room.

>> No.26552006

Merci beaucoup

>> No.26552015

Redditors trying to NOT BE RACIST, accidentally did the most RACIST THING.

>> No.26552045

you guys posting cunny on their twitters or something?

>> No.26552064

If any of you watch Louis Rossmann, here is his response btfoing institutional hedgies. lmfao reddit is based for this shit.


>> No.26552151

These are the faggots that killed my genius brand stocks, I hope everyone at Citron research gets killed in a earthquake with their chest pinned to rebar.

>> No.26552165

Your last statement in order to be accurate would be
>your shitty shonen tastes arent valid anymore, only Toy Story
Because that is what has happened in westoid vidya industry. They have tried to completely shut out the people who have been into it for years. Something good finally comes from Japan? Snoy censors it or blocks it from releasing. Your argument is disingenuous.

>> No.26552186

kek wills it

>> No.26552286

Its pretty based dude. No pajeets anywhere. Its illegal to be pajeet on reddit. /biz/ is like 90 percent shitposts and scams. WSB is the remaining 10% on steroids.

>> No.26552303

If you guys really want to crash governments, financial institutions. And all the corruption fucking the markets you need to tackle gold and silver. It's the most manipulated market there is and it's nearly on the verge of collapsing. If silver goes four dollars higher it will trigger the mother of all short selling explosions....

If even one tenth of you guys joined us on this we could break the entire thing.

>> No.26552316
File: 217 KB, 650x703, 1611242588596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, hrt hands typed this

>> No.26552343

then whats actually happening? enlighten us.

>> No.26552349

So how are the hedge fundies going to get out of this one?

>> No.26552353

>Gamergate was about one indie developer that allegedly slept with games journalists for access. Which lead to weaponized autism being used to investigate the games industry and expose all sorts of corruption
it would've blown over were it not for those "gamers are dead" articles honestly

and everything you said afterwards is stupid because the people involved don't have to be americans

>> No.26552408

I wouldnt call it too late. Its going to at least 250 because the shorters doubled down.

>> No.26552483

look up crush syndrome

>> No.26552508

You guys need to do this with gold and silver. You can fuck the banks even more since they are the ones directly shorting. They've already lost billions of dollars and if silver goes up a mere four more dollars the entire thing will shit the bed. Jo Morgan already threw in the towel after losing about ten billion dollars.

>> No.26552513

>rubic shill
Fuck off pajeet

>> No.26552617
File: 54 KB, 998x598, my third original pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, that painting. Isn't that the same artist who draws blacks genociding white people for 90% of their works?

>> No.26552618

You guys need to do this with gold and silver. It's the most shorted and manipulated thing and the planet and the scheme is near the verge of collapsing. You would trigger the mother of all short squeezes. Entire banking institutions would go under. AlL we need is silver to go up another four dollars or so. It's almost there and we've got them on the ropes.

>> No.26552636

>we just didn't want

Does not imply they're the big market share. Autists needed the escapism to bundle the rage up and when you take it away you get big happenings in video game industry, then politics, then finance all because of the insatiable desire to commodify, brainwash, control. You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.26552676
File: 50 KB, 727x407, 1597252015949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smart hedgefunds are assfucking stupid hedgefunds and retail (reddit) is along for the right, but they are taking the credit and will therefore take the blame

>> No.26552773

Lmao the irony. Fucking hell these "people" are dispicable.

>> No.26552787

would i just buy silver and gold stocks to get in on this?

>> No.26552876

Who is us Anon? Tell me more

>> No.26552886

Just like the capital "insurrection". Have some shill go inside and plant this idea/coordinate this with other shills then have the rest of the plebs(wsb) fall for the larp, follow along and inevitably and take the fall. It makes too much sense, something straight out of the jewish subversion book.

>> No.26552908
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 1589830312974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take the blame
can i expect something actually happening to reddit or it's fucking nothing?

>> No.26552927
File: 67 KB, 1024x434, 1610159918315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26552972

So they're acting like angry moralfags because they got btfo by normie reddit investors?

>> No.26552991

you better pray to god nothing happens, because 2 million of those faggots are coming straight here if it gets shut down. realistically though, reddit did nothing illegal but say "BUY THIS IT'S GOING TO THE MOON" over and over. not concerted even as much as MMs would like to report. fact is, hedgies got retarded and are paying up

>> No.26552996

> short selling precious metals
how the fuck does that work?

