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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26537925 No.26537925 [Reply] [Original]

So reddit takes old worthless boomer stocks like Nokia, Blackberry, etc, and bear traps billinaire short sellers. It's like a crypto PND executed on an institutional scale. How do we profit off this?

>> No.26537996

>How do we profit off this?
how are you this dumb? good bait tho

>> No.26538009

Thinking the same thing anon. r/wsb is the place to be now.

>> No.26538025

Do what they do

>> No.26538027

We use our collective autism to meme our dreams into reality. Simple as. How do you think LINK going to where it is today?

>> No.26538038
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>How do we profit off this?

>> No.26538060

>he is still thinking of phones

based laggard

>> No.26538089


>> No.26538241

>red id

>> No.26538283

Lol, you're late to the party frens. I've been pumping stocks into short squeezes since years on reddits wsb. You're retarded shitcoin chasing pajeets unable to realize where money is to be made. It certainly is not here. Greetings from a redditor and longtime /biz lurker. I come here for lulz, but money is not made in here. This is a ridiculous place where neets discuss shitcoins with recognizable names and logos based on a meme understanding of DeFi are shilled to the maximum.

>> No.26538288

The route now is to shill AMC since it’s in a similar position for short squeeze like GME was. Plus r*dditors like stuff that’s nostalgic..

>> No.26538346

I love seeing the seething wall street commentators. Lol fuck them

>> No.26538378

Check mine here >>26538288

>> No.26538445

imagine thinking that a 15 pajeet shilhole like /biz/ can shill something to millions of redditors

>> No.26538457

you have to go back

>> No.26538470

Bro it's the same shit to me, if you trade crypto with leverage you're doing the same thing as an options stock trader. That's why as a /biz/tard I resonated with wallstreetbets memes. We're in this togerther

>> No.26538833

No we're not in this together. Tokenomics is about dumping your worthless shitcoin on some other desperate neet before it implodes. What /wsb has created is a monster. It's retaillers organizing themselves and fucking institutions by holding strong, purposely buying up a stock and forcing a legit hedgefund to cover loses by buying the inflated price they created. They fight battles with institutions and win, while you in here are fighting and profiting on the cost of eachother.

>> No.26539277

I will

>> No.26539362

You sound emotional

>> No.26539395

You sound like you got no arguments left.

>> No.26539451

>a legit hedgefund

mazel tov shlomo

>> No.26539548

what do you think is wrong with defi? do you not think there's some more juice on it?

>> No.26539638

>attaching emotionally charged concepts to making money
>not just making money and laughing
Nah you’re a faggot. It doesn’t matter was wsb or /biz/ does. You’re not a rebel fighting the good fight. Just take your gains, jerk off, and make more gains. It’s like you people don’t even Jew.

>> No.26540056


>> No.26540060

I come to /biz/ very rarely and I don't understand a thing about stocks and trading. However, what if biz and wsb ganged up on doing this shit repeatedly in a coordinated way, could you actually achieve something? Seriously asking, I don't know much about any of this.

>> No.26540158

>could you actually achieve something
they did this today

>> No.26540232

Bro /biz/ could not pump its way out of a paper back. I shill a coin on /biz/ and the peeps that come buy 100-200$ lots with 50$ gas fees.

>> No.26540247

Okay, could you do it repeatedly with success? If yes, then it basically means you could fuck the market (almost) however you want.

>> No.26540290

Somehow, yes, that's what hedge kikes do, but if you do repeadetly, they could make other (((rules)))

>> No.26540367

The billionaires won't be homeless by losing. Some of you guys tho...

>> No.26540842

Retard go on r*ddit to see what they’re shilling it’s fucking AMC. I brought it here not the other way around

>> No.26540893

You’re retarded if you think it’s equivalent. They’re fundamentally different assets that behave differently. Go back.

>> No.26540910

If you invest in Bao finance a month ago you would have x6'd
Now go back redditor

>> No.26540976

You cant do that on this site because theres no trust here and that whole philosophy is built on the community trusting not to dump bags. Literally the exact opposite of what biz stands for

>> No.26540988

I turned $60K into $240K over the past year by following this board's advice, but go off

>> No.26540991
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>he thinks he can outjew the jews
The chutzpah of these goyim. Hey shekelbergsteincohen, call the SEC right now!

>> No.26541757
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you have to go black!

>> No.26541974


Yeah because you’re open tier. There’s a group of og linkies on Twitter, around 25-30, easily worth 90-100 M combined due to LINK and AAVE and SNX. I am one of them kek. How many more groups do you think there are?

BNT, YFI, etc. You only get paneers because you’re shilling is paneer tier on paneer coins.

>> No.26542020

*pajeet tier. Fucking phone

>> No.26542043


>> No.26542127

Reddit may be gay as fuck but you can't deny that orchestrated retail pumps that fuck over billionaire shorters is unironically incredibly based

>> No.26542163

frens why this *edditor bullying us

>> No.26542216
File: 296 KB, 750x1080, Keanu-Reeves-Saint-Laurent-(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea.... i'm thinking im black

>> No.26542223

Its pretty amusing ngl

>> No.26542313

>bobo genocide

>> No.26542341

>How do we profit off this?
We play along with Reddit's memes, simple as that. As much as 4chan and Reddit hate each other, I'm sure we still hate the jews even more. No sense in trying to fight each other now.

>> No.26542451


Everybody still reading this the current plan is to follow up with gamma squeeze similar to VW in 2008

>> No.26542452

Reddit and biz are retarded.
Both of you make me money now.

>> No.26542486

So buy AMC?

>> No.26542510


>> No.26542561

No, still buying GME, possibly also BB and AMC but GME has the biggest push and short interest is still around 139%

>> No.26543243

>but go off
jesus this reeks of tumblr or gay twitter

reddit*rs may not be welcome but at least they're not this bad