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26444482 No.26444482 [Reply] [Original]

>Ledger hack happens, I'm included
>Got all the spam and threats
>Got Sim Swipped but didn't lose anything fortunately
>A random person (not a salesman) drove from the end of my neighborhood, stopped at my door, rung twice then left.
>feel like i'm always on someone's scheme that's about to unfold

I've completely revamped my security to an extreme and I'm still becoming more and more paranoid. My biggest problem is how to hide my seed words, every location I think of I find a flaw and feel like the most unexpected will happen. Any good ideas bros? I don't like being this paranoid.

PS Yes I already own a gun. 3 actually.

>> No.26444500

>>Got Sim Swipped but didn't lose anything fortunately
How come?

>> No.26444511

actual schizo

>> No.26444545

probably had google 2fa instead of shitty sms 2fa

>> No.26444601


And yes it does not feel good

>> No.26444680

Real pain in the fucking ass honestly but it's made think about my security more. I'm thinking about ordering a spare ledger off Amazon and balancing my wallet, transfer whatever I have on exchanges onto that. I live in some third world shithole so I doubt anyone's plotting.

>> No.26444766

>My biggest problem is how to hide my seed words
No matter how well you hide your seed, they will just torture you until you gladly tell them everything.
A good solution would be to have two wallets. Your real one with most of your funds and a second one you could give away in case of a robbery.
They have no way to know how much you really have.

>> No.26444791

bank deposit? they're not a thing anymore in my country so the next thing im gonna invest in is a heavy ass fucking safe, at least 600kg

>> No.26444852

Again, the heaviest safe doesn't help you when they just make you open it.

>> No.26445066

did the hack include people who bought their ledger through their amazon page?

>> No.26445091

they will make sure op tells them the truth these boys know what they're doing and they're usually very creative and straight to the point if op is lucky they will start with a few hits and the finger/nail play since it makes most people shit their pants if he isn't lucky then well i hope he is lucky

>> No.26445140

Definitely currency of the future. Vastly superior to filthy fiat. I haven't heard about people tortured to give their credit card number...

>> No.26445177
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will i ever find peace again

>> No.26445259

scramble your seed, like convert it to binary, have another bunch of random letters and numbers, convert it to binary as well. run them through a XOR, keep the original gibberish and the resulting gibberish. then when you run them through the same XOR you'll get original seed

>> No.26445448

you need to move out thats the safest and easiest way since right now you're easy prey waiting to get taken care of. most of the guys that posted about being on the list ended up deciding to move somewhere else unless they were larping about their thoughts (which for their own good i hope they weren't) i was about to buy the ledger a few months back but since i heard about the first email and address info leaks i realized they must really suck at securing their hardware too so i ended up getting a safepal wallet and i kinda feel relieved but feel the stress other anons have because they fucked up getting this shit i hope you make the right choice and don't be scared to defend yourself if someone tries to get in in case you end up deciding to stay where you are but you have to realize right now that as long as you stay there you will never get a good night's sleep

>> No.26445485

> I'm thinking about ordering a spare ledger
buy a trezor my nigger

>> No.26445570

Be your own bank = defend yourself against bank robberies. That's part of the job of a bank

>> No.26445596

Thanks anon I've recently installed cameras and I monitor them often too. I want to move but I don't have the funds yet, if this alt season runs well I'll be able to do so. As of now I'm just bracing.

Thanks, what about physically hiding them?

>> No.26445601

Just drive a 1998 Toyota Carola. No one will bother you.

>> No.26445602

I don’t think so. I got mine on amazon and I haven’t seen a nigger in weeks

>> No.26445613

Is this why bankers support turd world immigration?

>> No.26445616

also don't tell any of your neighbors where you're moving to since some of the smart ones might actually go around the neighborhood asking where you moved to pretending they are some of your old friends or some relatives and if one of your neighbors ends up falling for that and telling them where you moved to then you're completely fucked again

>> No.26445628

Move a portion of your stack to multiple exchanges.
If you can diversify your risk into something else using the older trust system you will sleep better.
Imagine what the worst that can happen would be and prepare a solution to save some of your funds if it happens.
If you accept the possible loss you won't fear losing it.

There are people who lost wallets with millions of worth of BTC in it due to forgetting the password.
But they don't care that much because they still became millionaires with the rest of their stack.

