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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 469x52, Screenshot_20170628_125659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2647374 No.2647374 [Reply] [Original]

>he isn't making $44 an hour with Clickworker UHRS

I was making $52 but had to slow down so they wouldn't ban me from that hitapp.

Anyone here making less than the median income in their country that isn't doing this is mentally retired.

>> No.2647387

what exactly is this? their site doesnt have a FAQ

>> No.2647391

wow $44 an hour? Can you continuously do it for 8 or 24 hours a day? Or there's a set limit of how much you can do per day? That's an amazing hourly wage

>> No.2647421
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Now, for the cold hard truth: I'm only making a comfy $26/hr with Clickworker, on average. Still not bad. Pair this with an Appen contract position and my lack of will to actually sit down and grind them both, I'm making a comfy $400-$600 a week with a lil effort.

Not bad for a broke 18 year old with no qualifications.

>he isn't working part-time online and bringing in $2k+ a month
>he isn't saving most of it to throw at Robinhood and crypto


>> No.2647442

Bump, This looks interesting

>> No.2647444

Post your Kik Idk what it is

>> No.2647457

And now comes the part where you post your referal right?

>> No.2647461

seems like a scam.

>> No.2647472
File: 136 KB, 960x640, GsqibTolWjf7qk-GOpfQjQbOd7lluOszQmjxncdeMsI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lucrative online work for anyone fluent in English. Especially lucrative if you're American.


You can do it until hits run out, which, so far for me, has been never. Granted, you'll want a contract position ie Appen or Leapforce to supplement when Clickworker goes dry at times. It's a good lifeline.

I figured I'd share the good news with /biz/ because I hope to really get into it with this board on the subjects of crypto and Robinhood in the future.

Here's what you do:

Apply for Clickworker. Take the assessments, they test your grasp of the English language. Get on UHRS. You can make good money with it regardless, but do the fucking GCS Relevance hitapp if it's available and DON'T STOP until all the hits run out. It's a good $300 a day if hits don't run out and they don't disable you from doing it, and you're able to sit down and focus that long.


No scam. Just sharing the good news. Google around about them, they're legit.

The GCS Relevance hitapp is you rating how much sense Microsoft Zo's (their chatbot)'s responses make, taken from real conversations people have with it over Kik. Super easy, kind of fun.

>> No.2647473

Crowdwork is mind-numbing bullshit that only pays well in short stretches.

>> No.2647479

thanks i'll just keep doing my job where I actually learn useful shit

>> No.2647501

Seems legit, what other grind methods are out there? Looking for a second source of income.

>> No.2647513

like how do you get paid? do they deposit directly into your paypal or?

>> No.2647521
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PayPal or bank transfer.

>> No.2647527

how do i get to the assessment its not showing any for me yet, i just did a few jobs

>> No.2647536
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It can take up to a couple hours. There's the assessment I and then the assessment II, which is just signing up for UHRS basically. Shit's easy. Just check back every half hour or so pham.

The first day I signed up, I'd made $70 in the next two hours.

>> No.2647538

Thanks anon.

Been looking at clickworker jobs for when my unemployment runs out. This will be good to use in the meantime while I continue to look for a job.

Can you use a mac with virtual machine to meet the internet explorer requirement on UHRS? it seems pretty specific.

>> No.2647553
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I use Chrome on Linux for UHRS. That requirement is outdated. If I were you, I'd check out Appen, Lionbridge, and Leapforce after you get set up with Clickworker as well.

>> No.2647555

I made an account.

But it says no assessments are available for me yet. And I am not sure where to find this UHRS thing.

What do I do?

All I can see are jobs that offer like 3 cents, no different from other pay-to-click sites. Where's UHRS and how do I unlock an assessment?

>> No.2647565

this seems like it could be more promising than my minimum wage job at the supermarket deli. maybe i will quit tomorrow.

>> No.2647572
File: 131 KB, 639x601, b84845a928e8343eb10431b45eff66e48a4fef3a5feca06e124f33c2221f92fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't unlock assessments, man. The first one will appear in a while. Be patient. It'll appear under the assessments section or whatever. Do that one, do the second one, which should appear right after you do the first, and _then_ UHRS will appear at the top of the list of jobs that you're already doing. Don't even bother with those btw.


I worked at a grocery store before I started this. I'm making what I made in six weeks working at that soul-draining place in a week now, not to mention, from the comfort of my own desk, listening to music and sipping coffee, working as much or as little as I want.

It ain't bad.

>> No.2647576

Are we shilling clickers from 2009 now?

>> No.2647584

this is all bullshit. amazon mturk has more HITs at higher payouts and it's hard to make $5/hour on that

>> No.2647586

I did this a couple summers ago. I don't know if they still have it or if you've been on long enough to know OP, but they used to have this search engine battle, you could make like $40 an hour.

