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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2642393 No.2642393 [Reply] [Original]

How come people want to get into STEM majors, but nobody wants to become an accountant or Finance major?

>> No.2642403

I do.

>> No.2642425

because you don't need to go to school for it. if you're a motivated individual that wants to understand this shit, reading a textbook and getting a degree in something else that will help you think critically or become an expert in a field that you'd want to eventually invest in through your expertise will be much more valuable than getting a stupid degree in finance or accounting,

>> No.2642473

>because you don't need to go to school for it.

You need a bachelor's degree for the CPA in California. Same for a CFA.

>> No.2642486

They have rich parents who can pay for their useless theoretical shit degree

>> No.2642493

>wanting being a Jew
I'd rather build stuff

>> No.2643660

It's easier to go from STEM to finance/accounting than vice versa, and many of the best jobs involve programming beyond excel, and mathematics beyond symbolic plug and chug.

>> No.2643705

>You need a bachelor's degree for the CPA in California. Same for a CFA.
No one will ever hire you into an accounting role without at least a bachelors, and 2 years experience.
And if you're talking about going the engineering route then you need an MBA after anyway.
Are you a boomer or something? maybe a larping NEET

>> No.2643709
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not in the impending an-cap dystopia

>> No.2643714

meant to reply to

>> No.2643719

Fuck off socialist kike

>> No.2643721

Nah m8 you're confusing arts and social sciences. As far as I know, people in STEM are the most hardworking and resilient

>> No.2643739

>/pol/tards are actually stupid enough to try to attack the arts
is this peak Trumpism?

>> No.2644023

cpa here. I have only been without work one month in the last ten years. also no pajeets. its retardedly easy money compared to engi/cs

>> No.2644403

They know it's a dying industry about to be supplanted by crypto currency.

>> No.2644742

tons of people do, but they are squares and don't hang out on 4chan.

>> No.2644774

it's boring as shit. It has math which a lot of people don't like and it's not as cool as science or engineering

>> No.2644900

Do you have a bachelors? I've been considering changing profession
>AAS networking degree, watching IT jobs disappear into the cloud and Pajeet hordes

>> No.2644981
File: 99 KB, 768x768, mein covfefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh drumph

>> No.2645029

>i'm stupid enough to believe an oligarch will stand up for my wet meme dream of eliminating all the juice

good luck, stock up on tendies while you still have a moderately functional economy

>> No.2645204
File: 16 KB, 366x366, Tuk'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh drumph hitler NAZI NAZI



>> No.2645258

This is pretty goddamn funny

>> No.2645313

I guess I was being too optimistic when I expected a Trump voter to possess reading comprehension skills.

>> No.2645364
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>muh high horse






>> No.2645372



>> No.2645385


Oh god I'm cringing. Just admit you don't have a retort instead of posting constipation faces + kek.

>> No.2645389

Last gasp of a lost generation of impressionable children lacking in historical context and education who barely realize the future is about to leave them behind.

>> No.2645410

some retard using random buzzwords that mean nothing

>> No.2645415

You can enter many of these fields with degrees in something different entirely. What matters is where you do your internships during your degree. If you spend a few months working in an investment bank while doing something as obscure as Thai Studies, there is a really nice career in FDA for you. It's not as safe as going with the mainstream, but a lot more fun and rewarding later on.

>> No.2645424

If you're against Trump and the whole movement around him, however you choose to define it, you're the one the future is going to leave behind.

>> No.2645427
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So like the variety of words you all use as placeholders for "someone I don't agree with"?

>> No.2645432
File: 46 KB, 410x369, ikari dead sea scrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assblasted libtards eternally BTFO
watch as they jump at shadows and lose to even their own strawmen
watch how the greatest president of their lifetimes lives in their head rent free
look at how mad they get

criminally unchecked 8 btw

>> No.2645457

What does that even mean to be anti-Trump? You can like some of his policies, e.g. corporate tax reduction, and dislike others, e.g. killing off the free trade agreements with EU and Japan. The latter are objectively bad ideas from the economic point of view and only temporarily benefit those currently stuck in the dying industries.

>> No.2645475

Fugg, didn't even notice myself

>> No.2645506

>he's arguing for sane economic policies
>he must be against my orange daddy
really tickles my pickle

>> No.2645565
File: 149 KB, 800x820, 1467536385966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd post in thread inquires about "peak Trumpism" after posting stupid ancap meme
>golly how did he know I suck cocks
>(((sane economic policies)))

>> No.2645610
File: 139 KB, 960x684, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is from america
>everyone I don't like is an american redditor
back up to 40% again, nice job buying the dip guys

>> No.2645667
File: 1001 KB, 640x480, perpetual negro meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting your trait of assuming things about anonymous posters on to me
>(((gallup polls)))

>> No.2645675

I was a mathematics major but became an actuarial consultant. So STEM people can get in if they want to.

>> No.2645689

Becuz accountancy is soul-breaking intensive wagecuck work.

And once it gets automated/or restricted to certain official third parties within the next decade, mass retrenchment