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2655181 No.2655181 [Reply] [Original]

You retards know that pump and dump schemes are illegal right? The SEC actively investigates that, even with shitcoins.

Average investigation takes about 18 months, but they will track you down. There are 14 year old kids that did time in the late nineties for PnD on penny stocks. The SEC shows no mercy.

>> No.2655191

>There are 14 year old kids that did time in the late nineties for PnD on penny stocks.
Wasn't it some kids on an internet forum too? They weren't even advertising it.

>> No.2655192

>There are 14 year old kids that did time in the late nineties for PnD on penny stocks.
Citation needed

>> No.2655195

That's the trouble with connecting data cables to pajeet land

>> No.2655198

Yep - it was on a BBS.

Just google search pump and dump arrest

>> No.2655202

Crypto is not regulated.
That's why there is no ETF, that's why the market is manipulated, that's why you are free to pump and dump as much as you want.
No consequences for no one.
Prove me wrong...

>> No.2655205


>> No.2655207

No prison time

>> No.2655225

>Mr. Lebed lured investors into the stocks with predictions that the shares would soon soar in price. He said in one message that a company trading at $2 would be trading at more than $20 ''very soon.'' Another posting said that a stock would be the next ''to gain 1,000 percent.''
kek, lots of anons going to lose their precious gains

>> No.2655228

So people talk about crypto being unregulated... obviously we can do or say whatever we want, but what exactly would get you in shit in the stock exchange world?

>> No.2655235

Breaking laws

>> No.2655237

Incorrect. It's a security. SEC has been working on a crypto enforcement mechanism for last 6 months. They are going to time their first arrests with a congressional action on crypto. St least that's the plan.

>> No.2655240

The SEC is a civil body and can't put you behind bars, retard. All they can do is fine money ... which you only need to pay if you want to keep trading. Otherwise you can tell them to fuck off.

>> No.2655244

It's regulated - the crime is fraud, not what you're pumping.

>> No.2655251

>madoff went to jail

>> No.2655259

Pumping is part of the fraud. This Lebed kid was apparently in trouble purely because of shit he said online (and the fact that he owned stock).

>> No.2655272

>your zit-festooned ass is madoff
>in that broken ass chair

>> No.2655295

The last refuge of the nocoiner is that all crypto winners go to jail.

>> No.2655297

I'm not from murica, do I need to care what SEC is or does?

>> No.2655303

It depends on where you are and what sites you are using.

>> No.2655307


they would have to prove:

>you were intentionally pumping and dumping (as opposed to just making a large purchase)
>you were the one using the computer at the time
>the wallet from which the coins were sent belongs to you

>> No.2655309

>Google searching flagged words

>> No.2655320

>investigating for gibsmemoney
Lmao, fucking hell

>> No.2655321

By the way, this teen did nothing wrong at all. He bought some stocks and promoted them to make a profit. How this is big daddy's government business is something only literal cucks could understand.

>> No.2655333

Its simple

Gibs me money


>> No.2655335

All the words are flagged.

>> No.2655337

>>you were intentionally pumping and dumping (as opposed to just making a large purchase)
people are openly talking about this is chat rooms
>>you were the one using the computer at the time
no they don't
>>the wallet from which the coins were sent belongs to you
it's on an exchange with people's personal information

>> No.2655340

Ur moms flagged

Wait, fuck. Its a classification of all activity l. Even this message

>> No.2655354

In all of your nocoiner fury, you are supporting the government trespassing on our civil liberties just so that you can say "I told you so". People like you disgust me more than the SEC itself, as at least they are getting paid to do this.

>> No.2655361

1. I own a lot of crypto
2. I don't get involved in fraud

>> No.2655381

Not American. Burgers aren't allowed to participate in ICOs as it is, and shouldn't be allowed to be in crypto at all. Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.2655392

Whatever Nig, nice id. Wait, burgers can't do ICOs? Why not?

>> No.2655398

Well, one of your BTC addresses has been linked to criminal activity, step into your cell now, citizen. After you give us your private keys. If you don't, you are obstructing justice.

>> No.2655399

>Engaging in illegal activities
>Muh liberties

>> No.2655404

For every crypto winner there is a crypto loser - probably several, in fact

>> No.2655408

Is hyping up Apple products in technology forums illegal? Why should hyping up stocks be?

>> No.2655416

Are you trying to form an argument?

>> No.2655421

Oh nice strawman.

Because there's an intent to defraud.

>> No.2655422

I'm trying to tell you that being a statist cuck doesn't align with your interests as a crypto holder. You are lying anyway.

>> No.2655425

You're assuming we're Americucks.

>> No.2655428

>pointing out pump and dump is fraud
>must hate all crypto
Cool, man.

>> No.2655432

Am I intending to defraud you if I tell you that Macbooks are nice computers and you should get one? Suck a dick, faggot, that's all you were born to do.

