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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2647687 No.2647687 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2647718
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>> No.2647756

How much SNT do you fuckers have? 30k here.

>> No.2647777

What's a good entry point? What was ICO price?

>> No.2647784


>> No.2647837

1 eth was 10000 SNT if i remember correctly

>> No.2647850

dump or hold bros


>> No.2647851


>> No.2647860

what about in bitcoin. i just bought some for .0000 2500, good choice?

>> No.2647862

Shit is gonna crash and burn like the Hindenburg.

>> No.2647865

Just HODL for 6 month

>> No.2647868

not selling for less than 4x bruh

>> No.2647876

yeah, right after it moons, you know, like every ico ever

>> No.2647880


>> No.2647886

Maybe, but not before it rallies and does a nice 10x.

I just bought 1BTC worth and will sell on 5x.

It's literally free money.

>> No.2647887
File: 541 KB, 1920x650, Slider_Landing-1920x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.00012 eth

>> No.2647910

>tfw got keked and bought at 5k

>> No.2647915

> Market Offline - Routine Maintenance


>> No.2647923

I'm in for $25

>> No.2647924


>> No.2647925

People aren't falling for shitcoins anymore

>> No.2647928

Fucking really ? It's gonna crash hard when it's online again. Fucking bitrex

>> No.2647945

some serious manipulation going on here

>> No.2647958

kek I put 50 bucks in as a joke. Now it's like 60 bucks. But it's gonna crash.

I don't even give a fuck hahaha fuck all of you niggers who bought this shit and gave them your ETH.

>> No.2647963

what makes status a shitcoin?

>> No.2647981

>what makes status a shitcoin?
The fact that he couldn't get in during ICO or sold to early on an ukrainian exchange and they won't let him withdraw his 0.2 ETH

>> No.2647996

Guys take a lesson from cfi, myst, and bancor. They all crashed and burned right after they were listed. I'd wait a bit if I were you before buying

>> No.2647997

what was ICO price? It's like $.07 right now.

>> No.2648004

What's a good entry point?

>> No.2648018

PTOY mooned though. Those were expensive coins, this one is cheap

>> No.2648020

Why anon?

>> No.2648032

it's back


>> No.2648060

It was $0.035, I literally doubled my fucking money and THE BUMP HASN'T EVEN STARTED!

>> No.2648075


>> No.2648103

theres just way to many status tokens out there in public, really worth 0 cents at this point

>> No.2648123

It's about market cap you stupid fuck.

>> No.2648125

suddenly, it's completely still and not moving

>> No.2648140

>theres just way to many status tokens out there in public, really worth 0 cents at this point

>what is supply and demand

Single-digit IQ retards like you should be castrated, have their right to vote revoked and all their assets confiscated for the greater good. Go kys you piece of shit.

>> No.2648141

that's why you have to get in mongo

>> No.2648145

just when I sent my SNT to trex REEEEE

>> No.2648151
File: 25 KB, 417x373, 1495454620089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is happening to bittrex

>> No.2648171

i cant place any sell orders, some fuckery going on right now

>> No.2648174

market offline.

>> No.2648176

>market offline routine maintenance

what did they mean by this

>> No.2648182

should i just cancel my buy order? this is lame

>> No.2648184

Guys I sent my funds from Liqui to Trex. It says pending. Fucking pending from 10 mins. How fucked and how retarded I am?

>> No.2648193

why did you use that shitty exchange anyway

>> No.2648195


and? it can take hours and the bittrex wallet is down for maintenance right now

>> No.2648199
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>set order at 2.3k
>oh shit i've been so impulsive, let's wait for the waters to settle a little more
>cancel order
>try again
>order succesfully filled
>fucking bittrex im gonna lose all my money on my shitcoin
>back to wageslaving
>actually bought the dip

>> No.2648208
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Why would for want to sell such a valuable coin goy?