>> No.26553029

>, because 2 million of those faggots are coming straight here if it gets shut down. realistically though, reddit did n
You don't think WSB mods aren't working on a FORUM they can monetize with ADS? retarded desu.

>> No.26553127

god i hope so, anything to keep them away from here

>> No.26553144
File: 137 KB, 1079x1077, 1611618574165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely just a coincidence

>> No.26553179

there is a paper market for PMs

>> No.26553185

>Family First
feels like a jewish dogwhistle
>(((Family))) First, fellow chosen

>> No.26553187

Unless you are buying physical gold and silver you are playing a losing game

>> No.26553243

nice catch.
it all comes full circle

>> No.26553479

right about everything except neural net bots. NN is actually a relatively poor-performing design for an NLP task. Mostly transformers are used nowadays

>> No.26553481

retail retard strength

>> No.26553566

And the amount of paper contracts is much larger than the amount of metals available. Keeping the price of gold and silver artificially low is one of the top priorities of the financial system, if it were to go up too much it could mean armageddon.

>> No.26553588
File: 769 KB, 984x1266, keanufit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will be done

>> No.26553621

The jews are mad

>> No.26553662

banks are selling non-existant gold.

>> No.26553683

This reeks of glow. I only trade stocks in Minecraft, sir.

>> No.26553747

It would cause a global financial collapse. Do you have any hard data that backs this up or are you just having faith that humans are greedy fuckwits?

>> No.26553789


>> No.26554026
File: 42 KB, 473x473, 1602893989775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw too mature for freedom of speech

>> No.26554202

waait what the fuck, who is this artist and why does this kike have it on his wall?

>some weird pizzagate shit going on here

>> No.26554254

They put his creepy judenart at the bottom of the Eiffel tower surely somebody can find his name.

>> No.26554375

cleon peterson

>> No.26554383

most based post ITT

>> No.26554392

ask this in pol, post the pic, they'll find out in 15 seconds

>> No.26554449


>> No.26554460
File: 151 KB, 454x453, 1531326596679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only stayed for like 2 weeks, but yeah.

>> No.26554548

I wonder how they manage to survive without the constant incel shitflinging.
This board would be good if it wasnt for all of these (probably 20) losers who have to remind everyone of their low IQ and retard levels of self awareness.

>> No.26554570

what the FUCK is this shit


Why the fuck does the billionaire kike cunt have this violent shit on his wall.

Would expect to see an analysis on this kinda of art on https://vigilantcitizen.com

>> No.26554687


I’m thinking based

>> No.26554706
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1611599290927s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no fucking way... a jew funding a black guy for loxism?

>> No.26554711
File: 417 KB, 1600x1086, pGZvX2H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another cohencidence, goyim.

>> No.26554733

They will get banned soon enough for being "alt right"
Just like the reddit pages for lego star wars and anti-consumerism were banned for being "alt right"
Reddit administration is a cesspool and it trickles down. Ghislaine Maxwells account, one of the most influential accounts, still hasn't posted since her arrest.

>> No.26554770
File: 225 KB, 638x585, deep apu jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll be prosecuted as soon as they sell.
Screencap this post

>> No.26554858
File: 2.70 MB, 1249x8613, geopolitical censorship gamergate and you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26554874

In english a citron and a lemon are two different fruits

>> No.26555008

According to ((((Alex Jones)))) Rothschild are fighting globalists and trying to give money back to people.
Also ADL is just larping to be pro isreal, and all the calling for censorship is to just piss of Americans and attack isreal.

>> No.26555054

>high jacking
Tell us the story anon.

>> No.26555067
File: 701 KB, 750x1060, biden appointees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The end of the Jew is nigh.
I wish you were right fren

>> No.26555128

absolutely based

>> No.26555248
File: 169 KB, 750x500, cleon peterson endless sleep eiffel tower race mixing propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it

>> No.26555271

Look at that fucking kike

>> No.26555307

Isn't something like that happening with Tesla?
But on a much bigger scale.

>> No.26555316

wrong, you complete fucking retard

>> No.26555478

we need to do this, we need to buy as much physical gold and silver and crash the comex with no survivors.

>> No.26555535
File: 2.85 MB, 2500x2500, CLEONPETERSEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is putting this kind of art on the wall some kind of weird chaos worship, a kind of sick reveling in the division that they have created in society.

