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2637364 No.2637364 [Reply] [Original]

My payday loan is due tomorrow.

I took out $1,000 expecting to get a 2x return.
Instead my investment halved and I owe the full amount plus $200.

I don't know what to do guys.... please help.....

I sold everything but only got $450. I begged the pawnbroker to pay more for my cellphone. He offered $180 for my iphone 7, then bumped it up to $200 after I started crying and fell to the ground.

I'm so humiliated....... I never thought my life would end up this way. Should I end it all? Fuck........

>> No.2637381


>> No.2637393

>ever going to a pawnbroker
>who gives you 20% of items' price
you deserve to be poor

>> No.2637395

sent ;)

>> No.2637402

buy bitbean

>> No.2637403

dont invest what you can afford to lose

>owning less than 1k in this world
fucking poorfag

>> No.2637413


>> No.2637418

Literally every one has probably said to you "this is crypto, only put in what you can lose"

>> No.2637425

New POSW roadmap just got announced.
It will soon moon.

>> No.2637432

lmao yes this

>> No.2637466

Spend your last 20$ to buy proper knee pass. You'll need them

>> No.2637467

Don't fret too much OP. I got in an accident a day after my insurance lapsed without my knowledge. Just pick up an extra shit or two for a month. I'll be doing this for the next five years.

>> No.2637505
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what the fuck is this actually real?

>> No.2637509

why would you put your only $1000 into crypto when the market is extremely volatile. If you knew you had bills coming why on earth would you put 1k in makes no sense.

>> No.2637520

Obviously not real but still made me lel, because there are people out there who literally do stuff like this.

>> No.2637548

I don't think there's any way to get fiat into and out of a cryptocurrency exchange in under a week, or else we'd absolutely see people getting fucked by payday loans in real life.

>> No.2637558

The vast majority of Americans have less than $1,000 in their bank account at any given moment.

>> No.2637576

alright lad, just take out double this time and bang it on whichever memecoin is flavour of the month next. No way you can fail ;^)

>> No.2637597

I'm hoping this is a joke and no one on earth is actually this retarted.

>> No.2637605

idk about vast majority, but it's probably over 40% or so

>> No.2637611

iPhone 7's are easily 500-1000 on ebay, this is clearly a fail larp

>> No.2637646

How the fuck do you halve your investment?
I'm completely autistic and I haven't lost a penny on this. I even made a few.

Looks like your Good Goy score is going to go down because of this. Sorry, OP

>> No.2637675

Payday loans are a renowned scam, why did you fall for it?

>> No.2637765

Please dont be real

Also things will get better sempai, things will get better

>> No.2637999

As an euro I don't get how Americans live on a perpetual state of debt in their daily lives you guys get paid so much in comparision with other countries and pay so low taxes... I don't know i just don't get it.
If someone can enlighten me please...

>> No.2638252

Cost of living is high af

>> No.2638390

Did you really take out a Payday loan to buy shitcoins? At least put it on a credit card where you have time to pay it back slowly if you're going to be retarded.

>> No.2639600

Sharpie in pooper

>> No.2639617

nice larp fgt no one can be this fucking dumb...unless you are in which case F

>> No.2639630


Why didn't you sell your iphone on amazon? I see people paying $300 for a used one on there. If not even more at times.

>> No.2639635

Do you have a nice body? Go G4P online if you don't wanna get physical with anyone whoring yourself out.

>> No.2639646

Most Americans have well over 30k in student debts alone, nevermind the fact that it is more or less impossible to hold a regular job without a functioning car because the mass transit system in this country is awful outside of a select few cities. Factor in the abhorrent costs of living compared to the minimum wage and you're left with a shrinking middle class, all of whom are slowly waking up to realize their movie ending isn't coming and they are really, actually about to be stuck in debt until they die.

>> No.2639651

Consumerist society. Expensive af education. Overall, poorly educated population. Bling > frugal.

Were just a show off society.

>> No.2639697

Our education system is shit and doesn't teach anything about critical thinking (exhibit A: our current president).

Also I think inherently as a culture we are super-focused on the short/immediate-term, so things (like debt) that seem awesome in the short-term (woohoo free money!) but are actually dangerous in the long run, are inherently attractive to us. I don't know why, but on the whole, we seem to be very bad at making good long-term decisions.

>> No.2639726

It's simple to not get where you are now: don't live beyond your means, faggot.