After a while it got too popular and thus got harder to get that specific one, which was the only one that was worth it really.
Also it's horribly mind numbing and annoying.

>> No.2647588


I think this is what it has become since the great crypto crash of yesterday.

>> No.2647596

Lol he won't post Kik and I think this is only the US

>> No.2647615

I'm trying to sign up, but each time I get a confirmation link and click it, it wont even go through.

You guys sure this is all on the up and up?

>> No.2647616
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I'm not doing this for personal gain. Just trying to help some NEETs out, since we all know majority of /biz/ is mega poorfags. No shame.

Never done MTurk, because I've always heard it was shit, but man look at my fuckin pictures. I get money. I ain't posting referral links.


Ye they still have SEB.


I don't have Kik + it's not only US, they're a German company. But, from what I've heard, you make way less if you're non-US.

>> No.2647639

You've sold me. I just signed up, but there are no base assesments to chose from. Once i select assesments it says "There are currently no new base assessments available."

>> No.2647650

By the way, maybe we can get some discussion about our side jobs to get cash flowing for this sweet crypto? I sell digital goods in various online games

>> No.2647651

Thanks for reminding me of this OP, I signed up a few years ago but forgot about clickworker and I'm in a pinch for cash.

>> No.2647672
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See >>2647572, it'll appear in an hour or two. Just keep coming back to it. It'll be there tomorrow for sure.


Yuh it's up.

I'm just telling y'all about this shit, I ain't your tech support.


Np senpai.

Since I like you guys, I'm gonna cut the bullshit:

Do these hitapps, and only these, if you want to make $20-$50 an hour, in this order:

>GCS Relevance
>Labeling Definitive Answer Queries
>Query Intent Similarity
>Question Answering Relevance
>Search Engine Battles


>> No.2647704

Guess I'll go back to it since it seems I'm jobless for the summer.

>> No.2647707

By the way, I am from eastern europe, does that mean I am not getting shit here?

>> No.2647711


HNNNG I wanna double her over, grab her neck and cum deep in her pussy

>> No.2647735
File: 897 KB, 1760x1780, 8b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dunno. I'd go ahead and try, if you don't make much in your first two hours, let it go.


Me too, anon. Me too.

>> No.2647747

ok, I will check tomorrow for assesment

>> No.2647761

If i'm not from the US and set up my location as if I'm, will I get banned or something?

>> No.2647770

taken from their site
>On average, we expect that a Clickworker earns $9.00 per hour.
i'm seeing on forums that no one makes that much and GCS relevances aren't reliable. it's like when Pinterest has shit on mturk, you could make $40 if it when forever but it only goes on for 5 mins.

>> No.2647772


I'm OP on mobile. You need to provide an SSN if you're in the US.

>> No.2647798

As a midget on steroids this image hurts

Thanks for the money tho fampai

>> No.2647805

If english is only mediocre still a chance? Also what exactly is this proof reading? Instructions not clear man.

>> No.2647833

Hell naw

>> No.2647869

only open to US/Germany

>> No.2647885

Not true. I don't live in either of these and did jobs for them already.

>> No.2647895

Crowdwork as a full-time job is generally a fool's errand, unless you want to sit in front of the computer for 12 hours waiting for something decent to show up. If you were going to sit in front of the computer for 12 hours anyway, though, there's no harm done.

As a noob doing crowdwork, I averaged maybe $6-7/hr, and that was when there were fewer workers and the money was better. When I got some experience under my belt, it was maybe $10/hr. And that's not a consistent $10/hr, more like feast or famine: sometimes work that pays $25-60/hr will drop for an hour (or less), sometimes it will be a fucking desert. It's really something to do if you have something ELSE to do with most of your time.

Now I don't bother anymore, although (a) I've gotten several real jobs on the basis of my crowdwork, including my current one, which is cool and (b) I still keep an alert running for my old high-paying work from Google and the like, since that still shows up sometimes.

>> No.2647912

Does anybody know if this works on Mac OS?

>> No.2647922


did you get monies deposited into your paypal account?

Did you register as either a german or US citizen?

>> No.2647939

Is this just like mechanical turk?

>> No.2647953

>did you get monies deposited into your paypal account?


>Did you register as either a german or US citizen?


>> No.2648025

I only see 3 jobs. Halp.
One's mobile based, other two are inactive.

>> No.2648055

alright I signed up and gave them my SSN and tax form
when do i get monis

>> No.2648072

Should I register my native language as English UK or English US?

>> No.2648130

this sounds like amazon mechanical turk, whcih like another anon said is mind-numbing.

>> No.2648250

did the first assessment with 98%, second one never showed up

>> No.2648305

How long it usually takes for the assessments to appear? I dont have any to get qualified. I put english as my native language and my european home country in my info. I need to cheat and tell them im from the US?

>> No.2648409

second one didn't show up for me either

>> No.2648543


>> No.2648770

SSN ?! Lol... Nope!
Plus I just read Glassdoor reviews, scam.