>inb4 go back to pol schizo

I signed up to etoro to buy GME and hope these cunts get absolutely BTFO.

>> No.26555544

Every fucking time lol. You can’t even make this shit up

>> No.26555566
File: 109 KB, 1856x734, gamespot historic price rise situation analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26555577

why do short sties say buying high short stocks is bad?

>> No.26555598

you can't make this shit up...

>> No.26555629

thread on /pol/
thanks m8

>> No.26555681

Legendary times ahead

>> No.26555694

The best part is that I think both redditors and wall street will lose money in the long run.
GME is not a good investment, no matter how you look at it. If you're in the scheme, make sure you know the right moment to pull out. Gamestop is a dying company.
My biggest hope is that creates a good precedent to fuck up the other hedge funds.

>> No.26555880

It sure is. Kind of hoping this fella an heroes now.

>> No.26555928

I'm a fucking wageslave and I don't live rent-free.
Thank fully I'm moving back to my mom's house with my wife and her children

>> No.26555966

GameStop isn’t a dying company and that’s half the reason this is happening. The irresponsible shorting doesn’t make sense. Ryan Cohen just joined their board. Check out their road map

>> No.26555993

This it's so apparent if you've been around. I've been buying up this whole leg. Even with this pushing only few projects made fine staking, liquidity pools and even NFT options. I use only Poolz now because of successful private round

>> No.26556099

They're still somewhat profitable, but there's no denying that their revenue has been trending downwards. And their business model literally has no future.

>> No.26556134

One of the head mods tried to essentially sell WSB to advertisers apparently

>> No.26556143

Some of these whales are in it long term.
If all you have to put down is a few grand like most of us, cashing out 2x+ is pretty sweet.
But when you are investing $100k+ at $10/share and it goes up to $50/share you have some serious long term wealth.
Gamestop was already undervalued. Follow that with the Chewy.com guy being a genuine asset. And this new cash the company has access to litteraly being able to buy them out of debt. Its a recipe for success.
The quote that many of them are using is this
"Gamestop when you view them as a long standing company doesn't look so great. But if I were to view them as a startup underneath Chewy.com, it is a sure hit".
Anyone that bought under $20 is likely to never lose a cent.

>> No.26556170

lmao owned

>> No.26556214

You'd do the opposite, actually. You'd need to execute the contracts when they expired, like this anon is saying >>26553187. It would be a reverse of oil's sell dump into negative territory back in April last year.

Problem is most anons wouldn't be able/willing to buy those 100 contracts in numbers large enough to get this rolling - you need a lot of financial manpower to even consider going up against these behemonths since you'd fighting the most powerful banks and central banks if it came to that. Stocks you can fuck around because they are available to anyone, you got plenty of financial wizardy to fuck around with and the only thing that got wiped out was an hedge fund. Gold is an entirely different play, much more barebone.

>> No.26556270
File: 59 KB, 794x960, 1595211449155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cleon peterson artwork is definitely elites laundering money while also dabbing on the plebs with their occult memes about how much they hate white people. i also think the particular brand of artwork is probably signaling to other elites what blackmail pacts you've entered into. idk who the guy is that does the child rape """art""" that many elites seem to have (dude i'm sure its just a coincidence lmao) but its suspicious in a similar way to cleon petersons work.

and if you doubt any of the content of this post just think about how we signal to each other with pic fucking related for fucks sake. its not even remotely far fetched.

>> No.26556315

whats this fgt talking about in the other thread?


>Ex fund manager at Renaissance left and formed Melvin. Melvin had one of the biggest shorts on GME taking leverage to short this shit. Their fund starts to get margin called out the ass, super distressed. Renaissance has been getting robinhood order flow data for months and knew a big event was coming. They know the dude who left and started his own fund is in deep shit so to fuck with him and make it worse they offer a 3.24 billion dollar loan in exchange for 30% of Melvin’s GME shares. Renaissance then keeps propping up GME and once it hit their price target (150-160) the shares immediately dumped causing them to make the ex Renaissance fund even shittier while making fat cash at the same time.

>> No.26556353

Gamestop has been doing extensive testing to branch into other business avenues.
Hot Topic is a mall staple and Gamestop isn't too far off from being a gamer hot topic.
They can do whatever they want and as long it is even remotely vidya related their name is a powerful force.
Retro is still in fashion and the main spending force in the country are people that fondly remember midnight releases at gamestop.

