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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26526498 No.26526498 [Reply] [Original]

Pic Related.

Poorfag with 20k of student debt and medical debt. Living at my mommas house. NEET because of Covid. Credit is shit because I haven't been paying my student loans so I cant even get an apartment to move out to right now which I want to do.

I made exactly 20k in this crypto bull run starting with 1k. I'm seriously considering using it to just pay off all my debt and start anew. What do you guys think. How should I go about paying my debts?

I'm mainly bag holding Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Algorand, Tezos, and Monero.

>> No.26526564

>pays off debt
>biden forgets to forget to cancel student debt
>you are financially ruined.

>> No.26526611

clean your room

>> No.26526612

Don't. Just get a job to pay it off.

>> No.26526626

keep your crypto / fiat if you cash out

>> No.26526687

cash out enough to pay the minimums on yr debt for a while because biden might legit cancel some of that debt

>> No.26526783

>pays off 20k debt like a good goy
>still unemployed and broke at mommy’s house

>> No.26526892
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this. don't make me get the jannies you naughty boy

>> No.26527316
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That's exactly why I haven't done it. With this 20k I can make more money investing than If I was to start over again with 1k and get lucky and catch another historic bull run. But I live in New Jersey where rent is super high and covid restrictions are super strict. So with bad credit its hard to live a normal life.

>> No.26527335

You only have 20k, if you spend it all on paying off the debt you're back to square 1 and you still have shit credit.

Service the debt, if you care, by making minimum payments and continue investing. Spend a bit on making yourself presentable to seek out a job and get some income.

>> No.26527446

Use the money you made to make more money.

Get a poopy job and use that to pay off w/e debt you have.

>> No.26527472

You should be able to find a job and pay minimums. If the minimums for your debts are too high, call and whine on the phone about how you can’t afford them (like the sam Hyde vid linked above). I disagree with his advice about not paying, but you can definitely whine your way into lower payments until you start making money. Be prepared to be on the phone for hours tho
Shit is strict up there but there are still jobs. Not going to be able to make any moves without income.

>> No.26527642

Don’t sell now, would you sell BTC at $150?

>> No.26527680
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That's probably the right path. Thanks for the advice

>> No.26527807

im a true believer but its just been crabbing for the last few weeks.

>> No.26528017
File: 126 KB, 991x695, 6CF54B14-09FC-4BF4-8B91-44FD97C38E39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can and will get more painful than this, fret not. Brighter days are ahead