>> No.2655436

It's irrelevant if you hate it, it is against your interests to give the SEC power over crypto. If anything else, value will crush.

>> No.2655439

SEC has zero power

>> No.2655440

Your argument is equating fraud to cryptocurrencies. It's not only wrong, it's retarded.

>> No.2655447

Just read this


Man I hate the government kikes even more than usual now. The kid didn't even create fake alter-ego accounts, he just created extra accounts to bypass a spam filter on Yahoo. Can a person be sued for owning Apple or Nintendo stock if they have no intention of buying a product from either company? Don't think so. Fuck the SEC.

>> No.2655456
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>Ronald Long, administrator of the SEC's Philadelphia District Office, urged investors "to be highly skeptical of any advice they receive from the Internet. People should do thorough research before making investment decisions and verify all information before acting on it."

>> No.2655459

I don't join in on PnD's and I think the people that fall for it are morons.

On the other hand I'd say the government has no fucking reason to get involved with it. Its none of their fucking business. People know they are getting into sketchy shit, it's extremely high risk/high reward.

But again. Why must the government interfere? To protect morons from themselfs? People have to pay tax dollars because some people are to fucking retarded to see such a simple scam?

It even works out itself, since the stupid people are filtered out after they loose a bunch of money. I just don't fucking get it.

>> No.2655460

You don't understand what fraud is. The US government is the most hostile government in the world against cryptocurrencies, more than countries like Russia and China. Give them more power, I guess.

>who will think of the children

Boomer idiot

>> No.2655464

Oh wow. Personal insults.
Are you going to call me Hitler next? Trump? Stalin? Come on, you've got to have better than "faggot" especially since "cunt" is bandied around here as a term of endearment.

Tell that to fucking Madoff and his investors

>> No.2655470

The government doesn't really care about idiots, it's a pretext to install their own regulation.

>> No.2655474

>But again. Why must the government interfere? To protect morons from themselfs? People have to pay tax dollars because some people are to fucking retarded to see such a simple scam?
That's the reason on the surface. The real reason is to ensure the goyim stay content with their annual 0.25% returns (pre-inflation) in their (((savings accounts))). Can't let those 30% profit margins in the banking industry go away.

>> No.2655475

I am going to tell that you are a massive faggot who puts dicks up his ass for pleasure. That is enough fot the faggot that you are and explains your fixation to be fucked by the government.

>> No.2655484

>Tell that to fucking Madoff and his investors
Next you're going to tell me that the government cares about the sick and poor because they're going after Shkreli, even though they allow companies like Mylan and Merck to rape taxpayers to the tune of tens of billions. They only went after Madoff because he went too far; it's just like the mafia, you watch after your family, but if Tito's third cousin rapes the mayor's daughter, you cut ties and cooperate fully with the police.

>> No.2655486

Don't forget to pay your taxes like a good goy American.

>> No.2655495

Say it with me, "Land of the free...."

Thank god I was born outside of Mexic....I mean America

>> No.2655498

>Ronald Long
>FA hodler
is this self-fulfilling prophecy or irony

>> No.2655505
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there is yvidence

>> No.2655510

The exchanges should be held responsible for allowing them. If they can't govern over what is happening on their exchanged properly than the SEC should get involved.

>> No.2655511


Nothing happened

>> No.2655521

I am Brazilian, mate...

>> No.2655526

Excatly.. hence why many say to stay away, it's not federally regulated hence SEC can't touch it.. just a newfag who's butt hurt he bought high, expecting coins to keep going on ONLY one direction, up. Now trying gear tactics to scare other newfags while he jerks off in mom's basement

>> No.2655549

>hate pump and dump groups
>loves the biggest pump and dump group of them all

At least with Pajeets you are doing it voluntarily, the government is using force to take your money.

>> No.2655554

Depending on the extent of the deed, I guess it is handled at a more local level, no? I would say it is like posting CP on the internet. Both is a crime.

IF cryptos would be regulated. But they are not.

(not versed in law, please correct me if I am wrong)

>> No.2655561

What is the SEC? Some american bullshit?

>> No.2655669

That's right, but the brazilian police does not even know what a cryptocurrency is...

>> No.2655686
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>has a third-world subservient socialist mentality
>accuses others of being Pajeets

>> No.2655701

Even if I wanted to, seems like nothing short of 10 mil is enough to orchestrate one.

I'll just stick to being a big fish riding the waves.

>> No.2655721

>What is the SEC? Some american bullshit?
Yeah, the Securities and Exchange Commission. Also the Southeastern Conference if you're into college sports

>> No.2655735

I doubt that the regular police officer knows how someone evades taxes unlawfully.

But they would still arrest you for doing it.