>> No.26556370

I agree, but that is legacy GameStop. They are transitioning away from their old road map with Ryan Cohen’s help


>> No.26556373

is this a set up?

>> No.26556386

its just a larp by some guy who watched Billions.

>> No.26556467

Got PsyOpsed Bitches, they just needed a reason to change the rules.

>> No.26556650

holy based what a realization - that their weird occult art fuckery is lowkey signaling to those in the know, the exact fucking same as pepes are on forums like this. fuck. not remotely far fetched at all.

>> No.26557157

tell your wife's son I said hi (I'm his dad)

>> No.26557406

>117 million shares traded hands today
>Dude it's reddit and 4chan sticking it to the man

There's what, 10,000 people total between /biz/ and wsb? Of those 10,000 people, maybe 5% could afford 100 shares of GME. Of that 5%, maybe 30% actually bought GME and held it.

A fucking drop in the bucket.

>> No.26557489
File: 79 KB, 653x653, rosst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26557505

its been a while since the last operation

>> No.26557534

most trading is bots running on an algorythm. they react to real trades because thats what they're programmed to do. If enough real people buy or sell a stock that isn't coded for that much daily volume the bots will interpret it as much larger than it really is and start buying in. in this way normal traders can have an outsized effect on pricing.

>> No.26557572
File: 131 KB, 500x500, FeMC_asserts_dominance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>harassment of minor children
As opposed to major children? What would a major child even be?
Fucking betas...

>> No.26557656

Will be illegal in a month. Coincidence will be used as another reason for Digital Coin. The dollar will never leave their eyes. GG motherfuckers. Basement Autists vs Elite Jews, update the scoreboard.

>> No.26557764


Same reason Blackberry and Nokia are wsb meme stocks.

>> No.26557832
File: 36 KB, 618x412, cow bee bib bip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly I just want to see these boomer parasites get dabbed on

>> No.26557856

Bruh they will just get bailed out.

>> No.26557858
File: 44 KB, 627x767, 1587510951683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26557897
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x1024, SHORT_SQUEEZE_SHITRON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26557906

>Yes shorting a stock on purpose is illegal.
What? Why is short selling and put options a thing then? I've bought put options, why aren't I in jail?

>> No.26557917
File: 197 KB, 1400x1400, kotone_bonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu. It's like if you got some retard kid to gamble his lunch money to you, and he went crying home to his mommy for more money, which he immediately gambles again.
Except Wall St. are even dumber than children...

>> No.26557940

absolutely SEETHING

>> No.26557988


Reminder that this kike literally publishes hit pieces to tank stocks so short sellers can make their short.

All of this is just kikes seething that they're losing at their own game by their own rules.

>more fun


>> No.26558028

They will get bailed out. Do you not know how the fiat system works?

>> No.26558142

>Is putting this kind of art on the wall some kind of weird chaos worship
I used to think that this kind of shit was too far out there to be true. Then a wise dog told me
>It doesn't matter if you believe in it, what matters is that they believe in it

>> No.26558187

Apparently it puts money in jewish hands who then lose it to autistic black trannies on reddit/twitter and white nazis on /biz/ when they meme on them.

>> No.26558235

>boomers putting millennials/zoomers out of work because they shorted gamestore

Boomers fucking deserve it, jews fucking deserve it. Worst generation and worst race. Fuck em.

>> No.26558273

Thanks for the tipperino, big boi.

>> No.26558513

It's actually about ethnics in videogame journalism.

>> No.26558714

Yeah I messed up i thought he was talking about squeezing the short. Im a retard. Shorting isn't illegal, purposefully squeezing it is.

>> No.26558801

What the fuck were they thinking with this? It just seems so arrogant to not only short but to short with over 100% of the shares in existence.

>> No.26559019

thanks for the link

>> No.26559113
File: 3 KB, 136x250, E1AD8EEB-B8F7-4AAE-8770-40F154371818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXACTLY. Topkek.

>> No.26559123

Buy SNX?

