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26434691 No.26434691 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone watch latest chico video and have a summary?

>> No.26434742

No. Why do you want to buy his bags?

>> No.26434773

>watching Chico

>> No.26434815

fuck no, he is a complete fool

>> No.26434964
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fuck off Chico

>> No.26435118

He says ay yo jimbo how do you do hahaha big penis in mouth hihi mbleh

>> No.26435150

lel he’s definitely not a fool

>> No.26435575
File: 325 KB, 800x1200, 3457345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the only "good" crypto channel, everyone else is pure garbage. He made me the most of money with UBT, actually saved my life. However, he gets upset easily and makes a lot of technical mistakes. I don't know why he does his shitty sponsors, he's already well off and doesn't need to put himself in trouble. A lot of these were pure scams and could be verified in a matter of minutes. Then again, I owe him a lot. Pretty sure he lurks here.

>> No.26436200

Do you know what he said about Rari?

>> No.26436645

Everyone was shilling RARI and NFTs after the initial DEFI bubble. It reminds me a lot when ICOs died and people shilled STOs in 2017/18.

>> No.26436886

all the toe rings in the world can't fix huge man feet

>> No.26436953

>He is the only "good" crypto channel
What about Lark Davis?

>> No.26436961

He prefers fame over fortune. He wants to get rich off Jewtube, not crypto. Crypto is just his ticket to fame.

>> No.26437476

He thinks Eth and Link staking soon with Bisontrails, working with Chainlink.

>> No.26437956

Rari is going to be huge

>> No.26438123

he is absolutely a fool and his vidwers are retards

>> No.26438363

why does anyone listen to this faggy stoner kike?