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26546887 No.26546887 [Reply] [Original]

RSR chads how we holding up? Our day will come

>> No.26546964

I am financially ruined.

>> No.26547178

Still holding, sold a little for LTO

>> No.26547813
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Feels comfortable.

>> No.26548068

Yeh ummm when the Frick is this shit going to do something 0ther than crab itself into Oblivion?

>> No.26548078


>> No.26548150

it pumps, it just doesnt pump every week. stop watching the 5 min chart retard and zoom out

>> No.26548818

I've been holding 500k since it was below a penny, I'm genuinely surprised it hit close to 5 cents so soon. Anyone know when mainnet will be out?

>> No.26549045

I want to buy RSR but they don't sell to US. How the fuck are other US anons buying this? I saw someone say use a VPN in another thread but it died before I got to ask if it's safe to own. Is there any legal risk if I buy this? I only ever bought Bitcoin so all these other coins are new to me, sorry if it's a obvious or dumb question.

>> No.26549124

App.uniswap.com my nigga

>> No.26549215

i heard sometime feb? Followed by CB listing.

>> No.26549257

swap with USDC on uni

>> No.26549336
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Im holding just short of 2 million, not going to lie there are alot of tokens out there that devs and "some investors" paid literally nothing for that will all dump on mainnet. The dumpanomics look bad rn to me. Still holding but really unclear. I am at 10x rn but early investors and devs are more than 100x already...if they put 10k in. They are already in the millions...

>> No.26549406
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RSR is the new XRP
Get out before it's oger

>> No.26549435
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Don't fail me beans.

>> No.26549454


If you don’t already get a meta mask wallet and go to uniswap to swap your sexy monies to RSR.

32k bag holder reporting in. I might be selling my HEX soon to grab and get a final 400k bag.

Price predictions when it hits mainet and CB?

>> No.26549700

6 cents easy.

>> No.26549724

2m+ holder here, in since .0026. i feel fine, short-term price movements are irrelevant. nothing matters until main net is launched. im comfy af. we're all gonna make it

>> No.26549859

why didn't you sell at least 10x your original investment last peak and let the rest ride?

>> No.26549947

because im not a paper-handed nigger faggot, like you. i wont even consider selling before cb listing and main net is launched

>> No.26550015

that's not paper-handed, you wouldn't be panic selling

sounds like you're just dumb lol

>> No.26550231

>most likely you have 200 rsr and not 2m+
otherwise you would have realized you could have profited 150% of your original investment and still have 1.8m of RSR left

>> No.26550254
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Our day has already come. We hold the most reliable, the most profitable blue chip before anybody else even knows it exists. We're going to make it gentlemen.

>> No.26550273

im already up more than 10x and that is nothing in crypto. i got more than 2 million tokens in one of the best projects in the entire crypto space for like $5k. it's a speculative investment w/ asymmetrical/risk reward potential. i couldnt give less of shit about making another $50k. $50k wont change my life in the slightest. your mindset is why youre poor and will never make it. im riding this one to $2m+ or $0.

>> No.26550294

you sound like those guys who dipped out of bitcoin when it was $500

>> No.26550329

yup, spotted the LARP. could be riding 1.8m RSR for free and choosing not to...


>> No.26550347

finally, someone who isnt a retarded poor fag gets it

>> No.26550415

You guys do realize anon is not tell you to sell your whole stack right? Please tell me you understand this.

>> No.26550499

Why would anybody sell rsr when you can just arb it into rsv for profit and stability?

>> No.26550538

yes and i think ive made it very clear that i dont give a shit about the $5k i invested or the ~$90k i could pull out of it right now. you had an entire year.

>> No.26550542


Im x10 and I bought when the tokens were first released. It took like a year and a half for me to get into profit. I thought this coin was a lost cause for the longest time

>> No.26550635

Sure, that is probably smarter. I mean doing anything other this >>26550538

>> No.26550697

Fyi if you buy in the US right now and it does moon like you autists think, you won't be able to.show your trade history and will be faces with either admitting you purchased an illegal asset and getting owned by the SEC or lying and saying it's BTC and getting audited by the irs (you have no btc trade history).

>> No.26550730

I think the better choice is going to be letting other people arb as they'll be able to buy back less of the deflating supply of RSR every time they do it, leaving those who don't with a larger percentage.

>> No.26550780


200k stacklet here. May throw another $1000 at it if it dips below 2c.

