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26452575 No.26452575 [Reply] [Original]

>laughs in linkpool

>> No.26452619
File: 21 KB, 920x859, AEB68EEA-2641-48A4-900C-2E4351A59A22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1LP token costs 125'000$ now, let me hear you seethe newfags

>> No.26452665

there will be other staking solutions retard

>> No.26452678
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>> No.26452707

And linkpool holders will get profits from EVERY link staking platform, kys retard

>> No.26452742


And rewards from those pools will be highly diluted so your return will be extremely low compared to linkpool.
Linkpool threads are always so full of cope by people who missed the boat it’s hilarious

>> No.26452841

lol deluded

>> No.26452956

Ive literally posted the source nigger, read it and weep

>> No.26453216

only 759 people hold lp

>> No.26454034


>> No.26454483

So it's like a secret club :-)
That's really cool man

>> No.26454861

yeah linkpool is so great, thats why no one owns this shit AHAHAAAHAHAAHAHAHHAH

>> No.26454921

I paid $700 something to get 2LP.

>> No.26454965

Okay, but does it yield any rewards yet?

>> No.26455000

how long until everyone realizes link has no use case?

I would say 6 months

>> No.26455047

Nice trips, is that your iq?

>> No.26455148

Lmao try reading what u post

>> No.26455176

Please fill my 80 eth order. Hope price will go down after distribution again so can accumulate

>> No.26455253


>> No.26455271

Yes it does, last payout was 5.6 link per lp

>> No.26455311

Kek no, fuck off poorfag. Im not selling.
He is right, kys.

>> No.26455333

How often does that happen?

>> No.26455362

I only have 0.12 LP. Am I fucked?

>> No.26455377

Every second sunday. Today will be another payout.

>> No.26455401

The true elite.

>> No.26455418

No way someone is going to sell you. Nobody is selling right now.

>> No.26456044

Not a single source on the Internet that shows you the past distribution results per LP. Very little information out there in general. Seems shady af

>> No.26456135

Shut up retard

>> No.26456228

Yeah and the actual distribution per LP faggot?

>> No.26456240

how much is my 0,28LP worth now?

>> No.26456284

What's this?

>> No.26456285

0 link

>> No.26456298

Divide the total payouts by 4000, god damnit i fucking hate newfags

>> No.26456312


>> No.26456342


>> No.26456354

I only have 0.4.... should I kms?

>> No.26456372


>> No.26456384

somethign times 0 equals 0

>> No.26456403

Absolutely seething. You are priced the fuck out. Literally because the minimum to buy in is now about $3k lmao.

>> No.26456434

lol have fun with pseudotoken lp shit while we invest in actual crypto innovation retard :)

>> No.26456480

Except the devs take like half of that measly amount too
So like 2% ROI, probably less in the future
Amazing stuff mate gonna buy more actual LINK now

>> No.26456513
File: 83 KB, 760x507, 1605035143898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It costed me 500 euros to buy a share LMAO I could buy a house with it right now. But I'm never selling so suck my dick you fucking kikes

>> No.26456566

Tears of nonLP'rs make me diamond hard

>> No.26456574

You couldn't pay for it anyway LMAO

>> No.26456575

What are you talking about? You literally dont know a thing. There are only 4000 shares in existence. That is the full amount youre getting. Literally kill yourself

>> No.26456587

Holy shit you are a retard

>> No.26456596

i don't buy scams you subhuman nigger

>> No.26456600

LP is basically an arm of the Chainlink team

>> No.26456622

How long until you realize LINK has already been an integral factor in literally every single successful defi project?

>> No.26456623


>> No.26456645

scam aahahaaahaaaaahha you are so dumb enjoy losing your "linkpool" coins nigger ahhhaah

>> No.26456647


A few days ago 1LP was $95k with 750 holders. At equivalent mcap to RLC which has 30k holders. 300mil or so.
1 LP is now 135k.
Eventually 1 LP will cost 10,000 link and will return 1000 LINK per year, even without staking your linkies.

>> No.26456648
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>> No.26456659
File: 187 KB, 1024x562, IMG_20210124_131331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfags are literally retarded. Guess who this horseface is.

