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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 632x331, 1586883569410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26555224 No.26555224 [Reply] [Original]

Tax season is just around the corner.

>> No.26555291

Never selling

>> No.26555336

You must report regardless.

>> No.26555342

and you still don't know how ring signatures work
good luck faggot nigger

>> No.26555386

You have to pay your unrealized capital gains this year

>> No.26555430

ive been doing that every year, i feel good knowing im giving to my community

>> No.26555446

a classic case of shouldve used monero

>> No.26555519
File: 270 KB, 913x979, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 25 and have zero fucking clue how paying taxes works

>> No.26555684

Just go to a CPA

>> No.26555870

how much are you supposed to tip this year? Normally i with 10%, but this year I'm thinking more like 15-20% since all the IRS employees will probably be so swamped, and would appreciate the little extra

>> No.26555940
File: 9 KB, 353x363, 1593881081883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw im 32 and just use H&R block or TurboTax to report my taxes for me
>tfw I have only withdrawn $400 worth of crypto so it's not really worth reporting as income because I forgot I even had crypto for 6 years

>> No.26555974
File: 164 KB, 603x555, Screenshot_20210125-222810_TurboTax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant figure out how to intimiate coinbase into turbo tax. Is there anyone who could help for an extra $140.

>> No.26556185

I don't use coinbase but why can you just import the csv file?

>> No.26556199

How do I register the UNI airdrop?
Do I not need to until I sell it?

>> No.26556271

And how the fuck would they know? I bought high and sold low all year. Prove otherwise lurking glow niggers

>> No.26556277

No you dont

>> No.26556662

I don't have any crypto anymore, forgot the pin to my ledger.

>> No.26556843
File: 758 KB, 735x1302, 1584042431.bubblewolf_kameloh_upload_version_bubblewolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving to your community
>knowingly forking over money to an involuntarily-funded entity that manipulates the laws of the society you're paying for to work specifically against even the most basic, fundamental interests of the ones who are a financial net positive to it (a demographic that you may be a part of)
you would have to be a self-annihilationist
you would have to want to see everything that is, and ever was good forcibly packed into a noisy, screaming singularity along with all the most horrible things and people in the world, and have it all die at once

when the tax collectors come to find the wealth of mine that they might insist is rightfully the government's—even given the anti-rational notion that anyone volunteers to surrender one third of their working hours to pay for the mere promise of adequately paved and arranged roadway infrastructure, the mere promise of "adequate" lead plumbing through which water may be run, and the "adequate" service of keeping people from accessing new medicines and technologies that haven't been subjected to effectively pointless and costly screening processes whose governing bodies can be corrupted—i'll not be locatable

it is in my interests, and in theirs

nobody is necessarily entitled to anyone else's existence; the fact that we are not immortal gods whose lives date back to the beginning of time is irrefutable proof of this, as is the fact that we may die or suffer grave misfortune at a moment's notice
as such, nobody is necessarily entitled to anyone else's presence—the fact that we may, with the limbs that we naturally have, move ourselves away from situations or people that make us uncomfortable is, once more, irrefutable proof of this
as such, nobody is necessarily entitled to the wealth that anyone else may be responsible for the generation of

>> No.26557610

You on discord? I'll do it for free

>> No.26557780
File: 107 KB, 700x463, form8949examn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh look at this form, does this look hard to figure out?

>> No.26557891

for any leafs here, do I report taxes if I haven't cashed out? I know I have to report every transaction, will I have to literally cash out my crypto gains just to pay the fucking cra...

>> No.26558112

Has anyone ever cashed out, sent the money to their bank account and just not paid taxes on it?
How did that turn out?
Not a glowie btw

>> No.26558151

shut up you cringey faggot

>> No.26558216

No you don’t you fucking idiot

>> No.26558228

how are you gonna explain a 4 dollar deposit hahahahahahaha

>> No.26558261

reporting a loss

>> No.26558295

You only need to report any taxable event. Buying crypto is not a taxable event. Buying crypto with other crypto and selling crypto is a taxable event.

>> No.26558307


>> No.26558311

I hate doing taxes. It's so annoying.

>> No.26558352


>> No.26558360
File: 96 KB, 960x539, 0CC13B23-AA0E-4C8E-9ABF-E5210E58EF34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an IRS office.

>> No.26558364
File: 138 KB, 512x1024, AC9A5773-178F-4744-AD5B-FEA550BA4EA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evade taxes and buy guns.

