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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26517603 No.26517603 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ BTFO!!!!!!!

>> No.26517805

>Basically admitting market manipulation
>Getting constantly exposed to twitter retards
Yeah I'm sure they won't get pozzed after this one

>> No.26517990

Fucking hate reddit/twitter zoomers.
>yay we did it reddit!

This would have happened without reddit existing. This happens occasionally anyway. It happened with volkswagen stock 15 years ago, and it became the most valuable company in the world because over shorted. But zoomers wouldnt know that because retards.

>> No.26518040

>admitting market manipulation
how is it any different from standing on the trading floor yelling to buy x stock and sell x stock and everyone jumping on the bandwagon

>> No.26518069
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>> No.26518078

just buy the next thing on the list

>> No.26518110

Reddit’s actually really clever to think of this, meanwhile /biz/ is full of actual retards buying scam coins like RBC and BAO. It’s just pathetic.

>> No.26518120


It's not manipulation. The stock is overly shorted leading to an incredibly small amount of liquidity, these people got found out and swarmed by a mob.

>> No.26518124

Because it's far more organized than just that

>> No.26518172

Incels absolutely SEETHING

>> No.26518190
File: 299 KB, 1536x2048, 321424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it was shilled on /biz/ back in September before Reddit got on it. reddit just took the credit, but literally just look in /smg/ archives. I bought at $6.50 because of /smg/.

>> No.26518233

I remember seeing GME shilled on here a couple months ago and anons talking about exactly this happening when it was worth like $12. It's /biz/ tho so I thought it was a meme peddled by schadenfreude fags

>> No.26518253

That guy looks like the Chud meme

>> No.26518324


This was Burry's idea dumbass. Reddit piled in after $20 a share

>> No.26518358

Nigga biz was sharing the DD and making coomcat memes in fucking august of last year

t. bought with $8.37 average

>> No.26518360

>Morons don't know what a short squeeze is
This shit happens once a month at least. GME was like 140% short and the company was in much better shape than shorts thought. It was pretty much a sure thing. It's been a meme in /smg/ since 2019.

>> No.26518465

leave it to a murrilard to make a food analogy.

>> No.26518546


Imagine all this shilling to rug for a mere x2
There are Pajeet Scam that are more profitable here

>> No.26518623

how do I learn more about this

>> No.26518668

I bought chainlink at 40 cents and I'm a millionaire now thanks to peepee poopoo memes. Faggit on the other hand has only ever provided me with a giaranteed feed of cringe.

>> No.26519368

>2D Coom id

>> No.26519477

>he doesn't know
biz has been shilling GME for a while it's even number 1 on shill(dot)watch now

>> No.26519502

when it was shilled on biz in August it was sub $10 thats over a 10 bagger

Fuck I'll never forget the war for $10 that one Friday. You boys know.

>> No.26520056

Most people will get rugged because they'll be too greedy. Also a few of those retards who now have $1MM+ in options will not be able to unload those because no firms are going to be buying options right now. If you didn't buy like $30k+ at sub $20 you're not really going to make shit off of this.

>> No.26520151

Because the boys on the trading floor are part of the club, plebbitors are not.

>> No.26520240
File: 109 KB, 1856x734, GME squeeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because u got a coom ID

>> No.26520300
File: 89 KB, 456x846, Foto 07-11-2020 11 26 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people upset because they weren't on the GME train
up 200% thanks guys

>> No.26520358
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>> No.26520464


>> No.26520508

What other stocks can be pumped like this?

>> No.26520554


>> No.26520708

checking based 2D waifu coomer