>> No.26456660

Only 25% of the rewards are distributed to LP owners you shitcolored IDs

>> No.26456687


>> No.26456693

huh bitconnect went up ínsanely too, cant wait to see you crying at the botytyo m of -99 candle HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAAAAA

>> No.26456726

wow circle some irrelevant face gj nigger wtf are u even trying to saY? iq like africa temeperature

>> No.26456767
File: 497 KB, 1125x2436, F062D464-EDC0-4EED-9972-9A9F6D67909A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this for $300. Will I make it?

>> No.26456771

For a staking pool with no staking option 2.5 years after the crowdsale.
LP is in peak bubble territory.

>> No.26456790

i got this turd for $10000 dollar s will i make it ??? ahahaahhhaahahhahhaqahahaah PONZIMARINES AHAHAAHAHAHAA

>> No.26456841
File: 118 KB, 345x345, sergaymug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only got 4k link and 0.52 lp, am i going to make it?

>> No.26456859

You are fucking retarded mate. This 25% figures comes from the fact that only 1000 shares are publicly available you absolute idiot. If you divide the payouts by 4000 thats the payout you will get if you hold 1 share.
The absolute state of newfags

>> No.26456866

you make it down the pipes as i flush toilet withyour turdshit ponzipool HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAH BYE BYE TARD

>> No.26456870

But even if you wanted to buy it you couldn't lol lol lol I will sell you my LP scraps (which costed me $0 LMAO) for 100 ETH and you will be grateful nigger

>> No.26456897

Look like someone is priced out. As long as I have profit who care if it is a fucking scam. I either lose $300 or have more than 5000

>> No.26456901

How long did it take for you to get that accumulated reward?

>> No.26456902

The normie seething in linkpool threads is fucking glorious.

>> No.26456918

hah yeah i l so poor still live in less shit like you retarded ponziturder

>> No.26456933

Price of link when 1lp returns 1000 link pa?

>> No.26456937

Oct 2020

>> No.26456943

stay poor faggot, my linkpool is worth more than your life

>> No.26456956
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>> No.26456988

mhh of cours like ths for brain wash ponzicult low iq tardeds who arent cna be human form too much shit life HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

>> No.26456996

Stay poor

>> No.26457014

staying ppoor fucking your mother)

>> No.26457020

You could go away and let us have a nice discussion or keep pumping the thread.

>> No.26457021

Probably like $100-$1000 because it will be when network traffic is high. Network traffic is going vertical. So soon.
I’m just pulling this out of my ass. Someone should do a regression on network traffic and LP payouts to see when we hit 1000 link per year.

>> No.26457028
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>15 posts by this ID
SEETHE and gnash your teeth harder, third worlder

>> No.26457046

mmh, i so mads oyu7r motjer is cryer

>> No.26457070

LMAO u mad bro?

>> No.26457097

yes like all aid ired scream crying mmhm ofc rreatard

>> No.26457099

Also when they start offering ETH staking and other shit payouts will increase.
I wish I fucking bought more LP.

>> No.26457121

all yours moms are staking for my cock))

>> No.26457163

Stop replying to the troll who can’t even spell

>> No.26457171
File: 561 KB, 860x758, bobopepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is making me so depressed. Why was I a dumb 18 year old during LinkPool's ICO. Fuck sake I even have 19 000 LINKs I could have sold like 1000 LINKs for 2 LP.

>> No.26457172

yes scareful kid)) idiots retarsds

>> No.26457198

Same anon. I never bothered with it, now priced out, but will get like .12 or something before the swap

>> No.26457216

oh boy. you can tell this thing's going to dump when it gets listed anywhere

>> No.26457235

yes watch this kids ponzishits cry in mother)

>> No.26457246

LP will still do a x10 from here. 1 LP = $1million = 10k link. Same mcap as Uniswap.

>> No.26457271

Yep all 750 early buyers are just waiting to dump it. It’s not like they’re link whales who want to stake link...... nonono

>> No.26457298

I have 0.28 LP that I bought in Summer for about $5k. I'm priced out of LP for now. I'm not gonna sell LINK for LP currently.

>> No.26457342

My thoughts as well. I'm just waiting for my other trades to become worth more and hoping that LP price will drop after distribution again

>> No.26457345

Me neither. I think LP will moon harder than link short term but I couldn’t stand to see my linky stack dwindle. Plus link is guaranteed to succeed so I don’t need to take any more actions.