>> No.2648216

Hours? Are you kidding me? I am such a newfag I'm probably kms

>> No.2648220

2.3k isn't that bad. But yeah, sould've waited a bit longer.
I sold half of my stack on liqui at 0.000022, which I regret now

>> No.2648223

Get the fuck in. This will go at least 5x today.

>> No.2648246

nigga its 2.7 now

>> No.2648259

0.0001 will be hit today once the chinks wake up

>> No.2648266

you guys said this about bancor now fuck off

>> No.2648278

bancor had a higher market cap than status. Also because of the smart contract bancor pretty much had an anti-mooning mechanism.

>> No.2648288

bancor had the reserve that prevented it from dipping properly

>> No.2648294

Why the fuck is this still offline? Shitrex is the worst

>> No.2648306

Bancor has the smart contract which needed a lot of money to flow in for it to go up a lot. It's completely different dumbfuck.

This is already more than 2x and will only go up today.

>> No.2648313

its funny that the mobilego wallet is still broken since the coin got listed on 6/13.

>> No.2648331 [DELETED] 

bittrex market is down
can someone please get me some SNT, 100 or so to get into it?


>> No.2648338

ETH to SNT is up.

>> No.2648346

I made couple of grands arbitraging this shit in the first day, when the price difference was about 20 cents. Also Status ICO crashed crashed the ethereum network and its every single token, causing a large dip then

>> No.2648347

I think a market cap comparable to Sia/golem will be the peak today (400m)

So that'll be about 4x-5x or around $.13

>> No.2648352

thanks my nigger, forgot about that.

>> No.2648355

any chance this thing goes completely south like bancor?

>> No.2648377

i don't think i've ever seen a coin on bittrex tank the first day,

>> No.2648393

This project is bag city destination the toilet. It's a mobile chat app that don't even fucking work right evaluated at 200 million dollars before they've even got a working product. Do the math

>> No.2648397

No. If Bancor didn't have the smart contract then it would have mooned as well. Status will be 3-5x ICO price today.

>> No.2648401

>He didn't buy the ico

Lol stay bitter

>> No.2648419


>> No.2648426



>> No.2648427


are you sure...it's already dropping like a hot potato now since the market opened again on bittrex

>> No.2648431
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>> No.2648439

i feel like i got ripped off. they filled my buy order at 2700. then it looks like they reset everything and started it off at 2301.

>> No.2648450

this is when its cheapest. there is no volume right now just retards dumping there stack as soon as they put it on. when it gets on the front page of bittrex is when the real money is made

>> No.2648456

fuck this garbage exchange

offline AGAIN

>> No.2648465

they filled my order at 2700. its at 2250 now. im panic selling

>> No.2648479 [DELETED] 

Add this group, it’s your best bet.


>> No.2648483

Just hodl you knobcheese it will be at least 20 cents per by midnight gmt. (3 hours)

>> No.2648487

You are a moron. Do you think this won't pump when it hits front page of volume? Do you really think 6 cents is the highest this will ever go? Chinese aren't even up yet ffs.

>> No.2648491

Suck your mum behenchod

>> No.2648498

I've been making so much off these pump groups, you just have to pick the right ones

>> No.2648503

Lol fuck off, worst scam ever.

>> No.2648505

its at 2.1k on liqui dumb man

>> No.2648530
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yeah good luck with that LOL

1k sats next time it goes online!

>> No.2648567
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This is going well...

>> No.2648592

This is fucking bullshit. I bought at 2600 but never had the chance to sell after it came back online and was already selling at 2300. wtf is going on?

>> No.2648602

Seems we got collectively KEKED

>> No.2648610

No one knows about it yet dude. People are just dumping their stack as soon as it gets on an exchange. When it hits front page of Bittrex in volume is when the pump will start.

>> No.2648615

move to liqui and sell it to me

>> No.2648616

Fucking bittrex. Last time they did a similar thing Myst and CFI fell almost 30%

>> No.2648618

But you do understand, that ETH-SNT on bittrex works, right?

>> No.2648660

Did anybody buy into nimiq?

>> No.2648665

its become painfully clear every time a new coin gets added that bittrex is not trustworthy in the least anymore.

