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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 916x125, china stonks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26433201 No.26433201 [Reply] [Original]

buy china stonks, abandon american stocks, accept the west's fate, and learn mandarin.

>but but muh degeneracy muh reich

read blitzed. the nazis were degenerate

>but but muh winnie the pooh

better than losie the pooh

>> No.26433466

moved from LA 3 years ago, now comfy living in a suburb in Hangzhou. I hope and god bless I'll never return to california

>> No.26433578

Have a friend that is investing alot in China. He's way better off than i am. Gonna have to have a talk.

>> No.26433616


>> No.26433800

Money doesnt leave china once it's in china m8

>> No.26433968
File: 88 KB, 1080x721, 1000eoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinks are the most souless people ever in existence, I would never repeat move to the shithole that is China, ever.

so fuck off with psyops about making China good, 90% is an underdevelop shithole.

>> No.26434079

you can't even own land in china you slave

>> No.26434187

yeah i'm happy i came back i was working in china too. it's the worst place i've ever lived desu
your friend probably can't withdraw his money from chinese investments. the goal is to keep money in their market. it's a ponzi like 80% of eth

>> No.26434191

they just copy stuff

>> No.26434235

Sounds like cope because foreign investment by the capitalist pigs is imperialism according to them

>> No.26434540

Kek good luck getting the money out lmao

>> No.26435427


>> No.26436216

Fck stonks. Too little return. They old news. My wealth is in Ethereum, link, and KIN.

>> No.26436306

>buy china stonks

>> No.26437321

sounds like a successful strategy

after all, capitalists firms in the west take publicly funded research, and then proceed to privatize it by slapping something proprietary on top of it.


>> No.26437417
File: 49 KB, 530x530, 70 percent to 28 percent for the top bracket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinks are the most souless people ever in existence

you're posting a picture of ronald reagan, who betrayed the ailing white proletariat in America by promising them their jobs would return, and then proceeded to cut taxes for the rich, and made up for the difference by slashing social security. "soulless" is a meaningless word for clowns who believe in floaty ghosty ghosts instead of neuroscience.

>> No.26437523
File: 133 KB, 1080x1158, CPC bringing the heat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Fck stonks. Too little return.

weak hands. enjoy your volatility. what you gain in speed you'll lose when you inevitably fuck up.

>> No.26437630

i've sold chinese stocks several times after riding a wave, reinvested elsewhere, and sold again.

you regurgitate memes that westerners tell each other to keep their pale peepees hard during fentanyl withdrawl

>> No.26437631

Nice FUD dude. China is the worst country in the world when it comes to freedom of business. China is a communist country, and will legit steal everything you own if they feel like it. You are literally the dumbest dumb fuck if you really believe this Russia-narrative garbage. LOW IQ. Not worth the air you breathe

>> No.26437652
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is capitalist. the whole COMMIES thing is a meme. the only difference between china and the US is china actually cares for its people, unlike the US which doesn't even pay anyone during a forced pandemic shutdown, oh and it also forcibly replaces its own people with foreigners. fuck the USA and fuck kikes.

>> No.26437775
File: 100 KB, 904x774, commie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26437950
File: 882 KB, 2447x2447, minion info warrior ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you don't understand deng xiaoping thought, thot. the chinese remained ideologically committed to socialism, but liberalized their markets in order to trick the west into abandoning their manufacturing base. private enterprise owners who join the CCP still have to pass ideological tests. CCP members are required to sit on the board of directors of private companies. Mao Zedong is still revered along side Deng Xiaoping as national heroes. the revolution is preserved. They got nixon to normalize trade relations in china and abandon the gold standard. They won 50 years ago. Yankees bow to tankies now. Learn mandarin honky, you grandchildren will thank you for it.


Who am I gonna believe, decades of financial success in lifting their own people out of poverty, or a smelly Neet on 4chins? pic related is the average american.

>> No.26438042

>freedom of business

freedom of business is contrary to financial success, because capitalists are bad at business. educate yourself, capitalist.


>> No.26438103

>Capitalists create all the IP and have enough money to invest in China
>Chinks steal all their IP
I mean if that's what you call being bad at business than sure

>> No.26438109

this communist thing is so bad they are trowing the whole america to trash bim lmao this century gonna be hard to watch Eurasia taking the front while your family starve in a food bank

>> No.26438252


Well then keep “creating” it, cuck.

>> No.26438281

>Jane: Call Home
what is this, 1980?

>> No.26438282
File: 225 KB, 500x955, i will raise my kids as maoists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capitalists create intellectual property by privatizing publicly funded government research. they rob the taxpayer of the intellectual property they create by funding university research. if the chinese steal that research from the american capitalists, then that only means it has been stolen twice. stealing is based, and a good strategy that both capitalists and communists employ. capitalists steal surplus value of their employees anyway. watch the video i linked or continue to cope, seethe, and dilate. The choice is yours.

