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26472717 No.26472717 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26472935

QNT and ALBT are about to give crypto a good, overdue shake as news and announcements are made over the coming weeks.
In terms of investment potential, ALBT currently #150 in ranking has a better upside although both will do spectacularly well this year.

>> No.26473327

qnt is pretty cool and epic mainly because of gilbert's connections, along with all the shit it does, like CBDC infrastructure, those mDapps which let you pick and choose the best aspects of shit when making an mDapp

then like, theres albt as well which i'd recommend you get as well as some quant
if youre a poorfag get more albt, if youre a richfag get more qnt

>> No.26473389

From launch till now did a similar price increase as Link, but without the biz memes mostly.

>> No.26473526

also theyre releasing mainnet in q1(i think, might be first half) so like, thats gotta count for something, along with Shillbert's coming Ad campaign

>> No.26473604

ALBT has super shitty circulating vs total ratio, when QNT has an excellent one.

>> No.26473748

very true, but short term i think albt has just a little more potential for growth

>> No.26473760

That won’t stop ALBT out performing QNT in the short term, however they are both best in class projects.

>> No.26473770

Is this a good starting point for a first time buy?

>> No.26473865

basically the UK government coin at this point, just buy it

>> No.26473874

i mean, not at this present moment in time, albt is overdue a retrace
they say theyre gonna announce a tradfi partnership so, that could send the ting

dyor on their connections and then look back at the albt price, then make your decision

>> No.26473967

I'm overthinking my first buy. I've been trolling here for a week, it's hard to find the diamond in the rough from the scam.

>> No.26473987

they're london based too arent they, which, idk its bullish if youre a bong

>> No.26474017

Scam alert

>> No.26474046

Yes, I mentioned how it was all calculated and deliberate in the last QNT thread.
The QNT team are basically fucking smart and tying their fortune to the UK government.

>> No.26474094
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well, qnt and albt dont seem like scams (im fucked if they are lol) but in comparison to BAO or fuckin, uhhhhhhhhhh, RBC, these two are a different class
hence why they aren't shilled

>> No.26474169

I almost jumped on RBC, glad I didn't. I was a mouse click away..... I'm definitely grabbing some Link, but I can't find any sub $1.00 coins worth chancing. ALBT might be the one.

>> No.26474170

true true, imagine them getting stuck into RNHS' piece of shit computer systems as well
or fuckin, the jew hub of the world in the City of London

>> No.26474245

The NHS are small-timers.
The City of Juden is where it's at.

>> No.26474250
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link is great for sure, but i think newfags make a mistake going all in bc of how little capital they have
sometimes u gotta take a gamble on some bullshit to have more to work with
money makes more money mayn.....

>> No.26474363

given that qnt and albt are in bed together, so to say, isnt it safe to assume that both would be used to onboard some of the UK's sweet sweet old blood black nobility blood money?
maybe im reaching, but with sunak shilling for digital assets, i dont think its entirely out of the question

>> No.26474406

Meh, I'm doubtful on the ALBT angle. Out of the 2, just go all-in QNT. ALBT smells a bit curryish.

>> No.26474458

fairs fairs, i mean, albt needs qnt to work, so, its clear which is the better thing
and theres a fuck ton of em too, don't have that problem with GilbertCoin