>> No.2639731

Is there a particular population in the USA that is more showy and tends to be worse with money?

>> No.2639784
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>normie wagecuck kills himself over $800 instead of waiting a week and doubling his money


>> No.2639805


>> No.2639839

Different groups show off differently.

You got the McMansion group. Live Laugh Love! Stay away, will try to sell you scentsy shit.

You got the fuck family, got my hotrod group. Small penis.

You got, your hood rats who think their worth is related to whether they can blind you with gold. Theyre probably not white.

The "I'm so cultured, I traveled" group. Very in debt. Probably running from daddy problems. Will use crowdfunding to raise next trip to build houses for African kids.

You get my point. But most Americans suck with money management

>> No.2639847

Even in major cities, our mass transit is awful. I live in Chicago, the transit system here is definitely one of the best in the US. Compared to literally any other country, it's garbage. Even NYC's subway, which is easily the best in the country, is having loads of problems and is dirty as fuck.

>> No.2639848

(((They))) have really loosened your buttholes didn't they. Not that they're not coming after EU at this very moment and the rest of the world eventually. Globalists after all. This is why our decentralized crypto is the safe haven for humanity's future freedom.

>> No.2639876

skip town, probably fake your death by crashing your car into a wall and blowing it up with a grenade. maybe you can join the carnival or become a prostitute. there are always options OP

>> No.2639915

French foreign legion. Ou can renounce us citizenship, gain French citizenship, and they don't extradite back to the US.

>> No.2639962
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The people majoring in gender studies in University and claiming that higher education is a right.

>> No.2640314

Don't get a payday loan ever. They will literally fuck you every time with god awful interest rates

>> No.2640408

fucking idiot but probly just another pajeet scammer

anyone who gives this idiot money deserves to lose it

>> No.2640425

Poor people remain poor because they don't know how to save.

>> No.2640556

1. Don't Panic!
2. Consider options - can you max out credit cards, overdraft or other liquidity to make up the gap?
3. Any Family members you can get a loan from for the gap? Ask to pay them back 10pc each paycheck
4. You sold your phone - what else could you sell?
Anyway get this debt paid and you learned a lesson. Cut your expenses for a bit.

>> No.2640574

>$200 ip7
Nigger are you stupid? Post it on facebook, you could've gotten 3x that easily.

>> No.2640580


>> No.2640594
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This is a pro Trump website. Get out of here shill

>> No.2640597

>investing borrowed money
Welp that was your mistake m8. Hope you manage to pay it off.

>> No.2640662
File: 6 KB, 225x225, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what do you expect? They got like an insurance for everything, they don't have free healthcare, they don't have free education, etc. Sure they pay low taxes but in the end they end up paying much more in debt.

Sometimes I get mad at our socialist system, thinking why do I have to pay so much taxes? Then I remember American debt slaves and finally realize that I don't have it so bad. Debt is the worst possible thing ever, it is modern slavery.

>> No.2641175
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A liberal talking about critical thinking?!

>> No.2641209
File: 16 KB, 318x159, IMG_0463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it all in espers tonight. When you check your blockfolio in the morn youll be stress free

>> No.2641235

the stories about americans being retarded are true. the only people who have any success here are 1st or 2nd generation immigrants or kids of rich parents who teach them or put them through private school.

our entire economy relies on the idea that most people are going to overeat, overspend on rent/mortgage/cars, and watch advertisements all day. your chance of finding someone in this country randomly who can talk normally without referencing a tv show or movie for more than a minute is less than 0.01%.

like i'm a senior level scientist and surrounded by what are supposed to be some of the smartest people in this country, and even they are almost all in retarded debt and talk about pop culture or sports all day. their only edge in life is that they are good at one thing that earns them an ever better paycheck than most people.

>> No.2641296
File: 33 KB, 413x412, muchwowplanetearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>college debt, university debt, 'healthcare', car, food and rent
>potential lifetime of debt in the pipelines by age of 18, reccomended by your local Government

Living the burger dream, US residents have more debt per person than any other country in the world

That's only counting the people in debt, not adding the financially poor and economic slaves

Damn, don't browse /biz/ and invest without 5d coiner vision

>> No.2641306
File: 438 KB, 800x584, You_Doodle_2017-06-28T04_13_42Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typing out some rant literally no one gives a fuck when you could be buying espers

>> No.2641328

He wanted you to say blacks, you dolts

>> No.2641351

People are stupid and irresponsible. Spend every penny they have and then blame everyone else.