>> No.2648690
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>going to the rock at cape canaveral and watching lift off

>> No.2648705

No but I'll be mining just in case it takes off

Ico was for 5% and that puts the year 1 evaluation at around 80m and full market cap around 400m

>> No.2648708


obviously something fishy is going on behind the scenes to manipulate the market to their advantage. And we can't do a thing about it.

>> No.2648724

I'm thinking about selling SNT to get my initial investment and put that into nimiq.
Is getting into it a clusterfuck like the status ICO?

>> No.2648726

it's back!

>> No.2648736


>> No.2648747

>Those were expensive coins, this one is cheap
STATUS is a hell of a lot more expensive than BAT was.

>> No.2648764


what? BAT opened at like 6000 sats

>> No.2648768



>> No.2648796

Not really bat started at 35m and sent started at around 100m

Bat went from 4x to 10x after it was listed on bittrex then back to 4x

Just look at the Myst and bat chart if you want to know what will happen

>> No.2648797

look at that whale trying to keep it low kek

>> No.2648808


>> No.2648809

it's steadily dropping boyos, I think your predictions of hurr moon 3x today are vastly incorrect
>tfw could sell my $2k worth of SNT right now for a 78% profit
just lol at no statuses

>> No.2648810

Fuck those bitches completed my order when it cost 2894, I wanted to cancel it but the market was down, after they fixed it order was already completed.

>> No.2648827

Sheeeeet when to buy senpai?

>> No.2648833


>> No.2648838

ico prico

>> No.2648839

This shit is gonna atleast double when it hits the front page. Look at the volume growing fast as fuck.

>> No.2648840

nah it was only hard because i went to their website before turning on vpn and they kept me locked out of their shit so i had to reverse engineer their dumb garbage to get the tokens

>> No.2648852

it's below 2k sats now ugh

>> No.2648853

You can't even hold 15minutes? The market literally just opened. No one even knows its there yet.

>> No.2648855
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>1800 sats


>> No.2648864

got in at 1850 :)

>> No.2648876

it's going up boys

>> No.2648879

It is around 2.1k kill yourself nostatus holders

>> No.2648883


feels good fampai

>> No.2648898

>this instead of buying

enjoy your poverty

>> No.2648914
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Set a buy order for 600 sat ; D

>> No.2648924

I can but it's still a nice gain.
>tfw lucky enough to have got on the status train at 0.0001 during the ICO
I predict it will go down to 0.00013 or so before shooting up ultimately. I hope it will shoot up.

>> No.2648936

got in at 1800, what's your predictions for tonight? can we reach 5k?

>> No.2648952


>> No.2648972

I think it will be at least 4k today once it hits the front page of bittrex once the volume gets higher (volume is going up really fast right now so should be soon).

>> No.2648983


>> No.2648992

it's dumping, get out

>> No.2649001

Mfw going all in

Fucking shit. I hope this pays off. Will quote myself later on and tell y'all.

>> No.2649004

It will be $0.50 a coin!!! Halleluja

>> No.2649005



>> No.2649007



>> No.2649010

that's the spirit

>> No.2649015

got out at 2700

enjoy the bags ROFL

>> No.2649017



>> No.2649033

Tossed an ETH at it. When will the pump begin? I don't wanna be left hodling these shitbags.

>> No.2649049

when it hits front page of bittrex.

>> No.2649057

when it reaches the front page of bittrex.

>> No.2649092

When it will reach the front page? It has to be some high volume/price increase?

>> No.2649111

Well I'm about to get on a 3 hour flight so I hope I don't miss it.

>> No.2649124

safe travels my friend.

>> No.2649139

you'll land on the moon

>> No.2649172

whales are suppressing it guys. its over before it even began. very sad

>> No.2649188

i removed the wall literally 3 seconds ago :^)

>> No.2649193

this is what happens when too many people own tokens

let the flippers sell at 2x for a while then it'll start climbing

>> No.2649195

it aint over bb

>> No.2649209

ok. I lied. Waited a bit to see if price would go lower and think I'm going to wait a bit longer.

