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File: 36 KB, 1252x823, union-finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26549651 No.26549651 [Reply] [Original]

I have 200k PNK, and I recently learned that Kleros team partnered with UNN. I know Clement and Federico are stingy as fuck, so if they decided to partner with UNN, they have to be promising, right? Shill me on this new coin bros

>> No.26549788

All I know is it's like insurance or some shit
Price makes me wanna get a bag

>> No.26549814

It’s a shitcoin the unn team wrote the medium article in a way that makes it seem pnk would be using unn but unn is just going to be using pnk and pnk is desperate for someone to use their product. Also any pump gets rejected by whales.

>> No.26549849

BIG scam.

>> No.26550049

its like bitcoin but for bull semen futures

>> No.26550108

It's a governance token that governs a non-existent product. They don't write insurance.

>> No.26550301

I’m a believer

>> No.26550487
File: 181 KB, 1024x512, 0 ib9L4IORShh8lwiT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone that want's to get in now should be doing so on a speculative basis. Without a main net and a functional system available for audit, there's no point selling the project's merits aside from its potential. I own a medium size bag and will bail if they start flaking on deadlines and can't deliver. That said, if what they're trying to do works, they'll be top 3 of all blockchain coverage providers with the price to match.

>> No.26550867

yeah, that's why i want in. Got some profits that I can throw, buy like 100k or something. >>26549814
meh, that's like most new coins. Always suppressed by whales in beginning
Good point, will probably be looking out for deadlines as well.

>> No.26550906

medium-sized bag**

>> No.26551054

It's a good risk at current prices, I don't stand to lose THAT much if you don't put too much into the pot. You stand to gain a lot if it works out. They get a hell of a lot of volume on the 24 hour charts and the team's background, (do some research on the members and consultants), you'll find a lot of reasons to gamble with it, or not.

>> No.26551123

15k PNK
20k UNN
I have medium-rare faith in either to pan out well, but it wasn't terribly expensive to snag

>> No.26551129

you don't stand to lose THAT much**, but stand to gain a lot of it works out**

>> No.26551208

All you need to know is that it's full stack DEFI coverage in multiple facets not just smart contract code failures/bugs. Nexus Mutual is one of the only working options and its trash. Put options directly tied to over collateralized lending to reduce volatility/risk of liquidation is fucking amazing. Either you don't understand it or want to pack your bags.

We need Union like we needed Chainlink. Period. ...and a $1B+ market-cap will just be the start.

>> No.26551274

isn't this just vaporware? they haven't even started the code yet.

>> No.26551331

Cardano is supposed to work better than Ethereum, in theory. Michael's background is thoroughly impressive, this is going to be huge if it works out.

>> No.26551540

yeah, the risk seems pretty fucking low at this price. I'll buy 100k worth and just sit on it for now I guess. Thanks, anons

>> No.26551714
File: 82 KB, 1594x1238, 0 VJ93zlH0-rvKn6Zh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this screenshot counts for anything (I know, not much), it appears there's something in the works.

No need to harsh the our buzz, just don't buy it and shill maybe something better.

>> No.26551782
File: 157 KB, 512x325, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binomial tree based leveraged eth loans to lower risk of liquidations as well as insurance for product exploits is really useful. You'd have to know banking finance to understand this but it's the first project to incorporate this into a product.

>> No.26551898

harsh our buzz **

Don't post when you're on mushrooms and care about typing accuracy, biz.

>> No.26552658

Intradasting. I'm going to read about it now, maybe I buy, maybe it's a pure shit coin.

>> No.26552698

imagine believing this.

>> No.26553405

i bought in hopes this moons me like stinky pinky

>> No.26553543

Whats the difference between this and DEXG or Maker?

>> No.26553640
File: 125 KB, 1747x678, Screenshot 2021-01-23 161944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's decentralized insurance where risk can be traded for and against. I'm assuming DEXG and Maker are loan projects

>> No.26553785

What are realistic price target for UNN? eoy and long term?

>> No.26553847

Looks good. Might get myself a bag and see where this goes

>> No.26553873

insurance on crypto platforms. protects you and the project if they get hacked or rug pulled or something

>> No.26554120

I'm going to do all the newfags a favor

> The team failed to run their token sale back in November
> They tried to run the sale twice and failed twice
> CPO (John Liu)'s previous product was Fusion, which was hacked shortly after launch going from $8 to sub $1 (now at $0.1)
> The geyser's APY was misleading and the calculation of rewards completely wrong, took the team 2 weeks to fix
> No information at all on the dev team
> The updates and the shills make it sound like its some fancy product by using a bunch of jargon, when it's really some basic crap and most of the whitepaper was pulled from investopedia (check the references)

Everything about the project screams incompetence and amateurism. If the team doesn't rugpull first (no real lock on dev wallets, the locks are "voluntary" only), this will get hacked within 2 months of launch and go to 0.

>> No.26554168

i'm not a dreamer so i'm thinking like .25 a year after their product is released

>> No.26554425

Where do I go to buy this in the US

>> No.26554535

Uniswap, fren.

>> No.26555759


>> No.26555799

click the link and click trade.

>> No.26556120

Conservative: .35-.5 cents EOY
Ape: $1-3 EOY
Long Term: $5-10 years from now if successful

>> No.26556171

realistic and gettng me hard pilled

>> No.26557060

>if they decided to partner with UNN, they have to be promising, right?
Lol Kleros itself is utter bullshit, the kind of idea that only sounds good to very young, very naive people with no idea of what they're talking about. Using Kleros to justify buying UNN is hilarious.
>Sure, anon, let's create a decentralized court system were random strangers all around the world will judge controversies of thousands of dollars as a part time gig.
>Without even knowing the laws of the place.
>Using only their precious fee feelings.
>And any sentence is actually just an opinion that is not legally binding, so even if the smart contract takes money from you, you can sue the other guy in a real court of law and take everything back.
>And no company will ever agree to use this as a way to sort controversies because they know that the average retard will judge always against the big, bad corporations.

Imagine having thousands of dollars at stake against some other guy, and having to resort to some canadian or french or filipino faggot to judge your case by skimming the necessary info in a few minutes, because they're not paid to issue GOOD decisions, but the decision of the majority, so as soon as they understand what the other judges are probably gonna vote, they vote the same way.

Centuries of development of nuanced, intricated legal thought, flushed down the toilet. You need to be a mongoloid to actually believe in Kleros.

>> No.26557150

tranny get back in the discord and stay there

>> No.26557216

Wow what an amazingly brilliant retort. Kleros' little fans truly are special.

>> No.26557279
File: 781 KB, 1000x1000, 3DF9F82B-D1A3-4B0F-90BD-37F30D1A465B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beep beep

>> No.26557332

No argument, no workable idea, no reply to any objection. As usual.

Kleros is pure vaporware. Only reddit-tier morons can actually believe a decentralized global court system could ever work.

>> No.26557378
File: 269 KB, 750x1334, 701F03FB-D3EF-465A-88BB-88DDF52B2D04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beep beep

>> No.26558809


>> No.26559152

The fact that no one has replied to this has got me wondering....