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2651121 No.2651121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much BTC do I need to acquire a bimbo slut arm-candy GF?

>> No.2651130

well, how ugly are you?

>> No.2651150


>> No.2651161

You will never acquire that. You will only be able to get that if you pay for it. Nobody on biz will get that.

>> No.2651171

Escorts that look like that would cost a couple thousand a day at least if you wanted them around all the time.

>> No.2651177

she'll probably never consider herself as you gf

she'll definitely never love you

money exists so genetically inferior men can fuck genetically superior women

......just think about it

>> No.2651230

not worth it man

women that look like this typically are not worth the hassle

t. dated some hot women

>> No.2651237
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bang cheap backpage hookers like me. Just wear a condom and don't let anything splash on your asshole

>> No.2651249

>how much?

All the bitcoins.

>> No.2651255

A female isn't genetically superior just because she's hot. If she's resorting to dating ugly needs with money then she's evidently too stupid to make money herself.

>> No.2651262
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>splash on your asshole

Butt what if that's what you're into, thus why you need to buy hookers in the first place?

>> No.2651270

>A female isn't genetically superior just because she's hot.



>> No.2651273
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Just buy women like her and find a real GF who loves you. Girls who look like that are usually spoiled retards who are bad at sex (because they don't feel pressure to please men due to their looks).

I made 400k off crypto so far, and I've gone to the best strip club in my city (major US city) and just offered girls 500-800 to come home with me. Easy and they leave when you're finished. Granted I'm a pretty good looking guy so they usually just come home with me after taking a peek at my facebook to make sure I'm not a psycho, but you can do the same.

Remember, a person's worth is not based on their looks. Of course the woman you end up with shouldn't be hideous, but go for a smart, loving, and hopefully beautiful (to you) woman and your life will be infinitely better than trying to pursue selfish greedy whores.

>> No.2651278

A hot woman with no brain is not genetically superior to an ugly genius.

>> No.2651282

does asking strip club bimbos to your house really work?

>> No.2651286

Genetic superiority means being able to breed and spread your genes better than others, and all you need to do that as a woman is be hot.

>> No.2651315

yes, strippers don't make as much as you think and the house takes a big cut. Most of them moonlight as prostitutes anyways and are at the least very sexually open.

Of course don't be a retard about it, and being good looking helps IMMENSELY, but anyone can pull it off. Just talk to them when you get a dance and don't try to molest them, try to come off as a reasonable nice guy, and then ask in a non-insulting way. Helps if you have people skills.

>> No.2651325

I don't know. I've never tried. My wife is hotter than any dancer I've seen, or at least the dancers weren't attractive enough for me to put myself out there. If my wife were at the club I could have asked with her, as that would seem less creepy than doing so solo.

>> No.2651338

strippers also like it when you buy them cheeseburgers. Apparently stripping burns a lot of calories.

>> No.2651345

beautiful people have the potential to have beautiful intellect, the most potential

but if you're beautiful, and you skate through life just with your looks, and it works for you, where's the incentive to become a "genius"?

>> No.2651372


I got a stripper so fucking wet after 3 lapdances she couldn't stand it, wanted to fuck me on the spot. I refused because I didn't want AIDS, would've been hard to explain that to the wife.

Use a condom if this is the dark path you wanna travel, OP

>> No.2651388

>things that didn't happen

>> No.2651413

Nah, it wasn't as blissful or romantic as I might have made it sound. She was drunk as fuck, and I'm a pretty sensual guy when it comes to feeling up chicks. She was all about it, but to be honest, she wasn't that hot either. They don't look like they do in movies/tv shows. Anyhow, she gave me her number and begged me to call her. As soon as I got home I had to hop in the shower before my wife came near me because I reeked of booze, pussy sweat, and like 3 different skank perfumes.

>> No.2651448

>If she's resorting to dating ugly needs with money then she's evidently too stupid to make money herself.

Common misconception, you get people believing this about high class escorts too. If you're good at doing something (sex and/or being beautiful), you don't do it for free.

>> No.2651452

>not taking your wife to the club
Mine begged me to take her, but I only went because I was with coworkers on my lunch break. It's not something I would just do for fun, though maybe I ought to. But say I take her and she's into it, the girls are into it, and even I am into it, what do I say, oh....let's all run out and get STD tests first and then go back to my place and fuck!?

My penis hates me so much, but in time it will thank me for my practical sensibility.

>> No.2651559

for a quicky? 0.03
for a night? 0.3
for several years? 300

>> No.2651587

this x100

>> No.2651615

money gets whores not gfs

>> No.2651637

How much for a hot passable shemale with a girly voice and a huge uncut cock?

>> No.2652383

>tfw no Danny B money to fuck hookers and take insta pics 24/7

>> No.2652410

/biz/ asking the real questions that matter

>> No.2652432

god damn that dude lives such a crazy fucking life

>> No.2652444

Admittance to the oven is free.

>> No.2652547

No it's possible - actually she'd be quite lucky to have met you.
Confidence, and stop feeling so bad if you don't get one.

>> No.2652567


>> No.2652661

All women are whores. Some are just more expensive.

>> No.2652890

No, they like resources because they want their children (also YOUR children) to thrive. They have a much larger role in the upbringing of children.

Read a book for once in your life and stop thinking like a 9 year old you dunce.

>> No.2652908

this puts
this more succinctly
women act the way they do it for a reason, and that reason is genetic survival

>> No.2653091

Confidence won't help you land one of these broads. You either got the looks for her + providing or you don't. Girls like that meet lots of confident guys all the time

>> No.2653177

When someone throws acid at you

>> No.2653974

For a girl like that. Not as much as you would think.

I would say 1.5-2 million in the bank. A nice hip house (paid for) that's by a big city like New York, Miami, LA etc. A nice car that's a popular brand Cadillac, BMW, Audi etc. (paid for)

Around $100-150k in disposable income most of which will be spent on her clothes, exotic trips fun money.

A semi photogenic face/body so she can take a lot of photos in all the above.
That's about it. All that could easily get a girl in your pick and she would be pick you over any non rich chad.

>> No.2654245

i see someone has seen the dark knight

>> No.2654510
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>genetically superior women
Acts like a slut, dresses like a whore
>genetically superior
Hey schlomo, is your mom "genetically superior"? No? Well I guess that makes you a retard then.

>> No.2654976

This. I would even go as far as to say that guys who even know about 4chan don't ever fuck girls like that.

>> No.2654988

>A female isn't genetically superior just because she's hot.

Uhhh, if she is hot and you are not that is literally what "genetically superior" means.

>> No.2654991

You are so delusional. Intellect is acquired, but looks = genes.

>> No.2655005
File: 84 KB, 1080x1080, 13696525_1379798818703570_1064142708_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already married this poor ass negro because of his superior cock and muscle genetics.

Sorry /biz/ this time genetics won. Maybe in ten years time you can take care of her and a couple of her mulatto kids with your crypto gainz

>> No.2655021
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Sure thing Chaim

>> No.2655028
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Just stare and cry. This negro used to be a fucking stripper

>> No.2655041

Intelligence is also only dependent on genetics. Amount of neurons in the neocortex directly correlate to intelligence