>> No.2649211

Give it 1-2 hours and this bitch is gonna be on the front page.

>> No.2649230

It's volume is climbing like a motherfucker. 1st page coming soon

please hodl :>

>> No.2649232

in about 15 minutes it passes Lisk at 513 BTC 24h/vol

then its on!

>> No.2649242

1-2 hrs?

I think more like 5 minutes

Its only four away

>> No.2649265


>> No.2649270

bitch where?

>> No.2649272

When do I sell /biz/ I'm a newfag plz help

>> No.2649275

False alarm I am a fag

>> No.2649278

Nah man

>> No.2649280


>> No.2649283

This lol. Volume is going up really fast and price is going up as well.

>> No.2649288

HODL as long as you can
At least 5k though

>> No.2649291

oh i plan to. can't wait to snowball these gains into lamboland.

>> No.2649296

front page boys

strap in

>> No.2649297

First page reached

>> No.2649305

sell between 0.000036 - 0.00006

>> No.2649314





>> No.2649325

In at 2500, I really hope this does not pull another bat, myst, cfi or bancor on me

>> No.2649326

think this hits 0.00008?

>> No.2649336


>> No.2649337

Not today

>> No.2649340

I did put 50% of my portfolio in it at 2250sat. I broke my most important rule and didn't research it before, I hope this won't bite me in the ass but the after ICO fomo is just too hard. Though I won't be going to sleep tonight.

>> No.2649345

now we play a game of hot potato

>> No.2649353

loks like it cant get higher than 2500. welp that was fun

>> No.2649354

tf, 2200 sats again?

>> No.2649360

what is ico price in btc?
blockfolie dont show eth/snt

>> No.2649362


>> No.2649368
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I bought it, it drops, not surprised

>> No.2649369

i think it was 1400 man

>> No.2649370

What is this shit? How did I ended up here?

>> No.2649373

little shake out since we reached first page. HODL

>> No.2649383

No its not bellend

>> No.2649384

if you hodl it long term you just bought your ticket to lamboland. Seriously read the whitepaper and judge for yourself

>> No.2649386

Why didn't you just get at 2000 like me?

>> No.2649387

i wouldnt sell this shit next 6 month.
its a mobile blockchain solution.
chat, dapps, payment, browser.. everything.
normies can use it.
will be worth alot i will hodl long time

>> No.2649388


Ok I went in at .00018. Yeah, should have gone in near that .000169

>> No.2649392


>> No.2649398


>> No.2649414
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thoughts on the Nimiq ico?

>> No.2649424

bittrex force dme to buy earlier at 2700 then it went down for maintenance. so im already just hoping to break even

>> No.2649427

Not even close. The volume is going up really fast. Just wait.

>> No.2649431

volume is increasing at lightspeeds

it aint over boys, just wait an hour

>> No.2649433


>> No.2649437

i think its just bitcoin dumping. only a few seconds after bitcoin took a dive, I watched the snt numbers come down. back up now at least. 2440. not a bad recovery

>> No.2649440

Whats the total circulating supply?
It's valued at 400+ Million using the total supply...

>> No.2649442

Try waiting more than two minutes before you start freaking out. This could take hours.

>> No.2649448

I'm waiting for SNT to go to 5k, take out my initial investment and buy into nimiq.
I'm also drunk right now so someone sober rate my plan

>> No.2649452


same boat....fucking bittrex screwed us over. But if the shills are right, this should get to 3000 sats today at least...lets see.

>> No.2649453

Brahs, I'm (excitedly) nervous. First time in getting before a possible pump. Streets don't fail me now.

>> No.2649460

get fucked lmao
just sell at the small loss and learn your lesson

>> No.2649462


>> No.2649472
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>> No.2649483

half that

50% of the tokens are locked up for at least a year

>> No.2649507
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>> No.2649522

yep its totally all over man. sell sell sell sell!

