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26462035 No.26462035 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off this

>> No.26462059

go to a hospital and shit the bed

>> No.26462087

how do you feel anon? just use the freetime to trade.

>> No.26462104
File: 158 KB, 645x756, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had corona late december, its literally sniffles bro

What a fucking scam this whole thing is

>> No.26462146

It’s a weak flu. I definitely feel like shit, but it’s not that bad

>> No.26462174

>just use the freetime to trade
I don't think you science denying idiots understand the severity of this. OP won't have any free time, he'll be struggling to breathe in the hospital.
Covid isn't a joke. Unfortunately most of you people won't realize that until you catch it like OP.

>> No.26462245

I already got it you obese retard. I felt like shit but was still able to function fine. Tea helped a lot for some reason.

>> No.26462269

liquidate your 401k and put it into link.

>> No.26462272

That’s the best you could show up?
Illiterate mid-wit confirmed.
Run along and “kill your gf”
Don’t ask me to kick you off from this thread
Wanna make money - use your fucking brain and go for Base
That’s all I can advise you

>> No.26462289

You’re being dramatic. I’ve just been sleeping a lot. More concerned with not being able to wagecuck for two weeks- but thankfully I have money saved. More concerned how this will affect my hours going forward

>> No.26462294

RIP in Peace
Already delirious, has no idea he is about to die from extremely deadly rona virus

>> No.26462304

don't know, if you find you a way let me know

>> No.26462320

Remove your head from your ass anon, it's hard to see that way

>> No.26462362

kys weak faggot, I made like 100K USD during my 10 days with the rona

>> No.26462390

No it isn’t. I had every symptom in the book. Sore throat, bad cough, chills, trouble breathing, loss of taste and smell, high temp. Etc and I’m 26.

>> No.26462439

wow so literally the flu, lets immediateld shut down everything and abolish all human rights

>> No.26462461

Yea I’m definitely closer to this than the “sniffles” for some reason my eyes hurt too. Not sure if I should tell my job but definitely not working today

>> No.26462476

weak tranny nigger

>> No.26462485

You fucking idiot, flu doesn't kill as much and data has been available for a year now

>> No.26462491


kill yourself you're ruining this board

>> No.26462539
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>> No.26462735

get the fuck out of here tripfag

>> No.26462762

Wear the fucking mask.

>> No.26462806

Vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and probably some other stuff, but those are the basics, and you'll probably be feeling better

>> No.26462813
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>> No.26462839



>> No.26462859

Oh no you couldn't smell things, well fuck let's close down everything.

>> No.26463238

>More concerned with not being able to wagecuck for two weeks
imagine thinking like this holy shit

>> No.26463353

What? I got bills dude

>> No.26463404


>> No.26463428

go to hospital
complain of problems with your dick
try and get a cute nurse to touch your dick

>> No.26463451

Do hot sauce challenge videos on YouTube. With no taste you can ramp up to the extremer sauces and get tons of views.

>> No.26463499

all the deaths are blamed on corona because almost every test is positive

its literally just a flu

>> No.26463594

I wish the CDC would just recommend cyanide pills as a cure so retards like you can be purged from the gene pool

>> No.26463621

Pain receptors still work

>> No.26463702

Die and LEAVE this shitty time line.

>> No.26463755

You mean the data which sad blm lowers covid infection but trump rally increases it?
That data?

>> No.26463797

sign up for a job and get the boot and collect gibs

>> No.26463804

>literally just the flu
it isn’t even the same microbe, dipshit

>> No.26463816

Buy $CLF

>> No.26463896

Find the nearest nigger near you and shake his hand

>> No.26463916
File: 56 KB, 499x495, 1611080637178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sore throat
bad cough
trouble breathing
loss of taste and smell
high temp
Yes I had this two years ago
It's called the flu

>> No.26464066

then go all in CHAINLINK