>> No.2649196


Ayyy what's the catch senpai

>> No.2649247


Your loss. UHRS has been around for years and it's not a scam. Many job applications ask for an SSN, it's not unusual.

>> No.2649321


Pay depends on how fast you can work, and the quality requirements are pretty strict. The washout rate is high.

There are no raises, no opportunities for advancement, no networking possibilities.

The work is very dull.

>> No.2649826


Do you have to have a PayPal account? Or is direct deposit possible?

>> No.2649850


So are the jobs you listed hard to do then? And do they take long? I want to try this.

>> No.2649861

How can I do Assessments? There are none available atm, do I have to qualify on them somewhere or what?

>> No.2649890

anyone try this yet? is it a scam

>> No.2650257

1 assesment did come after a while waiting on second assessment

>> No.2650277


Do they only pay you through PayPal?

>> No.2650289

Payment details (PayPal account)
Payment is made via PayPal. Before you enter the e-mail address associated with your PayPal account, please make sure that you have already verified your PayPal account and are eligible to receive payments. ATTENTION: Otherwise, PayPal may refuse payments and you don’t receive your earnings.
For more information on how to verify your Paypal account click HERE.

>> No.2650334

yeah but you need to give them your ssn to get a payout.. seems a little shady desu

>> No.2650348


I did it two years ago. Realistically, you can consistently make $10-$15 an hour most of the time. Sometimes more if you're logged in at the right time. Sometimes less on slow days. It's good side income, but really monotonous mind-numbing stuff.

OP must be very new to UHRS. Guys who consistently make insane numbers like $40-$50 an hour are usually banned after a few weeks, once the people who run this notice a lot of errors in his work and the large payouts.

>> No.2650359


>is it a scam

No, is legit, but the payment is very far from what the OP is saying, you hardly will make $4 per hour (if you're from ANGLO cunt, otherwise is $10 per month), plus it will take 2 months to them pay you.

>> No.2650406


is this the site?

>> No.2650413

This is another thing, the errors.
You do it fast enough to be making 40 you're probably not checking it that throughly.
Hell you could be checking thoroughly and they still flag you.

>> No.2650443


There's an LF employee who does UHRS as well and makes 25-40 an hour consistently, I don't understand how as I ran into the same problems with spam checks that you're describing.

>> No.2650470

Whether or not this works out for me, thanks for the heads up

>> No.2650568

Went to their website, tried to register, page leads no where and just doesn't respond.
Is this for US only? I'm not a native speaker, but my English level is on the same level, tested at college too.

>> No.2650598

Nvm, shit only works on IE. Got through registration now, let's see if it actually works.

>> No.2650600
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>no opportunities for advancement, no networking possibilities.
>The work is very dull.
sounds like bliss

>> No.2650622

Any guides for this stuff anywhere?
Hate asking for the spoonfeed but I really need to make money as a sick NEET and I don't care if it requires me staring at a screen all day.

>> No.2650904

Also what's stopping an Australian from pretending to be an American on these things?

>> No.2650986

Well for one, they test your internet data cap by making you download a 1 MB image.
So you're fucked m8

>> No.2651002

tax, potentially

>> No.2651597

Wait you have to wait 21days to get paid for this shit?

>> No.2651768

Wait, UHRS is public? I thought it was still private. It's M$'s internal crowdflower.

>> No.2651778


IP, addres verification, ID and murican bank account.

>> No.2651782
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Does anyone have suggestions for the guide?

>> No.2651937

I wouldn't sit there and do that mind numbing shit for $500 dollars a day.

What would be great is if we could write a script to sit run all day doing that shit. Then you could get paid for nothing.

>> No.2651972

If there were scripts to do it they wouldn't be paying your ass $40 an hour for it.

>> No.2652029

All you would need is a program probably written in C++ to move the mouse and click every few minutes. and a basic algorythm to compair colors and shit. I've done clickworker before and it's pretty much the same series of questions over and over again. It would be easier to automate than you might would think.

Poker bot software works in a similar way.

>> No.2652049

How does that work out for you? I've tried but it seems such a low income per hour

>> No.2652143

The answers are verified though. If your sample is bad, your entire work is rejected. In expectation you get fuckall rewards if it's automated because that guy's exactly right.

>> No.2652230

in the time you spent posting on this shit thread you could have made the money trading cryptos.

Y'all a bunch of retards

>> No.2652763
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>your account has been suspended
>we believe you have more than 1 user account
I didn't though REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.2653810

You need money to make money in crypto dumbass. I can't put $0.00 on some BTC and then start trading with my 0.00000000 BTC.

>> No.2653949

You can always mine some.

>> No.2653965

Just do copywriting.

>> No.2654115

for me there's only a handful of hits. They run out in about 2 or 3 hours. Any advice to get more hits?

>> No.2655163

any other sites that pay better than clickworker?