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File: 39 KB, 652x518, Screenshot_2021-01-25 GME - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26525499 No.26525499 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else enjoying watching Reddit get its shit pushed in by the Fed's Market Manipulation Teams?

>> No.26526508
File: 586 KB, 1079x1535, 1608360505453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just once I wanted to see shit posting crash the market

>> No.26526568

what the fuck is that yahoo finance

>> No.26526643

i made $42
not touching this stock ever again

>> No.26526649

buy the dip faggots and hodl. Stop being a pussy

>> No.26526703

I made 2k

>> No.26526751

What exchange is this coin on? Binance?

>> No.26526772


Clap clap clap!

>> No.26526835

LMAO stock cucks BTFO
Now you know why crypto is better

>> No.26526882
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>laughing despite it being shilled on this very board since september for as low as $6 with this price guaranteed the entire time

>> No.26526898


>> No.26527037

I bought 40 of them at 17$ , i wish i had bought more but im am unemployed.
Atleast now i have more savings to keep going on.

>> No.26527063

I sold some of my shares and made enough so that even if the ones I kept crash to zero, which it probably will, I still made a profit.

>> No.26527125
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grats fren

>> No.26527192


Its the little victories that keep us going anon.

>> No.26527285

Why should I buy now? The short squeeze is over. Now comes the time to take profits. Who would buy now. If reddit was smart they'd all switch to short positions and sell

>> No.26527303

unironically soon enough stocks will be tradeable on DeFi, by soon I mean years but yeah

>> No.26527371

DeFi degenerates are looking like the paragons of fundamentals right now

>> No.26527503

it's not over though. they're banking on us to panic and sell. just hodl and you will be rewarded

>> No.26527522

its flooded by people who never traded before, most of oldfags on wsb know how to position accordingly. The sentiment rn is being pushed by normies and karma, they will learn lessons faster the hard way

>> No.26527578

Instead of laughing buy puts and laugh to the bank

>> No.26527638

The short squeeze hasn't even really begun.

>> No.26527640
File: 338 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210125-133046_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26527695

I shorted at $140, im up 50%, enough to buy a car lmao

>> No.26527741

Then why did the price explode

>> No.26527748

You were at $1mil+ just a few days ago. Have you cashed in on some of your profits? I can't possibly imagine losing $200k for the sake of memeing.

>> No.26527792

There were kids investing their parent's retirement funds at $100+. LMAO

>> No.26527853
File: 327 KB, 112x112, 1610474620232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put a limit buy at 65 bucks. If it drops that low and I buy I'm holding until 150 before selling.

>> No.26527919

ngl wsb did better than biz in terms of showing power. you should bow down and respect them faggot

>> No.26527922

A lot of things get shilled here and you miss a lot of them. That's what happens. But there is no shortage of opportunities if you keep your eyes open and do your research. However the shilling since friday on gme has been so annoying, and stupid that I'm truly taking enjoyment in watching people who bought recently get rekt.

>> No.26527967

>buy the dip faggots and hodl
This doesn't apply to companies that are primarily brick and mortar and have almost gone bankrupt.

>> No.26527991

If it closes below $65 the squeeze won't happen, you'd be buying in before the collapse.

>> No.26528005

It's a good strategy. Tell the normie newfags "HOLD AT ALL COSTS! DON'T SELL! BUY MORE STOCK!" while the smart ones are taking profits on the way up and down. Meme investing is great because you get the stupid masses to hold for you.

>> No.26528012

actual retard

>> No.26528122

FUDders gonna FUD

bet you said the same shit last week.

>> No.26528154

gamma squeeze

>> No.26528242

Some dude on wsb turned 50k into 10 million. Hope his ass cashed out

>> No.26528243

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.26528245

wsb lost more money on this than biz though.

>> No.26528249

its not primarily brick and mortar these days though


>> No.26528258


>> No.26528357

Nope, he's still holding.

>> No.26528377

Jesus fuck.

>> No.26528427

did they though? Also it doesnt really matter, if you were on wsb you would know to be there before the masses. The only people who lost money on this where the retards coming in late

>> No.26528878

Stonks aren't taken seriously by real investors; they're far too volatile.

>> No.26529065

i find it more sad really and it shows the superiority of our model over reddits tho

the original redditor on this thing made 11 mil or something
then using the system of karma and epersonality to trick all the midwits on reddit to follow the trade and pump him higher while they will be left bagholding
its much worse than the pajeet scamming here at least that gets insulted down, on reddit this behaviour is encouraged

someone should also start asking question when the market manipulation lawsuites are coming, i would never have posted any identifying info on such a trade online and considering the amount of sec fud crypto gets, what do you think this is
they pissed of some major wallstreet firms with this and they don't fuck about with the regulations revolving door

>> No.26529198

How are you going to cash out 10 million? You'd completely destroy the value of the stock by dumping that much and your 10 million would turn into 1 million (if that) before you even managed to liquidate half your stocks.

>> No.26529363

that guy didn't market buy shares he had call options
and yes the other party to those options are contract bound to pay out the 11 mil in an instant from where ever the fuck they have to find it

>> No.26529491


>> No.26529578

Downvoting in general leads to suppression of opposing views. Going off of Reddit you'd think that no Americans voted for Trump for example. WSB isn't bad though if you just want to follow their pumps, but in general fuck the reddit echo chamber. People are too scared to even say something disagreeable in case they lose their magical internet points. The front page of reddit is probably the most cancerous thing I have ever seen on the internet

>> No.26529791

>WSB isn't bad though
from what i remember of the past year the big rollers wanted to make their own exclusionary subreddit to coordinate and dump on the masses of wsb
but as i can't stand navigating the reddit interface i rely mostly on what gets reposted here so if anyone has any updates on that

>> No.26529813
File: 342 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210125-140816_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26529830

I stumbled across a post earlier about rape by some bitch and I literally just copied a paragraph from the article she linked and posted it as a comment, didn't add a single word. Instantly banned. What the article said was retarded, simply reading what these people think back to them triggers them.

>> No.26529993

Tons of articles on the normiesphere saying its a short squeeze no one bothers reading what that is and FOMOS at the TOP

Like always buy high sell low

>> No.26530621

ok i'm in australia so buying stock is nigh impossible
what would be my best bet for call options?

>> No.26530670

anyone who shilled for that shiddit shithole deserves to be banned.

>> No.26530823

Imagine a market where every single coin is a premined scam with a team waiting to dump on you. That's jewish stock markets since the fucking east india company.

>> No.26530991
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>> No.26531004


>> No.26531226
File: 359 KB, 763x702, my second original pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized the volatility I experience every single day makes stock boomers lose their god damn minds. Are they really this soft? Are these really the people we're supposed to look up to regarding investments? I don't have words for how profoundly sad this state of affairs is.