>> No.2649533

"Wallet offline - routine maintenance - all deposits will be processed when we are back online ETA: 15 mins"


>> No.2649536

I thought this said live on bittrex. Like "living". I was like yeah thats me....oh wait.

>> No.2649543

Volume is rising rapidly and sell walls are up. They will come down and price will rise. Sell the peak, the end.

>> No.2649559

When will those Nimiq tokens be available for trading after ICO?

>> No.2649565

180K, HODL until 50000

>> No.2649575

>Paying for push notifications

>> No.2649611
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>> No.2649612

wtf this shits an embarrassment

>> No.2649644


>> No.2649662

Looks like things have stalled for now.


>> No.2649664


>> No.2649666

SNT devs should sue Bittrex. Listing to Bittrex has been a major fucking catastrophe with these wallet maintenances. Ugh.

>> No.2649678

So will it moon or what?

>> No.2649681


>> No.2649689

That happened with PTOY, whales are buying cheap. It will moon in an hour

>> No.2649701

My Lambo is in limbo

>> No.2649718

Guys can bittrex please pause trading during GMT night times

>> No.2649723

i honestly think, as someone who has lost money on the last 3 or 4 coins that have been newly listed on bittrex, that the days of new coins pumping as soon as they get listed are over. basically everyone is thinking short term nowdays, and as soon as coins get listed on bitrexx its mostly people just dumping what they got at ico for a small profit.

>> No.2649726

Fuck. Major dip for eth-snt on bit

>> No.2649731


i dont want to miss the chink bus

>> No.2649738

Both myst and icf were affected by ETH crash, thus never went up again.

Bancor is a scam.

PTOY mooned once and went down afterwards, it never recovered because ETH

>> No.2649741


>> No.2649758

jesus, guys. it's been three hours. fuckin relax. it'll take off, just give it like 12 hours and you'll probably double your money

>> No.2649760

When do the chinks wake up?

>> No.2649763

eth is rising faster than btc atm.

>> No.2649780

you should seriously sell

that feeling of europhoria and "I'm going to be rich!" is the sell sign

sell the greed.

>> No.2649786

anyone hoping it reaches 5k as the chinks buys them all up in their morning? I remember myst and cfi peaking around that time. hoping it reaches 5k sats.

>> No.2649795

the only time it probably pump if at all

>> No.2649801


Said no one ever

>> No.2649810

order book looking dreadful though

>> No.2649811


How? If you got in in the first couple hours on NMR, CFI, MYST, and PTOY and lost money, what the fuck were you doing? they all saw insane profits immediately. this is the easiest way in the world to make money

>> No.2649814

This hurts to watch.. just get rid of your bags now or hold forever.

>> No.2649819

its only been an hour

>> No.2649828

It went from 300 to 800 volume less than a hour..
"SELL YOUR BAGS" U are mentally retarted?

>> No.2649831

sell wall keeps going up, are you blind? this is over

>> No.2649843

t. Statusless

>> No.2649848

Literally right now. You should know this.
t. has a clock for China, Europe, and both US coasts.

>> No.2649857

youre just wrong. cfi and myst pretty much crashed within hours. i got cfi at 1500 like an hour or 2 after it was listed and it proceeded to crash

>> No.2649875

Because fucking ETH crashed that day

>> No.2649889

You guys must be smoking pot or something. There's no way this bitchmade coin will ever hit $1 if it does it will be P&D. Math the supply and cap.

> ib4 marketcap means nothing.

>> No.2649898

i know that but i was responding to the guy who said they made insane profits off those 2 coins the day they were listed

>> No.2649901

who the fk thinks it will hit one dollar? we are hoping for 10 cents.

>> No.2649905

cfi doubles its price and myst increased by 20%. I guess it was good for early sellers

>> No.2649906

thats the point you faggot white boy with no job and afraid of the world.
you wanna make some fucking money fag, put your shit in here and wait for the pump

>> No.2649913
File: 13 KB, 959x158, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought in after it was already mooning, and you still could've made 20% in 30 minutes if you would've paid attention to the market and sold. i made like 70% profit on CFI

>> No.2649930

actually closer to 50 or 60% but still

>> No.2649933

:( it's not gonna moon is it

>> No.2649937

Who here is saying $1 you dumb fuck?