>> No.26445674

Was everybody's info published for everyone to see?
Nigga in that case if they come, just tell them "y'all niggas late, some niggas just looted my shit a while back."

>> No.26445686

put the funds into a smartcontract that only releases your shit at a monthly interval. If you're scared put it in there and no one will be able to touch it. Deploy the contract so it releases the funds to another hardware wallet you control, like a Trezor that Jamal won't know about.

>> No.26445768

Not a bad idea.

>If you accept the possible loss you won't fear losing it.
This makes me feel calmer. I'll set up a bait wallet with some shit amount.

>> No.26445792


>> No.26445812

>every location I think of I find a flaw
crypto's deterministic nature has warped your sense of opsec.
There is no perfectly secure solution. There are risks to making it no matter what path you choose. Understand that at some point the paranoia itself will become so debilitating it's better off to accept the risks so that you can sleep at night.

>> No.26445859

Why is a trezor better?

>> No.26445873

oxen privacy tools could help protect you from tyrone if you got data leaked

>> No.26445959

Well I guess one good thing about it is they haven't leaked all of their customers information yet

>> No.26446031

because you won't have your face skin peeled off like an orange by tyrone

>> No.26446101

Yeah I guess their incompetence is one thing but it doesn't really matter now that if anyone wants to purchase either of those devices they just go through Amazon, 0 chance of having your details leaked that way.

>> No.26446106

>Have a Game Boy and a Pokémon game
>Name your pokémon as your seed words

>> No.26446126

>battery dies

>> No.26446141
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>> No.26446228
File: 18 KB, 554x554, FFBEFDC4-2D7C-4F95-B6D1-50FD89ADDFA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw logging into my account requires 2FA to my Japanese # business phone
>which then sends a requirement to verify on my email
>logging into my email has 2FA on my American # cellphone
It takes me like 15 minutes to log in to anything but I think it’s almost impossible for me to get jewed with this system

>> No.26446256

The internal battery from the cartridges only affects time-based events, not the saved data

>> No.26446295

would you really trust your crypto to a hardware device made by the same company that can't even handle basic web security to hide their clients purchase information? amazon or whatever the fuck i can't believe people are still even considering buying a ledger. if you think the trezor is too expensive or wanna try first with a cheaper device like i did you could get a safepal wallet and see how it goes. right now im ok with it but if the value of my holdings increases drastically in a few months i might go ahead and get a trezor to split my holdings between the safepal and trezor

>> No.26446337

To be fair the leak was via Shopify

>> No.26446368

Find old VHS and stick piece of paper with seed info in one of the VHS wheels. How I hid my oxy from my parents for years.

>t. Junkie

>> No.26446364

oh damn

>> No.26446442

its still shameful but how exactly did it happen through shopify? from what i heard it was from the direct purchases on their ledger website. did they redirect you to buy the wallet through shopify or something? do you mean it was shopifys fault?

>> No.26446460

His bigger issue is that if the battery goes corrupt (it will) and he doesnt change it in time the acid will leak out all over the cartridge and fuck it over

>> No.26446570

is the battery soldered? i remember some batteries were soldered on some gb advance cartridges and some weren't. he could easily snap the battery out and keep the cartridge like that so whenever he needs the words he could put a battery in and problem solved

>> No.26446610
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>my old email was leaked
>got 2 spam emails
and people are going to lose limbs, eyeballs and probably even testicles over this.
Thank you, God.

>> No.26446613

Who knows? Ledger has a history of lying to customers, their words cant be trusted.

>> No.26446687

First recent one was direct from Ledger, second recent one was the fault of shopift, but happened to contain ledger user data.
i dont know if any other leaks

>> No.26446804

>keep everything on coinbase
>never had any problems
>can prove where all my money came from if I want to get a loan or deposit in my bank
Feels good being a retard normie

>> No.26446974

stand to the side with the door as the composition b evaporates them with half of your shit. winning.

>> No.26446975

Is the google 2fa fine or are there better ones?