>> No.26559138

>noooo, you're not supposed to make us lose money
nothing makes me happier than mainstream media tards seething

>> No.26559253
File: 76 KB, 960x947, 1548948159129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GameStop deserves to go bankrupt with the force of a thousand stars, but having public funds literally "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" at people just because privates aren't selling when they need them to is beyond retarded. The people behind these organizations should be fucking fined for trying to game the system with guilt-tripping and misinformation. SEC, do your fucking job.

>> No.26559401
File: 6 KB, 250x257, 3FFBFCDE-840F-43D8-A3B8-44E6B3D2B122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleon peterson artwork is definitely elites laundering money while also dabbing on the plebs with their occult memes about how much they hate white people. i also think the particular brand of artwork is probably signaling to other elites what blackmail pacts you've entered into.

>> No.26559474

>buying and holding stock will be illegal
Makes about as much sense as taxing unrealized gains

>> No.26559512

kek. reddit actually did something based

>> No.26560011
File: 147 KB, 518x442, 1581219482380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26560154
File: 2.00 MB, 1084x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's rothschilds funded art, they put a huge mural below the eiffel twoer

>> No.26560236

yeah thread on /pol about it now from another anon >>>/pol/305098329

>> No.26561059

They'd tokenize being Jewish and short sell to their own mom if they could.

>> No.26561224

That's what occultism is when you strip away all the stupid bullshit - concealing, preserving and transmitting information through symbolism.

>> No.26561567
File: 160 KB, 392x324, 1550762121120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crown him

>> No.26561728

unfortunately it's still a jew winning on one side of the trade (gme cohen), but on the short seller side there's ALSO a cohen. you can't make this shit up

>> No.26561806

>it's still a jew winning on one side of the trade (gme cohen),
Not A Jew
Look up who owns all the pieces of Gamestop. It's the usual suspects, Blackrock, Vanguard, etc
It's Jews all the way down

>> No.26561875

you're making the same mistake as the tards who say $25B of tether cannot move a $1T crypto market
it only takes a small push to change the equilibrium, especially when greed on the other end causes overleverage. cascading failure happens fast
realistically the number of people involved here is probably closer to low hundreds of thousands than barely 10k
then you have to consider the mania effect. my third world country (francistan) has been running GME news too, there's a whole bunch of retail investors all over the world who will buy the uptrend

>> No.26561980
File: 32 KB, 600x582, 91a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't that the same artist who draws blacks genociding white people for 90% of their works?
Cleon Peterson. Sure looks like it.

What a surprise.

>> No.26562022

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

>> No.26562081


>> No.26562090

lol, this sums it pretty well

>> No.26562105
File: 132 KB, 1024x789, 1538934028926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just couldn't let us be happy with our games...

>> No.26562157

Would it be possible for both sites to do the same shit on Silver or Gold or are we just going to meme tech stocks.

>> No.26562164

it's either

I'm going with the latter but thanks gamerbro for the lulz

>> No.26562202


ever heard of adult children you fucking tard

not defending the guy but jfc

>> No.26562220
File: 28 KB, 256x296, 1611076083174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make a thread. We need to get the ball rolling on this.

>> No.26562234

So what happens when these hedge funds go bankrupt? Don't people depend on them financially?

>> No.26562245


>> No.26562274
File: 697 KB, 802x844, 1583305494063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bond yields are heavily shorted as well, great target

>> No.26562276

jews together strong

>> No.26562291
File: 86 KB, 750x824, 1611621749428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried rotating it to fit the angle of his head and editing his expression to look sadder but they all looked worse than just jamming it on there.

>> No.26562304

>Then a wise dog told me
> >It doesn't matter if you believe in it, what matters is that they believe in it
That dog now says "hello and thanks" (translating from "bark and wag").


>> No.26562635

what a kike

>> No.26562794

well done champion

>> No.26562821

This is the key part. When they revealed open contempt for their entire audience, still hoping to make money off of them.
Imagine if one day 8 financial periodicals all had covers of big fat smelly pedophile looking people with the tiltles going "THIS IS YOU, WE HATE YOU" and "INVESTORS FUCK KIDS" and people would be left wondering how this pertains to financial news.

>> No.26563051

>we're in trouble?
>quick, blame internet trolls!

>> No.26563336

If anything major were to result in this they would just ban Robinhood and ban the goyim from investing.
For the public's own good and for the health of the economy, let the experts trade stocks, the average joe is too dangerous and doesnt know what he is doing
You vill have no rights and you villl be happy