>> No.2655738

I think it depends on the coin

Lower market cap requires less of an initial pump

>> No.2655747

>exchange with personal info
You realize you don't have to give accurate personal info to trade on most exchanges, right?

>> No.2655769
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There are easier ways to send your money to India

>> No.2656321

>the SEC regulates the trade of altcoins
lmao fuckin OP

>> No.2656335

>government doesn't have the power to regulate whatever it feels like

>> No.2656343

nice non-argument faggot
>hurdur let me make some retarded generalization in response to your specific point
do you have anything to say or no? just fuck off
you are mentally retarded

>> No.2656348
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>implying im amerishart and i give a fuck

lmaoing @ u living in a third world country, bet you pay taxes on your crypto gains too lmao

>> No.2656563

So you in crypto but want protection. The whole reason crypto is lucretive is because you dont have to pay regulators. You are on your own. The whole reason we have the sec is because old white women were dumping the family money in "I know a guy" stocks. They wanted an "in". So I regret not getting bitcoin and then selling at triple. Ive never lost a dime on the markets and dont want to start now.

>> No.2656624

kek yall niggers going to jail

>> No.2656787

The US is the literal definition of first world. Look it up fagit

>> No.2656841

retards thinking the feds are gonna van a bunch of Pajeets and the suckers that got scammed

Vitalik and a bunch of ICO's on the other hand....

>> No.2657241


What is ssi?

>> No.2657246


Capitalism isn't zero sum

Everyone investing today can be a winner if he just holds

>> No.2657328
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>> No.2657364

how can they prove that you were actually part of a organized pump group and not just reading the market signals and happen to invest in the coin during the pump?

>> No.2657387

>you were the one using the computer at the time
lolololololol I remember thinking like this when I was 14. Such a childish understanding of the legal system. "Some bad financial criminal broke in and used my laptop, it wasn't me!"

>> No.2657393

Subpoena of IP logs on Discord chat rooms

>> No.2657584

If I destroy my computer, will I be safe? Kinda freaking out desu

>> No.2657585


what is a vpn?

>> No.2657776

It stands for virtual private network.

>> No.2658044

The government won't do shit. Watch.

>> No.2658908

SEC can enforce securities law on any "instrument deemed an investment contract." That applies to crypto. Did more detail, see SEC v. WJ Howey Co.

>> No.2659604

>>2655181 >>2655202 >>2655237
On August 6, 2013, Magistrate Judge Amos Mazzant of the Eastern District of Texas federal court ruled that because cryptocurrency can be used as money, it is a currency or form of money. This ruling allowed for the SEC to have jurisdiction over cases of securities fraud involving cryptocurrency.[42]
On December 1, 2015, the owner of the now-defunct GAW Miners website was accused of securities fraud following his development of the cryptocurrency known as Paycoin. He is accused of masterminding an elaborate ponzi scheme

A financial trader has been arrested in the UK after US authorities accused him of contributing to the 2010 Wall Street "flash crash".
wants to extradite on charges of wire fraud, commodities fraud and market manipulation.
HSBC trader to fight extradition to US in forex case
was arrested on Monday in the UK at the behest of US authorities, who have charged him with forex-rigging.
The case may raise issues of jurisdiction. The UK’s Serious Fraud Office dropped its own criminal investigation into rigging forex market after deciding there was insufficient evidence to mount a prosecution.
When weighing extradition to the US, a British judge has to be convinced that the allegations amounted to a crime in the UK too
I think that Brazil doesn't have a extradition treaty so you might not be.

The ostensible purpose of the status designation is to protect potential investors from risk.
to be considered an accredited investor, one must have a net worth of at least $1M. "accredited investor" is defined in Rule 501 of the SEC

>> No.2659793

Get out of here with that gay shit no taxes, no sec no rules

>> No.2660026

I can't wait for all the cryptokiddies to get busted.

Remember, no settlement without paying back any profit you made.

>> No.2661138
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>> No.2661231

>what is a vpn?
A private network that you, in most cases, connect to directly from your home IP and is required by law to keep logs for law enforcement?

Always kills me the amount of retards who think hopping on a VPN makes them anonymoose. That's literally how LulzSec got caught.

>> No.2661261

People like you are the scum of the earth

>> No.2661474

>tell them to fuck off.

You know there are phones in both SEC and US Attorney's offices, right?

>> No.2661517

Your anger is amusing, nocoiner. Keep going.

>> No.2661518


I'm willing to bet that the fine folks at the SEC are already trying to figure out how coinbase is not a ponzi scheme.

>> No.2661565

>first world
>doesn't even have universal health care
>forces kids in their early 20s to put themselves in debt 40k+ to flip burgers becuase the US is full of nepotism
>doesn't even have up to standard infrastructure for internet and power in most regions
>literally about to break out in a civil war because people got thier feelings hurt over an election

I think there are countries in Africa that are better off than America.

>> No.2661581