>> No.26438336

What a fucking shit "meme". It's true what they say about leftists.

>> No.26438376

yeah i'm thinking based

>> No.26438404

Slave labor is not free market.

>> No.26438464
File: 22 KB, 399x334, your govt wont last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you have chosen to cope, seethe, and dilate.

don't worry, i don't blame you.

>> No.26438562

>operation warp drive, 18 billion for covid vaccine
>Pfizer and moderna and other big pharma use the money
>develop vaccine
>sell it for profit
>get government to mandate it
>get private companies to mandate it
>digital vaccine record to go outside
>>muh capitalism

>> No.26438618

What do I buy to long China then?

>> No.26438620
File: 49 KB, 853x471, Kyle-Bass-Net-Worth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are investing in Chinese companies that are listed in foreign exchanges but nobody is investing physically in china at all. Nobody wants to purchase Chinese real estate as it's all low quality fast built garbage. Nobody wants to hold the Yuan as it's heavily manipulate. Nobody wants to purchase Chinese businesses except for the ones that are partnered with the CCP and have access to intellectual property stolen in the west. It's a bootleg country that would die without capital investment from greedy ass westerners. China is living on borrowed time which is why their moving quick and trying to aggressively expand.

tl;dr: it's an industrial park for the globalists...

>> No.26438742

reminder that cuba made their own covid vaccine for way cheaper, as well as a lung cancer vaccine.

>> No.26438774

> lung cancer vaccine.


>> No.26438801

Yes it's just the chinese products that everyone wants. What a scam, people don't even want their financial instruments, how is that a real economy?? Only financial instruments are real

>> No.26438819

the chinese chainlink literally got caught copying chainlinks code...

>> No.26438850

>Yes it's just the chinese products that everyone wants

Nobody wants anything to do with china but they have no choice...

>> No.26438883

>>digital vaccine record to go outside
This already happens in China but it's far more pervasive

>> No.26438917

>Nobody wants anything to do with china but they have no choice..
Not that different from US hegemony after all

>> No.26438934

What was your path to migration?

>> No.26439122

LA is a shithole to be fair. I don't know why it's advertised so much.

>> No.26439160
File: 227 KB, 680x345, i structurally adjust my hair back and forth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get into an ETF like CNYA

>People are investing in Chinese companies that are listed in foreign exchanges

Yes, do this.

>but nobody is investing physically in china at all

they don't need to. china is doing fine at developing its own productive forces without external capital coming in. Central planning works in both private and public sector, especially in the 21st century. Read People's Republic of Wal Mart.

>Nobody wants to hold the Yuan as it's heavily manipulate.

Yuan is deflating. Petrodollar is inflating. Both are happening slowly, but a dollar in the hand loses value. A Yuan does not. The manipulation works for them. What does "manipulated" even mean in this context when the value of the dollar is entirely predicated on US imperialism, quantitative easing, and saudi oil. All of which are unsustainable. The USD will look like the post WW1 deutschmark in 30 years, mark my words.

>It's a bootleg country that would die without capital investment from greedy ass westerners.

wrong. Most of the world's reduction in poverty over the last three decades came from China. If you eliminate China from the global statistics, and use a definition of poverty less absurd than the $1.90 a day definition used by the IMF, world bank, and UN, you reach the stunning conclusion that poverty has gone up worldwide outside of China. China is reducing poverty while capitalist countries are increasing poverty.

> China is living on borrowed time which is why their moving quick and trying to aggressively expand.

America has 900 military bases around the world, their entire economy is a rickety jenga tower on stilts of over-financialization with no heavy industry goods being produced domestically. It's actually the USA living on borrowed time. Without imperialism, resource extraction, unequal exchange, the loot from WW2, and the social safety net established by FDR in the 30s America would have fallen apart a long time ago. America is a zombie. Not China.

>> No.26439322
File: 443 KB, 1200x752, 2f865268cb73d8abb02e548325f299f6-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is doing Capitalism better than Capitalists
Which makes them capitalists! Wow!

>> No.26439388

>"soulless" is a meaningless word for clowns who believe in floaty ghosty ghosts instead of neuroscience.
Read Nietzsche

>> No.26439438
File: 961 KB, 1707x2000, 106F2AB3-A831-4626-B205-B67EEF7B8207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.26439453

you're talking to a chinese native.
Who gives a fuck, its a chink who went back where he belongs.

>> No.26439599

Why are you so angry?

