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26466844 No.26466844 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26467022
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Cardano 3 till march, 5-7 EOY depending on bull market. Such a great project is hard to find, there are just few of them.

>> No.26467191

i only have 3k of this, sucks being from a third world country

>> No.26467581

Our guy

>> No.26467606
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it's ok fren

>> No.26467797

You will make it with 3k ADA in your third world country.

>> No.26467963
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You will make it, anon. Don't gamble too much on shitcoins. Stay for the long run.

>> No.26468030

Can we cancel the subsequent retrace?

>> No.26468658

I'm still buying in, give me another couple of weeks

>> No.26468768

Is 110k ADA a make it stack?

>> No.26468897

What’s the stack levels?
Make it?

>> No.26468921

it is!!!

>> No.26468978

You'll be richer than you could have ever imagined but only if your hands are strong enough.

>> No.26469060

If you bought at .05 then 50k is a make it stack

100k make it
50k comfy
10k suicide

>> No.26469218

Thanks for the reassurance. It’s my only holding I refuse to touch, the potential is there... hoping for a big Q2 with smart contracts, decentralization and potential Coinbase

>> No.26469306

how retarded do you have to be to hold this shit lmfao? 4 years and still no working product. Even if it manages to launch it'll take another 5 to get to where Eth is now and you'd have to steal devshare from them lol

i really don't get why people gamble on this dumb shit

>> No.26469365
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Proper FUD Mate

>> No.26469392

I bought in at .10 so I’m feeling pretty good with the upcoming catalysts. Don’t really care about the past shortcomings, if they execute now, I’ll be fine

>> No.26469425

just so we're clear, the US is third world, correct?

>> No.26469434


those niggers are all priced out of eth and charles tickles their "intelligence"

look up all the eth killers over the years, just look them up.

>there's nothing on cardano, and it's still a work in progress
>everything is on ethereum, and it's still a work in progress

makes you think...

>> No.26469447

Oof my 25k isn’t gmi but at least I’ll be halfway comfy

>> No.26469510

Second world. Hasn’t fallen to third yet but will 8-12 years time

>> No.26469587

>there are just few of them.
There's Ergo

>> No.26469591

This. America is stuck at a crossroad right now with either the choice of defaulting on it's debt and ending up like Argentina or Printing so much money that hyperinflation sets in and it ends up like Zimbabwe or Venezuela. Either situation is bullish in general for crypto.

>> No.26469641
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Hands of Boron Carbide

>> No.26469670

I just passed 15k myself, I have just as much money in DOT though so it's still pretty comfy.

>> No.26469795

i mean it'll still go up because there are a ton of retards that think like you do... if you're just looking to dump on someone else it's a fine choice. I just really, really don't get how people actually expect this shit to get use by anyone. But then again if you understood onchain liquidity and the like you wouldn't be reduced to gambling on vaporware

I shlled my brother link at $.40 and then SNX in the fall of 2019 and for some reason he ended up putting his biggest allocation in Cardano and Vechain LMFAO. He's trying to tell me about how great ADA is going to be and I'm just dumbfounded that people can be so obtuse.

>> No.26469834

Okay but how much are you sitting on?

>> No.26469856


>> No.26469871

Delete this thread. It’s still accumulating phase. Shilling starts next month.

>> No.26469891

well they are working with Cardano

>> No.26469922


>> No.26469959

Name one thing they said that was wrong lol

>> No.26470238

Bought the BTC/ETH dip.
Now 20% in BTC, 40% in staked ETH, 10% ADA (will increase to 20% soon) and 10% LOCK (meridian)


>> No.26470266

As long as you’re saying it’ll still go up, who the hell cares about anything else.

>> No.26470281

Both are bullish for sure but for the Argentine option is probably the better of the two for the country as it would be easier to recover from. 1 generation vs 3+

>> No.26470305

You an I gmi

>> No.26470362

Looking around for info on different staking pools...
Come across this gem & my sides simultaneously explode...

Mfw I scroll down to "meet the heroes"

>> No.26470369

20% ADA is good, 30 is better but ok. Eyy what is this Meridian stuff? is it still alive? its is very low MC

>> No.26470520

>Eyy what is this Meridian stuff? is it still alive? its is very low MC
They're about to release their open beta within a week. They've also anounced a faucet.
Over 2K people on their telegram.

>> No.26470691

I don't know anything about LOCK but the rest looks fine for a conservative investor. I'm 10% each BTC/ETH, 30% each ADA/DOT, 10% SUSHI and 5% each ALGO and 1inch. I don't see a ton of upside for BTC right now so I'll probably move it into ETH.

>> No.26470755

have any of you even looked at the charts? this thing is going down
charts are more important than stupid fundamentals

>> No.26470822

lol not to mention it has no fundamentals because it's the most overvalued vaporware on the market currently

>> No.26471119

Should I sell my ALGO for this?

>> No.26471339
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>> No.26471528
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>> No.26471566

I’m only 5% ALGO as well but might double that. I think it has 5x potential eoy.

>> No.26471586
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>> No.26471622

Both are winners anon. Try to secure both. Ada has strong $2 eoy and algo has the same so 5.5x vs 4x

>> No.26472045

algo's tokenomics is fucked. the VCs will dump on the little guy the moment it moons.

>> No.26472315

ALGO is a long term hold for the insane apy if nothin else