>> No.26558409

I had around 800 transactions in 2020. Do I really need to fill out a line for every single one or can I just tell them my profit for each coin?

>> No.26558483

obese ghosts work at the IRS?

>> No.26558570

6k tax return. Take the foreign-earned income pill...

>> No.26558601

Do I get refunded on my unrealised losses?

>> No.26558626

Mods just ban this autistic retard he posts this 20 times everyday year round

>> No.26558692

>ive been doing that every year, i feel good knowing im giving to my community

Its going to corrupt career politicians to screw up the country because they hate you and think its funny.

>> No.26558773

I copy trade
How the fuck do i monitor every single trade being opened and closed?

>> No.26560130


>> No.26560181

>300 uniswap trades in 2020
>lost like $5k
I'm not reporting shit

>> No.26560673

ok, so does that mean if I make 10k swapping shitcoins with eth, but never cash into my bank account i still gotta cash out 2.5k just for taxes?

>> No.26560694
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a free country, I will never pay taxes over crypto

>> No.26560698

I lost my job from covid, give me a break....

>> No.26560731
File: 74 KB, 532x689, p4g6ttkzme541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek saved. Right wing audit squads when on these moonboys

>> No.26560742

fuck me sirs, I might just move back to my 3rd world country and buy a castle in the mountains with crypto gains.

>> No.26560785

My accountant said I only have to pay shit that was cashed out in fiat money, if he fucks up and I get audited will I be able to blame him and jew them out or should I just find a better one?

>> No.26560789

>tfw when swampgerman

>> No.26560863

Use Koinly, it'll do all the work for you pretty quickly. Costs a little money, but it's better than prison.

>> No.26560879

nice furries nigger but how do I dodge the jewish mafia and not be found if I'm being tracked just to be able to exist?

>> No.26560896

That's the way i see it too but its only my first year investing.
Anything under $18,200 i dont pay tax on. After that you have to start paying tax on each stock you sell but only 40% of stocks if you sell them within 12 months.

Its all so confusing. Better to just get an accountant to handle it.

>> No.26561009

Go to Koinly, you can see your gains/losses for free. You have to file even if you have losses.

>> No.26561029

I just use credit karma tax services for free

>> No.26561393

My question is if my accountant doesnt get it right would he be held liable, or would I still be held liable for it? If I can just hire some guy that can be liable for his own mistakes for like 250-500 bucks its far better than sorting this shit out myself.

>> No.26561835

For Koinly, if I stake/index something like say GRT, it marks it off as a gain, would I switch the tag to "pool" instead? I never made enough money to even worry about this shit until this year

>> No.26562088

based and same

>> No.26562532
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1600744523119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy and transfer to some different. How will they ever know that it's yours?

>> No.26562799
File: 260 KB, 586x724, 1591456148204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different *wallet. Just move the coins from the exchanges and bring them back to cash out.

>> No.26562869

Glownigger thread

>> No.26562909

Use a real CPA instead.

>> No.26562999


>> No.26563187
File: 4 KB, 204x163, 1608337220341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't know.

>> No.26563485
File: 1010 KB, 2576x1932, 20180509_152057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These hands are made of iron you little bitch

I'll be holding these bags when I go to the fucking grave

>> No.26563695

is it times like these when you can just use monero?

>> No.26563857
File: 112 KB, 1348x712, 1589496525974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone use Token Tax? was thinking about using their $200 service. i got UNI and GHOST airdrops last year, plus some uniswap shitcoin swaps.

>> No.26563987

>start streaming
>send donates as gifts to yourself
>keking from random normies paying my fee
Laundering machine go wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooom

>> No.26564611

don't know how it is in the US but here the bank will call you, you'll them to fuck off and they'll report you to the (equivalent of) IRS. From there it's fine after fine, and they'll increase your tax rate up to 80%

>> No.26564646

>Buying crypto with other crypto
probably one of the very few times of my life I'm glad not to be American

>> No.26564688

I’ve lost $700 dollars this past year. They want no part of me

>> No.26564722

of course, but they say that crypto to crypto is taxable in the hope that some retard will report his transactions even though they have no way of knowing about those

>> No.26565086


>> No.26565305

No, because you've technically never sold
>never selling
Isn't necessarily a meme at this point, as you'll only be taxed on what you cash into your bank account

>> No.26565507
File: 350 KB, 796x934, glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larping faggot
you're gonna pay up bitch

>> No.26565985

You could report your losses and maybe get some back?