>> No.26439646
File: 2.59 MB, 200x150, 1566335033142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>china actually cares for its people

>> No.26439656
File: 389 KB, 573x2244, son of castro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they're capitalists, you should invest.

if they're communists tricking the west, you should invest

>> No.26439708
File: 525 KB, 763x768, the_donald endorses Juche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i have decided OP is angry, and this will be the conversation i strive to have, instead of addressing any substance"

nice try american

>> No.26439837

and who put their own people into poverty? hmmm??

>> No.26439986

You will never fuck a white woman chang

>> No.26440028

>Sell Chinese investments for yuan.
>Buy crypto.
>Transfer to American bank.
Works great.

>> No.26440279

My nigga Chang dropping FACTS

>> No.26440304

Most of china is underdeveloped
The ccp is outright evil, persecuting christians, uyghurs, falun gong practitioners
Polluting their country, eroding moral values, building cardboard skyscraper, faking economic numbers

Not a good idea to invest in them
It's like expecting to do honest business with a con man

>> No.26440350

BAT stocks

>> No.26440370

>muh hollywood
>muh bellair
>muh high paying jobs
>muh big city life
LA is a cesspool. Last time I went there two years ago it looked like somalia. God knows what it looks like now.

>> No.26440411
File: 150 KB, 900x900, falun gong taking medication don't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh uighurs
>muh gongers

>> No.26440431

Ok, you win. China is doing capitalism better than capitalists.

>> No.26440533

>oh no, these people are spiritual and don't want to take shlomo's pills
>let's torture them and take their astonishingly healthy organs
Look at what you are trying to justify here, shill
You are brainwashed by the ccp

>> No.26440537

Do you even know about the Boxer Rebellion? The Chinese refer to it as the Century of Humiliation. Britain blockaded China, blew up their summer palace, flooded the country with opium until half the population were addicted to it, and then started a civil war.

All for tea.

It's incredibly based but China's biggest issue was that it, unironically, peaked way too early. It basically mastered medieval fuedalism in the 3rd Century and turtled until the 18th with paper ships. It cut off contact with the outside world for a huge portion of its history, it's quite autistic.

>> No.26440560

based leftypolbro

>> No.26440620

what does this mean?
Brainlet here
Basically they said that capital can flow into the state

>> No.26440625

didn't happen and if it did it was based

>> No.26440656

It means that op is a chinese shill
Lots of them on 4chan recently

>> No.26440800

International tribunals say otherwise
Doctors who came to usa and admitted it say otherwise
You are trying to justify the mass murder of peacfuly people
To any one reading this thread: these are the kind of people that try to scam you into foing "business" with them

>> No.26440943

all i wanted is my surplus value you kike if it means the us must fall by china's hands so be it

>> No.26441008

Weather you stupid Eskimo fucks.

>> No.26441028

>International tribunals say otherwise
>Doctors who came to usa and admitted it say otherwise
>You are trying to justify the mass murder of peacfuly people
>To any one reading this thread: these are the kind of people that try to scam you into foing "business" with them
You're a more likely PnD victim than anyone here lmao

>> No.26442074


Bro you can't own Americans this much. They can't handle it. Not that us Europeans are much better off either. Neoliberals have sold the western working class out in favor of the austerity and more power to the wealthy. Anyone who thinks the current western model is sustainable is an idiot.

>> No.26442114

honestly chinks are based

>> No.26442417

>buy china stonks
Trump banned that

>> No.26442728

personally i dont care if china or the world are commies or capitalists or whatever.

the issue with china is that they literally do not care 1 tiny bit about you if you are not han chinese. if you are not han chinese you are just meat to them and will eventually be exterminated. a world dominated by china will be a world of han chinese and nothing else. in 50 years they will be deploying 8 foot tall superhuman han chinese who are impervious to the elements and can see 200 miles with their naked eye while the US is 80% spic and still worry about muh ethics

>> No.26442775

Lived in Shanghai the past two years in the French Concession. Had a lot of fun.

Needing a VPN and fucking Hiroshimoot Pass to shitpost was annoying though

>> No.26442791

I'm moving back to China once I make it I'll buy a mansion for them.

>> No.26442843

Fuck raegan, Im glad he fucked the boomercucks over

>> No.26442863

Only the highest qualifying individuals can run for government (how it should be), chinks are gonna make it

>> No.26443576

everything is soulless, "soul" is just a subjective cope that can't be defined, which is why losers use it to cope with

>> No.26443943 [DELETED] 

Fidel Castros parents were Southern European, does that not make him “white”

>> No.26444018

China is unfathomably based its not even funny anymore

>> No.26444073

China is the corporatist dreamland mussolini wanted, with Chinese characteristics of course