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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 267 KB, 1024x1022, 8CFD7A0A-3278-4F01-973D-1154D7AD2974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26476075 No.26476075 [Reply] [Original]

Hey bros what you think about Aurox?

I want a girl pic related and this token looks moonshot potential.



>> No.26476110

built for bbc

>> No.26476130

you just KNOW

>> No.26476135

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>> No.26476170
File: 599 KB, 634x668, image_2020-12-30_13-17-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you winded path to drowning in qts is closer than ever based anon

>> No.26476236
File: 37 KB, 480x407, IMG_20210119_090808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26476244

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>> No.26476280

You alright?

>> No.26476286

She looks like an angel....pink pussy

>> No.26476352

Bet she fucks that horse to heaven come

>> No.26476357

Look how the horse looks at here, you just know what they do afterwads. The girl looks also drugged like fuck.

>> No.26476388

How to get in?

>> No.26476447

Looks great OP, tendiefest imminent.

Heard they launch in 30 days ;)

>> No.26476476
File: 17 KB, 701x390, chrome_Hu5vZjLorr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does their domain exist since 2018? Any Telegram group or the like?

>> No.26476491

She has an arm missing. I saw her in Cosmopolitan in one of those sympathy pieces. Apparently she gets phantom limb though, and can jack herself off without even touching it. Neat party trick.

>> No.26476533

why is it always the white chicks who fuck animals, fuck a man for once

>> No.26476620

They do that too

>> No.26476645

This shit giving me Ocarina of Time flashbacks...

>> No.26476798

What’s her name?

Also I just looked at this Aurox and it seems like a good idea. But how to profit from this? Is there a way to get in earlier than others, before the uniswap listing next month? Or what would you suggest? Buy after the initial dump, if there will be one?

>> No.26476848

OP.. what will be the interest rate os the Urus Tokens? And how we will know when anyone break their staking contracts?

>> No.26476949

I think the purpose is more toward holder benefits, don't quote me on this though

>> No.26476971


>> No.26477004

On TG it’s @getaurox

>> No.26477037

there's a VIP list but i'm a burger so i probably can't be on it... fucking 30 days though damn. I use the terminal alot btw, thanks to whoever shilled it in december.

>> No.26477107

Fuck these bikes

>> No.26477115

Any pre-sale or whitelisting?

>> No.26477180

No idea. I just made that shit up. Not a bad bullshit, though. Was quite pleased with it.

>> No.26477277

same here. heard of it in decem and the indicators are useful asf for being free. been using it for nearly every trade.

>> No.26477360

Absolutely based game

>> No.26477379

Any pre-saleeee? Guys?

>> No.26477419
File: 143 KB, 750x990, IMG_20210121_233148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26477492

Like they said, I think it operates on a "VIP" list. I need to look into it later but it seems to be both pre and private sale.

>> No.26477520


Why the fuck aren’t there American exclusive things rather than everything having to exclude them? I don’t get it.

>> No.26477705

there are american exclusive features?

>> No.26477738

Pls giB OP

>> No.26477807

why the fuck is she so small lmao

>> No.26477826

Is it good? The terminal

>> No.26477861


wow, don’t follow in this fake shit
my wallet is safe with xsn on it
46mil market cap, Layer2 DEX, best staking and top solutions without fees

>> No.26477885

she's russian

>> No.26478140
File: 10 KB, 370x280, IMG_20210106_002400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26478209

fuck off shill

>> No.26478226

Is the best... it's a begginer-friendly cryptocurrency, trading plataform. Also have a thousand features and functions

>> No.26478277

Yes it is

>> No.26478412

You have Wendy's

>> No.26478445

Ruskies are hot

>> No.26478586

fuck off shill

>> No.26479010

any additional news on this?

>> No.26479481

>You just know

>> No.26479508

OP, can you explain this?
"During the time the funds are unused, traders will be gaining interest in either Urus token with interest boost or through the token they are holding. This functionality does not exist anywhere else but Aurox Trade."

>> No.26479581
File: 17 KB, 384x383, EB45704E-2C31-438F-AFCA-840F742FA141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26479904

That's a man. She's known for having a 9 inch cock, and no, I'm not talking about the horse.

>> No.26480076

even better, does "she" have a name?

>> No.26480805

Fucking kek

>> No.26480857


>> No.26480909


>> No.26480966

You make some nice gibs holding the token anon