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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26462654 No.26462654 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26462677

He could buy almost one full efferium if he would of have done that

>> No.26462682

grow up

>> No.26462693
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>> No.26462698


>> No.26462711


>> No.26462713
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>> No.26462717

That's like 800 black and milds bruh

>> No.26462740

Shieettt mang. I coulda bought me sum new jo'dans

>> No.26462771

dem wypipo oppressin us n sheiit

>> No.26462780

Man, if I would of sucked my own cock I could of cummed I'm my own mouth! Damn, that's crazy!

>> No.26462781

You will never understand the insane 80+ IQ of a kang

>> No.26462786

>the girl doing the stinky sign after holding up the R

>> No.26462809

because they are niggers

>> No.26462816

fucking kek

>> No.26462826

>being a racist in 2021
*sigh* you know that bitcoin stocks distribution is extremely unfair and unequal, right?

>> No.26462830

most people have no idea how anything works beyond their credit card

>> No.26462866

my lil bitcoin stock doin some

>> No.26462867


>> No.26462868

Rofl you hold this big rising? go for shitty coins thread
wanna check a real gem? check fucking top xsn with 1m daily volume
that’s what you should hold and forget about this trash that you try to discuss

>> No.26462889

we wuz niggerz and shiieet

>> No.26462890
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What if you had wheels though?

>> No.26462906
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>> No.26462908

Shitposting reaches more elaborate levels each day.

>> No.26462912

Fucking goose just doesn't give a fuck

>> No.26462920


>> No.26462947

ayo bruh efferiums you good dawg? when you gonna become full grown nigga? decimal lookin ass

>> No.26463076

sheeit iz ma ngga tyrone how yous doing cuh?

>> No.26463100

Ayo lookadiss Uncle Tom ass nigga haha

>> No.26463123

aight imma cap yo ass bitch ass nigga

>> No.26463126

because they buy it on robin hood

>> No.26463232


>> No.26463246

dem raycis ass crackas be buyin my nigga george floyd?

>> No.26463295


>> No.26463444

>make 800 dollars in 9 months
>crazy returns
Lmao I make that in like a week at my day job

>> No.26463466

My lil bitcoin stock be doin some

>> No.26463516

My lil bitcoin stock be doin some

>> No.26463537

$800 is pretty gangster

>> No.26463577

>CRAZY return
And then they say why do you hate peope!

>> No.26463642

Robert harris jr. Sounds one of those niggers names thwy want us to memorize when he gets killed by police

>> No.26463678

>bitcoin stocks distribution is extremely unfair and unequal, right?
Yeah, you need an IQ above retard so 90% of niggers are disqualified

>> No.26463752

Do not post this again.

>> No.26463774

My lil bitcoin stock be doin some

>> No.26463807

Wait until they find out about De-Fi and Union.

>> No.26463843
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>> No.26463866

My lil efferium stock doin some

>> No.26463941

holy fuck lol

>> No.26464013

she cute

>> No.26464044

Yo! where can I get me dat bitcoin stock? Shits crazy dawg, easy money!

>> No.26464060

shit, from 100 to 800 in only 9 months.

>> No.26464089


>> No.26464109

they think it make them look smarter

>> No.26464112

What does this mean and why do they talk like this?

>> No.26464123

My broker doesmt have bitcoin

>> No.26464127

these normies are retarded and will never make it

>> No.26464145

but it's so risky xd

>> No.26464195
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>> No.26464223

They don’t know how those work either.

>> No.26464300

>What does this mean
Her $20 BTC purchase is doing "something", presumably number is going up.
>why do they talk like this?
If they don't, they're called Uncle Toms or cracka by their peers.

>> No.26464402

why do they have sideburns on their temples?

>> No.26464487


>> No.26464745

>my lil bitcoin stock doin some

>> No.26465195

Holy newfag

>> No.26465440


>> No.26465723

I'm gonna wait for the stimulus check pump and I'm exiting the fuck out after that
I'm starting to see low IQ chatter about EFFERIUM again

>> No.26465966
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>> No.26466229

Reminder that at the end of the game someone has to make, these people are not meant to so that leave us being the winners because it is imposible to be someone else than us.

Using this logic you should thank them

>> No.26466352

my pee pee feels funny

>> No.26466381

this man is excited about making $700 in nearly 1 year

every day it becomes more obvious to me that democracy is a mistake

>> No.26466454

Now is my favourite time of the cycle, when the capitulation comes along and all of these FOMO brainlets insist on how "they were right" all along about bitcoin being a "ponzi scheme".

>bitcoin stock

i dont think they understand either the first or the second of those words.

>> No.26466490

actually pretty fascinating desu given that 2+2=4 is now white oppression according to woke twitter (search 2+2=5 for context).
an inability to realise objectivity means that there is no subjectivity.
and if there's no subjectivity, then there is no empathy. just tribalism... in-group vs. out-group.
suddenly, wokeness makes a lot more sense.
white people who sympathise with it do so from a place of empathic reaction (especially white women because higher empathy than men).
the black people who tout it do so with the hidden intent of destroying the other to elevate themselves (fairness can't exist because it requires law, an objective standard).
now: how to profit from this?