>> No.26447057

its good ive been using it for years just make sure to set it up on at least 2 devices

>> No.26447129

Here's what you do:
>Take your seed words
>hide each word separately in a different geographic location at least a mile apart from the last
>keep a list of the coordinates and a "hint character" for each word to remember how you hid the word at each coordinate (don't worry, this is just an interim step, you will burn the list after the next step)
>shuffle the coordinate numbers and hint character for each word using a cipher system of your own devising
>shuffle the order of the shuffled coordinate number/hint character strings for each word using a cipher system of your own devising (preferably different from the previous cypher)

>> No.26447242

idc i dont live in a 3rd world shit hol

>> No.26447254

>does all this
>holds 0.002 btc

>> No.26447263

Are you this stupid? Ngmi. Look at how the boomers did it. Cash out into real estate which cant be stolen. Have multiple wallets, lose 1? Ok you still have 9 equal others. And if youre crazy paranoid run a darknode which locks your crypto for 2 months or squirrel.finance type of deal and lock it. Then just make sure on the day it unlocks to send it to a clean addy and relock

>> No.26447312

Multisig with 2 of 3 keys.
Keep 1 key at home
2 keys at bank vaults

>> No.26447546

>buying purely speculative worthless numbers
>giving out your personal info to buy them

>> No.26447916
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We know, Armando. She told all.

>> No.26447996

How'd you get SIM swapped?

I added OTP 2fa instead of SMS to avoid SIM takeover, but how did your phone company allow it? Which carrier do you have?

>> No.26449045

Won't that create a high risk from the banks working together to empty your wallet?
The only solution I see is to have at least 1 key less in bank vaults than what you need.

>> No.26449585

I bought mine while I was staying at an Airbnb. I hope they don't torture some poor tourist staying there.

>> No.26449628

My first new car was a 92 Carola. Good car!

>> No.26449651

Can niggers into crypto?

>> No.26449691

>mfw biz has so much money they worry about robberies
Nigga just move out LMAO like nigga just don't live in the same place, change your name, move to Portugal

>> No.26449743

>two digit poorfag
>didn't even use my ledger, probably thrown away or in an attic or some shit years ago
>gonna get carteled because nobody will believe me

Should I fake my death in minecraft?

>> No.26449991

If people have already came to your house you honestly need to move asap.

>> No.26450061

>on list
>2fa all accounts, including emails, so im safe
>conveniently just moved houses before btc passed ath
>phone auto blocks private numbers. 2 a day
>still receive one a day from mobile numbers, or voip landlines.
>most recent "hello I was just calling you back, we got your request about help with our trading products. Please go to our website and follow the click through links"
>what's that you got my details from the ledger hack?
>"sorry what?" hangs up.

Aside from pajeetos and Chinese calling me daily, alls. G. Going through the tedious process of swapping out mobile number on all my shit.

Guess it's a good thing. Surprised that I haven't received many emails though.

>> No.26450099

I think it's a temporary thing.
You will get more attention until the current bull run ends and the crash happens.
After that they will forget about you until the next cycle happens if they don't get a new leak with updated information.

>> No.26450134

> ledger suffers preventable data breach
> orders another ledger
> hails from third world shithole


>> No.26450148

I've been playing around with the idea of how to hide a seed word somewhere and I've come up with the idea of writing a fanfiction for something, I don't know what yet. I'll throw it up on the internet or something and it'll be the the 65th word of chapter 1, 39th of chapter 2, 11th of 3, and I'll write down that sequence instead. Otherwise, you can look into steganography and come up with your own way to hide a message in plain sight only you would know about.

>> No.26450166

Breach came from a rogue shopify employee, nothing they could have done.

>> No.26450293

A rogue employee should not be able to steal millions of high value customer's data so easily.
There is something very wrong with the way they manage data.

If you don't change your billing information you can technically order again from them because there is nothing new they can leak.
The only issue is if you trust their hardware to have the same amount of security...

>> No.26450556
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 07A5E1CD-B3FD-4954-B48B-3117AB5198B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a ledger nano x off amazon to store some eth tokens w. Haven’t given out my info anywhere else. How fucked am I????

>> No.26450575

That's pretty brilliant

>> No.26450585

find the lists of all leaked data and ctrl + f to see if you are a lucky winner

>> No.26450595

Damn. Honestly fuck ledger. Is there a lawsuit or anything like that happening? This shit is completely ridiculous. Never owned one but I feel bad for anyone who now has to deal with that shit. Unbelievable.

>> No.26450689

bought mine like 3 weeks ago btw

was it a one time issue????