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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 212 KB, 900x900, ramsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26546503 No.26546503 [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy legit in the advice he gives or is he just a deluded old boomer?

>> No.26546521
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 854081161001_6160067919001_6160060421001-vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26546579

It's good advice for people who are financially retarded or have no impulse control.

>> No.26546586

The eternal boomer, fuck this faggot.

>> No.26546597

It's only good advice if you're really fucking up.

He basically runs a halfway house for finance. Shit is better than prison I'd suppose, but you're not starting a family in there lmao

>> No.26546668

"Hey Dave I make $385k a year and have $120k in credit card debt how do I pay this off? I'm living paycheck to paycheck."

>> No.26546720


"Hey Dave, I have 1 million in debt"

"Get a better paying job. Click".

>> No.26546794


>> No.26546852

He's legit if you're looking to recover from debt because you make bad financial decisions. He's not legit if you want to make a shit-ton of money from an already-stable place.

>> No.26546865
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someone that looks like this is genetically incapable of understanding something like Ethereum

>> No.26546937
File: 8 KB, 184x184, paulie walnuts point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His advice is legitimate, but it's extremely basic shit tailored to low-IQ normalfags who lease expensive cars on wagie salaries and rack up fucktons of credit card debt. The reason he's against crypto is because he knows the 85 IQs that he's trying to save would immediately buy the top and then panic sell the bottom.

Most people cannot make it in crypto or other volatile markets. They don't have the iron hands, patience, or foresight for it.

>> No.26547073

>"hey dave I have 27 trillion dollars in debt and my annual deficits account for 150% of my income"

>> No.26547081

Normies to us are basic bitch idiots who cant control their basic impulses. He helps some of those idiots out.

>> No.26547130
File: 5 KB, 212x238, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erinnert der nur mich an Harald Lesch, /Deutschbros/?

>> No.26547542

Some of what he says is "wrong" in the sense that it's not 100% optimal. But his advice is good because it's absolutely retard proof. You cannot fuck up your finances if you follow the Ramsey plan. You should recommend him to people who are having trouble with their money. But if you're savvy enough to be "above" Ramsey's advice, you didn't need him to begin with.

>> No.26548005

He’s good for people who are bad with money.
I know a chick who is a follower of his and she take all her money in cash and puts it in envelopes so she doesn’t spend more than what she budgets for Starbucks or whatever the fuck

I happen to not be retarded, so I tend to be a little more lax when it comes to my budgeting. I also don’t have a frivolous nigger-like personality, so I’m able to live below my means without even trying to reduce my spending.

>> No.26548098

The people calling him do not need to hold bitcoin, they need to stop taking 200% APR loans and opening revolving sccounts.

>> No.26548121

his advice is based for the mindframe 90% of people have (normies)

>> No.26548135

>have you tried cutting your expenses?
>i can't my expenses are half of my income!

>> No.26548355

Yep. Useless advice for anyone with a brain but pretty damn good advice for the plethora of retards out there.

That’s why I actually wish people would stop hating on him because the world would actually be significantly better if people took his advice instead of voting communists into power.

>> No.26548387

>dude just save up cash and buy a house for 100k