>> No.26466673

you are retarded yourself niger

>> No.26466755
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>he thinks normies or niggers understand credit card
anon it's by design

>> No.26466817
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>> No.26466864

700+capital, you fucking nigger mathtard

>> No.26466875

>do not repost: my lil bitcoin stock doin some
You mean this:
my lil bitcoin stock doin some
To be completely specific you mean you do not want me to repost the phrase “my lil bitcoin stock doin some“
Ok I will not repost the phrase “ my lil bitcoin stock doin some”
my lil bitcoin stock doin some

>> No.26466927

that so? If you put in $100 and it goes x8 you have $800. So you've made 800-100 dollars, how much is 800-100, anon?
You think you deserve a vote?

>> No.26466963


>> No.26466966

I get they arnt ugly. I just don't find asians even remotely attractive. just white girls and about 1% of black girls.

>> No.26467467

That goose is amazingly tenacious. You'd figure they'd be terrified of dogs.

>> No.26467519

Northern africans like moroccans can be pretty enchanting

>> No.26467777

niggers have no idea how anything works

>> No.26467840

Checked and true

>> No.26467919

Quads well deserved

>> No.26468166

Why would you want them to understand? This is bullish

>> No.26468358

The return is only like $300. What is this? Stock for ants?

>> No.26468434
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Fuck off nigger

>> No.26469029

my pee pee be doin some

>> No.26469472

Quads and true

>> No.26469512

Man... he would of had $800 if he had done that!

>> No.26470029

A rule I've been following for a few years already: If you type 'would of' I stop reading. Period. Whatever you have to say cannot be worth my time if you cannot get that right as a native English speaker. And for the record I am not a native English speaker.

>> No.26470314

>how to profit from this?
pondering this myself lately

>> No.26470468

that white goose is 100% more nigger than that black dog

>> No.26470480

based dogo protecting his owner without needlessly killing the goose

>> No.26470611

>Mad quads

>> No.26470657

>Bitcoin stock

>> No.26470677

Niggas discover bullish markets

>> No.26470996

get out nigger

>> No.26471052

>purple ID
shut it nigger

>> No.26471158

My little thread doin some

>> No.26471309

This nigger basically says numbers come from real things, so 1 hen plus 1 rooster can make 3 chicks, this guy is retarded he doesnt understand numbers are metaphysical "perfect" ideas that we use for the real world not the other way around. The kind of shit that sounds smart to absolute retards

>> No.26471387

Woke af post

>> No.26471401


>> No.26471427


>> No.26471539

Thats not even 1k$ lol

>> No.26471679

1+1=1 tho. if you combine two different piles of sand you get one big pile of sand.

>> No.26471719

Those are called "edges". "Baby hairs" would stick out and not look nice so they stick them down to the skin and make curly patterns with them.

>> No.26471745
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>> No.26472526

>and for the record I came here from reddit


>> No.26472697

It’s actually terrifying how true this is.
I work with niggas and once you interact with them up close and for extended periods of time, you begin to realize how their brains operate. It’s very basic and rudimentary. I would compare them to a Atari 6400 and white peoples brains to the newest quantum computer.
But they can dance very easily and sing and are rythmic, I think it is because they are closer to animal. Again not racist. Just an observation

>> No.26472810

geese are low inhib chads of the animal kingdom.

>> No.26472814

my little prq stock doin some

>> No.26473115

niggers do not know how a credit card works

>> No.26473324

I refuse to believe this. I know they're fucking retarded, but come on lol

>> No.26473372
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They truly are the lost tribe of Isreal.

>> No.26473420

>black people = animals but im not racist
do you take even a moment to think about the words coming from your brain?

>> No.26473441
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My lil Bitcoin stock doin some

>> No.26473458

Sheit we awlredy the smartess we shuld be da richess too

>> No.26473655
File: 2.95 MB, 285x208, 1609534757728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ shit like "would of" makes my blood boil

While we're laughing at low IQ haha funny negroes, I just show you all this:

Watch till like 5 minutes at least, every fucking minute or more she says some shit like she's a parody of herself

>> No.26473766

recognising differences is not racist
hating these differences is

>> No.26474421
File: 72 KB, 667x578, 9a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ate muslims
'ate wogs
'ate pakis
'ate spics
'ate niggers
'ate jannies
Not racist, just don't loik 'em
Love pints
Simple as.

>> No.26474801

>recognising differences is not racist
not according to modern leftists. they observe the difference and see that the average negro can't hack it in modern society, so they attempt to elevate the negro through targeted socialism. However instead of recognizing that the average negro cannot succeed in a meritocracy, they claim society is actively targeting them. If modern society is law of the jungle, the average negro is simply the lowest on the food chain. Obviously there are outliers, we're talking about the average.

>> No.26474940

Literally have sex

>> No.26474986
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>> No.26475089
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f-... food chain? like banana chain?

>> No.26475124
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>>black people = animals but im not racist
Is there some wrong with the statement?

>> No.26475172

I know how btc and ethereum contracts works but not how my mastercard can instantly send money and proof it honestly

>> No.26475202

no sweetie, he said "closer to" animal, not equal to. if you don't see that their IQ ceiling is lower than other races, idk how to help you

>> No.26475227

Sheeeeit mang we wuz kangs

>> No.26475259

Fuck all niggers

>> No.26475263

dude, she literally looks like the type to age into a wildebeest
find a thin ass redbone black girl if anything

>> No.26475438

Grug + galaxy brain alliance will crush the midwits

>> No.26475546

White liberals really just need to be exterminated for humans to get anywhere.