>> No.26550782

>selling ever

>> No.26550800

How does I buy? I want to evolve beyond buying overpriced shitcoins on coinbase? Do I just go metamask?

>> No.26550878

show us your portfolio overview

>> No.26550951

>dox your wallet

>> No.26550973

add usdc to metamask and swap for rsr on uni

if it moons cant you also swap for usdc and sell that

>> No.26550995

Everyone holds RSR with the intention of eventually dumping it

>> No.26551006

why? what's the difference between a silent wallet and a speaking wallet?

>> No.26551022

it doesnt display any of your information. show us your overview portfolio.

>> No.26551108

Still huh, i cant shake feeling that the bags put there currently locked were bought at .0001 are going to fucking crush us...

>> No.26551111

>sell usdc
Excuse me sir please provide the trade detail behind going from X to Y USDC.

>> No.26551160

shit lol i was trying to use another coin as an example and didn't think.

swap for ETH or something

>> No.26551207

Literally every coin ever, still fits my example

>> No.26551355

i believe the seed investors had a chance to buy at .0004 but i get your point. their tokens are locked until main net, so they literally cant dump on you, yet. however, it will likely be more profitable for them to hold/arb if the project succeeds, rather than dump and risk crushing the price. if you're worried about it, just sell. i'm waiting to see what the main net arb returns look like and then i'll decide what i want to do

>> No.26551423

I'm confused. So sending it to an account using a VPN, swapping for another coin, sending that converted coin back, closing the second account will not work?

>> No.26551552

Also, besides that, isnt RSR not expected to moon until its available in the US?

>> No.26551636
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>before anybody else even knows it exists

this isn't 2019 anymore, there are 33k wallets as per etherscan and who knows how many more exchange wallets.

t. July '19 OG, also pic related is my favorite fud/counter fud

>> No.26552284

why do you even care if 2m anon is hodling? who gives a shit?

>> No.26552336

I'm expecting a drop in price around mainnet, even if the original investors don't sell the market will likely react as though they will. The question is whether that dip will be even higher than the current price.

>> No.26552476

>react as though they will
Why? its publicly known they can't dump until 6 months after mainnet

>> No.26552635

Anticipation of an investor dump. Investor tokens are also to be released over six months starting at mainnet, not six months after mainnet.

>> No.26553030

>Anticipation of an investor dump
why would they dump when they can earn profit indefinitely by arb'ing? there is no work involved, it will be in a contract when launched. this has been said for years already. there is very little incentive for them to dump, even more so now that we see the use case in places like south america is successful.

>> No.26553350

>why would they dump when they can earn profit indefinitely by arb'ing?
Market manipulation by new larger holders, insufficient arbitrage opportunities, insufficient profit from arbitrage compared to other investments, false perception of any of those things. Like I said in an earlier post, I'm not even 100% sold that arbitrage is going to be a better choice than holding in the long term.

>> No.26553707
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> 23 yrs old
> only 1.3 MM RSR

kill me

>> No.26553763

Yes please buy on Uniswap using the ETH/RSR pair. I own 1% of that pool and love getting paid by you americucks


>> No.26554148

I'm late to the RSR party so I only have 40k RSR. Is this going to dump more ANONS? I want to accumulate to at least 100K coins

>> No.26554321

you are the most dumbest cunt in this thread, stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.26554429

Wrong. Never selling, only arbing.

>> No.26555298

lmao I have like 800k and ain't sellin shit it cost me like $3000 back in 2019 I don't care if it goes to 0

>> No.26555831

is there any legal risk to holding it?

>> No.26556261

I flipped my suicide stack of UNI into this and could have gotten double what I did, we need to pump soon so I stop thinking about the lost gains.

>> No.26556342

Weak hands will never make it. Sinply hold

>> No.26556831

Imagine ever selling for less than $2, even to take some profits.

>> No.26557835

That's the thing. I cant bear the thought of selling any percent of my stack anytime this year when I know how filthy rich every token held will make me.

>> No.26558095

It’s not illegal to buy an unregistered security lmao it’s illegal to sell one

>> No.26558153

10k stacklet reporting in. Easy hold for me until mainnet/CB at least.

>> No.26558167

Lmao this will never EVER be listed on coinbase you must be delusional if you think this a good bag to be holding.

>> No.26558618
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>> No.26558721