>> No.2649948

Bought at 2600 by accident, will be it ok?? :-(

>> No.2649959

Settle down Satan, everything is gonna be okay

>> No.2649960
File: 54 KB, 500x747, 1820a827c50431325f822bc7c0afc503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price going up
>volume going up
/biz/ watched 30 second candles and panic sells every time it drop 5 sats.
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

>> No.2649961

Yes. Just hodl

>> No.2649971

Are you guys using another platform ? its kinda hard to trade a fast moving market using bittrex.

>> No.2649986

bought on liqui io and then transferred over to bittrex. prices lower on liqui io compared to bit for eth at least

>> No.2649990

huh? what's hard about it?

>> No.2649994

Better cover my ICO investment and hold the rest until at least tomorrow or wait for the night pump, /biz/?

>> No.2650004

I trade prices on betfair, but use a plugin platform, it makes trading 10x faster and better. gives you a real edge, I just wondered if there was a platform for bittrex too. I'm kinda new to it.

>> No.2650015
File: 79 KB, 300x173, dontbeafaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNT coin comes out 3 hours ago into marketplace all of biz that didn't buy ICO is talking about how it will fail...ffs read what Status is first before hammering away at the keyboard. I are hodling for years so suck my green candles!

>> No.2650038

i bought in at 2402 sat

this sucks.

>> No.2650044

not to be a dick but arent there other coins that do exactly the same thing , like lomocoin?

>> No.2650052 [DELETED] 

Bittrex pump here


>> No.2650060

die. just die.

>> No.2650062

I'm not aware of any such thing for trex, but I'm also fairly new and have only traded on a few exchanges

>> No.2650069

kys this meme died already

>> No.2650076

No it is not like Lomocoin

>> No.2650085


Here we go

>> No.2650091
File: 15 KB, 305x64, addchainandwegood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worry about the state of the global attention span

>> No.2650110

i like you guys, get in now

>> No.2650124

6 million in volume on chink exchange already

>> No.2650137


>> No.2650138

this is going nowhere.

the pump already happened and everything is done.

>> No.2650151

Jesus, 51.33% of the volume. Pls pump

>> No.2650169

You should be sleeping pajeet

>> No.2650170

then sell weak hands

>> No.2650171

51.33 for a shitty platform, I don't like this

>> No.2650178

meant to

>> No.2650180


>> No.2650184

ffs people, such a boring coin
this coin crashed my fcn eth, can you please do me x3 at least, while i'm in bed?
thank you

>> No.2650188

Thanks guys i'm like +£40 because of this. I was down 30 because of RDD.

>> No.2650194

Bancor crashed eth actually

>> No.2650197

>bought high at 2450 because of fomo
fuck me I deserve this

>> No.2650206

you no tell me stories, m8

>> No.2650217

Welp I'm tapping out boys

Has steadily gone down since 2500

See ya

>> No.2650224

Stay poor

>> No.2650228

See you weakhands, don't come crying when it hits $0.10

>> No.2650231

same. its funny how quickly things change. i had no doubt i was going to make 3x - 5x gains on this coin. now here i am just praying i can break even eventually.

>> No.2650235

I'll stay smart tyvm

Remember me when it's near ico price later today

>> No.2650253


Whats ICO price? Someone mentioned 10k per 1 eth. So if we take 320$ as approximate eth price it was around 0.032$?

>> No.2650258

Well this has been awful.

>> No.2650266

at least I'm breaking even. Outie

>> No.2650272

I thought .035
Either way no whales are buying this to pump it up

>> No.2650303

who still iron hands?

>> No.2650307

don't be fooled by the sell walls
whales are trying to keep the volume up

>> No.2650311

I am with you, friend.

>> No.2650322

how much those hands holding?

