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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26416899 No.26416899 [Reply] [Original]

Only a few know about ORO, currently in stealth mode building their platform

What is it?

ORO is a DeFi platform on that allows you to earn yield on real-world assets (like gold), take out loans and exchange assets with no price slippage.

ORO holders govern, accrue fees and earn other benefits on the platform.

Market cap: 965k

- Working with Tezos to launch tokenized gold and silver

- Partnership with Matic

- Chainlink and ORO are working together to build real world asset price feeds

- Partnered with Reef, giving its users access to ORO’s real world asset synthetics

- ORO will be integrated in Elrond

- ORO v2 to be launched in the next few days

Website: https://opendefi.finance


>> No.26417307

Elrond partnership is big. Amazing.

Can you provide any source?


>> No.26417331

Nice dubs fren

The connections alone are worth checking out and sub $1m cap. But what's going on with Tezos? They have that gold / silver backed in a vault or something?

>> No.26417390

Lol, I joined their telegram and expected a super hyped community after this pump, but looks like it’s a lil quiet there. Seems like there are no bagholders tho, noone’s dumping

>> No.26417460

All fine and good, but you should buy $OPEN, it’s gonna pump harder

>> No.26418050


>> No.26418357

kek only purple IDs. Getting some serious PNK like scam only living off of biz brainlets vibes.

>> No.26418469

brainlet spotted

>> No.26418553

AS lucky capo the twitter shill would say, AL HAMDOULILAH for this coin brothers

>> No.26418877

ORO is better bro only 1m cap

>> No.26419269


Crazy to think it was only 700M this morning. That's one heck of a pump. Biz was right once again

>> No.26419406

Partnership with elrond and reef. Och wee!

>> No.26419471

Let me guess, Pajeets INC.




Let's see the CEO's past businesses.


Let's check Cloudrino


Not a single link works, all point to #

Let's fill the form



Let's check dnsdumpster


Let's test a random subdomain






So yeah, you're gonna give money to some pajeet who copied another pajeet's idea but couldn't even make it work.

Good Job.

>> No.26419527


stay poor fagot

>> No.26419629
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Go scam someone else pajeet.

Should've bought package A

>> No.26419703


Hey bro I'm not the one hating money.
Also, you're probably an indian larping as a white dude, because your IQ is very low it shows.

>> No.26419724

You're the brown ID, not me.

>> No.26419781


>> No.26420491
File: 45 KB, 714x433, IMG_20210123_191137_044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought guys. Lets go!

>> No.26420630

I’m pretty happy with how buying pajeet coins has turned out for me. Made $3m. Those based jeets know how to pump their shit

>> No.26420697

With this backing ORO is going places. Full send.

>> No.26420782

This mcap is nuts. I don't give a shit if it's a pajeet team gonna make some quick dollarinos.

>> No.26420799
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>> No.26420819

literal no brainer at this market cap.

>> No.26420851

For real, meanwhile all white teams with legit fundamentals don't pump at all. It's a clown market after all.

>> No.26420874

t. pajeet

>> No.26421106


yeah check Polyient.

All american white chad team. Dumped to 0

>> No.26421670

Polyient is doing a reverse moon mission. ORO will be doing the non-reverse one

>> No.26421696

Could a small bag.

Reef and Elrond as partners can't be ignored.

>> No.26422225


>> No.26422524

You’re not supposed to hodl it for a year retard, just be smart knowing this is going to $10M cap minimum. We all know it’s pajeets, you’re preaching to the choir.

>> No.26422889

No unlocks until 1 month. thats why there's no sell pressure

>> No.26423479


Bullish. It's going 3x from here easily

>> No.26423909


>> No.26424710


>> No.26424956
File: 139 KB, 1474x894, lazorja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 m-m-m-muh market cap and other npc pajeet shillgroup replies


>> No.26425017

this is how gems are found anon

>> No.26425069
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indeed dear sir, when pump?

>> No.26425182


You probably one of these guys who sell for a 0.8 eth profit on a 5 eth investment.

The "safe trader". How's that strategy going for you? LMAO. Tell that to the linkies or RSR chads that 100x'ed their investment without thinking a 50% pump is the top

>> No.26425218

>. Cofounders:



>> No.26425958

Gtfo faggot

>> No.26426265
File: 500 KB, 500x374, 1586957489891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal npc pajeet response

okay chief

>> No.26427334

This piece of shit is literally dumping

>> No.26427780

ouch. dumping.

wheres the product? no product?