>> No.2641373

Exhibit B

>> No.2641379

Bro, I'll give you the thousand if you come live with me as a slave for a couple days. I've got a plastic bath about 9 times what you owe in my book bag. You won't be a sex slave but just a slave....... That I fuck when I am ready

>> No.2641380

This. I live in Australia and we are similar, though not as bad as, the US. I'm 20 and go to uni but by staying at home, getting a part time job at a supermarket and saving I have 20k AUD in the bank. Everyone else my age buys takeout 3 meals a day, goes binge drinking every weekend and then complains about being broke.

>> No.2641396

Yes, there are a lot of children under 15 in America.

>> No.2641665

At this point, why don't you convert all your fiat available into litecoin and then gamble it on a dice game. You'll either double your amount or lose it all. What do you have to lose at this point anon? ;)

I literally saw a thread where someone did that and made 100 LTC

>> No.2641761
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This will solve your problem:

The painless way:

pentobarbital, a barbiturate commonly known as Nembutal


“To witness it, it looks as peaceful as can be,” Mr. Nitschke said of death by pentobarbital. “I usually recommend that they take it with their favorite drink since it has a bitter taste. I’ve never seen anyone finish their whiskey or Champagne. There isn’t enough time to give a speech. You go to sleep and then you die.”

>> No.2642787
File: 1.01 MB, 2457x3196, Abslolutely degenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA is social darwinism, if you are smart, focused and reasonnable you can easily become rich (unlike in Europe where you will most likely stay in the middle class), if you aren't you will fall in the gutter and will never come back because there is no social safety net like in Europe.
It's not an accident if so many foreigner made fortune in the US during the last 100 years, it's high risk high reward.

However it won't last long for both, the WASP on which the country was built are becoming a tinier minority every year and the non-whites push for more socialism which will make it increasingly difficult to move up while in Europe the social protection is slowly being removed because of massive immigration (the natives are basically paying welfare to the immigrants which will never payback because they just don't have the IQ to bring net wealth over time).

>> No.2642851

r u a grill

>> No.2642971

How to buy btc to buy Esp?

>> No.2643042

>turn it
that's not even a valid command fuck this comic

>> No.2643061

Me on the left

>> No.2643065

Why the fuck would you end it all? Borrow 2 grand this time, pay your debt, make your 2x, pay the 2nd debt back and get yourself together anon fucking Jesus.

>> No.2643067
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>USA is social darwinism, if you are smart, focused and reasonnable you can easily become rich

You still believe this?

>> No.2643070

yeah, you deserve to be poor

>> No.2643085

dude it's obvious are you trolling????

rich = very smart
not rich = not smart

it's simple, there literally isn't a single counterexample
you must b very poor

>> No.2643087

>after I started crying and fell to the ground
To think this place used to be filled with people betting big on shit like JNUG and now it's r9k spillover neets telling stories about crying on the floor at the pawnbroker's.

>> No.2643095

Payday loan for $1,000? Nigga just get a credit card

>> No.2643141
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>clearly has some level of esoteric intelligence >working in an innovative field connected to particle physics

>> No.2643177

Who's going to give a 30 year old neet that's never had a job a credit card?

>> No.2643213

fine, maybe there exists 1 poor & smart person in the whole wide world, but there's LITERALLY no example of a rich person who's not also a genius

>> No.2643218

The economics of sex. Europe has liberal sex laws and most people can get laid easily. Therefore, no one needs to go into debt to have sex. America has strict sex laws and lingering elements of our puritan history, therefore cucks gladly give away 80% of their paycheck for steady pussy.

>> No.2643221

Even as a broke ass college student I got a card with a 1k credit limit.

>> No.2643226

I have met people like that, doing stupid shit and doubling down on it, but they were all black.

>> No.2643238

Trump is the only not straight up terrible thing that happend in the USA in the past decades.

>> No.2643241

Rappers, pop stars, sportsmen...

>> No.2643245

Get another payday loan and buy Bancor

>> No.2643256

marc merrill

>> No.2643278
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... what?

>> No.2643325

Take out another payday loan!

>> No.2643568

So if you still owe $750, you can sell BJs for $5 each - this means you would need to give 150 blowjobs in the next 24 hours... which roughly equates to 1 blowjob every 10 minutes - this should be easily achievable for a faggot such as yourself

You're welcome.