>> No.2650325

It's a literal trash coin lmao

>> No.2650329

watch the volume, last hour its gone upp 300 BTC

>> No.2650330

I'm in, holding like a dog

>> No.2650336

Yeah whales are accumulating

>> No.2650344

buy back in if you sold. bitcoin is going back up. probably going to retest 2600. if it doesn't get past that again, better hold on for dear life because it's going to dump harder than the first time.

>> No.2650346

>last hour its gone upp 300 BTC
that alone makes me want to put a little in here

>> No.2650347

Hardly anything at all. I'm only playing around with 10% of my total.

>> No.2650429

this timeline is basically identical to PTOY but this has better volume. wouldn't be surprised if this took another 12-24 hours to really take off though

>> No.2650464

r-r-r-reversal any minutes boys

>> No.2650467

Dooooown she goes

I love being right

>> No.2650476

scammed by biz again for the umpteenth time. god i hate you guys, and i hate this board!

>> No.2650479

This is the dip boys, get in while you can

>> No.2650506

I am officially out, I got scammed by 1st day icos so many times I nearly lost my whole portfolio

>> No.2650523

Holy shit it's going up as we speak and you fuckers just left a free ticket to lamboland kbye

>> No.2650534

You really don't think in the entirety of this coins existence it will go higher than 5 cents?

>> No.2650535

I sold guys. Better buy the dip for you now, because this shit is gonna moon.

>> No.2650541


am i the only one that is up over 60% bc i got in ico?

>> No.2650544

will not*

>> No.2650564

and you literally sold on the bottom at a reversal doji.

>> No.2650593
File: 167 KB, 659x525, 848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With a huge volume at a horizontal price whales are buying up massive quantities of this in preparation for a price rise.

>> No.2650620

shes climbing niggers

>> No.2650634

Don't give up hope yet, boys.

>> No.2650653


>> No.2650665

to be honest, as much as biz is wrong, I blame bitcoin this time. it killed the momentum. still, this coin can get some good gains today, as long as bitcoin is cooperating

>> No.2650684

At that point, why not just invest in bitcoin instead of these shitcoins that always seem to flop

>> No.2650701

Because you buy ath

>> No.2650710

youre very right. when all is said and done, in all my many months of trading altcoins back and forth, id have a lot more money now if i had just put it all in bitcoin and logged off

>> No.2650728

if I did that I'd have less bitcoin than I do now.

>> No.2650729

Just wait. It just got listed a few hours ago and volume keeps rising.

>> No.2650735

I made a small profit trading altcoin, Probably like you and would have made the most if I just invested in the top 3

But fuck, I starting using biz, and every altcoin shilled here plummets.

>> No.2650739

Volume up 200 more BTC since this post

>> No.2650787


if the goal is to invest your fiat then just trade the BTC/USD or BTC/CNY pair

if you are trying to aquire more bitcoin then trade the BTC/Shitcoin pairs

>> No.2650821

MOON. Thank you China

>> No.2650854


Yeah, me too
I don't understand why these people are crying scam, everyone who bought the ICO is in the green right now

Maybe they're retards who saw the initial "1btc" price and thought it was real

>> No.2650924

I'm in the green, but its not the 3-5x biz promised

>> No.2650966

Won't you be mad when it is and you sold early...

>> No.2651082

this shit ever gonna moon?

>> No.2651133

Working its way back up to 2300.

>> No.2651169


bids side has gone from 43btc since the wallet got fixed to 225btc while the sell side is stable or down. Volume is 30 btc or so per 5 min.

with this pressure the floodgates got to burst soon

>> No.2651196

:') Rises just as I get home

>> No.2651264

The huge wall is down. Off we go.

>> No.2651289


>> No.2651365

Fuck. Bittres wallet down again. ETH this time. Come on.

>> No.2651383


>> No.2652137

According to a very angry discord group, Bittrex can't keep getting away with screwing people over and now their employees are going to find themselves in some "Accidents".

Press F to pay respects to bittrex staff