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26446491 No.26446491 [Reply] [Original]

EOY: 20k achievable? See pic related. I have about $900 in USDC to buy LINK dips.

Am I retarded to think this bull run is going to top out sometime around November this year to Jan 2022? I’m basing this off the four year cycle which puts us at the start of the bull run right now.

Guys can you tell me when I should sell each of these? (Except for LINK, never selling that). I’m trying to put together a deposit for a house this year. Working two jobs at the moment. Thanks guys

>> No.26446533

Why won’t you get 1 full ETH? It looks like you’re a retard and using each token to pay fees instead of the exchange token

>> No.26446604

10 AAVE club Represent!

>> No.26446622
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I had 2 ETH but lost a bit in a rugpull and the rest in fees. So yeah this is the unfortunate situation

>> No.26446658

this is OP btw, different ID cos im on my laptop now. Phoneposting before
bought when it was still LEND. Maximum comfy

>> No.26446676

Top 4 are great holds. Dump the rest into LINK and use LTC for swinging if you don't wanna just let things grow 2x or more this year.

>> No.26446719

Oh yeah prob not gonna hit $20k unless LINK takes off this year but I definitely think you'll hit $10k+ easily with what you have already. It's extremely comfy.

>> No.26446746

thanks fren. Thats my plan. Do you have any sell targets?

I wasn't here in 2017-18 (17 years old and no money at the time, now 20 and waging) so any tips would be good.

>> No.26446868
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Aave in the defi summer heat might actually hit 2k alone. So yeah high chance you'll get 20k on that alone.

>> No.26446896

I do, and have a similar portfolio. I have an alert at $1380 for ETH and will sell if it gets to $1400 and I start seeing big red candles. I bought under $1200 so it's an easy swing there and I expect it to drop towards $1300 after that and I'll buy again. ETH is very unpredictable so pick a profit price and watch the candles from there. It hits highs and lows early morning when I'm usually asleep so I am more conservative with it.

LINK I wouldn't sell until $33 to swing or $40+ but really plan on keeping it for years.

LTC is a bit easier to swing it tends to rise and fall $10 every few days so it's more fun to play with but I don't think I'd ever hold it long term.

Read up on how to interpret the candles it helps a lot.

>> No.26446925
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thanks for the hopium fren

>> No.26446950

Don't buy LTC right now though. It's pumping prob to $145+ again tonight so I expect it to drop below $140 again in 2 days. Keep an eye on it. I think LINK and BTC holders are swapping to LTC and ETH for some quick pumps tonight so LINK might dip again if you want more soon.

>> No.26447053

Thanks for the detailed advice bro. Good to see people are willing to help

>LINK I wouldn't sell until $33 to swing or $40+ but really plan on keeping it for years.

Unironically never selling LINK. I'm on roughly 75k (both jobs combined) so once I buy my house, everything thats left over after paying the mortgage is going to LINK.

Probably wont touch LTC desu, I feel it makes me too diversified given how little money I have. Cheers for the tip tho, I'll keep an eye on LINK tonight and tomorrow

>> No.26447175

Ya we're in the same boat, fren. You're gonna have a nice early retirement fund or a house that's paid off or both which is gonna be really comfy. None of us are getting rich so maximum comfy is my goal. Good luck!

>> No.26447712

do you think it's worth buying link right now or is it too late and I should wait for a dip?

>> No.26447880

LINK has been holding steady around $24 the past few hours and topped around $25 after quickly rising from $21 earlier today. I think it might fall below $23 again before going back up just because other coins are pumping right now. I would wait to see if it holds $24 for the next hour and if it creeps back up to $25 buy before it hits it if you really want in right now. It's probably not gonna hit $33 or $40 until later this year so it'll be a while until you see some gains buying at $25 but it's not much worse than buying at $23.

If you want to be safe and save every dollar, it might dip to $20 again Monday morning and buy then but everything is gaining well this weekend so $25 might be new stable price for a while.

Short version: I'd wait until Monday unless I had a few grand to throw at it that I don't mind checking on until next week.