>> No.26457361

i realized this in 2017 and didnt buy at 16 cents
now its at $25 and keeps going up
I honestly woudlnt be surprised if this useless token went to $1,000
perfect investment for clown world

>> No.26457448


>> No.26457508

It's easy to read up on Chainlink and learn that it is valuable tech and will surely increase in value, plus staking rewards. With Linkpool, there's none of this. It seems to just consist of holders endlessly shouting about how great it is. Reminds me of the media shouting about how everyone is dying of covid. I just see no evidence for it. Perhaps some LP holders might point us to some hard evidence that LP is what they claim it to be. I've not heard anyone from Chainlink say it. And that English guy who represents it came across as very unsure of himself at Smartcon. I just was never convinced, right from the off. I'll absolutely hold my hand up if I'm proven wrong, but the LP project just loos to me like something based on blind faith and hope. I'd rather buy Link tokens with that money.

>> No.26457585

dyor faggot, you had 3 years

>> No.26457656

Nobody cares about your retarded thought process newfag

>> No.26457664

I have done my own research, and my opinion is the result of that. I've owned Link since ICO. It's not cope, it's just my gut telling me it's not worth it. If you're so right, then please post some links to articles that YOU consider to be convincing. You won't, though, because you haven't got any. This has been the situation all along. A wing and a prayer.

>> No.26457697

lol you shitskin pajeet street shitter - Linkpool is a piece of fkn vaporware shit

>> No.26457732

You are absolutely retarded if you havent realized by now how important linkpool is for the link ecosystem

>> No.26457756

1LP is paying 6 Links every two weeks. At current Link and LP prices, that's a 3.5% APY. It's fairly valued and will only go up once staking of Link, ethereum, and more pools are created using LP's protocol. What a lot of people can't see is that more pools will be created using LP framework i.e.the standard.

>> No.26457758


>> No.26457768

You do you. I tossed in a couple ETH at ICO because I liked how Huxtable presented the project and what it set out to do and the low raise.

Now I got 3 LP, worth more than the 10k LINK I also own. Best investment ever.

And LINK hasn't even started, yet I already got 90 LINK from holding LP shares.

>> No.26457777
File: 74 KB, 1621x483, Screenshot_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfectly normal daily volume
everything is reasonable
do not ask questions
pls buy LP sir, you don't want to be poor???

>> No.26457807

u r so smaert

>> No.26457932


Post some of your findings that support your opinion that Linkpool is trash? You made a statement here, it's on you to provide proof.

>> No.26457996

And what happens when bigger players start coming out of the woodwork (as is already happening) and royally wipe the floor with LP? I'm not trying to troll anyone, but it strikes me as an extremely risky investment, compared to Link. Other, larger outfits will offer staking services, in my view, and LP will just be another bunch of nodes in a sea of them. I doubt the LP token value will hold up when all this starts to happen, and I think LP holders may wish they'd spent the money on Link instead.And I've seen the LP website already. It doesn't convince me of anything, other than LP offers staking services and a share of profit. Big deal.

>> No.26458028

yup literally too smart to make a quarter mill off this useless token

>> No.26458038

Wrong. The onus is on LP to convince customers it is a good investment, not for me to post anything to the contrary. Is that really your position in this debate? Fucking hell....

>> No.26458073

also 99% sure binance will release chainlink staking once it's live

>> No.26458242
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>> No.26458245

Payouts will be diluted if they dont implement a token model like linkpool.
You are a fucking retard, multiple people in the linkpool team are in the link team, kys.

>> No.26458363

Ad hominem attacks on me don't make your argument any more convincing, you know.
>multiple people in the linkpool team are in the link team, kys.
so much for decentralisation, eh? You're hoping that this tenuous link to the chainlink team will guarantee you riches beyond your wildest dreams. For your sake, I hope you're right, but I find it all rather unconvincing.

>> No.26458403

>go to https://linkstake.com/stake-chainlink/
>a warning pop-ups
>Once Chainlink Staking is live you’ll be able to earn Rewards with LinkStake. But we can’t let everyone in at once
>we can't let everyone in at once
Will you be fast enough? Will they meet your stack cap expectation? Will they allow you to stake all the link you have? Ugh, being a non-LPer must be hard

>> No.26458416


They already convinced me enough to invest through their medium posts and Johnny being on the actual chainlink team. Now it's your turn.

