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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26450523 No.26450523 [Reply] [Original]

just doubled my stack
my pubic cubics remain increasingly rubic

>> No.26450659

>eating dumps for the last few days like they're nothing
>big changes on the 28th
>still hyped and dipping low enough to make it worth buying
>FUDded to shit by salty cowards

Yeah, i'm thinking i'll hodl

>> No.26450688

No reason to dump and every reason to hold. WAGMI.

>> No.26450718

Based anons

>> No.26450818

Smart money anon.
Holding too.

>> No.26450849

i made 50k within 3 days of this with 10k investment ,but sold as i was losing too much.I might come in later once it settles down abit,there is a chance this can make it in the long run.

>> No.26450900

So based. I’d buy more but I’m already all in. Too risky to swing either, but I’ll learn

>> No.26450913

Unimaginative. Go buy a truck and move to a trailer park. Crypto is not for the poor.

>> No.26450955
File: 152 KB, 500x593, 1611258997335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine selling this before Binance at the end of Q1.

Cope and seethe harder fudders.

>> No.26450959

Awesome, anon. I wish I could have put more in, as I got in really early, but never mind. I hope you enjoy the gains!

>> No.26450991

What are the odds this dips back to 7 cents, i sold becvause i thought it was gonna go lower and wanted to swing

>> No.26451034

Truthfully, it will probably dribble down to about .5 before the 28th, and then climb after that through feb IF the devs meet the roadmap they set out.

>> No.26451056

Yeah, i was thinking as much, good to know im not alone

>> No.26451810

it's bounced off strong support I doubt it will go lower

>> No.26451841
File: 180 KB, 593x900, 1611472112640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. It's time to start buying back in with the profits from 15

>> No.26451855

Smart anon
Anyone who is not an emotionally invested brainlet has already cashed out

>> No.26452510

I'm holding 50k and am swing trading about 5eth. Very predictable ups and downs, so easy to make money from. Once it's clear Rubic is about to go to $1 I'll get a big stack of 150k and make fucking bank. WAGMI bros

>> No.26452540
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1565236260451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my pubic cubics remain increasingly rubic
>stealing other projects' old memes from years ago
shill campaign confirmed. i'm out

>> No.26452577

yes I to hold very many rubic tokens great investent of all time sir!

>> No.26452581
File: 56 KB, 1280x701, rubic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice guys, just need to make more threads to fool people and get their money! Hahha! We are like the masterminds! LOL, we are so smart!

>> No.26452592

mofo i fucking hate you

>> No.26452642

you hate me because I have many more rubic token and will be very rich sir!

>> No.26452653


>> No.26452699

Noone is buying your worthless bags anymore.
Cashed out on a maxi profit, the only way from here is down.

>> No.26452800
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>> No.26452902

Why wouldn't you sell a coin that noone wants to buy? When there are plenty of other shitcoins you can swing.

>> No.26452947

I will, what exchange would I find rubic on?

>> No.26453000

You can buy on Uniswap, not listed on exchanges.
Do at your own risk, it lost almost 200 bag holders yesturday and they are not buying back.

>> No.26453098

They'll buy back when it gets listed on binance on the 28th, and they'll buy more when the team meets the initial stages on their roadmap.

>> No.26453103

Actually it gained holders. It was just whales that sold. This is a lie

>> No.26453117

im hungry, can rubic make me rich

>> No.26453134

It's made me 10x over the last week, so..yes?

>> No.26453147

It won't get listed on binance the 28...

>> No.26453157

filthy pumper, stop raising price the so high!

norubics don't deserve /ourcoin/ they are cattle and were born to live forever as our slaves

>> No.26453197

Nah dude, there was 2900 holders when I exited, now 2700.
It doesn't get listed on binance before several months. They will submit for it in Feb/March given they follow the road map.
What a massive liar you are, see faggots? Rubicunts are like this. Lying out of their teeth.

>> No.26453217

>Binance Smart Chain implementation on 28th.

>> No.26453235
File: 94 KB, 1521x878, weareback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why rubic is so fucking high im priced OUT sirs damnit...!!! pleas go down to buy..!!!! damint

>> No.26453429

Yeah, it's not a binance listing. It's worthless shit to bring hype up

>> No.26453480

>source: dude, trust me

>> No.26453706

Here we mother fucking go

>> No.26453912

Smart chain application is not a listing.
Check the road map papeet.

>> No.26453971

>it's a SCAM
>but I will now refer to the company roadmap
>to tell you that smart chain integration with binance is not important

You know, you might be better off just shouting POOPOO PEEPEE at us