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26422526 No.26422526 [Reply] [Original]

So what is the best alternative to this where I can still get in. I'm not paying a fucking fortune for some 0.0002 LP share

>> No.26422567 [DELETED] 


>> No.26422884


>> No.26422904

It's directly linked to the team and won a grant. You think they won't have a clear advantage over every other project for the foreseeable future? You think they aren't given information and timelines before we're even able to speculate on them?

>> No.26422950

Wait until staking is live. There will be lots of other options/pools then.

>> No.26422966

Lmao you missed your chance

>> No.26423124

Even if all that is true, you are describing some centralized monopoly for Link staking rewards

Be honest: that is not what Sergey intended, this is not what Chainlink intends: there will be another pools and other ways to stake your Link, there has to be

>> No.26423203

There definitely will be. Point being, at this moment in time, there isn't an alternative with as much benefit as linkpool

>> No.26423300

Well got any advice where I should be looking? I mean Johnny was quite vocal with Linkpool from the beginning and all the oldfags to Link probably knew him in the first place

Where you think the "next pool" will spring up from?

>> No.26423519

probably coin metro

>> No.26423597

Alternative? Hahahahahahahaha hahahaha

>> No.26423699

Lmao, nopoolies are fucking mentally ill. Linkpool is the #1 staking pool and will be forever

>> No.26423743

Short term I'm relying on LP and aave. Celcius may be a good option too from what I hear. You get weekly payments in either link or the celcius token. Long term I don't care to fuck with anything else once LP goes fully functional. I trust a Link team sidekick to handle my funds over anyone else

>> No.26423854
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powertradefuel seems to have good backing
and twitter dogs retweeting it, maybe cooking up sometihng
chart looks juicy

heres dextools https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xbe38a889d67467b665e30e20ee5604a6f5696e38

also 80apy staking also live

>> No.26423889 [DELETED] 

get in at
the Big Pump Signal Group


>> No.26423908
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>> No.26424070
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>> No.26424162

This like saying your waiting for the next link

>> No.26424186

Figure out where node operators talk and start lurking there. Are you in LinkPool's Telegram?

>> No.26424271

There's no point in buying LP.
Link staking is going to be something like GRT staking, so you don't need "priority staking with LP"

>> No.26424328

You don’t need to own LP tokens to stake with LP. Token holders will get priority for certain jobs, but the services will be open to everyone.

>> No.26424339

Problem with this is, will these others a) be non custodial, & b) Cover all potential penalty losses? Probably not

>> No.26424459

What do you think link staking is going to be like?

>> No.26424491

Jesus, it's like explaining link itself to brainlets back in 2018. LP's trustless staking contract will be the standard. Other staking services will want to get up and running asap, so they'll pay LP a tiny fee to use their trustless staking contract rather than develop one themselves and go through the peer-review and audit process. LP will be generating revenue from half the entire ecosystem, at least to start but maybe indefinitely, and LP shares gives you rights to a portion of that revenue. It's only half about being able to stake your link.

So again, there is no alternative to LP, and there may never be. Just suck it up and buy what you can