>> No.26458522
File: 7 KB, 231x218, ajhdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They already made me rich, you mad? Keep seething with your 1k link stack.

t. 75k Link and 1 LP holder.

>> No.26458548

Linkpool trustless staking contracts have been designed so they can tokenize oracle contracts in exchange for a fee. They have succesfully passed dozens of security audits, which costed hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you are a Chainlink node operator looking into allowing others to lend you LINK for staking purposes in a decentralized and trustless manner, you actually want that level of security and reliability. It's a no-brainer. If I'm a devOps pro but I'm new to the ecosystem and I'm priced out for 100k LINK jobs, I want people to be able to stake on my node, how do I do that? Create a staking system from scratch or turn my node into a Linkpooled node in a plug & play manner?

>> No.26458678

>Other, larger outfits will offer staking services,
Fags have been saying this for three years. What other staking services???? There are NONE

>> No.26458702

staking isn't even live retard

>> No.26458706

1 of the 186 here, wish I bought more!

>> No.26458742

Linkpool is already earning LINK from running nodes, without staking. Who else is already running nodes and will offer a staking pool for linkies? Who? It’s all wishful thinking for prices out fudders.

>> No.26458776

ah shit

>> No.26458784


This is too funny lmao. I have only 0.28 LP but 22k link but holy fuck are you seething lol. enjoy lending your link out to lending protocols lmao while linkpool holders just absolutely reap in fees across the board

>> No.26458785

>You're hoping that this tenuous link to the chainlink team will guarantee you riches beyond your wildest dreams.
You realise LP has x500 from ICO? It has mooned harder than LINK and will continue to do so.

>> No.26458813

im sorry all :(

>> No.26458828


Post time stamp with your a sharpie in your mothers pooper and I’ll send you 0.04 LP. That way all of your village can’t stake their link

>> No.26458833

If that's really you 42 I want you to know that I love you and that I meditate/pray for your success and that nothing but good comes to you and your family. Godspeed you glorious bastard.

>> No.26459035

When do you think ERC20 will happen?
>inb4 Q1
I know but do you have any rational estimates? What do you think about increasing liquidity? I think it might dump a bit, however the team designed it in such a way that if your LP is in a liquidity pool or exchange, it doesn't receive any rewards

Based and checked

fellow 1 out of 186 here

fuck, i miss LP ranks infographics

>> No.26459330

This, i will add 5 link, never selling my linkpoolies

>> No.26459643

Never forget cryptospong3

>> No.26459711

whats the payout today bros

>> No.26459951

I think it will be around 5-7 Link per LP

>> No.26460080

lol im never selling faggot, probably 99% of holders will never sell

>> No.26460447

Nice & comfy
this, he was great
People understimate this fact. Most LP whales (big ICO participants) contributed because of the passive gains. Selling LP is not an option

>> No.26461110
File: 68 KB, 768x1024, BFA62A87-0D81-4544-A2E7-C5944A73294F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your village will soon be able to buy a fraction of it, Ranjesh.

>> No.26461184
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 3C60974E-81BC-49F0-84F4-7165FB1CFE01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone below 0.04 LP will be Poolet.

>> No.26461258

im sorry i will not say this kind of word again

>> No.26461264

all you had to do was buy. keep coping with 'durrrr me so smart'. you missed out on easy wealth even with it rammed down your fucking throat every day on here.

>t. LP and LINK holder

>> No.26461373

.N I G G E R F A G G O T S
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.................N I G G E R F A G G O T S
...................N I G G E R F A G G O T S

>> No.26461378

Holy shit.
I hate myself pretty bad for not dodging the no us thing at launch. Fuck.

>> No.26461400

LP won a grant from the Chainlink team. First mover advantage, intimate knowledge of the Chainlink roadmap and likely first to know info, way before anybody else. Nobody will be able to compete with LP until way down the road when the network has been maturing for years. If you don't want to buy LP then yeah probably do research into other services but I'm not going to trust anybody aside from an extension of the Chainlink team with my linkies