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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 138 KB, 1089x941, 20210121_104710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26457785 No.26457785 [Reply] [Original]

Spending so much energy and time to fud a 10M mcap. Absolutely desperate. You missed the easiest and most obvious x10 of your lives.

The competition is still valued x20 more at the least, and they don't even do crosschain swaps.

They're going to deliver the first ETH/BSC bridge ever in 4 days. There is a reason why it did 1500% in two weeks. Don't let the FUD cloud your judgement and allow it to make you miss out on massive gains in the coming months.

>> No.26457829
File: 36 KB, 612x440, 2217B7AC-EBD9-492B-A540-F5E42B9FA9CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, RBC doesn’t have its liquidity locked, rug pull imminent. FLASh is now the coin to ride.

>> No.26457868

They’re all so retarded
Hodling till $5 wgmi bro

>> No.26457910

your scam coin is dumping.
sell it before your masters pull the plug fgt
nothing special about a shitty dex that cant even stay online

>> No.26457947

what website is ghis

>> No.26457960

>your scam coin is dumping
ragjesh, suneet wants to see you in the back
something about not using the designated parking space

>> No.26457980
File: 57 KB, 859x542, 1611068129105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRQ hasn't either. Is it a scam too?

>> No.26458010

>PRQ hasn't either. Is it a scam too?

>> No.26458033
File: 56 KB, 843x534, 1611068341562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Polkastarter?

I could go on.

>> No.26458065

That's not even RBC you fucking mong

>> No.26458111

it's funny reading posts written by brown street shitting hands or white nigger slav hands. the way they communicate completely misses the """culture"""" of 4chan. you could probably build a rudimentary AI to easily filter it out.

>> No.26458179

And chainlink?

>> No.26458187

>muh culture

I've been around since the Tom Green raids faggot.

>> No.26458205

waste of digits nigger. seethe and dilate tranny.

>> No.26458461

Lmao, shows how desperate they are.

>> No.26458561

Based and rbc pilled
Kek you tried this last week
They have two digit iq

>> No.26458955

exactly this. They're fucking desperate. Imagine getting paid for this. Probably 5-10 stinky jeets rotating ips and samefagging for money

>> No.26458982
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, 1611177138503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stack em high

>> No.26458988

for pakistani rupees while we are at it.
biden is sending ai drones to your village as we speak right fucking now

>> No.26459001
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>> No.26459013

Is it possible to put my RBC on a Trezor or a Ledger ?

>> No.26459019

1 rupee deposited into your account.

>> No.26459057

feels like deja vu

>> No.26459061


they're instructed to fabricate discussion as soon as they are exposed. just delete the thread

>> No.26459082

cope, seethe, dilate tranny. You will never be a woman and you will never make it.

>> No.26459095

With metamask

>> No.26459120


>> No.26459128

erc20 token so yes

>> No.26459155

You're welcome. Just be patient with metamask. Sometimes it works fine other times it will be a piece of shit for no reason.

>> No.26459233
File: 171 KB, 840x839, 293-2939233_8037140-pepe-laughing-png-transparent-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> anonymous team
> shilled intensely with sub 1mil marketcap
> literally a website, no product
> retards here still bought into this obvious scam pnd

This is going to zero when the 28th rolls around and the release is "delayed"

>> No.26459320

>anonymous team
you didn't even look did you

>> No.26459331

What does rubic do and what problems does it solve?

>> No.26459404

It'll be like Uniswap, but instead of only being able to swap only Ethereum based tokens, you can swap between Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain tokens and soon also Polkadot projects. It'll be cheaper than Uniswap too.

In 4 days the Eth/BSC bridge will go live. They're the first to do such a thing.

>> No.26459406

RBC current market cap = 10m
UNI current market cap = 2b

We've still got a 200x before we reach UNI market cap, which we absolutely will since this is a better project. Get in now for the comfiest 2021

>> No.26459427


to my understanding its more than a coin its also a swap system that allows you to go multichain

>> No.26459453

I accidentally bought 55k RBC. oh well!

>> No.26459649

Good job

>> No.26459828
File: 110 KB, 1374x842, rubicpage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious fud

>> No.26460110
File: 192 KB, 1024x737, 1581034073198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26460250

The amount of FUD and just general tryharding to lower the price of the fucking 10 mill market cap coin should tell you how decent this hold is.

The amount of effort put into all those discord posts, claiming the devs are anonymous, claiming the devs are Indian, claiming it’s a rug pull when they have a fucking WORKING product.

Of course this isn’t the next Link, there will never be another Link but don’t let these fucking idiots make you miss out on an easy x5 at least by the 28th

>> No.26460255

>worthless coin and not needed whatsoever in the crypto ecosystem
>suddenly got spammed on biz at 3am on a Sunday two weeks ago
>first rug pull yesterday
>run by a known scammer who's literally done this exact same thing before
>not talked about anywhere outside of buzzfeed but you iduot pajeets think just magically can go to 100 mil or some stupid shit

Must I continue?

>> No.26460295

>literally all wrong
this has to be an ironic shill post

>> No.26460363
File: 2.45 MB, 1536x2048, 1550937767629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright, team is doxed and there are angry autists and contracts available for events like that.

>> No.26460434

>This is going to zero when the 28th rolls around and the release is "delayed"
Thats what I'm really worried about, if they delay the cross chain swap the price will crater to the point of no return

>> No.26460496

You're retarded right? that nigger also said the team is anonymous. Obvious fud.

>> No.26460579

Where can I see more of this image ?

>> No.26461196

But the test results were positive. The chances that this will delay are slim to none.